Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by JPeterS » Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:25 pm


This is my first post on this forum and I am hoping to contribute regularly to the various debates in the future.

First of all, I think it might be an idea to tell you a little bit about myself and why I am interested in the electric universe.

My background is in chemistry and process technology, And I earned a living in these fields before retiring. My forever interest however has been trying to come to a satisfactory and consistent understanding of reality and consciousness. The dead particle and space, big-bang model of the Universe,with its endless ad hoc assumptions and add-ons, just doesn’t do it for me.

So over the last sixty years I have been trying to find a better way of describing universal reality and consciousness. The following paradigm emerged over many years. It is based on a Universal quantum process field (infinite in extent). The individual quantum processes are, on the face of it, very simple consisting of pairs of oscillating quantum electrons. (And herein is my interest in all things Electric Universe.)

In the paradigm, each quantum process comes with an amazing array of iterfunctional properties. By interfunctional I mean that one property cannot exist without the other. A simple example of interfunction is two points placed anywhere. The two points have a distance between them. However if one of those points did not exist then the distance between the points would also cease to exist. And if the distance ceased to exist, the points would be meaningless. We can say that the points and the distance are interfunctional.

It turns out that every quantum electrical process comes with many important interfunctions some are physical, such as quantum electricity, quantum magnetism, quantum distance (quantum space), quantum time and quantum energy. And there are other interfunctional properties such as quantum boundaries, quantum awareness, quantum self-awareness and quantum sentience.

If one proposes that the Universe is based on an infinite field of these electrical quantum processes, some remarkable results emerge. It is possible to calculate gravitational forces from electromagnetic principles. And in proposing that the Universe consists of just one type of electrical charge, ‘matter’ can be described in terms of boundaries not particles. This gets rid of the need for the strong and weak nuclear forces, so the whole Universe can be described with just one force of nature, the electromagnetic force.

Earlier, I mentioned that one of the electrical quantum process’s interfunctions was quantum sentience. This means that sentience is present in the universe at both the quantum and the Universal field level. This interfunction between sentience and boundaries leads to a solution to the mind-body problem.

In order to make more space for themselves, quantum processes can arrange themselves radially to form spherical enclosures. Simple atoms consist of nested enclosures with a common outer boundary. It follows, as boundaries and sentience are interfunctional, that atoms built from quantum boundaries also have a property of atomic sentience. It is a small step to suppose that structures (usefully described as holon structures) made from ever more complex,internal, boundaries have ever more complex sentience. This leads to a straightforward understanding of life and consciousness. We ourselves have an extremely complex structure. And we have a special name for our very complex sentience. We call it consciousness.

I have of course read some the many discussion topics on the forum, and I am really looking forward to joining in the conversations. Hopefully this first post gives you an idea of who I am and where I am coming from when I join in discussions.
Thank you for reading.
You may be interested in these two YouTube videos that set out these ideas.



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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by crawler » Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:10 pm

I like the idea that everything that we see & feel is a process.
Explaining consciousness is a big ask.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by JPeterS » Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:13 am

Thank you for reading and your comments.

Of course the idea that everything is process is not mine by any stretch of the imagination.
The idea that everything is somehow a process is one of the ideas of the famous philosopher Alfred North Whitehead. He worked in the early 20th century, and gave a series of lectures at Edinburgh University during 1927 and 1928. These lectures were gathered together in book form entitled Process and Reality (a copy of which I have by my side at the moment).

His work is notoriously difficult to understand, but his ideas are so powerful that they have a great following today. A quick internet search will bring up loads on Process Thought, his Philosophy of Organism and much more.

Reading Process and Reality was mind bending. Most aspects went straight over my head. Not surprising as people spend their whole lives trying to decipher his work.

In the end the main thing I took away from the book was its title, ‘Process and Reality’. At the time, I was toying around with some other ideas and it struck me that the question that hadn’t been asked was... ‘What is the fundamental process that builds reality (builds the universe we live in).

The simplest process I could think of was a pair of oscillating quantum electrons... chasing down the implications of a universe made from a field of these electrical processes has ended up with me here... writing this.

Isn’t life strange!

PS I made short video off how my own work is influenced by Whitehead’s ideas on process. It is here if anyone is interested.


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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by crawler » Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:47 pm

JPeterS wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:13 am Thank you for reading and your comments.

Of course the idea that everything is process is not mine by any stretch of the imagination.
The idea that everything is somehow a process is one of the ideas of the famous philosopher Alfred North Whitehead. He worked in the early 20th century, and gave a series of lectures at Edinburgh University during 1927 and 1928. These lectures were gathered together in book form entitled Process and Reality (a copy of which I have by my side at the moment).

His work is notoriously difficult to understand, but his ideas are so powerful that they have a great following today. A quick internet search will bring up loads on Process Thought, his Philosophy of Organism and much more.

Reading Process and Reality was mind bending. Most aspects went straight over my head. Not surprising as people spend their whole lives trying to decipher his work.

In the end the main thing I took away from the book was its title, ‘Process and Reality’. At the time, I was toying around with some other ideas and it struck me that the question that hadn’t been asked was... ‘What is the fundamental process that builds reality (builds the universe we live in).

The simplest process I could think of was a pair of oscillating quantum electrons... chasing down the implications of a universe made from a field of these electrical processes has ended up with me here... writing this.

Isn’t life strange!

PS I made short video off how my own work is influenced by Whitehead’s ideas on process. It is here if anyone is interested.

I had a look at wiki for Whitehead. I think that his process physics is metaphysical rather than physical. I doubt that any of his ideas can lead to any advancement. He seems to believe much of Einstein's & Minkowski's krapp (hence as i say zero chance of any advancement).

He seems to have had a go at unifying em & gravity. An impossible task (gravity has no relationship to em, except that both are due to or arise from the aether).

I daresay that his philosophy leads to the ultimate question which is whether events/things are preordained. And he has had a go at its mate, what is consciousness (probly with zero success).

Anyhow, did Whitehead believe in aether or aethers?

Whitehead wrote about Maxwell's electricity. Me myself i have written about electricity (see my elekticity).
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by silvergreylion » Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:11 am

crawler wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:47 pm Whitehead wrote about Maxwell's electricity. Me myself i have written about electricity (see my elekticity).
Is that 'elekticity' on the v2.0 forum? - when you change to that, you're not logged in, so can't search it.
The search engine I use couldn't find it.

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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by crawler » Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:11 pm

silvergreylion wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:11 am
crawler wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:47 pm Whitehead wrote about Maxwell's electricity. Me myself i have written about electricity (see my elekticity).
Is that 'elekticity' on the v2.0 forum? - when you change to that, you're not logged in, so can't search it.
The search engine I use couldn't find it.
I searched the old forum & i got zero hits for elekticity.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by crawler » Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:21 pm

silvergreylion wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:11 am
crawler wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:47 pm Whitehead wrote about Maxwell's electricity. Me myself i have written about electricity (see my elekticity).
Is that 'elekticity' on the v2.0 forum? - when you change to that, you're not logged in, so can't search it.
The search engine I use couldn't find it.
Search tells me that i explained my elekticity & elektons on Rasjid's thread re energy current.
https://thunderbolts.info/wp/forum3/php ... elekticity
Early on i used to write electon & electicity. Nowadays i write elekton & elekticity.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by JPeterS » Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:43 pm

I agree that Whitehead’s ‘Process and Reality’ is essentially metaphysical.
But I agree with his premise that the Universe should be understood in terms of a process, where he uses process in the sense of dynamics and happenings.

I think he would have had more success if he had defined a physical process (a physical happening) that could be treated mathematically. This would have enabled him to talk not just in terms of metaphysics, but also in terms of physics.

The electric quantum processes view of reality could be seen as an attempt to do this, although it was never planned in that way.

I have been working this week on a post to explain how gravitational forces can be calculated using electrical principles.

I will post it straight after posting this.

It’s a bit long, but I hope you find it interesting.

Thank you for reading this post .

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Re: Electric Quantum Processes Explain Reality and Consciousness.

Unread post by JPeterS » Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:47 pm

Calculating Gravitational Forces using Coulomb’s electrical constant rather than Newton’s gravitational constant.

This shouldn’t of course be possible because electromagnetism and gravity are supposed to be incompatible.

So let’s see how, then we will get onto the why.

We’ll calculate the force of attraction between two stars of about the sun’s mass (2*10^30 Kg), made entirely of hydrogen, that are one parsec apart (3.0857*10^16 Km).

Knowing Avagadro’s number, 6.022*10^23 , the number of atoms in each kilogram of each star is

1000*6.022*10^23 = 6.022*10^26 atoms

So the number of atoms in each star is

2*10^30 * 6.022*10^26 = 1.2044*10^57

And this is the same as the number of nucleons ( in this case just protons) in these stars.

Now by applying a factor (that we will talk about later) of 1.43*10^-37 coulombs per nucleon, the charge on each star can be calculated as,

1.43*10^-37 * 1.2044*10^57= 1.7223*10^20 Coulombs

So the force of repulsion between these two suns is given by Coulombs equation F= k*q1*q2/ d^2

And is

F = 8.99*10^9 * 1.7223*10^20 * 1.7223*10^20 / (3.0857*10^13 )^2 = 2.80*10^23 Newtons.

So what has this got to do with gravity.

Well if we apply Newtons equation F= G*m1*m2/d^2 to this problem , we find the force of attraction,

F= 6.67*10^-11 * 2*10^30 * 2*10^30 / (3.0857*10^13)^2 = 2.80*10^23 Newtons

So both methods give the same result… a rather amazing finding.

If we merely count the number of nucleons in each of the two bodies and apply a fixed charge 1.43*10^-37 Coulombs to each nucleon, then we can calculate the numerical ‘gravitational’ force of attraction between two bodies using Coulombs equation.

Ok, gravity is attractive and the Coulomb force is expansive, but Electromagnetism and Gravity are not supposed to be related. Certainly not in such a simple way.

Let’s just check this isn’t a fluke.

Let’ do a calculation for two 1 Kg Iron spheres 1 metre apart.

We’ll do the gravity thing first so the Gravitational force of attraction is given by,

F= 6.67*10^-11 * 1 *1 / (1)^2 = 6.67*10^-11 Newtons

And using electric (electromagnetic) principles,

The Atomic weight of Iron is 55.845.

So 55.845 Kg of Iron consist of 6.023*10^26 Atoms of Iron

So each 1Kg sphere of Iron contains 1* 6.023*10^26 /55.845 = 1.0785*10^25 Atoms

So taking into account the isotopic mix, Each Iron sphere contains

1.0785*10^25 * 55.845 = 6.023*10^26 Nucleons

Applying the factor of 1.43*10^-37 coulombs per nucleon, the charge applicable to each Iron sphere is

6.023*10^26 * 1.43*10^-37 = 8.613*10^-11 Coulombs

So the gravitational force between the two Iron spheres calculated from electrical principles is

F = 8.99*10^9 * 8.613*10^-11 * 8.613*10^-11 / 1 = 6.67*10^-11 Newtons.

So again merely by counting the number of nucleons in each of two bodies and applying a fixed charge of 1.43*10^-37 Coulomb’s to each nucleon, we can calculate the numerical ‘gravitational’ force of attraction between two bodies using Coulomb’s equation.

So where does this factor of 1.43*10^-37 coulombs per nucleon come from?

Once one recognises that Newton’s equation and Coulomb’s equation are equivalent the numerical value of this constant is easily obtained using two hydrogen atoms.

The gravitational force between two hydrogen atoms (mass 1.66*10^-27 Kg) 1 metre apart is given by

F=G m1*m2/d^2 = 6.67*10^-11 * 1.66*10^-27 * 1.66*10^-27 / (1)^2 = 1.838*10^-64 Newtons

And as this force F is also given by Coulombs equation,

We can write F=k q1*q2/d^2

In this case q1= q2, And we can rearrange to write, q1 = √(F* d^2/k )

So, q1 = √(1.838*10^-64 * (1)^2/8.99*10^9 ) = 1.43*10^-37 coulombs

As each hydrogen atom only has one nucleon (a proton), this charge 1.43*10^-37 coulombs is the charge that needs to be applied to each nucleon in order to calculate gravitational force using simple electric (electromagnetic) theory.

In the standard particle and space, big bang cosmology there is no explanation for why this simple relationship exists. But in a Universe built from electrical quantum processes, ‘gravitational’ attraction can be predicted and explained in terms of the speed of quantum electrons in the nucleons of atom holons and the speed of light.

Also, of interest to proponents of the Electric Universe, the quantum processes and holon paradigm, requires only one force of nature, the electromagnetic force, to explain the reality of the Universe that we see around us. The strong and weak nuclear forces are not required.

A full explanation is set out in the videos referenced below. Part 12c, is most relevant to this post. But the four videos in sequence give an overall view of the comprehensive nature of the quantum process and holon paradigm.

I hope you found this post interesting.
Thank you for reading it.

Reality and Consciousness, Part 12a, Faraday’s experiments and the Earth’s magnetic field.

Reality and Consciousness, Part 12b, The stability of matter.

Reality and Consciousness, Part 12c, Uniting the forces of nature.

Reality and Consciousness, Part 12d, The double slit experiments and series summary,

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