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Electric Cosmos

The Universe

Plasma Cosmology

Society for



Aug 23, 2005
Yardangs or Scavenger Currents?

The thin wind of Mars is the only agent that conventional theory can imagine to erode this landform. The Electric Universe has several agents available.

This gashed surface west to southwest of Olympus Mons on Mars is described as “yardangs, a ridge-and-groove landform produced by wind erosion of a granular, sand-rich bedrock.” It’s questionable whether winds in Mars’ thin atmosphere could cause erosion this extensive, even over millions of years, or this angular, especially over millions of years. But conventional theory has no other acceptable agent, so wind is simply assumed.

From an Electric Universe point of view, this image probably shows the continuation of thefan" of current filaments that etched similar grooves across the top and down the scarp of Olympus Mons. The monstrous thunderbolt that raised the “ fulgamite” (electrical blister) of Olympus Mons would have scavenged charges from a wide region. That these grooves owe their origin to electrical machining, not to wind, is indicated by the transverse ridges evenly spaced across the channels. These are the marks left by the coronal “hairs” that extend perpendicular to the current axis of a discharge running across or just under the surface. (See the discussion of transverse ridges on Mars at toward the end of the article.)

But that’s not the only possibility. Because Mars was likely caught up in at least one recent event of planetary catastrophism, present conditions on Mars are unlikely to be the key to its past. (See the essay at  “The Uniformitarian Principle.”) The atmosphere may have been significantly denser in the past and the winds a lot stronger. There would still have been electrical effects: We have always lived, after all, in a plasma universe.

Whether these ridges and grooves were caused primarily by electrical or mechanical agents, whether they are associated with the formation of Olympus Mons, whether they are the result of a separate episode of planetary catastrophism, or whether they have another origin are open questions. In contrast to conventional theory, which allows only ad hoc interpretation of accepted dogma and requires ignoring details that don’t fit, the Electric Universe offers an open field for the discovery of general principles that provide a coherent “big picture” of our universe.


David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill
Mel Acheson
  CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Michael Armstrong, Dwardu Cardona, Ev Cochrane,
C.J. Ransom, Don Scott, Rens van der Sluijs, Ian Tresman
  WEBMASTER: Michael Armstrong

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