Long into science (and fiction), new to EU

What is a human being? What is life? Can science give us reliable answers to such questions? The electricity of life. The meaning of human consciousness. Are we alone? Are the traditional contests between science and religion still relevant? Does the word "spirit" still hold meaning today?

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Long into science (and fiction), new to EU

Post by GenesisAria » Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:49 pm

There seems to be a lack of an introductory thread, so i'll say my hello here...

I am someone who's had a long connection to the sciences, i've been reading about complex astrophysics since middle school, but eventually got to a point of fatigue with endless ambiguity and aimless blabbing about whatever they think is going on in the universe and diverting from the path of true science. I finally got some interest again in astrophysics (necessary for a story i'm working on) due to famous speech-repeaters like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku who had a sense of humour. Of course they still had the usual problem of regurgitating the theories based upon loose hypotheses. I, like many others, have been searching for a Unified Field Theory. While i'm no mathematician, nor have significant education behind me, i do have a talent for sniffing out objectivity vs subjectivity. That's when i finally found this Plasma Cosmology thing.

Plasma Cosmology explanations and such seemed very hard to follow, and it took me a bit to really piece together and fully grasp this Electric (Electromagnetic) Universe model. To be frank, the Thunderbolts Project needs to piece together some good feature length videos that can really summarize it and send home the message properly to newcomers in a way that's hard to reject outright. With all these elaborate hypotheses being built upon something that's not understood, it leads to a lot of confusion and easy "debunk" fodder; stuff like the Saturn scenario makes absolutely no sense and is even a stretch once you have the prerequisite knowledge.

What the Electric Universe model is, is the infancy of a practical Unified Field Theory that has it's basis in testable reality. This is a very exciting prospect, and means that once it catches on, we'll have a massive paradigm shift and a leap forward unlike any other in human history. One of the first things to change, will be the inability to continue denying the possibility of Tesla Net energy logic; power available to anyone with a receptor. That said, there's no need to to attack the establishment; we're all equal if we seek the objective truth, some people are just victims or unfortunate core misunderstandings. There is also the concern that such a revolutionary overturning could flip the global economy upside down, creating a big mess. The world treads shaky ground.

I'm an aspiring fiction writer, and i'm working on a project of immense ambition. I intend to put as much of my knowledge of the universe and humanity as i possibly can into it. Being someone who's learned much about physics on a conceptual level (minus the math), there's always been something blatantly apparent: the fact that we're beating around the bush and all pretty much saying the same thing without actually saying it; that Electromagnetism is the Unified Field. The only remaining problem is how to quantify gravity with electromagnetism. A lot of the controversies and issues and misdirection comes from the misunderstanding and opinionated interpretations of the original hypotheses by various scientists, such as magnetism, and particle-wave duality, and entanglement. Once the misconceptions are cleared up, there's not much left but the necessity to accept a significantly, if not entirely, Electromagnetic Universe.

As a story writer, i spend my time trying to make sense of things, and what they actually mean and how that will affect other things. I seek to get the most realistic science i can manage to get my hands on, and then extrapolating from there to a point where i'm considering things like what a civilization might look like if the nature of the universe was long understood and utilized. There's a sore lack of realistic-basis and creativity in modern science fiction, and i intend to try and change that (not total fantasy, nor unrealistically gritty). One example of a technology i've already cooked up in my past couple months of studying EU, is what i call the Filamentary Drive. basically it uses an electrical process (similar to a railgun, an extension of the Lorentz force logic) to drive along Birkeland currents like a cable ferry. I was looking for a realistically viable non-Newtonian propulsion/impulsion method (that could be used in a state of limited mass-interaction, i.e. fictional phase cloak), and once i thought about, it the answer was staring me in the face. I intend to write my story to not only tell a story, but also depict a universe of people and conflicts within a semi-understood unified field.

I wish to learn more technical details and gain more insights into the macrospect of the Electromagnetic Universe to improve my project, and i hope i can help improve understanding and development of the electric universe model – through the writer's perspective – in the way i do best: grasping the whole with it's implications, and having far reaching ideas.
❀桜舞う空~ ☯

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Re: Long into science (and fiction), new to EU

Post by Michael Mozina » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:08 pm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m58-CfV ... e=youtu.be

You might want to take a gander at the work of Kristian Birkeland. FYI, he was actually one of the first folks to build an actual "rail gun", but unfortunately it blew up when he attempted to demonstrate the new technology to the military. :)

This experiment based upon his lab work demonstrates the sun/Earth electrical connection, and explains how current flow powers the Earth's aurora. If you're going write about a filamentary drive unit that uses Birkeland currents, his work is a natural place to begin. :)

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Re: Long into science (and fiction), new to EU

Post by GenesisAria » Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:54 am

Thanks to the Space News videos and other resources, i already have a pretty good understanding of what might have been going through the mind of someone like birkeland. That particular video is neat, because if you look at it, you can even see the little sparks mimicking solar flares, and because of the velocity of energies and matter, things on smaller scales happens faster, and things on larger scales happens slower.

The Filamentary Drive was just an example of the one main thing that i created through learning about stellar winds and so on. What's actually more surprising is how little i actually had to change after my introduction to EU. Most of the designs that came out of my pondering of the unified field inevitably ended up looking like what would be in EU anyways. Power sources that harvest from ambient rays and particles etc, particle beams needing stabilization fields -- oh what do you know, if you make controlled and balanced birkeland current in antiparticles (assuming you can make them) you could make a steady antimatter beam travel for great distances without diffusing. And if you're clever aliens you might have cooked up a way to cause polarity flipping and reversing charges of particles creating masses of antiparticles elegantly on the fly. It's definitely interesting trying to predict a future of development after such a significant revolution in understanding has taken place. Fiction doesn't have to be wrong.

There is already an engine that uses birkeland currents inside it, it's called the Ad Astra VASIMR. What i'm talking about is different though, cuz it would use the cosmic birkeland current and through the lorentz force and so on, it would "row" or "pull" you along them, like a cable ferry that tugs itself along a cable. A potentially plausible long distance cruising engine in space. It could use a ramjet logic to harvest power along the way too. People might say that EU has no benefit, but they're sorely mistaken. Once you have the proper perspective a lot of doors open to new possibilities of achievement. Ps: railgun coilgun/mass-driver.

To what i said originally about misunderstandings, is that a lot of them happen all over, there are some things that EU misunderstands about quantum physics as well (and things quantum physicists misunderstand about quantum physics) for example. I'm not exactly any kind of educated 'credible' source of studied knowledge, but i do have a tendency to be good at spotting objectivity vs subjectivity in any particular statement or argument, so i will seek to give words of advice where possible and learn from people as much as i can.

My intention here will be more to inquire about details of various aspects of EU and similar sciences as they come to mind; however here i introduce you to my perspective as someone who intends to very thoroughly apply EU (as a necessary mechanical aspect of my personal Resonance/Entanglement Unified Field model) into a work of fiction.
(A side note: it's a lot easier to picture the unified field, if you start with the unified field, and then work backwards what it would look like, rather than trying to make a unified field out of imperfect existing theories.)
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Re: Long into science (and fiction), new to EU

Post by GenesisAria » Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:02 pm

After digging around more, and even just on this forum, it's funny to see that the idea of a Filamentary Drive that i got from nowhere isn't even original, almost as if it's conclusion was inevitable. It's not my forte to think in engineering, but a lot of fictional things can be very much parallel to real things.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 10&t=14967

This also makes me want to point out that thought experiments are not completely flawed, because even me with almost no mathematical experience in physics can think of something that could be possible in reality, and only lack tweaking and technical design work to make functional. In fact i actually would encourage thought experimentation over mathematics which can give false impressions, where thoughts give excellent impression and only need factual information to structure them. People like Einstein are not bad or wrong, just not making anything concrete, only presenting ideas which may or may not lead people to discovering realities.
❀桜舞う空~ ☯


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