Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light discovery

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by Armand » Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:48 am

Thunderbolts Forum Post - Two Year Anniversary (10/10/2013 – 10/10/2015)

"Ancients Knowledge of EU (Electric Universe) revealed in Dendera Light discovery"

I guess we’re going to need another candle Erich!


The Dendera Light - A Stable Low Density Plasma Focus Device - April 14th, 2012

"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
(Electrical) Storms, Soap Bubbles and Solitons."
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by tekbasse » Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:31 pm


Could you release the design to date using an open hardware license?

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"Baghdad Batteries" drawn on Egyptian coffins?

Post by trevbus » Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:43 am

I was at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo last week. Amongst the collection there are two ornate wooden coffins each with drawings that could be interpreted as Baghdad Batteries in series:

Coffin of "wp-wa-wt-m-hat" meaning "opener the ways in front" (i.e. inventor?)
Catalog number JE 45063

Coffin of "Ankh If"
Catalog number JE 45066

I have detailed photos of the sides of the coffins in case anyone wants to re-interpret the hieroglyphics. The museum's label for the first coffin describes the 7 jars as being for perfume. The second coffin label has a reference to beer but not perfume. So it's not clear the experts have a clear understanding of what the jars represent. Describing the jars as being for perfume doesn't explain why the jars are linked together by their lids, in series. Arguably the contents of the jars is represented by the dirty black on white spotted pattern though maybe that is cow-hide. The white rectangular thing just under each lid could arguably be a metallic electrode dipping into the liquid.

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Re: "Baghdad Batteries" drawn on Egyptian coffins?

Post by MosaicDave » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:11 am

trevbus wrote:Amongst the collection there are two ornate wooden coffins each with drawings that could be interpreted as Baghdad Batteries in series:

Fascinating; thank you for posting this here!

Just speaking from the perspective of an electrical engineer, NO WAY were those jars for perfume and beer!

I wonder about the differentiated shape of two of the jars in the first photo. Just the containers that the creator had available? Or intentionally for some other purpose...

I thought it was especially interesting how in the second photo you posted, what I assume to be the interconnecting wires are distinctly asymmetrical in their alignment with the tops of the jars. One lead tending to connect into the middle of the jar, and the other tending to connect a little to one side. This is exactly the appearance you'd expect, if an artist were drawing a picture of an apparatus that they didn't really understand, but nevertheless they were just visually reproducing the shapes and appearance of what was sitting in front of them.

Also very intriguing are the long wide shapes below, filled in with a similar pattern of (larger) black blobs on a white background. Maybe some sort of container of minerals and water that was to be ground up finer before putting it into the jars?

Again it makes me think of an artist making drawings of someone's laboratory after they had died...

I for one would be very interested in any additional photos you have of these artifacts, in whatever high-resolution or original form you have them in. I don't know offhand if there's an easy way to attach files to this forum discussion, but I can create a directory in my public FTP site if that would be useful; just let me know.

Thanks again!


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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by ElecGeekMom » Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:41 pm

Fascinating! I finally was able to take the time to read this thread today.

It occurred to me that the technology being demonstrated in the pictures is something they used to transfer/communicate knowledge (among other things). Maybe it's an institution for programming humans who are to serve as (1) repositories of knowledge, (2) enforcers of the laws, and/or (3) healers.

The people who are sitting underneath the lights appear to me to be receiving knowledge. Sometimes they appear to be receiving knowledge from another person who is sitting under another light.

That famous picture of Tesla sitting next to a big pancake coil, and the comment that he always like to sit near that and other of his devices that were emitting energy, also makes me think he might have felt like he could think better in the presence of that energy.

[How many times have I tried to tell others about unconventional concepts and expressed frustration at not being able to do a "brain dump" on them? :lol: ]

While I was considering this, I started another search and found this video: ... den-in-the

I think it comes from a Muslim source. I don't agree with everything the narrator says, but it's like he picks up right where I left off on my musings. He not only voices some of my own thoughts about the Great Pyramid, but also some thoughts about what lies under Oklahoma and makes it so prone to earthquakes in recent years.

Some of his scientific "factoids" may or may not be true. Can someone watch the video and advise where he is in error?

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by seasmith » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:29 pm

MosaicDave wrote: Also very intriguing are the long wide shapes below, filled in with a similar pattern of (larger) black blobs on a white background.
Also intrigued by those lower figures, and their opposings shapes. They brought to mind those great Lichtenberg figures captured in acrylic.
It's easy to see how the ancient Egyptians (who where consummate naturalists and glyphists by any account) may have seen the two opposite dischrges traced out (on the sacred leopard skins ?) as + long and skinny with antennae,
or - broad and stout with a talon end ??

Image ... bergs.html ... 6a178e.jpg

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by GaryN » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:06 pm

It occurred to me that the technology being demonstrated in the pictures is something they used to transfer/communicate knowledge
Using neutrinos I think.
This image seems to correspond to the description of a device that was patented by Bob Beckwith, for a neutrino light to photon light device.
Bob Beckwith worked for the US military on some classified projects, and also started a company that is still in business.
Beckwith Electric, founded in 1967, is a premier provider of innovative and high quality products, technical services and solutions that meet the needs of customers involved in the production, transmission, and distribution of electric power.
Some astounding figures regarding the neutrino from a hypothesis of his:
The neutrino, based on its size of 1.4x10^-26 m, has a frequency of 3.4x10^33 Hz, and a density (from the Sun) at the surface of the Earth of about 7.14x10^14 /m^2/sec, giving a total power of ~1.63 GW/m^2. The neutrinos travel in a 'tube', touching each other, with a count of 7.34x10^25 neutrinos/m. The data capacity is to all intents infinite.
Puts solar power from light to shame!
Some of his papers are available here. There used to be great amounts of research available before he died, and even these papers were missing for quite a while. Might be worth saving them
Some of his scientific "factoids" may or may not be true. Can someone watch the video and advise where he is in error?
I wouldn't say he is in error particularly, but rather I think the real power for the pyramids came from the ram pump mechanism. I'd agree with him that there have always been advanced technologies on Earth that are not in keeping with what we expect from evolving, simple societies, perhaps recovering from catastrophic events. These advanced buildings and cities were likely the centres of reconstruction after such catastrophes, providing essential support 'till things settled down again. That's my (present) take on it all.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by tekbasse » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:39 am

ElecGeekMom wrote: ..It occurred to me that the technology being demonstrated in the pictures is something they used to transfer/communicate knowledge (among other things).
Here's a video showing how plasma can be used as a speaker (for audio communication):

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by ElecGeekMom » Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:30 am

tekbasse wrote:
ElecGeekMom wrote: ..It occurred to me that the technology being demonstrated in the pictures is something they used to transfer/communicate knowledge (among other things).
Here's a video showing how plasma can be used as a speaker (for audio communication):
Oh. My. Gosh!


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Re: "Baghdad Batteries" drawn on Egyptian coffins?

Post by trevbus » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:52 pm

MosaicDave wrote:
trevbus wrote:Amongst the collection there are two ornate wooden coffins each with drawings that could be interpreted as Baghdad Batteries in series:

Fascinating; thank you for posting this here!

Just speaking from the perspective of an electrical engineer, NO WAY were those jars for perfume and beer!

I wonder about the differentiated shape of two of the jars in the first photo. Just the containers that the creator had available? Or intentionally for some other purpose...

I thought it was especially interesting how in the second photo you posted, what I assume to be the interconnecting wires are distinctly asymmetrical in their alignment with the tops of the jars. One lead tending to connect into the middle of the jar, and the other tending to connect a little to one side. This is exactly the appearance you'd expect, if an artist were drawing a picture of an apparatus that they didn't really understand, but nevertheless they were just visually reproducing the shapes and appearance of what was sitting in front of them.

Also very intriguing are the long wide shapes below, filled in with a similar pattern of (larger) black blobs on a white background. Maybe some sort of container of minerals and water that was to be ground up finer before putting it into the jars?

Again it makes me think of an artist making drawings of someone's laboratory after they had died...

I for one would be very interested in any additional photos you have of these artifacts, in whatever high-resolution or original form you have them in. I don't know offhand if there's an easy way to attach files to this forum discussion, but I can create a directory in my public FTP site if that would be useful; just let me know.

Thanks again!

You're welcome!

I've posted the photos here

In order, they start with the detail of the jars on the first coffin, then go in sequence left to right around the sides of the coffin starting on the side with the jars, then the same for the second coffin. I had trouble with reflections on the glass display case. The museum was good enough to give a 360 view of the coffin. I didn't take photos of the lid because they were pretty typical designs without many hieroglyphics. I've also included an interesting stylised carving on a big wooden sarcophagus nearby but I don't have more photos of that.



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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by seasmith » Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:18 pm


Thank you for the pics.
Well, it's pretty obvious from those that the spotted material is not the sacred leopard skin worn by high priests (see linked image above),
but instead the dappled cow or antelope, signifying Hathor of the Heavens.

Still wondering about the those sidebars from your earlier post, one with the anode? single 'talon-like' end, and the other cathode? with the branching antenna-like end.

And now with these pictures, seeing that third bar, with multi-stranded current-like? end. Pure spec of course...


btw, cute kid you got there in image #.....79 ;)

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by Elder » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:08 am

I have always been fascinated by archaeology and ancient civilizations. In theory, the correct understanding of our past successes and failures, should help us better organise the future of the human race. However, most of our past seems to have been suppressed, misinterpreted or just plain forgotten. I have been reading your posts a year or more too late, but I am finding them absolutely fascinating. To have solved these hieroglyphics is truly commendable. The idea of using drawings and hieroglyphics to describe a process is much the same as an architectural drawing which includes text and illustrations. Congratulations on a very fine effort.

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by Armand » Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:07 am

Why, Thank You Elder. It certainly has been a interesting journey of discovery, that's for sure...
Uncovering a connection between Ancient Egyptian Cosmology and the Physics of the Plasma Universe.
'The Lotus Flower give forth the Sun of a New Day' - Dendera
Make me wonder what else the Ancients could tell us, if only...

"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
(Electrical) Storms, Soap Bubbles and Solitons."
- Cashus the Giant

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by Elder » Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:19 am

Thanks for your reply Armand. The Ancient Egyptians certainly make us modern men look a bit silly sometimes. They seem to have achieved all these amazing things yet the orthodox channels seem to maintain there was nothing unusual about any of it. I have watched several rewarding videos on the 'YouTube' and I expect you have done the same. One of them rather impressed me as it was talking about the use of natural electricity from aquifers underground. The construction of the pyramid of Giza seems to have been done with idea of it being a giant capacitor. All the outer stones were an insulating type of limestone whilst inside there was a conducting limestone together with huge granite blocks which are also conductors. The electricity from the aquifers was fed into the pyramid where they could do some wonderful things with it. The title of this is -'Superior Technology of Ancient Egyptian Civilization'. Sorry I haven't the direct link but it is worth a watch if you haven't already seen it.
All the best with your research, you are discovering some great truths.

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Post by Armand » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:58 am

The Dendera Light Discovery Four Year Anniversary (April 14th 2012 - April 14th 2016)


Our history is communication medium where the original signal has been severely degraded over time.


It is not a light bulb Erich, however it is a glimpse into the Lost Science and Technology of our Ancient Past…


The Dendera Light (aka The Snake Tube) - A Stable Low Density Plasma Focus Device - April 14th, 2012


The Lotus Flower gives forth the Sun of a New Day - Dendera (i.e. a working model of a Stellar Nebula)

"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
(Electrical) Storms, Soap Bubbles and Solitons."
- Cashus the Giant


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