How the Universe Knows when Objects are Moving or Rotating

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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How the Universe Knows when Objects are Moving or Rotating

Unread post by galaxy12 » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:28 pm

How the Universe Knows when Things are Moving or Rotating

Unexplained Phenomenon:

1. Positive ions traveling in the same direction create a magnetic field that pushes them together. Positive ions should repel each other. How does the universe know the ions are moving?

2. Electrons traveling in the same direction create a magnetic field that pushes them together.

3. Rotating celestial bodies create a generator-like effect. The poles become positively charged compared to the equatorial regions. Electrons are ejected from equatorial regions and re-enter at the poles. How does the universe know the celestial bodies are rotating. Why could the universe not be rotating and the celestial bodies stand still.


1. All matter emits electromagnetic radiation from radio waves to light to gamma rays. Electromagnetic radiation slowly becomes lower and lower frequency (redshifted) in an infinite universe. Redshifted electromagnetic waves (very low frequency) carry momentum and impart radiation pressure onto objects they come into contact with. This radiation pressure is the source of a repulsive gravity.

2. Electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves, etc) is emitted by matter at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation that has been emitted at the speed of light impacts other matter either faster or slower than the speed of light, depending on the relative velocities of the source and target. Therefore, the speed of light varies depending on the relative velocities of the source and target.

3. The relative velocities, momentum and abundance of the electromagnetic radiation in a particular region of space determine which direction a target object will be pushed. The “universe” therefore “knows” if an object is moving or not based on the average velocities and momentum of electromagnetic radiation in a region of space. Atoms/ions that move in the same direction develop a polarization alignment that causes them to be pushed together.

4. All electromagnetic radiation is polarized. The “universe” therefore “knows” if an object is rotating since a rotating object will change its alignment compared to polarized electromagnetic waves in a region of space. Atoms/ions that rotate through the polarized electromagnetic waves (gravity) in a region of space create a generator-like effect with the center of rotation becoming positively charged and electrons exiting through the equator.

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Re: How the Universe Knows when Objects are Moving or Rotating

Unread post by crawler » Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:42 pm

galaxy12 wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:28 pm How the Universe Knows when Things are Moving or Rotating

Unexplained Phenomenon:

1. Positive ions traveling in the same direction create a magnetic field that pushes them together. Positive ions should repel each other. How does the universe know the ions are moving?

2. Electrons traveling in the same direction create a magnetic field that pushes them together.

3. Rotating celestial bodies create a generator-like effect. The poles become positively charged compared to the equatorial regions. Electrons are ejected from equatorial regions and re-enter at the poles. How does the universe know the celestial bodies are rotating. Why could the universe not be rotating and the celestial bodies stand still.


1. All matter emits electromagnetic radiation from radio waves to light to gamma rays. Electromagnetic radiation slowly becomes lower and lower frequency (redshifted) in an infinite universe. Redshifted electromagnetic waves (very low frequency) carry momentum and impart radiation pressure onto objects they come into contact with. This radiation pressure is the source of a repulsive gravity.

2. Electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves, etc) is emitted by matter at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation that has been emitted at the speed of light impacts other matter either faster or slower than the speed of light, depending on the relative velocities of the source and target. Therefore, the speed of light varies depending on the relative velocities of the source and target.

3. The relative velocities, momentum and abundance of the electromagnetic radiation in a particular region of space determine which direction a target object will be pushed. The “universe” therefore “knows” if an object is moving or not based on the average velocities and momentum of electromagnetic radiation in a region of space. Atoms/ions that move in the same direction develop a polarization alignment that causes them to be pushed together.

4. All electromagnetic radiation is polarized. The “universe” therefore “knows” if an object is rotating since a rotating object will change its alignment compared to polarized electromagnetic waves in a region of space. Atoms/ions that rotate through the polarized electromagnetic waves (gravity) in a region of space create a generator-like effect with the center of rotation becoming positively charged and electrons exiting through the equator.
I want to comment without introducing my own theories. I think that i can make a little input that might be useful to your theory, but some of it might sink/hurt your theory.
If u reckon that gravity is somehow electric or magnetic etc, then u are stuck with having a gravity that propagates at the speed of light (c), or at the speed of em radiation (which is apparently the same as the speed of light). Whereas we know that gravity propagates at at least 20 billion c.

U say that all matter emits em radiation. Yes, it does. But, what we call em radiation (charge radiation)(magnetic radiation)(radio radiation)(etc) is actually nett radiation. What i mean is that in the end what we see or feel or measure is the nett effect. Sometimes (most of the time actually) the nett effect is zero. There is allways a little or a lot of negation.

And as usual i need to point out that radio is not photons & photons is not radio.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: How the Universe Knows when Objects are Moving or Rotating

Unread post by galaxy12 » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:00 pm

I am interested in everyone's theories. I like to read about theories from the 1800's also. Please provide something a little more concrete about your theory so we can learn about it. This is how science advances. We all have to keep an open mind.

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Re: How the Universe Knows when Objects are Moving or Rotating

Unread post by crawler » Thu Feb 15, 2024 6:02 am

galaxy12 wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:00 pm I am interested in everyone's theories. I like to read about theories from the 1800's also. Please provide something a little more concrete about your theory so we can learn about it. This is how science advances. We all have to keep an open mind.
I reckon u should search my postings/comments/replies on this forum & on google.
In particular re aether search my Demjanov.
Re atoms search my photaenos.
Re my elekticity search my elektons.
But, my ideas have evolved in recent years, my older stuff aint very good.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

As I see it
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Re: How the Universe Knows when Objects are Moving or Rotating

Unread post by As I see it » Sun May 19, 2024 1:23 pm

Drinking my coffee this morning and found this jewel of a discussion!

What are Newton’s Laws of Motion? We all know this, classic classroom stuff:
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied. Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.

Step out of the limited space of the classroom and out into the vast universe, and neither "rest" or "constant speed" are helpful descriptors of an object's motion. Consider a condition of "free-fall" now instead - and a special case of free-fall where an object riding or resting on another object is hitching a ride on that object in free-fall. "Straight line" is now replaced by "trajectory" as every object in free-fall is in a trajectory, where orbits are included as being a subset of trajectories.

"The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied." Let's next make a distinction of how a "force" is applied. When an 'external' force is applied (an action/reaction from another object - including firing a rocker motor (momentum transfer), this will cause that object to change its trajectory, but only while the external force is applied. It will be on new free-fall trajectory when that force ceases. Only external forces, or inertial forces should be considered "forces"

What I have outlined above differs from what is taught in high school physics, in particular, force and acceleration due to 'internal' or 'body' forces. Fall off the roof of your house, and F=ma applies as you fall, right? It is better to think this condition to be a free-fall condition with no external forces applied, and then calculate the acceleration and velocity values for your free-fall trajectory. You can now calculate the acceleration you will experience when you hit the ground given that you know the duration of the impact and the amount of velocity rebound that you may experience. Be sure to take and analyze high speed video. You will need something to do during your recovery.

With the exception of objects colliding, rebounding, or that have their rocket motors on, everything can be thought of as being in a free-fall trajectory, or riding on another object in a free-fall trajectory. And every mass trajectory affects all other masses and their trajectory.

The necessary attributes of an aether to make all that ^ up there all work, is an aether that is an integral component within all matter. To make matter move along a trajectory without any external forces means that the aether must lock on to every atomic nucleus within all matter, and have a continuous and unbroken connection between matter. The aether is very much like a liquid crystal that carries all matter immersed within it. A continuous and unbroken connection with matter - yes, but also connected to and affected by the nucleus (which contains the mass information) of each and every atom.

With this moving and flowing liquid crystal (it is the mass/matter that is doing the flow control for the entire interconnected system, the 'liquid' serving only as a connecting medium) that puts all matter within the system on its trajectory. How stiff is this stuff?? Very very stiff! Just try to change the trajectory of any one item in the system!

Therefore, in very general terms, the aether we all seek must have the attributes of a close-packed and incompressible crystalline structure that is fluid and is an integral part of all matter (permeates all matter). Additionally, since we all know that gravity and EM transmission is undamped, then we can eliminate the damping mechanism, namely collisions between the particles of the close-packed and incompressible crystalline structure.

I hope this information is helpful, and that it is correct too!
"Franklin's “one fluid” theory held that electricity flowed within and between objects – excess fluid making some objects [negative] and a dearth of fluid making others [positive]. Charge could be moved around but not created or destroyed."

Folks, the aether is just electrons, as I see It...

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Re: How the Universe Knows when Objects are Moving or Rotating

Unread post by crawler » Sun May 19, 2024 9:31 pm

I like Conrad Ranzan's DSSU stuff on his website & in his papers.
I like Prof Reg Cahill's aether stuff in his papers etc.
And VV Demjanov has done MMX aether experiments.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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