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Re: Galaxies ARE Electric (v3.0)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:24 pm
by BeAChooser
The authors of this paper can’t see beyond the end of their noses. In their conclusions they suggest the filaments either “arise through the stretching and collection of field lines by turbulence in a weakly magnetized medium” or “by the collection and draping of field lines by a moving stellar wind source or" some other "obstacle in the medium". Everything else about the filaments and particles they create is still “to be established” or “unclear”. Maybe this nonsense and their continued lack of understanding is all because they ignore the words “electromagnetism” and “current”. You think?

Re: Galaxies ARE Electric (v3.0)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:32 am
by Roshi
BeAChooser wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:24 pm
From the article:
Galactic and extragalactic filaments are produced in totally different environments, namely, the nucleus of a normal galaxy and the intracluster medium. Their length scales, energy densities, and other characteristic parameters differ by orders of magnitude. In spite of these differences, we argue that similar processes operate in both systems motivated by their similar morphology and the similar dimensionless ratios of their physical parameters.
This affirmation is amazing. Similar processes inside and outside galaxies. What could those be? What does mainstream currently say about intergalactic space?

I asked a question in another thread. There is this page:
which contains a picture (from ESO) with the following text under it:
This artist's impression shows the expected distribution of dark matter in the Milky Way galaxy as a blue halo of material surrounding the galaxy.
So dark matter applies gravitational force to normal matter, but not to itself, that's why it does not clump together like normal matter, and just stays there like a "halo", where it's needed?
Let's not forget, mainstream says gravity is in fact "bent space time". This dark stuff bends space and time for normal matter, but not for itself. Amazing, and most useful.

Re: Galaxies ARE Electric (v3.0)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:27 pm
by jacmac
Excellent point Roshi.

Re: Galaxies ARE Electric (v3.0)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 5:05 pm
by jacmac
O no, instant karma strikes again.
From this article from Lloyds's list ... axies.html

Apparently dark matter should clump.
The Milky Way's satellites seem to be arranged in an implausibly thin plane piercing through the galaxy and, oddly, they are also circling in a coherent and long-lived disk.
The "plane of satellites".
There is no known physical mechanism that would make satellites planes. Instead, it was thought that satellite galaxies should be arranged in a roughly round configuration tracing the dark matter.
The fact that the arrangement of satellites could not be explained led researchers to think that the cold dark matter theory of galaxy formation might be wrong.
Who knew there was doubt, that dark matter should clump !?
But now computer models to the rescue.
However, this latest research saw astronomers use new data from the European Space Agency's Gaia space observatory.
These data allowed scientists to project the orbits of the satellite galaxies into the past and future and see the plane form and dissolve in a few hundred million years—a mere blink of an eye in cosmic time.
they found several virtual Milky Ways which boast a plane of satellite galaxies very similar to the one seen through telescopes.
Study co-author Professor Carlos Frenk, Ogden Professor of Fundamental Physics in the Institute for Computational Cosmology, at Durham University, U.K., said, "The strange alignment of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies in the sky had perplexed astronomers for decades, so much so that it was deemed to pose a profound challenge to cosmological orthodoxy.
"But thanks to the amazing data from the Gaia satellite and the laws of physics, we now know that the plane is just a chance alignment, a matter of being in the right place at the right time, just as the constellations of stars in the sky.
Random chance to the rescue. :D
I wonder if they will risk looking for other "plane of satellites" around other galaxies ?

The galaxies are electric; as Robertus Maximus says !

Re: Galaxies ARE Electric (v3.0)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 11:12 am
by Roshi
Did some searches. Found out the explanation for dark matter not clumping together is "it does not interact electromagnetically", meaning it cannot bump into itself like ordinary matter (and lose energy in the process). Ok...

Re: Galaxies ARE Electric (v3.0)

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:35 pm
by Robertus Maximus
Galaxy formation in a pickle

From Sky and Telescope, we find some 650 million years after the imaginary Big Bang: 'Faraway dwarf galaxies in the universe’s distant past — which will become modern Milky Ways — have an unexpectedly stretched-out appearance.' ... ke-pickle/

"The difficulty now will be in understanding what the shapes of these galaxies are telling us about galactic evolution over cosmic time. “I do think interpretation is going to be extremely hard,” Cowie says."

The "interpretation" will be extremely hard if the authors of the study are unaware of the plasma/electric model of galaxy formation via interacting Birkeland currents.

We only have to look here to see the galactic zoo interacting Birkeland currents can produce:

The "interpretation" is exceedingly simple.