Re-arranging the puzzle

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re-arranging the puzzle

Unread post by junglelord » Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:13 am

I get the picture, since I work in pictures, this cannot work with just a North South. Not without more dimensions and one more field.

Since you made the three reference in another post I will take you up on that offer re-arranging the puzzle and make a repost on new thoughts about old questions. I think it bears repeating the Universe is not difficult, we only make it so. The Universe is quite ovbious and very open. All you have to do is look around and make relationships and see what is embedded. Structure and Function and Embedded (Relationships) are a triangular paradigm of non verbal language spoken by the Universe at every level in a fractual holographic fashion. The atom may be hard to see but the Spiral Galaxy is not. I will let the Universe tell you the rest. Remember she has a language, we just have to learn it. She is speaking on many levels. What she is telling us is not found in main stream science. You can however find it here in the EU and staring us back in the face from Hubble pictures. Remember the spiral vortex makes the cube. Keep that clear in your mind. That is imperative to becoming aware of the language. We are dealing with Waves with Structure with Dimensions. Sacred Geometry, Transendental Numbers, Structure and Function have Embedded in them the language of the Universe. Its not english, but we must learn Her language. Her language is Zome to start. But the one point he leaves out I have made clear. The Vortex Makes the Cube. Therefore the Vortex is Embedded in the Cube. He does show that two is embedded in four. Rotate the two and you have the Vortex. This is where Angular Momentum become a Dimension in APM. Notice how he rotates the models to reveal what is embedded....that is Angular Momentum Dimension in action. I will let the Zome man do the rest. Once you have dimensions clear and how to apply Angular Momentum to them and how to drop down in dimensions and to jump up in dimensions, then you can see how Embedded Information is in Structure and is often hidden but it is there when you drop down or jump up dimensions. Let Shadows and Bubbles and Sacred Geometry open your mind to the language of the Universe. 2,3,5, to infinity and beyond! This works much more for me as everything connects in very simple terms of 3. For me this makes lights go off all over. In it are all parameters required to make me happy. Right Angles, Scalar Fields, Vortex Spiral Opposites, Sacred Geometry, Consciousness. In this model gravity is a not a primary field. It is a superposition of a Modulating Scalar/Tempic Field and a constant Electric Field. Its there embedded in the three field model.
junglelord wrote:
I think all that nature needs is three things. “Each kind of those three things can act differently with different speed and different combinations, and so they can accomplish different results.
I take that point as well. Tesla was very hooked on 3.
Thats why I like Wilbert Smiths model. As shown in Table 1, reality is structured in The New Science on the basis of 12 orthogonal principle dimensions organized into four “fabrics”, each having three parameters. Each parameter is said to include all of the parameters that precede it. Therefore on each level or fabric we can have only three. Thats a very astute observation in my opinion as it echos nature and the atoms subatomic particles of which there can be only three. Since the archetype spiral vortex and its opposite dual are the first and primary forms from the three field fabrics and we see this expressed from the aether model of subatomic particles to the shape of galaxies therefore nature is telling us this is so. This for me is the relationship that explains everything. My unified field theory so to speak is based on three. As well the model of Wilbert Smith incorporates consciousness and I believe that is its coup de gras. If we are to take an active role in creating the fundamentals of a complex reality, then inclusion of the Free Will parameter is essential.

2 dual opposite spiral forms from 3 fields in 5 dimensions. Its the Zome model and very cool. 2, 3, 5, Infinity, another relationship I found embedded in the theory of Wilbert Smith and APM. Indeed the amount of stuff embedded with the aether model is uncanny! By making Strings in two dimensions instead of one (Quantum Structure vs Quantum Mechanics)and having 5 dimensions (or more) we can go to infinity as explained by the Zome model and sacred geometry. If you watch the Zome video you will understand what embedded means and why for example Ed Whitten was able to show that the 5 String Theories floating around where actually five ways of looking at the same thing his M Theory. Dave Thomson in AMP shows that M Theory is embedded in his APM Quantum Structure model. Thats why its ok to have more then one model (more then one way to view the same thing) to validate the theory. Its actually strengthens the relationship for me because I work with relationships.

ZOME 2,3,5 Infinity video.
junglelord wrote:Wilbert Smith was a Canadian Radio Engineer, his research was in Radio Wave Propagation, Aurora, Cosmic Radiation, Atmosphereic Radio Activity and Geo Magnatism. He was the Superintendent of Radio Engineering with the Department of Transportation. In his essay The New Science, Wilbert advances a unified concept governing our awareness of reality, explains the generation of this reality, and describes the factors which mold it into the numerous forms in which we find it. His approach is unique … in bringing into play not only those factors which are usually considered as physical and material, but also the more subtle yet no less important influence of the mental and spiritual. As shown in Table 1, reality is structured in The New Science on the basis of 12 orthogonal principle dimensions organized into four “fabrics”, each having three parameters. Each parameter is said to include all of the parameters that precede it.

Table 1.
The 12 Dimensions of the New Science Four Fabric Parameter
Space Fabric: Length, Area, Volume
Field Fabric: Gradient, Divergence, Curl
Control Fabric: Randomness, Free Will, Sequence
Percipitation Fabric: Form, Multiplicity, Aggregation

The Space and Field fabrics are obvious principles for describing physical reality as we know it. The Length, Area, and Volume parameters of the Space fabric specify the 3-dimensional nature of our reality. The Gradient parameter of the Tempic Field fabric is a scalar that specifies the property of change, and is the basis for our experience of time. Divergence is a vector parameter that is the basis for electric fields, which spread out everywhere from points of reference. Curl is another vector parameter that, with the Divergence parameter, forms the basis for oriented magnetic fields.

The Control fabric deals with the role that free will plays in creation. The Randomness parameter is the basis for the unrestricted orientation that objects defined by the Space and Field fabrics can have. The existence of orientation introduces an asymmetry not present in operations on previous parameters. That is, not all orientations are equivalent. The parameter of Free Will addresses the need to make a choice to resolve the asymmetry. The Sequence parameter, which includes the previous element of free will, is the basis for order or specific arrangement in reality.

The Percipitation fabric contains the principles that permit the creation of matter. The Form parameter is the basis for the existence of boundaries in reality. The Multiplicity parameter permits the creation of more than one form, and enables the various elements of matter and energy to come into existence. The Aggregation parameter permits the assembly of these elements into purposeful structures, both animate and inanimate.

The set of principles takes on new meaning when it is recognized as a recipe for creating rather than merely describing reality. If we are to take an active role in creating the fundamentals of a complex reality, then inclusion of the Free Will parameter is essential.

Recall that each parameter includes all of the parameters that precede it. For example, the concept of volume includes the concepts of length and area. But note that Volume is placed before the principle of Free Will. From this, we can infer that volume is not subject to some decision in order to be a property of reality. Therefore, the concept of volume does not exist at the pleasure of some consciousness having free will. The placement of the Length, Area, Volume, Gradient, Divergence, Curl, and Randomness principles before Free Will means that these basic attributes of the universe are not altered by choice. The remaining principles of Sequence, Form, Multiplicity, and Aggregation are, however, all subject to free will. Physical entities such as atomic particles and biological organisms depend on these principles for their existence and, therefore, are subject to manipulation by consciousness. ... cd=3&gl=ca
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
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Re: Re-arranging the puzzle

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:19 am

rangerover777 wrote:Good day,

The above posts cover approx. 3 sq/ft of words, but does not make any
clear point of what is it about. There is no “back bone” neither a guiding
line that explain or analyzed thoroughly the point of the article. It almost
seems like someone hang a paper target and shoot at it words from
a machine gun.

The title of the tread is “Re-arrange the puzzle”, so naturally expected an
organized treads of ideas that connected and support each other, after all
we are talking about the universe (not a chaotic one).

Let alone copy/paste an old response to an old post.

If possible, please re-arrange the post.

No I will leave it as it stands. I can clearly try to take your model for a ride. You seem unable to step up to any others. Mine is simple. The backbone is right angles and parameters of three. If you read it you would know that. Since you clearly do not want a post about re arranged models, but rather a post about your model, you did the right thing by having the thread title re arranged. That way you can build a backbone for your own skeleton, as clearly you do not want any other ideas on this thread but your own. I thought this thread was what the title claimed. I expected to see a variety of puzzles put forth as new pictures. In fact I was hoping Webolife would be a contributor. Ovbiously that is not what you want this thread to accomplish. My mistake. Too bad, I thought it was a good idea to organize different views of new paradigms. This is only about your paradigm. Thats cool and sorry to have misinterperted your thread title.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: Magnetic Universe?

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:48 pm

Hi, no apology needed, I totally misunderstood your purpose for the direction of this thread. We can take the questions over to the original thread I made for this model and keep this one clear for yours. I thought since we have some very fine members with different and possiblly important directions to follow concerning TOE *Theory Of Everything* that this thread was going to serve that purpose as opposed to the people searching out each one individually. Like a one stop thread with links to the perspective models in depth were interested parties could ask pertanent questions. That is my basic favorite Aether theory in a nutshell. I have a link that goes in depth, but like any good theory it should be fairly straight forward. Since you asked I will respond now and we can move it if you want.

The Zome video link in my post needs to be watched and there is no way around that. That one hour will not detract from any model. It will certainly make clear my terminology when trying to translate the Language of the Universe into English. The model does the talking. The "Zome man" is the creator of the Zome System ( I forget his name.)

Who came first is clear in the short essay. Planks Length came first. From that arose Area at a Right Angle to it. From that arose Volume again at a Right Angle to the first two parameters. Each parameter is carried by the one before it. The Right Angle is another intrinisic property of the Universe. Space (Length, Area, Volume) are all at Right Angles and that is a Law which the Universe does not break.

We need to fill the Space we have created. The Space that begins with and is foundationally built up from Planks Length.

We begin with a Scalar Field. We introduce at a Right Angle the Electric Field. We then introduce at another Right Angle the Magnetic Field. Now we have three Right Angles of Space filled with three Right Angles of Fields. Each is a Dimension. That is Six Dimensions. Since we are dealing with Right Angles we are dealing with Cubes. Since I see Spiral Galaxies I need to reconcile this fact. I can. The Spiral Vortex does make the Cube and is infact Embedded in the Cube mathematicly. This begins with spin of 2. 2 is the matter/antimatter dual opposite spiral vortex pair that make everything that is called Matter or Light. This is why the Vortex is Embedded in the Cube for it is a fact that 2 X 2= 4 our Cube the Right Angle Form.

I want to Introduce the Non Linear Fractal Holographic function at this point. Fractal's are Self Replication Non Linear math models as is a Hologram. The smallest piece carries the whole in a Hologram and a Fractal. Fractals are Self Replicating forms that never end. The Mandelbrot Set is a famous Fractal.

My contention when bringing up these items is that the Universe is Holographic and Fractal in Nature. That means it is Embedded with its own Structure from the Large (Galaxy) to the small (Atom) of Self Replication. Clearly the Galaxy is Spiral. That would mean the Structure of the Wave that make Matter and Light is a Spiral.

So we have a Self Replicating Non Linear System that is governed by Right Angles when it comes to relationships. It has Three Dimensions of Space and Three Dimensions of Fields. Angular Momentum makes Quantum Structure from the Wave/Field in the shape of a Vortex Spiral in one of two directions. The Vortex is a Standing Longitudinal Wave Scalar function. That is why the Galaxy and the Wave Structure for Matter and Light are Spiral because the Primary Field is the Scalar Longitudinal Field.

Since everyone knows that all Sub Atomic "particles" have spin then we need to introduce Angular Momentum to the Right Angle Fields in the Right Angle Space. This introduces the Spiral Vortex as the first and Primary form from the base we have built as it is a Non Linear System. These Spiral Vortex Waves have Structure and come from the the three Right Angle Fields. This means Matter is and always will be a Wave. It is mearly the Quantum Structure of the Fields when we apply Angular Momentum. Here is a representation of Three Fields at Right Angles to each other. Tempic = Scalar


The Zome video and the Zome model along with LIght and Bubbles will explain and entertain and teach us exactly what a Dimension is and why even Angular Momentum is a Dimension and a valid concept. When we spin the Zome model Embedded Structure is revealed and then hidden and then revealed. So self replication is implicite in the Zome model which is a Holographic/Fractual function. It is Non Linear as it begins with two based on the Golden Mean Ratio, a Transendental Number. Since so many people have difficultly to envision what a Dimension is and how to drop one out or to add one in the video is imperative for any one no matter what your model may be. For instance I have introduced Six Dimensions so far. Most people work in Four. I want the person to see Nature do the talking. I want the person to learn the Language of Nature. I am very convinced that She has a Language and it is not English.

Structure, Function, Embedded Relationship.

What is Nature saying to us with this archetype form? Is this Her Language? If so what does it mean?

What I would like to point out about the Spiral Vortex form is that it is a Complementary Dual Opposite Pair (matter/antimatter) Dipole. These are your North and South, + and - which are always together and pointed out by Howard Johnson in the Secret World of Magnets. That N and S poles are in actuallity Dipoles with Vortex Forms.

Now that I have created a Three Dimension Right Angle Space filled with Three Fields (Dimensions) at Right Angles to make the Six Dimension Universe, that is Non Linear and Self Replicating Fractal/Holographic in its function with Dipole Voretx Forms, I want to lay some ground work to introduce the Dimension of Consciousness and how it can take the the Six Dimensions and create Dimensions from that. If you take a little look at the nutshell thesis it will explain all that too.

I hope that helps.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
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Re: Magnetic Universe?

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:07 pm

Seems a lot of my theory is in fact already published work by David Bohm ... cate_Order
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


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