Ireland is Atlantis!

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by StevenJay » Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:53 am

Joe Keenan wrote:If truth is determined by perception, if it's subjective, the electric universe is pointless to investigate, it's pointless to argue relativity is wrong, both would be just another subjective perception of reality, therefore correct for relativists. There is either truth which can be known, which is the purpose of the scientific method , or, assuming all perceptions are subjective, there is no point for science.
But all perceptions ARE subjective. How could they possibly be otherwise? There was a time not too long ago when the consensus, subjective,
"scientific/religious" perception (read; fact/truth) was that the earth was both flat, and at the center of the universe. My, how our perceptions have changed in such a relatively short time! We have replaced one non-factual perception of the universe with another non-factual perception of a universe inhabited with all sorts of "dark" and scary hobgoblins. Incidentally, I don't see scientific methodology as being a pursuit of "truth" so much as "knowledge." The pursuit of knowledge can be a group effort, but "truths" are, essentially, personal judgments.

The scientific method of inquiry, observation and proof, embraces a rigidity designed to keep it clearly out of the realms of fear-driven superstitious belief systems. As I see it, one "church," with its own brand of evolving dogma, usurping the power of another, basically. Such is the nature of human constructs, I suppose.

Unfortunately, I see that very same "proof-oriented" rigidity as being, ultimately, hindering - something that the world's "fringe" physicists seem to already be coming up against. In other words, various un-provable (metaphysical) concepts are simply not allowed into the mix, while various other completely un-provable concepts are not only accepted, but vigorously promoted, because they help to further various agenda$$$. Anyway, this is drifting way off topic. . .

A Gaelic/Atlantean connection seems to be based on some pretty convincing criteria. But then, the same goes for several of the dozens of other locations all over the planet that people have claimed to be Atlantis. So, for now, I'm sticking with my subjectively-perceived metaphoric Atlantean interpretation.

And, yeah, it's entirely possible that I am misinformed, delusional, and/or completely out to lunch! I can live with that. 8-)
It's all about perception.

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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by Joe Keenan » Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:30 pm

"But all perceptions ARE subjective. How could they possibly be otherwise? There was a time not too long ago when the consensus, subjective,
"scientific/religious" perception (read; fact/truth) was that the earth was both flat, and at the center of the universe. My, how our perceptions have changed in such a relatively short time! We have replaced one non-factual perception of the universe with another non-factual perception of a universe inhabited with all sorts of "dark" and scary hobgoblins. Incidentally, I don't see scientific methodology as being a pursuit of "truth" so much as "knowledge." The pursuit of knowledge can be a group effort, but "truths" are, essentially, personal judgments."

This is wrong on several levels, firstly, educated people have not believed in a flat earth for about, oh....2500 years. Only 19th century Englishmen believed this (sorry Grey Cloud). This myth is examined here in detail: ... 860&sr=1-3

Regarding the geocentric view of the universe, in an infinite space, the earth is the center, as is everything else I guess. I'll post something regarding this if I can find it. Again, if geocentricism/flat earth theory was subjective, it could not be falsified. These are not subjective beliefs. They are errors of fact.

"The scientific method of inquiry, observation and proof, embraces a rigidity designed to keep it clearly out of the realms of fear-driven superstitious belief systems. As I see it, one "church," with its own brand of evolving dogma, usurping the power of another, basically. Such is the nature of human constructs, I suppose.'

Knowledge moves in fits and starts, directionally, it does increase. This doesn't mean errors aren't made. No one likes their errors made public, be it an adulterer, or, a relativist. Adulterers depend on sneakability, relatiivist depend on control the means of discourse to keep things quiet. Dogma, establishing and maintaining it, is part of the method of discourse. Again, it's human nature. IMHO knowledge advances through the exposure of error, falsification. No one likes to be on the wrong end of an argument.

"Unfortunately, I see that very same "proof-oriented" rigidity as being, ultimately, hindering - something that the world's "fringe" physicists seem to already be coming up against. In other words, various un-provable (metaphysical) concepts are simply not allowed into the mix, while various other completely un-provable concepts are not only accepted, but vigorously promoted, because they help to further various agenda$$$. Anyway, this is drifting way off topic. . ."

See above

"A Gaelic/Atlantean connection seems to be based on some pretty convincing criteria. But then, the same goes for several of the dozens of other locations all over the planet that people have claimed to be Atlantis. So, for now, I'm sticking with my subjectively-perceived metaphoric Atlantean interpretation."

The cited author does not aver Ireland was Atlantis, he says it's geography was used for the description and the myth was based on the subsidence of Dogger Island. People took this event with them as the migrated and it became the seed for the Atlantis myth

And, yeah, it's entirely possible that I am misinformed, delusional, and/or completely out to lunch! I can live with that. 8-)


Total Science
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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by Total Science » Sat May 02, 2009 4:26 pm

"The ancients possessed a plasma cosmology and physics themselves, and from laboratory experiments, were well familiar with the patterns exhibited by Peratt's petroglyphs." -- Joseph P. Farrell, author, 2007

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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by Joe Keenan » Sat May 02, 2009 7:50 pm

I read Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement a long time ago, great idea much overlooked. I can see how it would integrate well with an EU event.

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Ireland is NOT Atlantis!

Post by Lloyd » Sun May 03, 2009 10:33 pm

* You folks who disfavor the Saturn theory seem to have overlooked the evidence from "rock art" that the polar column, described apparently in every major ancient culture, was seen by the ancients and drawn on rocks and that the form and orientations of the drawings allow us to determine where in the sky the column was seen by all, viz at one of the poles, where Saturn & co. were too.
* Now for entertainment:
New Jerusalem
Mount Meru
Egyptian Rock Art

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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by Plasmatic » Mon May 04, 2009 3:58 am

Plasmatic wrote:
As I perceive it, the "truth" is, there are no absolute "facts." They are merely constructs that are only relevant within the confines of one's perceptions in any given moment.

This is itself another claim to "absolute fact"!

No it isn't as Steven qualified it by by stating 'as I perceive it', which suggests to me that it is his subjective opinion.
"no absolute facts" is a claim to knowledge that applies to "any given moment" and by any given observer. His statement "as i percieve it" simply shows the equivocation you and he share between perception and conception, and in no way gives him or you a pass on the laws that govern existence and therefore epistemology. If perception is invalid all concepts are arbitrary!
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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by altonhare » Mon May 04, 2009 9:53 am

Plasmatic wrote:
Plasmatic wrote:
As I perceive it, the "truth" is, there are no absolute "facts." They are merely constructs that are only relevant within the confines of one's perceptions in any given moment.

This is itself another claim to "absolute fact"!

No it isn't as Steven qualified it by by stating 'as I perceive it', which suggests to me that it is his subjective opinion.
"no absolute facts" is a claim to knowledge that applies to "any given moment" and by any given observer. His statement "as i percieve it" simply shows the equivocation you and he share between perception and conception, and in no way gives him or you a pass on the laws that govern existence and therefore epistemology. If perception is invalid all concepts are arbitrary!
It's funny, the statement "there are no absolute facts" is itself a statement of absolute fact. It summarily refutes itself.
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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by Joe Keenan » Mon May 04, 2009 7:33 pm


I'm passingly familiar with Perratt's work, I really think he made a MAJOR contribution to anthropology/human history with his resolution of the, "What happened to the Neolithic Picasso's?" question.As a kid some of the rock art was passed off by EvD as proof of extraterrestrials, I didn't buy that either, but I do remember thinking, "Those artists suck, what happened to the Picasso like cave painters, what happened to the talent?" To paraphrase Gahan Wilson, "They were still working, they were just painting what they saw." I don't doubt plasma discharges were observed, what caused them is in question. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea the planets rearranged themselves. A crustal displacement might do the same thing. There was a link on here somewhere that took you to a video about a growing earth. Provocative to say the least, imagine something like that happening (perhaps the growth is "fueled" via birkland currents flowing through the earth), does the earth grow slowly and evenly, or, in fits and starts. Perhaps, the Birkland currents reversed and the growth stopped/reversed and the crust displaced? As outrageous as that might be I'm more open to it than the planets did a, Dance of the Hippopotamuses in the sky. Perhaps, Velikovsky was right and Venus passed near and settled into an erratic orbit, this might cause the discharges and a crustal shift. Regardless, somethings up! :shock:

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Re: Ireland is Atlantis! ALMOST

Post by Lloyd » Tue May 26, 2009 5:18 pm

Has Atlantis Been Found? ... been-found
We know to take anything reported by The Sun in the UK with a huge grain of salt. However, there is a report that the lost city of Atlantis has been found by someone using Google Earth. The location is off the coast of Morocco near the Canary Islands. Using Google Earth, lines have been found underneath the ocean waters, and it is said these straight lines could be what once was the city of Atlantis.

Over the years, this city has been searched for. Some thought it might be somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Bermuda triangle. It might still be there. Another location is near Greece and Italy in the waters there. Google has come out to say the line’s captured on Google Earth are actually sonar artifacts that they used to collect data.

What do you think? Have they found the city of Atlantis? We know that it is out there somewhere on this planet. Just where remains a mystery. One I hope is solved in my life.

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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by nick c » Tue May 26, 2009 9:47 pm

hi Lloyd,
Has Atlantis Been Found? ... been-found
Probably not.
See the discussion on this thread: ... 33&start=0

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Re: Ireland is Atlantis!

Post by Grey Cloud » Tue May 26, 2009 10:49 pm

Thanks Nick for saving me the trouble of finding that thread.

And for you non-UK guys, we don't take things in the Sun with a grain of salt - we* don't read it. It's one of Murdoch's rags and is a couple of rungs lower than the National Enquirer.

*We being anyone who is not clinically brain-dead.
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