
Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by viscount aero » Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:57 pm

Sparky wrote:An asteroid comes apart, slowly or in an explosion, by way of electrical disassociation of it's bonds. If it presents a tail it is called a comet. A comet is an asteroid with electrical activity on it's surface, expelling ions, and it's chemical bonds being disassociated by electrical currents, which produces explosions.

YORP :!: :roll:
YORP indeed. This is further why such an effect, the YORP, is not happening. It ignores and does not account for the cometary structures. Therefore some other process is going on.

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Jatslo » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:14 pm

Tesla Lightening Weapons?

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by viscount aero » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:16 pm

Jatslo wrote:Tesla Lightening Weapons?
lol :lol:

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Metryq » Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:22 am

So... the Crookes radiometer works because of YORP?

Yorp is also a Martian species from the COMMANDER KEEN videogame series from the '90s. Now we're getting into Marvin the Martian territory: "I'm going to blow up the Earth. It obstructs my view of Venus."

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Sparky » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:34 am

I'd want to disintegrate it before it hit Earth,
Errrrr, breaking up an asteroid would only make more asteroids, so instead of a few miles of destruction, there may be hundreds or thousands of square miles! :shock:

If you can't change its course or vaporize it, maybe a nearby nuclear explosion could get it to miss? :? Might be a good time to visit the moon. ;)
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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Jatslo » Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:54 pm

Antimatter would disintegrate it, and from what I've the smaller pieces are breaking apart too. It's not finished either; it's still breaking apart/disintegrating. Are there any gamma ray emissions associated with this breakup? Yes, I saw the Hubble data. What other science is out there?

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by viscount aero » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:19 pm

Jatslo wrote:Antimatter would disintegrate it, and from what I've the smaller pieces are breaking apart too. It's not finished either; it's still breaking apart/disintegrating. Are there any gamma ray emissions associated with this breakup? Yes, I saw the Hubble data. What other science is out there?
What is "anti matter" ?

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Jatslo » Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:00 pm

"...atoms consisting of antiprotons, antineutrons, and positrons... Antiparticles are created everywhere in the universe where high-energy particle collisions take place."

If there are high energy impacts causing that asteroid to disintegrate, we should be able to detect gamma rays in the vicinity. I cannot find any of these sort of observations; cover-up; military project; I don't know. Can't rule it out while the United States Air force is actively researching and testing such weapons.

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by viscount aero » Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:53 pm

Jatslo wrote:"...atoms consisting of antiprotons, antineutrons, and positrons... Antiparticles are created everywhere in the universe where high-energy particle collisions take place."

If there are high energy impacts causing that asteroid to disintegrate, we should be able to detect gamma rays in the vicinity. I cannot find any of these sort of observations; cover-up; military project; I don't know. Can't rule it out while the United States Air force is actively researching and testing such weapons.
But that doesn't really explain anything. What is an "anti-particle?"

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Jatslo » Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:15 am

Did you read the link? I'm not concerned with defining antimatter. I'm talking about the REACTION of matter and antimatter like in chemistry 101. The two interact quite violently releasing gamma rays in the process, which is measurable. There are verifiable metrics involved, yes. I also posted two or three other very good links concerning antimatter; actual testing that's being done TODAY.

I for one, don't believe that anything exists without its opposite; I mean nothing.

"a subatomic particle having the same mass as a given particle but opposite electric or magnetic properties. Every kind of subatomic particle has a corresponding antiparticle, e.g., the positron has the same mass as the electron but an equal and opposite charge."

So lets talk about the "Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)" of matter/antimatter after they collide; the weaponization of such, and a most likely test subjects, i.e. Asteroids, Comets, etc.


Besides I have a far better chance of proving the existence of antimatter than you do of disproving it. Nikoli Tesla is thought to have had invented the Ultimate Doomsday Weapon, and I can think of nothing worse than a concentrated beam of antimatter. Quite nasty once you think about.

Entertain the thought; this is ENTERTAINMENT isn't it?


P.S. "Anti-matter is produced all the time in the world's particle accelerators. It is also produced natrually during air shower cascades caused by cosmic ray particles and gamma-rays interacting in the atmosphere and when these same particles interact in particle detectors.

One of the simplest methods to show it exists is used by the cosmic ray detector on the Pamela satellite. In this detector, there is a target that the cosmic rays (and gamma rays) interact with. Then the particles pass through a strong magnetic field. Since the path of moving charged particles curves in the presense of a magnetic field, they can see where the particle entered and where it hit the final target which is a calorimeter that measures the energy.

Electrons come into the detector and curve one direction. Positrons, the positive anti-particle to the electron, enter the detector and curve the other direction. They have the same mass and energy but opposite charges and this is easily measured showing that positrons exist.

The same principle is used to detect them in the particle accelerators around the world.
" ... ter-exists

They can use powerful magnets to sort matter into highly concentrated beams onto a target within a satellite, for gods sake. Can you really hope to refute this? I THINK NOT!

Can you see a focused beam of Positrons striking a comet and the effect? Open your mind!

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by CosmicLettuce » Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:09 am

I'm thrilled to see this post getting some attention and traction.

One other major problem is that this object is essentially unobservable (23rd magnitude!) except for the largest telescopes on the planet or the HST. No systematic observations are being made and even if it's looked at again with Keck and/or HST the system will have changed (dramatically, I'd guess) and leave us all once again scratching our heads.

So this is an observation that essentially can't be verified. So much for the scientific method. However, it does show us that asteroids can and do break up (reasons unknown). Looking at other asteroids that are visible to smaller, more plentiful telescopes would allow us to monitor the activity of these objects more thoroughly and begin to understand their behavior.

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by viscount aero » Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:23 am

Jatslo wrote:Did you read the link? I'm not concerned with defining antimatter. I'm talking about the REACTION of matter and antimatter like in chemistry 101. The two interact quite violently releasing gamma rays in the process, which is measurable. There are verifiable metrics involved, yes. I also posted two or three other very good links concerning antimatter; actual testing that's being done TODAY.

I for one, don't believe that anything exists without its opposite; I mean nothing.

"a subatomic particle having the same mass as a given particle but opposite electric or magnetic properties. Every kind of subatomic particle has a corresponding antiparticle, e.g., the positron has the same mass as the electron but an equal and opposite charge."

So lets talk about the "Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)" of matter/antimatter after they collide; the weaponization of such, and a most likely test subjects, i.e. Asteroids, Comets, etc.


Besides I have a far better chance of proving the existence of antimatter than you do of disproving it. Nikoli Tesla is thought to have had invented the Ultimate Doomsday Weapon, and I can think of nothing worse than a concentrated beam of antimatter. Quite nasty once you think about.

Entertain the thought; this is ENTERTAINMENT isn't it?


P.S. "Anti-matter is produced all the time in the world's particle accelerators. It is also produced natrually during air shower cascades caused by cosmic ray particles and gamma-rays interacting in the atmosphere and when these same particles interact in particle detectors.

One of the simplest methods to show it exists is used by the cosmic ray detector on the Pamela satellite. In this detector, there is a target that the cosmic rays (and gamma rays) interact with. Then the particles pass through a strong magnetic field. Since the path of moving charged particles curves in the presense of a magnetic field, they can see where the particle entered and where it hit the final target which is a calorimeter that measures the energy.

Electrons come into the detector and curve one direction. Positrons, the positive anti-particle to the electron, enter the detector and curve the other direction. They have the same mass and energy but opposite charges and this is easily measured showing that positrons exist.

The same principle is used to detect them in the particle accelerators around the world.
" ... ter-exists

They can use powerful magnets to sort matter into highly concentrated beams onto a target within a satellite, for gods sake. Can you really hope to refute this? I THINK NOT!

Can you see a focused beam of Positrons striking a comet and the effect? Open your mind!
Oh ok. "Antimatter" is actually a misnomer. It's not a lack of matter, ie, a "nothingness". It's simply oppositely charged "twin" particles of the traditionally regarded particles, ie, protons, electrons (with neutrons being neutral, allegedly, so having no opposite). This idea is never taught in school, or is seldom mentioned. If there is just as much matter out there that is the "equal opposite" then why is this not given more attention?

Insofar as asteroids being cosmic skeets for target practice of particle beam weapons I have no idea :lol: But I won't rule it out.

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by jacmac » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:14 pm

I don't have anything against Anti-matter but didn't the Gamma Ray detector detect Gamma Rays?
Is not the anti-matter a guess? Is there no other way Gamma Rays might come about? Could the presence of Gamma rays be helping to trigger the thunderstorm?

I'm just askin.

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Jatslo » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:15 pm

It's not just a game ;o)

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Re: Asteroid mysteriously disintegrating

Unread post by Metryq » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:17 pm

Jatslo wrote:If the the universe was created in some colossal explosion, then there should be almost a 50:50 ratio; antimatter to matter ratio.
Says who?

I don't believe any EU proponents give credence to Big Bang. Also, if antimatter is generated in mere lightning storms, then why is it necessary to posit a universe created in equal parts matter and antimatter?

I've seen that report about antimatter being generated in thunderstorms. Perhaps it is true, but I am doubtful. From what I have read, all that has actually been detected are gamma rays. The rest is conjecture. (Positrons and such—how were they detected? More gamma rays?) Some astrophysicists claim that gamma ray bursts, x-rays and other emissions in space are "proof" of black holes—as though no other mechanism known can generate such signals. The same goes for Big Bang and redshift—the Doppler effect must be the cause! Yet there are several other mechanisms for generating redshift.

Are you familiar with Occam's razor? Complex explanations may be correct, but don't multiply entities unnecessarily. Invoking the Air Force and target practicing on asteroids adds numerous entities when we already have far simpler explanations. After all, Mankind has been observing comets long before the Air Force reverse engineered UFOs. :roll:

EU is a paradigm shift; it posits many ideas very radical when compared to mainstream theories. But that does not mean it is open season on conspiracy theories and such. We do have a forum for that: see New Insights And Mad Ideas.


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