I very much agree with this viewing angle and have been correlating, and analogously applying, some of the concepts of Saltatory Conduction of “Action Potentials” in nerves, cells, and heart to what might be called ‘The Celestial Solar Circuit’. For my taste there is far more rewarding complements to be garnered from this approach and the dynamics of Ions as opposed to mechanical circuit analogies (although the later can be useful to some extent). This comparison has been mentioned before [here for example, and elsewhere]. In relation to this idea Paladin17 has asked a relevant question:jacmac wrote: I am suggesting to change the viewing angle.
Perhaps the sun is the nucleus of a massive cell we call the Heliosphere ?
That is, a cell structure of plasma similar to a cell in biology.
Eric Dollard called the sun an antennae, and a collector.
That is a different view than a load, or discharge, in a circuit.
Plasma might be condensing and "self organizing" about a massive inner solar body,
building up a high voltage on and around that body,
and isolating the result via it's double layer ability.
A second double layer out at the heliopause would complete the cell structure to isolate the cell from the interstellar medium.
This seems to fit what we observe. IMO
When looking for an externally driven current are we forgetting the self organizing abilities of Plasma ? - Source
To start the discussion I will offer the concept that biological Saltatory Conduction is an orders of magnitude smaller ("As above; so below") reflection of The Solar Cycle. In other words: The Solar Cycle is the Sun’s way of “depolarizing” and then “repolarizing” via the electrodynamics of Ion 'transport' into and out of its 'cellular membrane' (the Heliopause) in order to maintain its “resting potential”. This relationship can be viewed in either of two ways:paladin17 wrote:... it is still not clear how exactly does this plasmoid keep magnetically repolarizing itself. And what stabilizes it thermally/gravitationally. - Source
1- The Sun as a ‘cell’ in the galactic body of the Milky Way
2- The Sun as the ‘heart’ of this solar system
In the human body the dynamic of depolarization-resting potential-repolarization occurs at several scales as well for the heart is far larger than a cell. Yet, despite the difference in scale, both undergo this function. In both cases, like the Sun, I’m honestly not seeing a better, and perfectly natural way, to rhythmically (or cyclically) induce regular complete polarity reversals.
Study something like: Depolarization & Repolarization of the Cell and/or Heart
Then make comparisons to the ion 'transport' relationship(s) for the Sun and Heliopause. It appears that this dynamic reveals another Cosmic Function.