Synthesis of neutron from hydrogen by Ruggero Maria Santilli

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Synthesis of neutron from hydrogen by Ruggero Maria Santilli

Unread post by krav » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:12 pm

Hi all,

Last month the brilliant physicist/mathematician Ruggero Maria Santilli has posted a video recording of one of his reactors producing neutrons from hydrogen. See video: ... esis-08-14

To back up this claim he refers to the broader mathematics and physics, namely isomathematics and hadronic mechanics (already discussed on this forum before: ... f=8&t=3558 )

In the video he shows that the first step required for nuclear fusion, the synthesis of a neutron from hydrogen (proton + electron + ''etherino'' -> neutron). Where the added etherino is suggested to be a scalar EM wave, travelling at arbitrary superluminal speeds through the universe, to explain the missing mass-energy during the synthesis. Note that this is achieved by DC pulsed electric discharges between two wolfram electrodes, in a container filled with pure hydrogen gas.

This makes me wonder what the electric sun model could do with this basic experimental observation, as it appears to be a direct confirmation of possibly externally powered hadronic reactions/ sun.

Please let me hear your suggestions and ideas!

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Re: Synthesis of neutron from hydrogen by Ruggero Maria Sant

Unread post by Goldminer » Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:01 pm

I am pretty sure have posted this link elsewhere on the forum, years ago. Brian Fraser performed these experiments over 20 years ago, if I am not mistaken.
Brian Fraser wrote: "As you may deduce from all the above photos, the basic equipment shown is very primitive and built from spur-of-the-moment designs and junk box parts. It is nevertheless sufficient for proving that radioactive half-lives can be shortened from billions of years to a matter of hours by a quick and simple process."
He demonstrates how you, with caution and common sense, can do the same experiment. His whole website is exciting to me. Be sure to read through this one page, at least! From other research I have done, I am convinced that production of neutrons is involved in this experiment.
I sense a disturbance in the farce.


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