thoughts and questions

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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thoughts and questions

Unread post by mannaz » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:40 am

Hi folks,
i'm a casual observer, so please excuse my questions if they aren't too smart... :)

my first question is regarding the 2012 prophecy. the earth, sun and centre of the galaxy line up, and if the universe is electric, then surely there will be a visible effect from this alignment... would anyone like to postulate what that effect might be? has any research been done on this?
secondly i've just taken a look at the write up on plasma cosmology in wikipedia, and it isn't too flattering.... i was wondering what work was being done to address some of the issues raised, for example explaining background microwaves etc. and could you possibly explain what was in the COBE report that made people think that the BBT was correct, and why you would continue to dispute that. if it is a case that the page is simply biased, perhaps one of you guys could get on there and change it by adding the detail necessary to counter the arguements raised there.
link direct:
lastly - the first time i read about plasma cos. was in the new scientist (uk) about 10 yrs ago... and the main thrust of that article was the debunking of the BBT as well as the ego problem of scientists which ostrasized a theory simply because it was on a different premis to the one they where working on. well, in the alst couple of days have caught up with the fact that (thankfully) there are people still carrying the mantle...but i can't seem to find any information on the BBT debunking idea.... please could someone please enlighten me on what the 'creation' theory is according to the electric system.... and again, why has this been so royaly dropped from the limelight.
lastly do you see any possibility that both reletivity and electricty play a dual role in the structure of the universe? if so how would that interaction play out? i ask this purely from a naturalist point of view that there is always and masculine and femanine... and whilst the two are different, it is by their interaction that amazing things are achieved.
oh and very lastly, has electricity been viewed in a dimensional sense... ie. does it exist in other dimentions and if so how... what are the characteristics and properties.

the youtube presentations are great! and am so glad that information is getting out there! the truth will prevail....

thanks for your help with my questions, sorry such a long post, but any answers would be great.

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Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:18 pm
Location: Adelaide

Re: thoughts and questions

Unread post by moses » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:58 pm

mannaz wrote:my first question is regarding the 2012 prophecy. the earth, sun and centre of the galaxy line up, and if the universe is electric, then surely there will be a visible effect from this alignment... would anyone like to postulate what that effect might be? has any research been done on this?
If there is an effect then it would more likely be resonance than electricity. This would
imply that any effect would come from the centre - in this case the centre of the Sun and
the planets. Now this might mean charge generation. But otherwise - more activity and
thus more earthquakes,for instance. And the increase in earthquakes lately is perhaps
the most significant factor in Earth's state. But the Solar System might easily be moving
into a higher electrical potential region, which could account for more earthquakes.
...please could someone please enlighten me on what the 'creation' theory is according to the electric system.... and again, why has this been so royaly dropped from the limelight.
the youtube presentations are great! and am so glad that information is getting out there! the truth will prevail....
My creation theory is pretty simple. Throw a Birkland current across a region of space. That
is all that would be required. Of course, one needs consciousness as well, that being separate.
The current twists and pinches forming galaxies. Where does the original particles in space
come from ? - god knows !
thanks for your help with my questions, sorry such a long post, but any answers would be great.
Or - not so great !


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