EU 2019 The Dynamic Earth (UK) followup

Many Internet forums have carried discussion of the Electric Universe hypothesis. Much of that discussion has added more confusion than clarity, due to common misunderstandings of the electrical principles. Here we invite participants to discuss their experiences and to summarize questions that have yet to be answered.

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EU 2019 The Dynamic Earth (UK) followup

Post by Bin-Ra » Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:01 am

At the above gathering we were looking at an interactive modelling of Don Scott's Birkeland current and I said I had seen the same pattern in Frank Chester's work.
To jump to the part where the patterning is revealed ... 91A&t=3124

For context - obviously take in the whole video - which is new to me but intentionally Filmed and edited by Matt Presti and Robert Otey (77GSlinger) to help serve a clearer appreciation of what Frank has and is uncovering through an intuitive and artistic exploration of geometry, form and number - coupled with scientific experience and discipline.

If anyone has the link to (James??) new interactive model of Don Scott's math - as like to 'multilayered coaxial' of varying vectors of flow at each layer please post it for comparison.

In addition to posting this information as I said I would, I also open a willingness to share and connect with regard to resources, and information arising out of our event.

My participance was enhanced by trusting to access information afterwards and I didn't get everyone's full names or recall many web or book references given.
We also had a sense of wanting an ongoing collaboration or informational and connection resource and I felt whatever we might do in future - THIS forum is already up and working for some degree of 'checking in' while the 'ideal' is a flux of desire and intention waiting on active initiative. So if anyone from the gathering feels willing to share any reference to their input or share on significant 'connections' please do.

I started using Bin-Ra way back in online posting when brian had already been taken as a wordplay on Brian with interesting resonances - Brian Steere (UK)

The value of meeting and sharing in what might be called the physical (but which I associate with a direct relational presence) held something more than the sum of its parts. One aspect of which speaks to me as cultural renewal or the embodying of a more directly resonant and coherent sense of self and world.

PS checking ' Notify me when a reply is posted' will give a prompt to check in. I am not attached to this as an EU 2019 (UK) followup focus. Anyone may move it to somewhere else if that is felt to serve better.

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Re: EU 2019 The Dynamic Earth (UK) followup

Post by Electrodynamic » Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:06 pm

The value of meeting and sharing in what might be called the physical (but which I associate with a direct relational presence) held something more than the sum of its parts. One aspect of which speaks to me as cultural renewal or the embodying of a more directly resonant and coherent sense of self and world.
That's a strange one... that something could possibly be more than the sum of it's parts. However we and everything are made of the basic particles we call Electron, Proton, Neutron immersed in an Electro-Magnet field and yet here we are. It would seem to me that something being more than the simple sum of it's parts is the norm not an exception to any rule.

Regarding the Dynamic(characterized by constant change), Earth(the planet on which we live). It is accepted that the universe is energy, energy is motion and so far as we know everything in the universe is in perpetual motion which is Energy. How exactly could the Earth not be dynamic is the question?... in which we find no example.

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Re: EU 2019 The Dynamic Earth (UK) followup

Post by nick c » Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:57 am

That's a strange one... that something could possibly be more than the sum of it's parts.
Not strange at all! Its called "synergy."

the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
"the synergy between artist and record company"

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Re: EU 2019 The Dynamic Earth (UK) followup

Post by Bin-Ra » Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:27 pm

Electrodynamic wrote:
The value of meeting and sharing in what might be called the physical (but which I associate with a direct relational presence) held something more than the sum of its parts. One aspect of which speaks to me as cultural renewal or the embodying of a more directly resonant and coherent sense of self and world.
That's a strange one... that something could possibly be more than the sum of it's parts. However we and everything are made of the basic particles we call Electron, Proton, Neutron immersed in an Electro-Magnet field and yet here we are. It would seem to me that something being more than the simple sum of it's parts is the norm not an exception to any rule.

Regarding the Dynamic(characterized by constant change), Earth(the planet on which we live). It is accepted that the universe is energy, energy is motion and so far as we know everything in the universe is in perpetual motion which is Energy. How exactly could the Earth not be dynamic is the question?... in which we find no example.
Synergy has already met your first point. The particle idea is an idea that is not without merit but you are putting particles as things in an EM wavefield and making a division. We reach for metaphors that have partial application but the whole is greater than the sum of our parts ;-)

I have no issue with a Non physical or Non Local 'Field' that is awareness as existence - insofar as I can prompt noticing. So I don't know that 'I' am the physical or vibrational expression itself - but I am open to the idea of communication through form rather than as forms. Music is an example - but in metaphor so is this screen exchange. Where exactly or precisely does our communication take place? We may think it is encoded, relayed and decoded - but in order for such demands a computing extension of human thought into quanta. Quanta are not qualities. the conveyance of qualities is a metacommunication which is sometimes called reading between the lines or picking up of all kinds of subtle nuance of phrasing or mannerism. So I see non physical qualities communicating or sharing through quantised physical forms of expression - such as bodies.

I think my point on the title Dynamic Earth was that there wasn't so many lectures that were specifically regarding the Earth although I engaged with almost all of it as enlivening. Andy Hall opens a big perspective that does reveal Earth as an electrically responsive and structured domain within a larger Solar and Galactic (etc) environment with fractal patterns and variants of charge behaviours according to both the medium and the intensity.

I like to note that the mind develops the capacity to recognise patterns and make connections that open from conditioned knowledge to intuitive recognition. To me this is the shift from head to heart. A recognition that opens more than the sum of its parts and thus guides and supports an integrative model rather than a construct of disconnected parts in search of a narrative.

One of my appreciations of the Symposium (following the lectures), was the open respect for different facets as valid explorations regardless of how all of then may or may not fit together currently. I deeply resonate with this approach. It isn't a jealous god science so much as a many faceted exploration of what energises and inspires us in a cross fertilising 'synergy'.


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