CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

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Re: CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

Post by crawler » Fri Aug 30, 2019 3:56 am

Electrodynamic wrote:Crawler
However we karnt measure mass, what we allways measure is inertia or inertial mass if u like. Just some thorts. This stuff affects allmost all discussion of allmost everything on this board.
I have an honest question and I mean no malice in it... why do you talk like this?. "karnt measure mass", "allways measure" or "Just some thorts". What is this exactly and why would you do it?. Obviously you understand the English language and you also understand physics more so than most so why this language?.

From my studies of psychology I would suspect it is a rejection of normalcy and I understand that there is nothing normal about normal. I reject normal as well because it seems to look like denial and insanity from almost any reasonable and logical perspective. I just cannot wrap my mind around what it is your trying to accomplish by doing this, to what end?.
Well sayd. I think that there are two reasons for my kind of anti-establishment stance re grammar & spelling. Firstly i aint a scientist, a proper scientist would never miss-spell, therefore my miss-spelling in its own way informs readers that i aint a scientist (i am an old retired civil engineer). Secondly, i keep referring to my shorter oxfords that i keep in my drawer, & i am a stickler for proper English. But. I am aware that English used to be fully phonetic. Whereaz nowadays u & everyone else duznt pronounce English az it shood be. So, i will spell English korrektly when u pronounce English korrektly. In the meentime i rezerv the right to spell it in akkordance with the way that u pronounce it. But i dont want to piss u & everyone else off, hencely i just mess around the edges.

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Re: CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

Post by Electrodynamic » Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:13 pm

Interesting and well sayd, thank you for the response.

I also have an interest in phonetics as well as symbology. From my research on ancient cultures relating to the Sanskrit texts and the Sumerians it occurred to me that "language" can be seen as deficient as it relates to concepts in many respects. Words seldom describe the true nature of a concept like a picture and many people in this day and age have begun to weaponize words. Many narcissistic abusive personalities use specific words like click bait to draw the person in then use it against the person to be manipulated... it is a vile thing and best to walk away.

However symbology is in the eye of the beholder and conveys meaning within the context given. It also leaves room for interpretation and imagination beyond any specific context. It is my theory that in many instances ancient symbology may have been meant to convey a message within a message. That is, it could represent a given message or concept as a serial string of symbols however within the string individual elements may represent diagrams of real things.

I say this because I am an Engineer specializing in Energy systems and an integral part of my language is circuit diagrams. As such when I see ancient symbols I see what my mind was trained to see right or wrong. I see diagrams and as it were when I built these diagrams they do in fact perform quite remarkable electrodynamic functions. Which begs the question... am I simply seeing what I want to see or is there more to it?. I'm okay with being a little out there however that does not change the fact that what I built based on what I think I saw does in fact work within the context as I saw it, so what is it?... inspiration or something more?.

The trick I have found is that there would seem to be little rhyme or reason to it until we open our mind to the possibility that the message presented acts on multiple levels. It conveys a message as a serial string as we know it as language, it also represents a concept as parallel elements within the string and as symbology to be taken literally. Apparently these ancient people may have developed a technology base not involving magnets whirling past coils of wire or switches as we did because they did not have the means of production. They used what was observable, what they knew and was available at that time which is what we also know as HV static electricity. As we know we can produce HV very high frequency switching with a simple spark gap and as we also know HV constrained within certain geometries such as a magnetron (microwaves) can produce strange effects as they may have saw them. Hell we can produce X-rays by unraveling a roll of scotch tape so what is or not possible?. Build a big spool of fabric coated in sticky wax geared to unravel at high velocity and we have an ancient culture quite capable of irradiating themselves for reasons they cannot understand, science is strange that way.

It's important to understand that many people are curious and creative and resourceful no matter where they are and what they have to work with... then as now. The world is also full of dull minds consumed by superficial things then as now however we have a choice whether to participate in dark age thinking or not. I would submit that the universe is and always was electric in it's nature and this strange fossil fuels age consumed with burning things was never the norm. How could it be when we know it is unsustainable? ie. not able to be maintained at the current rate or level; upsetting the ecological balance by depleting natural resources; not able to be upheld or defended... the language speaks for itself.

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Re: CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

Post by nick c » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:18 am

This is an English language forum.
I have received several complaints about your intentional use of incorrect English.
Your writing style may be designed to achieve some dramatic effect but many readers are just simply skipping over your posts.
That defeats the purpose of making posts; which is ultimately to communicate.

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Re: CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

Post by crawler » Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:13 pm

nick c wrote:Crawler,
This is an English language forum.
I have received several complaints about your intentional use of incorrect English.
Your writing style may be designed to achieve some dramatic effect but many readers are just simply skipping over your posts.
That defeats the purpose of making posts; which is ultimately to communicate.
Yes i can see that it has been counterproductive & i dont want to piss everyone off.

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Re: CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

Post by crawler » Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:13 pm

Last edited by crawler on Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

Post by neilwilkes » Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:43 am

GaryN wrote:Can the Big Bang Survive in the Space Age?-Alfvén, Hannes, Fälthammar, Carl-Gunne ... TEXT01.pdf

Bibhas De, an associate of Alfven has been calling fraud on the BB model for years.

The Falsifiers of the Universe: BIG BANG COSMOLOGY: The first fraud in the final frontier ... 1507704933
I just finished reading Bibhas De's excellent book for the third time - Antennae design is not something that easily finds a home in my head as it is a subject I am in total ignorance of. That said he makes his point extremely well to my layman's mind, and I can highly recommend it to everyone. The various instruments & satellites cannot have produced the numbers claimed simply because they were not actually capable of doing it in the first place.

Thank you for pointing this book out - it is fascinating, and Bibhas De has a superb argument for actual scientific fraud.
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Re: CMB dead -- BB dead -- censorship alive.

Post by Webbman » Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:25 am

while were on the words subject you guys will eventually figure out that there is reasoning for all of mainstreams words that they use to explain the universe. Its very sad and disturbing so ill let you figure it out on your own but i will give you a hint.

Hint: its inverted as some people mistakenly, or is it arrogantly, think they are the universe and everything revolves around them.

"red" shift
"Black Hole"
"Dark Energy"
"Big Bang"
"Gravity waves"
"Neutron Star"

sometimes when your looking outward you have to look inward and of course in hell nothing is as it appears. I have no problem with crawlers words, its weird, but i can understand what hes saying. Can you understand what astronomy is telling you?
its all lies.


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