The Color Purple Posted

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The Color Purple Posted

Post by Sparky » Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:01 am

July 28, 2014 by Mel Acheson: ... -purple-3/
Hayek notes that all nerve impulses are identical. A receptor cell discharges its tiny current; the next cell on the path to the brain is thereby stimulated to fire; and so on until the last cell in the brain fires. There’s no continuity in current and no variation in current: cells either fire or not. There’s no transfer of specific information. The only thing that distinguishes one nerve impulse from another is its location with respect to all other nerves.

The sensory order thus arises from relationships of impulses relative to each other. It’s not a manipulation of stimuli carrying information from objects in the physical world but a classification of internal relationships that stand in mutable correspondences to physical relationships. Hayek further notes that these impulses are not isolated. They occur in associations or ‘linkages’ with each other. Any one impulse will have a ‘following’ of other impulses.
What is seen and is real is consensus of like nerve impulses between organisms. :D
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Re: The Color Purple Posted

Post by eyeomniscientone » Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:54 pm

Hi Fellow EUers !!!

My admiration for the EU generally - not the least for the TPODs - borders on, if not quite spills right over into, the clinically pathological.

Meaning that upon punching up the site I almost go into a state of transcendental & blissful worshipfulness in which mental realm I almost lose control over my own mind, psyche, intellect & emotions ................

Fortunately I've learned to distinguish between the entirely appropriate rush of endorphins which accompanies any wondrous experience regardless of its genre - intellectual, psychological/spiritual, emotional or physical (riding my horse, skiing down a snowy hillside) ... & the aforementioned pathology of abdicated, suspended self-control. Fortunately I can now own & enjoy the endorphin rush the Thunderbolts site almost invariably brings me, without going pathological about it ............... Hehehe - really!!!

As 'consciousness' is one of my own pet realms of interest & inquiry, Mel's 'The Colour Purple' had me in a (self controlled) state of endorphin suspension - aka 'the zone' - for a very pleasantly extended period of time. Thank you very much Mel.

Forgive my temerity, but I would very much like to collaborate with you, Mel, regarding my own findings on 'consciousness's' behalf, as, although an amateur, I would one day like to present a paper on the subject - even at the upcoming EU workshop in November !!!

You see the thing is, I believe - on the very best of 'hard', repeatable, measurable, quantifiable, demonstrable, reproducible evidence (what more do you want !!?? - well yes, endorphin-rush based conviction is quite ok too !!!!!) - that I have discovered 'information's' exact ontological status - its own unique 'physical' identity - & as 'information's' ontological identity (no, its not bits & bytes no matter how many of them you have in your pocket, nor how convoluted their arrangement) turns out to possess a status of being which allows its presence to be determined (noted & measured) anywhere at any time under any circumstances - including while ever any of it is being used inside the thinking machinery of any properly thinking entity (such as & including ourselves) - this particular kind of 'transparency' allows these very important thinking processes to be easily viewed - easily observed, identified, measured, catalogued & classified - AND BEST OF ALL UNDERSTOOD.

So yes. Knowing information's ontological identity (I'll tell you later what it is) allows, in turn, for the elucidation of all of the directly information-related phenomena such as thought, mind & consciousness; such as thought, mind, intelligence, consciousness, cognitive self-conscious awareness, knowing, knowledge, learning, understanding, reading, writing, processing, computing, calculating - to less than exhaust the list.

Some bonus eh ?!!! Just by taking the time to identify exactly what information is .... & not blindly relying on 'mainstream/consensus' opinion that it is nothing more than 'on' 'off' 'pulses' of anything ..........

'Information' turns out to be the key which unlocks this particular informational treasure trove - the too-this-day-still-locked vault of all information-related phenomena. Predictably. But, remember, it is information's ontological identity which unlocks this vault - not what any of it 'says' or means'.

Allow me to put it this way : Thought, mind & consciousness are no more explicable without first a good & proper understanding of 'information' - as a phenomenon in its own right, & not just what any of it 'says' or means - than it is possible to understand any of this universe of ours - than it is possible to understand any of our 'solid', material universe, & that in its entirety & at every level ranging all the way through matter's various known states, starting at its so-called quantum level all the way up to its entire & current cosmological status (but excluding any speculation as to its beginnings, this due to the fact (well known to EUers), that there appears to be no information or knowledge available as to this particularly puzzling 'first cause' - or 'why' !!)) - none of this universe can be understood without first a good & proper understanding of matter's electrical nature - especially as to its 'fourth' state (it's actually its 'first' state as most EUers fully realise) which particular state is matter's plasmatic one.

Sorry about the parentheses inside other parentheses --------

I'll say it again : Thought, mind & consciousness are no more explicable without first a good & proper understanding of 'information' as a phenomenon in its own right, than it is possible to understand any of this universe of ours without first a good & proper understanding of matter's electrical nature - especially as to its 'first' plasmatic state .

The simple reason why thought, mind & consciousness (etc) are impossible to understand without first a good & proper understanding of 'information' - as a phenomenon in its own right & not what any of it 'says' or means (or what it any of it allegedly 'does' - this latter, alluding to information's supposed ability to render computation to at least some degree, 'intelligent') is due to the aforementioned fact that all of these particular phenomena, namely thought, mind, intelligence, knowledge, knowing & consciousness (in its several known 'degrees') are directly information-related phenomena.

Among any number of other vital clarifications which knowing information's own true identity allows, is the ability to distinguish between 'real thought' - which does verily indeed utilise units of information within this especially important process - & mere computation. Knowing what real thought is allows it to be seen that computers remain nothing more than highly glorified, automated abacuses !!!! They remain mere counting machines regardless of the size of, computational capacity of & speed at which any we make & use, operate. And as such 'intelligence' never becomes a capacity remotely available to them.

On the other hand, my findings on 'information's' behalf allow it to be seen that not only are worms, bacteria & plants intelligent (as are all living things) but so too - albeit at intelligence's most primal level - is any 'solid' body of any kind including the rocks & stones beneath our feet.

Once you know what 'information' is, 'thinking' can be seen to be 'using information to guide & direct action' & as all interacting bodies - regardless of their animate status - utilise 'information' as the means with which each guides & directs its actions - that is, guides & directs its responses to whatever else it encounters along its existential journey here in our universe - then we are compelled to recognise that 'thought' is an intrinsic capacity of matter.

'Intelligence' is defined as 'utilising information in an existentially maximising manner' - or in the case of living things 'in an evolutionarily fitness maximising manner'. Have you ever kicked a rock - either accidentally or deliberately out of spite ?!?! I bet you noticed how hard that rock darn well kicked you right back !????!! Well, dear friend, that was that rock not only operating in an existentially maximising manner - I bet you didn't kick it again !!! - but doing so 'intelligently' - it was using informatiion it gleaned off of your toe to guide & direct its kick-back punch at its most effective angle in relation to your toe ..............

In short, once information's exact identity is known & recognised it becomes possible to see that both 'thought' & 'intelligence' are intrinsic 'properties' (capacities) of matter & that thought (as the use of information to guide & direct action) occurs here in our universe on the most routine of bases, no less than each & every time any two increments of matter, regardless of their own individual size, shape, composition, location, movement & life history, interact with one another. And it doesn't hurt to recall that everything here will be 'trying' to maximise its own existentiality regardless of how that effects you.

Important note (very important note!!) : I have pointed out that when a rock - or anything - 'kicks back' at you if you assault it - & does so 'intelligently' - by guiding & directing it kick back action at its most effective angle towards you, I was giving an example of how any solid body of any kind will 'try' to defend itself against anything that not defended against might operate to weaken or destroy it. But 'things' - any solid body here in our universe - can also at times maximise its existence by co-joining with other 'like-minded' mutually compatible 'things'. And once again it can be seen that co-joining things not only extend or strengthen their existentiality by co-joining together, but that each does so intelligently. Each & every time any two solid bodies encounter one another each (literally) reads whatever information it can & only then when it 'knows' the nature of its fellow interactee, does it then either 'kick back' as hard as it could, or co-join therewith, thereby making a bigger, better existent. And it is also nice to notice that all of this 'reading' going on (at each & every level where does occur -which is at every level of being) it - this reading - does so electromagnetically. This is where the EU comes into any discussion of any of these information-related phenomena. In the case of 'solid' bodies, this reading is an electrostatic phenomenon ... I'm hoping that the EU will soon start to pay more attention to electrostatic phenomena, as it will help clarify this altogether important 'reading' phenomenon ....

Knowing all this also allows it to become possible to recognise that although we humans have the greatest known capacity for intelligent thought & action, due to another readily identifiable 'flaw' universally abroad here in our universe (which I won't divulge in this setting either !!! - as otherwise I'd have to kill you - hehe) has not infected us, but currently has us on our knees. Indeed, if not eradicated in our own case - or at least tamed - will be our ultimate undoing. And speaking of 'intelligence', it just happens to be this particular flaw which can (& now has) rendered us humans arguably - well inarguably - the most stupid, unintelligent entity that ever existed in the known universe .................

'Stupidity' can be defined as 'not using the available information in an existentially productive manner'......

Alluding to the fact of our own current stupidity, although our 'salvation' is readily available to us (& I don't mean that in the religious sense) can be quite easily deduced & quite readily understood - & just as easily put into practice - 'all' we have to do is 'reverse engineer' what we are currently doing !!!! In short, all we have to do is exactly the opposite of what we are doing now ESPECIALLY AS TO OUR CURRENT SOCIAL ARRANGEMENTS which now has the most damaged, the most pathological, indeed, the most outright psychotic, amongst us running the whole show & in every realm !!!!!!! ) So yes, unless we come to a good & proper understanding of the nature of this flaw - & it too permeates the entire cosmos; we are just one of its many victims - we will have little chance of taming it.

And yes, the good news is - IT CAN BE TAMED. Nature spends just about as much time, energy & INTELLIGENCE (expertise) taming this monster as it - nature - spends on building things up into wondrous happy, healthy, well-functioning entities in the first instant. Yes, nature (not, er, 'God' - no offense intended) can, will, & always does help any of its denizens 'get things right & thereby enjoy a good & happy existence' - Nature does help anything to overcome this strangely all-pervasive 'flaw' abroad here in our world, a vicious thing that can & does rear its ugly head at just about every level of being (including within those rocks & stones beneath our feet, not to omit the many & various atoms & molecules making up our person .....)

Nature uses pain & suffering (not to omit disease, dysfunction & stupidity !!) to alert any of its conscious entities, that 'something is wrong'. 'Pain & suffering' are designed to say to its victims :- "Something is wrong, so stop whatever you are doing (if you can) & do something else (if you can), & keep doing something else until you stop feeling the pain & suffering accompanying whatever it is that you are doing".

Of course, if you are already in the fangs & claws of a hungry lion & there is nothing else you can do ..... you'll just have to put up with dying like that .... Even so some investigators believe - on some 'good' but scarcely repeatable evidence - that fallen prey animals already in the mouths of their rapacious predators, experience an altered state of conscious - a blissful one - that state of consciousness we ourselves (some of us) have come to call 'an out of body experience', which is purported to be one of supreme calm .... I wouldn't put it past Nature myself ............. its wonders seem never to cease ....


This is my first post on the Thunderbolts forum & I'm so rushed at the moment I haven't even had the courtesy to read other postings yet ---- I will

Cheers to all,



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