Is the Universe Electric?

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Is the Universe Electric?

Unread post by davesmith_au » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:44 am

'08 Apr 22 ~ Michael Goodspeed

Mankind's greatest feat of the 20th century was arguably his journey(s) into the vast domain of space. When the first man walked on the moon in 1969, it signified an extraordinary leap in technological evolution, and was a unifying achievement for the entire human race. Astronauts became the heroes of boys and girls everywhere, and space travel, the "final frontier" of human endeavor, emerged as an underlying theme of most science fiction. Authors and filmmakers looked to space to answer the largest philosophical and spiritual quandaries. And space adventures became mythic allegories, illuminating the human condition. ...[more...]
"Those who fail to think outside the square will always be confined within it" - Dave Smith 2007
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Re: Is the Universe Electric?

Unread post by davesmith_au » Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:20 pm

Probably should have mentioned this at the time the blog went up. :?

The e-book Michael Goodspeed has written is probably the most comprehensive yet simple introduction of EU themes written to date. The US$4.00 pricetag is very favorable for those who want to give friends a basic outline without going into any depth.

So take a look through the Thunderblog, and if you like elegance of it why not help support the Thunderbolts Project by buying the complete e-book and giving it to a friend.

Goodspeed Thunderblog wrote:[EDITOR'S NOTE:

The following is an excerpt from a new e-Book written by Michael Goodspeed (in collaboration with David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill), Is the Universe Electric? -- a 23-page, full-color introduction to and overview of the Electric Universe theory. The e-book is an expanded version of an essay that was recently published in the largest graphic magazine in Japan, "Kaze no Tabibito." The excerpt below deals primarily with the fundamental differences between plasma cosmology and Big Bang theory. Other sections address the electric sun; electrically charged planets; electrical scarring of planets; plasma formations in the lab and in rock art; and the electric comet.

At just 23 pages, the e-Book is intended as a compressed and highly readable presentation for both the initiated and uninitiated alike. If you choose to purchase this product, you will be helping support the continuing efforts of the Thunderbolts Project to promote the electric universe theory -- a theory that is gathering extraordinary momentum, and promises to revolutionize science's understanding of the Universe, and our place in it.]

Cheers, Dave Smith.

I have not been paid for this endorsement... :mrgreen:
"Those who fail to think outside the square will always be confined within it" - Dave Smith 2007
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