Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:39 pm

Initiations (1)
Karma One: According to the Bible and the rabbinical writings, it is Samaël, "the fallen angel", known as the "serpent", who initiated humanity to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

You endorse this doctrine, clarifying that it is Sa'am, alias Enki, the chief Gina'abul geneticist who cloned the sexual human workers and who instructed this new humanity in sexuality. He seems equally responsible for the sexual practice that leads to the raising of consciousness.

Can you add anything to this, and explain how it works?

Anton Parks: It is a vast subject that I touch on in my first book The Secret of the Dark Stars and that I clarify in Ádam Genisiš. The practice that permits spiritual elevation is called Tantrism in India. This action, combined with the practice of the mixing of fluids, brings an important transformation to the individual. The only requirement is to conduct this action with respect and uniquely with the person whom one loves profoundly.

I must point out that this is a "magical" proceeding, one that can be diverted if not realized in Unconditional Love!

I will detail here the subjects that I expose in my books and indicate the steps to follow.
Tantrism is a religious dialog between the man and the woman with the aim of realizing unity. In Tantrism, each female is a priestess in which is incarnated the Goddess-Mother; a veritable avenue of access to the absolute.

The longer is the act, the more the sexuality is integrated into a spiritual framework, similar to the way of relaxation and yoga.

Tantric yoga assimilates, as an internal alchemy, the masculine and feminine principles of the human body.

The tantric sexual relation is the opposite of the "usual" sexual act in which the man seeks to attain his personal pleasure and his egoistic orgasm, imposing a relation often expeditious and uncaring for the woman who we know is multi-orgasmic.

Thanks to the practice of Tantrism, it is for the man to put himself at the vibratory level of the woman and to be able to make her vibrate in operating the seven principal chakras, and thus create an impulse that her partner can return to her.

The woman holds the divine rhythm, that of her wisdom; it is incumbent upon the man to be able to sit back on her in order to "sacrifice his primary impulses" in order to synchronize himself with the "Goddess".

Tantrism permits escape from the human condition and evading the bestiality that animates us simply through a prolonged sexual orgasm, if possible, without seminal emission.

This sacred act has for its sole aim to bring us toward the divine, lauded by the gnostics as an inner knowledge, independent of all religious dogma, as they knew well:

"If you wish to discern the reality of this mystery, then you must perceive the marvelous levels of rapport which have taken place between male and female. [...] the mystery of the relations is executed in the greatest secret, so that the two sexes cannot be dishonored before those who do not approve of this reality. For them, the sexes are only for procreation. If the act is produced in the presence of those who do not comprehend this reality, it would appear totally laughable and unbelievable..."

Nag-Hammadi Manuscript Codex Asclepius (21-29), 6,8

This millennial practice corresponds to the sacred sexuality exercised in ancient times by the "Dark Stars" priestesses, and their followers in the sacred temples where the human priestesses of antiquity gave themselves to the sexual ritual of the Goddess-Mother. One should know today, it is the true Tantrism, exercised by two in True Love, with the person whom one loves infinitely, that carries no risk; it procures, on the contrary, the infinity of things.

We add that it is also a way to recreate the lost unity, the androgyny that is rebuilt in each of us once the incarnation is achieved. It is why most of us search for our double, a sort of sister-soul, to consciously or unconsciously accomplish the ecstatic act and return in a way to "our home"...

It is not for me to enumerate the benefit of these millennial acts that the ancients knew perfectly and which were ultimately reserved for rare individuals. The experience is for each of us proper to ourselves.

The tantric texts of India are not the only ones to express the need of the woman and man to reunite, to recreate the divine androgyne couple who can reproduce the unity and create a spiritual overture; a couple which, according to the tantric doctrine, can undertake at the sacral union to interchange the roles, the woman becoming the man and inversely:

"When Eve was in Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him, death survived. If she returns into him and he takes her into himself, death will again not exist".
Nag-Hammadi Manuscript Gospel According to Saint Philippe NH2, 3 68

In Sumerian the term Gìš-dù means "to have sexual rapport" and its homophone Giš-dù is translated as "to offer a sacrifice". The analogy is remarkable, because in India the tantric initiatic texts often compare the sexual union to a sacrifice where, as I have evoked, the man must "sacrifice his impulses to make the Goddess vibrate"...


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:52 pm

The Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau - Part 1

The Rothschilds are the bankers of the Vatican. The Vatican is the headquarters of the Holy Roman Empire. The sitting Pope is the 'Pontifex Maximus' (captain of the make believe ship) - a position 'assumed' after the last Caesar of the Roman Empire. (Sometime around 500 to 600 AD).

The primary financial agent and secular control center for the Vatican is the City of London, wherein the Rothschilds make their primary bastion of banking power.

The affairs of the Holy Roman Empire is conducted through the Temple (old Knights Templar temple confiscated after the Knights Templar were destroyed by the Inquisition) located in the City of London, which is still a Roman city with its own crown, laws and customs (See Magna Carta 1215 -Section 13).

It is from this Temple that all lawyers are accredited (BAR - British Accreditation of Regency) with the title 'esquire' and pledged to uphold the Holy Roman Empire and its One World scheme.

These lawyers then control political parties, all corporations and comprise practically all judges.

Thus, the One World Government is built and controlled by the Vatican's banks and the Vatican's lawyers.

The Monarchy of Great Britain have been pawns of the Vatican since the Treaty of Verona in 1213, and the Crown of the City of London was made superior to the Crown of Great Britain when King John signed the Magna Carta, thus violating the terms of the Treaty of Verona.

Up until last year, the Royal Bank of Canada (a Rothschild bank) had as its logo the following: The Lion of Judah (representing the British Crown) holding one paw on the world and subserviently licking the Crown of the City of London.
Secret Societies ... societies/
Secret societies have been documented since the beginning of recorded history, and likely existed long before. They began as religious organizations, though we must recall that the separation of religion from the secular state is a relatively recent innovation, and even today is by no means the norm throughout most of the world. But in the ancient world there was no distinction whatever. Beginning as early as the world as it is revealed in prehistoric cave paintings, to the Egyptian cult of Isis and Osiris, to the Greek Eleusinian mysteries, to early Christianity itself, the world has been steeped in religious sensibility and belief in the supernatural, with corresponding rites whose secret meaning was closely maintained through a network of initiates and priests. This system of ritual, revelation, and initiation into “the mysteries” provided the fabric, the very lifeblood, of the social order in early societies.

Knights Templar

One of the oldest and most influential of Western Secret Societies was the medieval military/religious order, The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, known by their familiar name as the Knights Templar. Founded around 1119 by two veterans of the First Crusade in newly conquered Jerusalem, the order was situated on the Temple Mount, believed to be the ruins of the Biblical Temple of Solomon.

Beginning with only nine members, within fifty years the Knights Templar had become a wealthy charitable order as well as a potent and feared fighting force, with thousands of members and property spread across Europe and the Middle East. But when the military successes of the early Crusades began to ebb, the fortunes of the Knights Templar ebbed too. Forced out of the Holy Land by the Islamic reconquest, the Knights returned to Europe, where their wealth and privileges increasingly brought them into conflict with the nobility, church, and other representatives of the established feudal order.

In 1307, King Philip IV of France, “Philip the Fair,” arrested the leaders of the Knights Templar on trumped-up charges of heresy, and in 1312, after a protracted political struggle, Pope Clement V officially disbanded the Order. In 1314, the last Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake in Paris.

This speculation has recently been whipped to an even further frenzy by the recent release, from the Vatican Archive, of the trial documents, which indicate not only that Jacques de Molay and the Knights were innocent, but that Church and State had colluded in a cover-up. These findings–long suspected by Templar scholars and enthusiasts–have now unleashed a veritable storm of publications revisiting the politics of the day, which is unlikely to quell popular interest.

Freemasonry is a fraternal order that arose in Scotland and England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and spread throughout the world. There are a number of different branches of Freemasonry; for instance, the United Grand Lodge of England and its affiliated lodges require prospective members to profess belief in a supreme being, while those lodges associated with Grand Orient de France do not. But for our purposes, two Freemasonries can be distinguished. The first is Freemasonry as it actually exists: a charitable fraternal organization with millions of members worldwide that combines public service with somewhat silly private rituals whose quasi-religious symbolism is meant to encourage personal spiritual and moral growth. The second is the myth of Freemasonry as a powerful, malign secret society-a vast conspiracy involved in everything from JFK’s assassination to 9/11 to the collapse of Wall Street.

The Islamic world also has its secret societies. The Hashshashin from whom we get the word “assassin” were just that: a secret society of religious mystics devoted to the targeted killing of their enemies. The notion that these assassins rendered themselves impervious to pain, or rational thought prior to going into action by smoking or otherwise ingesting the drug hashish is a popular conception that has never been proven.

The Hashshashin were founded by Hassan-i-Sabbah, a devout Shi’ite, in 1090, in response to persecution from the ruling Sunni ‘Abbasid Caliphate. From their stronghold in the Daylam Mountains of modern-day Iran, they spread terror throughout the Sunni world. But it was not only fellow religionists who had to fear their poisoned daggers; in 1271, Prince Edward of England, later Edward I, was gravely wounded, while crusading in the Holy Land, by one of the Hashshashin.
How the Venetians Took Over England and Created Freemasonry
I had become increasingly interested for many years, beginning with my research into the American Revolution, as to why England seemed to be the source of such evil. This is not only on the level of geopolitics and the unbelievable savagery that the British Empire carried out in its usury and slavery, but also on the level of culture. The British creation of Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, and Hume, leading to the outright Satanism of Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, Aleister Crowley, etc. underscores the motivation that created the British Empire. As you look deeper, there is no doubt that the New Age issued from England. This includes emphatically the creation of the Jacobins at the hands of Lord Shelburne and the creation of communism--with its twin evil, fascism--at the British Foreign Office by Lord Palmerston and in his collaboration with Giuseppe Mazzini.
The Khazars ... azar07.htm
The Khazars were a Turkic people who originated in Central Asia. The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests. In the beginning, the Khazars believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a Turkic language, and were nomadic. Later, the Khazars adopted Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, learned Hebrew and Slavic, and became settled in cities and towns throughout the north Caucasus and Ukraine.

The Thirteenth Tribe ... azar01.htm
In the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced.

Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based, “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”
British Freemasonry Covets Israel
Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine.

The British have turned on Israel, but for reasons very few could even contemplate considering seriously. However, the reasons are deadly serious. What follows is information privy to only the very highest degrees of British Freemasonry and British Royalty. Upon threat of agonizing death, these secrets are to be withheld from the meaningless masses of humanity.

Perhaps only several thousand people in all Britain and Israel are aware that British Freemasonry and Royalty are totally convinced that Jesus was King of Britain and was stoned to death in London, at Ludgate, the location of St. Paul's Cathedral. This conviction is based on a history many are going to find insulting. Nonetheless, it is vital to understand the thinking that has led to the 20th century slaughter of the Jews and the current attempt to annihilate Israel.
The Piso-Windsor-Bush Bloodline ... ios_02.htm
This bloodline and its offshoots includes a long line of pharaohs in ancient Egypt, including Rameses II (1295-1228 BC), who is considered to be the greatest pharaoh of all.

One common link in this bloodline is Philip of Macedonia (382-336BC),who married Olympias, and their son was Alexander the Great (356-323BC), a tyrant who plundered that key region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, the former lands of Sumer, and across into India before dying in Babylon at the age of 33.

This key bloodline comes down through the most famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra (60-30BC), who married the most famous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, and bore him a son, who became Ptolemy XIV.

The line of James, according to genealogy sources can be traced back to 1550 BC and beyond and includes many Egyptian pharaohs, including Rameses II.

The bloodline moved into France and northern Europe through the Franks and Meroveus or Merovee, who gave his name to the Merovingian bloodline, and it continues with the rest of the Merovingian clan like Clovis and the Dagoberts who connect into the elite secret society, the Priory of Sion and the Rennes-le-Chateau "mystery" in Languedoc [Provence], Southern France. Many books have been written recently which claim that the Merovingians are the bloodline of "Jesus".
Who Wrote the New Testament? ... piso01.htm
Soon, there will be new books out that will enable even the person to do their own research on this and to verify it. Our goal in all of this is to get this out to as many persons as possible and to see more and more persons writing on this subject. Look for books on the subject of: ‘The Piso Theory’, and of ‘The New Classical Scholarship’.
Bible Fraud ... =27&page=2
What Was the Church Trying To Hide?

In 1415 the Church of Rome took an extraordinary step to destroy all knowledge of two second century Jewish books that it said contained the true name of Jesus Christ.

The Antipope Benedict XIII firstly singled out for condemnation a secret Latin treatise called "Mar Yesu" and then issued instructions to destroy all copies of the book of Elxai. The Rabbinic fraternity once held the destroyed manuscripts with great reverence for they were comprehensive original records reporting the life of Rabbi Jesus.

Later, Pope Alexander VI ordered all copies of the Talmud destroyed, with the Spanish Grand Inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada (1420-98) responsible for the elimination of 6,000 volumes at Salamanca alone.

Solomon Romano (1554) also burnt many thousands of Hebrew scrolls and, in 1559, every Hebrew book in the city of Prague was confiscated. The mass destruction of Jewish books included hundreds of copies of the Old Testament and caused the irretrievable loss of many original handwritten documents.

The oldest text of the Old Testament that survived, before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls" was said to be the Bodleian Codex (Oxford), which was dated to circa 1100 AD.

In an attempt by the church to remove damaging Rabbinic information about Jesus Christ from the face of the earth, the Inquisition burnt 12,000 volumes of the Talmud.

In 1607, forty-seven men (some records say fifty four) took two years and nine months to re-write the Bible and make it ready for press. It was, by the order of King James, issued with a set of personal 'rules' the translators were to follow.

Upon its completion in 1609, it was handed over to the King James for his final approval. However, "It was self evident that James was not competent to check their work and edit it, so he passed the manuscripts onto the greatest genius of all time... Sir Francis Bacon"

The first English language manuscripts of the Bible remained in Bacon's possession for nearly a year. During that time ... "he hammered the various styles of the translators into the unity, rhythm, and music of Shakespearean prose, wrote the prefaces and created the whole scheme of the Authorized Version.
BRITISH-ISRAELISM ... srael.html
The chief purveyor of British-Israelism is the Merovingian Prieuré de Sion, the central command of all secret societies, which plans to place one of their Jewish bloodline on the throne of the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. This positioning of a false messiah, whom the world will worship as Christ, has been carefully planned and executed over many centuries. The grand scheme of the Prieuré de Sion will culminate, according to former Grand Master, Sir Isaac Newton (1691-1727) when the secret societies "bring Jesus down" to earth.
Last edited by lizzie on Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:58 pm

The Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau – Part 2

Otto Rahn: To Rennes or not to Rennes?
The Reich Concordat, signed on 20th July 1933, legally (but certainly not spiritually or ethically) bound the Catholic Church in Germany to silence on outrages against the Jews because by that time the persecution and elimination of Jews in Germany was stated policy. Also in place by that date was the adoption of the Law for Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring, which called for sterilisation of all those suffering from hereditary mental or cognitive diseases, including blindness and deafness. Consequent to the passing of this law, nearly three hundred and fifty thousand people would ultimately be sterilised in the Third Reich, most without family permission.

In strict legal terms the Concordat bound the Church’s hands from speaking out against such atrocities, or at least it was a major excuse trotted out to try to appease those who railed against the Church’s pusillanimity. The guiding hand behind the drafting of the Concordat and the lengthy process of agreeing it with Hitler was Eugenio Pacelli who in 1933 was Vatican Secretary of State and who assumed the pontificate a short time later.

Through time everyone keeps looking for a treasure and ignores the Church but I am convinced that it is within the Church that we will (eventually) find the key to the Rennes-le-Château mystery, which leads us to the influence of the Habsburgs in the inner sanctums of the Church. The Habsburgs still controlled who would become the Pope through the Curia. Franz Joseph exercised his veto as head of the Austrian-Hungary Empire against Leo XIII’s candidate for the papacy, Cardinal Rampolla.

So what is the prize that the Church and the Anti-Church (are they interchangeable?) were prepared to kill for in such huge numbers? What were the real objectives of Himmler’s worldwide Ahnenerbe initiatives?

The Cathars and the Templars are reputed to have been the Guardians of the Grail. The Quest for the Grail is a quest to find the Goddess within because it is she who stands at the threshold to all other worlds of mystery and enchantment.

After Pius’ death a movement arose calling itself the Society of Saint Pius X, an extreme traditionalist group. It claimed to have a great secret, linked to the Third Fatima Prophecy, which is said to be connected to Rennes-le-Château. This secret, they claimed, would bring down the papacy.

The Vatican in Pius’ day was even said to have nuns serving the pontiff who were linked to an ultra-secret Parisian guild of Sacred Prostitutes located in the Rue d’Amboise, priestesses who provided an unbroken link to the original Temple of Ishtar and its feminine-based rites and initiations. Saunière went to great lengths to emphasize the Magdalene, both in the church at Rennes-le-Château and in his Villa Bethania.

Otto Rahn’s love for the Cathars, his involvement with the inner Church of Nazism which, in turn, had a stranglehold on the papacy, his narration of key fables and legends suggestive of worlds of enchantment attainable by those with a key, (which they all carry with or within them), and his alleged connection with Dagobert’s “forbidden merchandise” episode of 1945, all link him to Rennes-le-Château and its environs.

Before we accompany Otto Rahn out of the environs of Rennes-le-Château we should make brief mention of a purported yet tantalising link between Rahn and the Nazis’ search for the Arma Christi, the Instruments of the Passion used during the Crucifixion.

In 2006 Dutch author Karl Hammer-Kaatee published his novel Satans Lied: De Jacht van de CIA op Jezus. Waargebeurd verhaal—”Satan’s Song: the CIA Hunt for Jesus. A true story.” The book, not yet available in an English language edition, relates the testimony of countryman “Tom R”, who worked in Munich for the Art Looting Investigation Unit (ALIU), the U.S. secret service body investigating German art thefts during World War II. During this work Tom R. learned about the theft of two panels of Jan van Eyck’s ‘Adoration of the Mystic Lamb’. One of the panels, the Just Judges, was said to contain the key to the geographical location of the Arma Christi. It had been missing since April 1934 six months after Otto Rahn had allegedly undertaken on Himmler’s behalf a mission in Ghent to make preparations for its theft. It would appear, though, that when the panel was stolen the following spring a different party of thieves was involved because it later became the subject of a three-year search by the Nazis. The story goes that Tom R, having been ordered by the CIA to find the holy instruments, got very close to actual discovery and went into hiding.

In his book Hammer-Kaatee states that at one time the Arma Christi, guarded by a Franciscan network calling itself the Ebionites, were transported twenty kilometres south from their hiding place at Notre Dame de Marceille at Limoux to Rennes-le-Château, only to be taken back to Limoux when Rahn got too close for comfort. The Arma Christi story is fascinating but there is no proof of any involvement by Otto Rahn. At the same time there is no way at present one can prove or disprove that Rahn might have taken time away from promoting Kreuzzug gegen den Gral to travel to Ghent under Himmler’s orders in the autumn of 1933.

In postscript, the Franciscan element within the Arma Christi story introduces us to a fascinating piece of Indiana Jones mythography. Film cognoscenti claim that at one time Spielberg and Lucas wanted to make ‘Indiana Jones and the Vatican’ but were prevented from doing it. One can only speculate upon the circumstances but if there is any truth to the claim it would be fascinating to unearth the details of the story, and to understand why the pair was deterred from turning it into the episode of their choice.
Last edited by lizzie on Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:04 pm

The Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau – Part 3

Otto Rahn – Otto Skorzeny - Raiders of the Found Ark?
There is a real, existing mountain in the south of France which is rumored to house the Holy Grail. In fact, local legend says that the Grail has always been there, ever since a dove from Heaven descended upon the mountain, split it open with its beak, and dropped the Grail inside. This is the mountain of Montsegur, which was the last Cathari stronghold defeated by the Albigensian Crusade.

Now fast forward to WWII, in which France is occupied by the Nazis, and a young German author, researcher and S.S. Lt. named Otto Rahn is sent by the Nazis to Southern France to look for the Holy Grail, which many in the Nazi hierarchy are eager to possess. The Nazis, it will be recalled, also believed whole-heartedly in the theory of the Hollow Earth, and sent expeditions down to Antarctica looking for the entrance. Furthermore, the Nazis had great admiration for the Cathars, especially their disciplined lifestyle, vegetarian diet, and sophisticated Gnostic theology. In fact, there were elements within the Nazi hierarchy who were hoping to resurrect the Cathar religion.

It was the clues in this book which, according to Buechner, led him to make his first awesome discovery. Writes Buechner:

He explored the grottoes of an area known as Sabarthez, notably the grottoes of Ornolac and the massive cavern of Lombrives. Here he found a huge chamber which was known to the local mountain people as the ‘Cathedral’ because it had served as a meeting place for the ancient Cathars. In the main hall was a great stalagmite known as the ‘Tomb of Hercules.’ In a third grotto, that of Fontenet, was a stalagmite which was white as snow. It was called the ‘Altar’. Deep within the grottoes of the Sabarthez he found chambers in which the walls were covered with characteristic symbols of the Knights Templar, side by side with the well-known emblems of the Cathars. One very interesting image which had been carved into the stone wall of a grotto was clearly a drawing of a lance. This depiction immediately suggested the bleeding lance which appears over and over again in Arthurian legends, and which is, of course, the Holy Lance which pierced the side of Christ at the crucifixion.

Rahn must have discovered something which caused him to espouse a strange theory. He came to the conclusion that the Emerald Cup was only one Holy Grail, while in fact there was another. The second Grail, according to Rahn, was a Stone, or more specifically, a collection of stone tablets on which was written the wisdom of the ages or the ultimate truth, but in a language that no one could decipher.

Sadly, according to Buechner, Rahn was not destined to discover his first Grail, the Emerald Cup. He died under mysterious circumstances before he was able to, some say with the complicity of the Nazi hierarchy. To replace him they sent the swashbuckling Otto Skorzensky, “Chief of Germany’s Special Troops.”

The entirety of the treasure actually consisted of several things, including: “Items which were believed to have come from the Temple of Solomon which included the gold plates and fragments of wood which had once made up the Ark of Moses… Twelve stone tablets bearing pre-Runic inscriptions, which none of the experts were able to read… and a beautiful silvery cup with an emerald-like base made of what appeared to be jasper.

Three gold plaques on the Cup were inscribed with cuneiform script in an ancient language.” Much of this treasure, he writes, was, “buried deep beneath the castle wall of Heinrich Himmler’s Grail fortress, Wewelsburg.

As to what happened to the Grail afterwards, Buechner relates that after a time spent at Wewelsburg in which it “is believed to have been exhibited to Himmler’s innermost circle of senior Knights of the Holy Lance on several occasions”, the cup was then removed, for safety reasons, and “was then carried by submarine (U-530) to Antarctica where it found repose in a cave of ice in the Muhlig Hoffman mountains.” This cave thereafter became known as “the Emerald Cave.” And supposedly this cave lead into a secret tunnel that went all the way down into the inner Earth. A stone obelisk about one meter high and “made of polished black basalt” was placed at the entrance to this cave and bore the inscription: “There are truly more things in heaven and ‘in’ Earth than man has dreamt. (Beyond this point is Agartha)” This was prepared by Professor Karl Haushofer. Inside this obelisk was supposed to be placed the Emerald Cup itself. But instead Haushofer wrote a note onto a piece of parchment detailing the actual location of the Cup, and put that inside the obelisk instead. Perhaps the Cup itself was actually placed somewhere amongst the kingdoms of the Earth’s interior.

However the story of the Grail did not end with the death of Otto Rahn. Although France was occupied by the Germans in June 1940, Himmler made no attempt to retrieve Otto Rahn's Grail from Montsegur. Instead, excavation expeditions were dispatched by the Ahnenerbe to other territories which the Nazi forces had overrun, and one to Tibet to search for the origins of the Aryan race.

After making the necessary plans and briefing his men, Otto Skorzeny with a small commando force arrived in the Languedoc and set up base camp at Montsegur.

As Montsegur castle sits atop a mountain peak approachable only on three sides, with a sheer drop of several thousand feet on the other, Skorzeny concentrated on the impossible precipice of the rock. After abseiling down the vertical rock face, he searched for and found, evidence of ancient tracks leading away from the foot of the mountain. By following these, he eventually discovered a walled-up cave, which, once broken open, allegedly revealed the treasure. According to The Emerald Cup - Ark of Gold, by Colonel Howard Buechner, Skorzeny then sent a message (probably by radio) to Himmler's headquarters in Berlin.
The founders of the Third Reich were esoterically involved with matters which unavoidably skirt the mysteries associated with the valley of Rennes-le-Chateau.

The trail leads to one Otto Rahn, a German, born in 1904 at Michelstadt, Germany. He attended university in Berlin, where he studied literature and philology (the science of language). During his youth, Otto Rahn had been attracted to studying in depth Wolfram von Eschenbach's Grail romance, Parzifal and the history of the Cathars.

During his travels to the region, checking out leads to the Holy Grail, German folk legends and the history of the Cathars, he came across an elder; former Austrian Army colonel, Karl Maria Wiligut-Weisthor, an expert in Germanic and pre-medieval history, runes, legends, magic and the occult. Weisthor soon became Rahn's most trusted friend. It was to prove a historical encounter, for Wiligut (using the name Weisthor) later joined the SS in 1933 and was promoted to Brigadier General in 1936, at which point he became an advisor to Heinrich Himmler on occult matters, later becoming better known in the inner circles as Himmler's 'Rasputin'.

Into this weird maelstrom of neo-Nazi ideas strode Otto Rahn, little aware that the Cathars he was studying had already been claimed by leading National Socialists as the originators of many Nazi customs.

In it, Rahn traced the story of what he had achieved so far and speculated that the evidence showed that there were two Grails - an Emerald Cup and a stone tablet. This latter artifact was supposedly inscribed with runes by a race of pre-German supermen who had attained the ultimate knowledge of the 'law of life'. They represented 'The Great Tradition' which was only valid for certain people, a theory which tied in with German legend and the beliefs of the Thule Society that the far north was inhabited by the Hyperborean super race. Needless to say, the book found a ready made audience in Hitler, Rosenberg, Hess, Dietrich Ekhart, Himmler and other leading individuals!

On June 9, 1938, Rahn asked for and received leave of absence to write the sequel to Lucifer's Courtiers. From that moment on, his life took an unexpected turn for the worse. He had made his private views public - that he was opposed to the war and that instead, he thought Germany and then Europe should convert to Catharism! Opposition to the forthcoming war was tantamount to treason.

On February 28, 1939, Otto Rahn wrote a letter of resignation to Gruppenführer Karl Wolff, Chief of Himmler's personal staff, telling of 'grave reasons' for his resignation which he would tell to the Reichsführer in person on his next visit to Berlin.

Even the charge of opposing the war effort could easily have been quashed by Himmler if Rahn had agreed to cease and desist. Thus, one is left with the uncomfortable and hard to shake feeling that something else was involved. The final question seems to revolve around the discoveries which Rahn made during his trips to the Languedoc. Was he a man who knew too much, or was he a man who had disclosed too little about the results of his quest - for the Treasures of Solomon and the Emerald Cup.

Revealed: Himmler's secret quest to locate the 'Aryan Holy Grail'
By Graham Keeley in Barcelona -February 6, 2007

Heinrich Himmler, the head of the Nazi SS, made a secret wartime mission to an abbey in Spain in search of what he believed was the Aryan Holy Grail, a new book claims. Himmler visited the famous Montserrat Abbey near Barcelona where he thought he would find the Grail which Jesus Christ was said to have used to consecrate the Last Supper.

The book claims that, far from being the King of the Jews, Himmler shared the outlandish belief with other leading Nazis that Jesus Christ was actually descended from Aryan stock. Góngora writes that Himmler, Hitler's right-hand man, believed Jacob was of Aryan blood and his descendants, including Jesus Christ, were Aryan too.
Was there some clue to the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau being offered by Poussin’s painting, and was Saunière aware of some hidden tradition which revealed an occult secret of immense importance? These have been the primary questions asked by historical writers since the 1960s, the most famous being the trio of British authors who put together the masterpiece of publishing we know as THE HOLY BLOOD AND THE HOLY GRAIL, which appeared originally in 1982?

It sought to unravel the mystery in terms of an underground stream of knowledge regarding a royal bloodline, the sangreal, the ‘blood royal’, created from the marriage of Jesus Christ to Mary Magdalene, who in medieval legend was said to have ended her days in France. From this royal line emerged the Frankish dynasty of kings known as the Merovingians, the most famous being Clovis I, who reigned c. AD 500. He was crowned ruler of the Frankish empire by the bishop, or ‘pope’, of the fledgling Catholic Church, which proclaimed the dynasty’s royal blood as divine. However, when the Merovingians began losing their grip on the empire in the late seventh, early eighth centuries, they were ousted in favour of their mayors of the palace, a hereditary family who ruled as the Carolingians, the most famous of whom was Charles the Great, or Charlemagne, who reigned c. AD 800. He was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope, although unlike the blood of the Merovingians that of the Carolingian kings only became holy through anointment at the time of their coronation, a ritual act which Israelite kings underwent in order to bestow on them the power and protection of Yahweh.

According to peculiar documents produced by a French secret society founded in June 1956, the heirs of the Merovingian royal family made attempts to reclaim the Frankish throne and were supported in their cause by a clandestine organisation from which they themselves took their name. Known as the Prieure du Sion (‘Priory of Sion’), its purpose has been to keep alive Merovingian aspirations and hopes through to the modern day, and in its time the organisation has involved some of the most illustrious names in history. It is a story involving the treasure of the Cathar heretics, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, various secret orders down through the ages, and, inevitably, the mystery surrounding Rennes-le-Chateau, which in the age of the Merovingian kings was an important city called Rhedae.

In the early twentieth century certain Cathar apologists came to believe that German Minnesinger and poet Wolfram von Eschenbach, when referring to Munsalvaesche, the Grail castle, in his classic work Parzival, written c. 1210-1220, had been alluding to the mountain fortress of Montsegur, where 200 Cathars were massacred in 1244, an atrocity which brought to a close the so-called Albigensian Crusade against such heretics. The matter was taken up during the late 1920s by German historian and author Otto Rahn (1904-1938), who would go on to become a personal friend of Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler and join the SS himself in 1936. He arrived at Montsegur in search of the Grail, firmly believing it to have been carried to safety shortly before its fall. For him it was a simple cup fashioned from an emerald-green stone plucked by the archangel Michael from Lucifer’s crown at the time of the wars in heaven. Yet later claims that Rahn found the Grail and presented it to Himmler, who placed it on display at the castle of Wewelsburg, the Nazi Munsalvaesche, are unfounded.
Henry Lincoln has proposed in his own books that the key to the mystery is knowledge of pentagonal geometry laid out across the landscape around Rennes-le-Chateau; the pentagram being the design that the planet Venus makes in the sky during its roughly eight-year cycle as viewed from the earth. Since Mary Magdalene might be equated with Venus in its personification as the goddess of love, fertility and sexual rapture, then perhaps this sacred ground-plan was the secret found by Saunière. The problem with this theory is that Henry Lincoln’s geometry is so vast and complicated that it is unlikely to have been known to a simple parish priest. More likely is that Saunière came across two treasures - one material, perhaps gold coins from the Merovingian, Visigothic or Roman periods, and the other non-material, a secret which he kept quiet about during his life, telling only his house keeper and constant companion Marie Dénarnaud, and seemingly one or two of his priest friends.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:10 pm

The Secret of Rennes-le-Chateau – Part 4 ... 615#p41719

Recall, then, that the Grail is the treasure said to be buried at Rennes-le-Chateau. Also, rumors persist that Rennes-le-Chateau contains an entrance to the underworld. The event of this falling star may itself be commemorated by a symbol that was used at least as far back as ancient Sumeria where it was known as the “Ar”, the Plough Sign. That sign is the pentagram, associated with both Satan and the planet Venus, as well as with Rennes-le-Chateau.

Now the alchemical process, both the physical and the figurative, involves a stage called Dissolution, when the elements are dissolved, to be replaced later by purity of spirit, or Gold. This stage is symbolized by a Black Sun! And this black sun stage is equated with none other than Saturn, or Kronos, the Sleeping God buried in a subterranean tomb who is called "The Hidden One!" And this is precisely why the Elixir of Life is called "The Hidden Stone" because it is hidden in the midst of this dross or base matter, the Black Sun, which, once dissolved, reveals the shining brilliance within. This dross matter is called the Prima Materia, the Original Matter from which all other forms were made. Yet the Black Sun has also been said to represent this Prima Materia, the Great Void from whence the Universe came.

As McIntosh writes in The Rosicrucians, "... a mountain covered with symbols is used as an allegory of the alchemical process." He also quotes the author Thomas Vaughn, who wrote about "a mountain situated in the midst of the Earth, or the center of the world, which is both great and small. It is far off and near at hand, but by the providence of God invisible. (Another, similar poem says this land was lit by a "midnight sun.") This parallels, for instance, the Greek Mt. Olympus, the abode of the Gods which, according to Plato, was the largest mountain on Earth, capped with snow, and with four rivers issuing from its top, residing in midst of the Isle of Atlantis.

This same mountain is said by Olaf Jansen to now sit in the center of the Earth.

Again, these are common themes in world mythology. Most notably analogous to the story of the Fisher King is that of Kronos (Saturn), who, writes Evola, "after having been the Lord of this earth, the King of the Golden Age, was dethroned and castrated. He still lived on, though asleep, in a region located in the Far North, closer to the Arctic Sea, which was also called the Cronic Sea." It is also noteworthy that Saturn is called "The Hidden One," thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss (the Chronian Sea) to become Lord of the Underworld.

Interestingly, the phrase "Rex Mundi" appeared in the parchments that were found at Rennes-le-Chateau, and the Cathars accused the Catholic Church of secretly worshipping Rex Mundi in the form of Jehovah, the Earth's creator, whom they regarded as an evil demiurge. And of course, Jehovah, as "El Shaddai," was also the Lord of the Mountain.

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.

Then the sunken kingdom shall rise, the dreaming lord shall awake, the phoenix rise from the ashes, and the proper universal balance shall be restored. In the meantime, the secret royal doctrine is kept alive by the initiates/descendants of that Sleeping God.

The Forgotten Father was also in many traditions buried with a magic stone (the stone that fell from Heaven, the Emerald Tablet, the loadstone that repopulated the Earth, etc.), which contained secret wisdom teachings, possessed strange electromagnetic properties, and was itself associated with the repopulation, as well as the vessel (the Grail or Ark) that carried it. Thus, all of these things: the stone/tablet, the ark/vessel, and the bloodline of the Forgotten Father all came eventually over time to be called the Grail.

With this conclusion, it is easy to note that the word "Ark" is contained in "Arktos," the Great Bear constellation that marks the North Pole (as well, supposedly, as the entrance to the inner earth), and also in "Arcadia," the Greek term for paradise that pops up so frequently in the Grail researchers. And with this hypothesis, we can also understand why Rene d'Anjou and others chose to represent the secret doctrine of the Grail wisdom with an underground stream, as well as a tomb, and why Poussin chose to mark that tomb with the words "Et In Arcadia Ego."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:17 pm

The Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau – Part 5
Genisis - David Wood

This is one of the most important books ever to be published. It opens a doorway into the unknown. It sheds light on the origin of our species.

At last the age-old mystery of Rennes-le-Château is solved. The solution is a temple layout of gigantic proportions covering more than 40 square miles - the largest geometrical figured ever identified. Every part of it is marked by a church, mountain top or outcrop of rock. The symbols and dimensions reveal the secrets of the rituals and legends associated with such ancient enigmas as:

The Holy of Holies and the Treasure of the Temple of Solomon
The Arc of the Covenant and what it contained
The Holy Grail and its associated articles
The Round Tables and the Arthurian legends
The Rose Cross
The Atlantis connection

It also gives positive proof that the originators of this temple knew The Speed of Light, Pythagorean Geometry and that they were the custodians of the means to elevate mankind to his appointed place with the gods. Beyond the revelations of the ancient secret lies a truth too awesome to comprehend.

Geneset - David Wood

This book confirms and proves the unbelievable claims of "Genesis - The First Book of Revelations". Current scientific theories confirm the cataclysmic history of Planet Earth. No longuer can we dismiss the legends and mythology of the Ancients!

The origin of Man; the enigma of the mind; who is God; the Mystery of Mars; the codes of Jules Verne; the mystery of the Paris Merdian; the Messengers of Doom. Did the church known? We are not the first. Is the Earth safe? Can Man survive? What is the secret of Rennes-le-Château?

Poussin's Secret - David Wood

A great secret lies buried in a remote valley in the foothills of the Pyrenees and in recent years it has coined the title "The Mystery of Rennes-le-Château".

An initial investigation by David Wood revealed previously unsuspected connections with the remote past and the possibility of an advanced intelligence having left Mankind a warning of an impending disaster. These findings were published under the title of Genesis - The First Book of Revelations.

Subsequently David Wood was joined by Ian Campbell and together they not only confirmed Wood's findings but produced a mathematical proof of both the intelligence and the message (Geneset - Target on Earth).

Now probably thousands of years after its initiation it transpires that Nicolas Poussin, the most prolific of the French artists, recorded a coded confirmation of his awareness of the mystery in his "Les Bergers d'Arcadie" (The Shepherds of Arcadia). This booklet contains the proof of his connection with what has been referred to as "The Greatest Mystery in the History of France"
The Truth
Another controversial work is called Genisis by David Wood. This book has been touted by a co-author of Holy Blood, Holy Grail as well as by a Grand Master of a so-called secret society. While much is revealed by Wood the following is of significance to Waking God: “How little of the old secret doctrine was understood is illustrated in the persecution of the Templars by the Church and the accusation that they worshipped the devil in the shape of a goat, Baphomet, but any student of the occult will tell you that the devil, by whatever he may be called, is the symbol of God’s representative and the purest creation on earth.” This notion was attributed to Madam Blavastky. He further cites a poem by Charles Peguy which states in part, “The arms of Jesus are the Cross of Lorraine; the arms of Satan are the Cross of Lorraine.” He goes on to quote G. H. who questions in Earth’s Earliest Ages, “May there not be great significance in the fact that the very name of Satan passes through its Chaldaic form Sheitan, into the Greek Titan, which the last word is used by Greek and Latin poets as a designation of the Sun-God? He, Satan, holds the legitimate title of ‘Prince of This World;’ with the royal prerogatives which of right pertain to it, was conferred upon him by God Himself. The Devil is not to be confused with Satan.” Satan, the devil, and Lucifer…are they one and the same? No! The devil is an illusion. Are Satan and Lucifer one and the same? No, not exactly. You do the research. Are Jesus and Lucifer one and the same? Lucifer means Morning Star or light bearer. In the Bible Jesus says, “I AM THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR” (Revelation 22:16).


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:20 pm

The Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau – Part 6

GENISIS GENESET ... eneset.htm
GENISIS (1986) was written by David Wood, a surveyor, cartographer, and student of mystery religions. It is about sacred geometry and ancient knowledge handed down to us through secret societies. GENESET (1994) was written by David Wood and Ian Campbell. It is about the "Ice God", and contains the final message to humankind about the cycle of comets, which brings destruction and renewal, or Zep Tepi (First Time), as it was called by the ancient Egyptians.

The overall message in Genisis and Geneset is about the periodicity of cycles much longer than cycles of human civilization (e.g. Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations), and about when the next cycle might end through forecasting the future. Such forecasting has been handed down to us in various forms. Apocalyptic Prophecy was one way of sending a message to future generations. Similar forecasting of End Times was encoded into the Great Pyramids of Egypt, and awaited the development of our sciences and archaeology before great minds were able to recognize and decode the messages. In order to insure that the messages survived, they were encoded in myth and legend, and passed on from generation to generation in secret societies that preserved lost knowledge as sacred geometry. But if that knowledge was meant for the End Times, then the originators intended it to be revealed or made known to the world at the appropriate time. But no one individual had the Key to that appropriate Time.

Wrapped in myth and fiction, Apocalyptic Prophecy forecasts the end of a cycle as if the initiator or originator knew exactly when that time would be. No one today would put much faith in a weather forecast, but if that forecast came from someone we thought was a diviner inspired by God, it might be taken more seriously. And indeed, the book of Revelation in the New Testament has been taken very seriously by many Christians. When John wrote Revelation in prison, he was not psychotic or delusional, because he was a channeler for an angel of Jesus.

In order to understand Genisis, one has to understand that we are not talking about ancient Egypt and the religion of the Pharaohs. We are talking about the occult and the way ancient knowledge has been interpreted and modified by different mystery religions during the last 2,000 years. But it is not the myth and stories used to wrap and conceal sacred geometry that are important. It is the sacred geometry and its mathematical proofs discovered by Wood that are important.

In order to understand the Knights Templar, you have to understand Gnosticism. For those not versed in Gnostic scripture or knowledgeable of the Gnostic texts discovered in Egypt in 1945, I will give some background. Wood talks about the Cathars, a Medieval French gnostic sect that lived in the valley of Rennes, who were nearly exterminated by Catholic soldiers and the Church during the 13th Century. It is through the Cathars that gnostic wisdom was handed down to the Knights Templar. Early Christianity was not as singular and uniform in doctrine as modern Christianity might lead one to believe. There were two opposing viewpoints about Christ and His Resurrection. "Gnostics believe that, as God's son, Christ was a spirit and could not have been crucified. This explains the Templar contempt for the crucifix, and tales of it being trampled and spat upon in secret rites. The emblem of the Cathars was a cord worn about the waist. Templar confessions mention just such a cord worn during ceremonies..."

Pagels' book The Gnostic Gospels (1979/1989) provides a very different perspective on early Christianity: "Scholars investigating the Nag Hammadi find discovered that some of the texts tell the origin of the human race in terms very different from the usual reading of Genesis: the Testimony of Truth, for example, tells the story of the Garden of Eden from the viewpoint of the serpent! Here the serpent, long known to appear in Gnostic literature as the principle of divine wisdom, convinces Adam and Eve to partake of knowledge while "the Lord" threatens them with death, trying jealously to prevent them from attaining knowledge, and expelling them from Paradise when they achieve it. Another text, mysteriously entitled the Thunder, Perfect Mind, offers an extraordinary poem spoken in the voice of a feminine divine power [Isis]

Within the valley of Rennes in France exists a puzzle laid out initially as sacred stones, stone circles, and other artifacts of the Druids, who continued the religious practices of the ancient Egyptians (Brotherhood of the Serpent), and who were instructed to place these markers in precise locations. This may have been in accordance with an ancient pagan custom of marking places where deities had been encountered’

David Wood (Genisis, 1986) thinks, and with good reason, that there is a strong link between the geometric figures he has revealed and ancient Egypt. But whoever placed these markers, which have since become sites for churches, castles, towns, and sacred or mythological features, did so with a technology that today would require satellite mapping to a precision of feet over a 40 square mile, rugged mountainous terrain.

Wood discovered that someone, probably at least as far back as the 1st Dynasty of ancient Egypt (2920-2770 B.C.E.), left to future generations of humans a message of symbols with proofs, a message encoded in the universal language of mathematics, a message so complex that only a society with satellite mapping capability could accurately decipher the entire message or puzzle. And therein lies the Time Handle, which would guarantee that the secrets of the valley of Rennes would not be revealed until we had recovered technologically from the last period of Earth catastrophes about 11,000 years ago. And somehow the ancients knew that we would not reach our current level of recovery until very near the end of the next cycle. But how could they have known that unless they had some control of events in our history which would prevent, until the appropriate time, the rapid technological development that we experienced in the last century. But the answer to that question may very well lie hidden in the mystery religions and with those initiates entrusted as gatekeepers and guardians.

Imagine someone leaving a complex series of figures, overlapping and interlocking, with only a minimum number of markers or points on the ground to define those figures. Imagine these figures being so large that one could handle them only by scaling them down on a map of manageable size. Wood was able to do this because of a computer CAD program, enabling him to measure distances accurately to the foot, which would have been nearly impossible by any other means and inconceivable using the more primitive technologies of our recognized forefathers and ancestors. To make such figures decipherable, the creators had to chose mathematically significant points to define the figures, such as places on the ground located on or near points where certain "lines" of the figures crossed. In order to solve this puzzle you had to be a good cartographer and surveyor, well educated in ancient religions and mythology, and a clever mathematician who understood sacred geometry and numbers.

Not only did Wood uncover a connection between the myths and legends associated with the valley of Rennes and the ancient gods and goddesses of Egypt, but also a connection to Jesus, Mary Magdelene, and the Virgin Mary. Aspects of this mystery were preserved first by the Druids, then by the Cathars or Gnostics, the Knights Templar, and today by the Freemasons, despite attempts by the Roman Catholic Church in the early part of the second millennium (1209-1249 C.E.) to destroy all knowledge of or information about this mystery and its secrets.

5 X 8 = 40 = 58 - 18 ISIS

"The numbers 5 and 8 are also exhibited in the beliefs of the 'Brothers of the Rose Cross', where the rose is constructed with a centre of five petals, surrounded by eight petals. When the language of the gods is revealed later, the reason for the number 58 will be even more apparent.

"But now let us return to the huge skull Baphomet. Could it be a gigantic skull which would prove beyond doubt that a being of such proportions had actually lived on this planet? Was this truly the source, or origin, or father of the human race? Could this be one of the secret artifacts hidden in the valley of Rennes-le-Chateau?

"Is it being implied that Baphomet is Satan? In order to conceal his identity, has Satan been intentionally associated with the Devil?

"Is it coincidence, once more, that simply by allocating the numerical value of the letters in the English alphabet to the letters of Baphomet (2 + 1 + 16 + 8 + 15 + 13 + 5 + 20) the total is 80 (Isis and Nut)? An 8-letter word totalling 80. I have little doubt that the final investigation of the Baphomet skull will reveal it to be female; possibly the actual, or the symbolic equivalent, of the skull of Isis - the Supreme feminine intellect responsible for our elevation from animal form.

Publisher's Note - Immediately prior to our going to press, the author's findings have been substantiated by Hugh Schonfield in The Essene Odyssy, published by Element Books (p. 164). He showed that by applying the Hebrew Atbash code to the name Baphomet, the name Sophia, female wisdom, is revealed. Sophia is equated with Isis by Plutarch."

Among the helpers of the slumbering sparks a particular position of honor and importance belongs to a feminine emanation of the unity. The name of this emanation is Sophia (Wisdom). She was involved in the creation of the world and ever since remained the guide of her orphaned human children.

From the earliest times of history, messengers of light have been sent forth from the ultimate unity. The task of these messengers has ever been the advancement of The greatest of these messengers in our historical and geographical matrix was the descended Logos of God, manifesting in Jesus Christ.

Jesus exercised a twofold ministry: He was a teacher, imparting instruction concerning the way of Gnosis, and he was a hierophant, imparting mysteries.

The mysteries imparted by Jesus (which are also known as sacraments) are mighty aids toward Gnosis and have been entrusted by him to his apostles and to their successors.

"Before proceeding further I will admit there have been many different opinions as to the number of inches in a cubit, or even as to whether the cubit can be transcribed into exact inch measure. Without wishing to sound cavalier on these points, I nevertheless dismiss them by two simple assumptions. Firstly, among those who have studied the subject, one of the most popular values for the cubit is 18 inches (Isis) and this is supported by my own findings which were arrived at by a completely different route. Secondly, that an English inch is related to an Egyptian measure is more easily understood if one can accept [that] both the Celts and Egyptians were descendants of the same people - possibly even the survivors of the lost continent of Atlantis.

"Ishtar obviously knew that mankind was not intended to survive, for she then announced that Enlil must not see those who did, saying:

He shall not approach this offering, for without reflection he brought the flood, he consigned my people to destruction. "And what is even more significant is the manner in which she associates herself with the remnant of Man.

"She seems to be claiming here to have been responsible for the creation of the human race, and those who designed the temple of Rennes-le-Chíteau leave us in no doubt they also believed this to be the case.

The symbol of the female generative organ is demonstrated once again [the circle]. The message should be clear: the Ark of the Covenant is the property of Isis and it is clearly marked with her name (illus 66)."

There were many things which brought me to discover the final geometric key of Rennes. It was more like being led to a position by a symphony of implications, any one of which could hardly be considered tangible evidence if examined individually. The most persistent factor which made me consider my solution incomplete was the absence of a geometric equivalent for the male, or his phallus. In my previous studies of occult geometry, I had heard that one of the keys to the mysteries was the secret union of the pentagram and the hexagram.

"Almost as soon as this crossed my mind, I felt the familiar tingle of the proximity of a truth. All those diagrams had been constructed in circles and squares. All of them used a pentagram which was 'contained'. I wondered how different the geometry would be, using the extended pentagram of Rennes, based on a circle of 15 divisions. The answer was immediately self-evident; the arc carried by the arms is five divisions of the circle. The arms are five miles long and the arc is six. If either the 360,000 inch or the 372,000 inch circle is used, it makes little difference - 6.1483 and 5.9499 respectively.

Then came that flash of inspiration which is always needed at times like these.

The arms of Satan and the Cross of Lorraine.....
The arms of Jesus and the Cross of Lorraine.....

"Hence we concluded that the arms of Jesus are the arms of Satan. Jesus was of the line of King David and Solomon whose emblem was the hexagram and the Christians consider the pentagram to be the symbol of Satan. The 6 points of the hexagram are two arms, two legs, a head and a phallus.

The geometry was becoming clear to me. The hexagram divides the circumference into six portions and the arms support 2 portions of the circle which is precisely the same proportions of arc as that supported by the extended pentagram. (Two sixths and five fifteenths).

"My mind reeled at what was implied. I had found the seed in the womb of the circle of light and now I had found the centre of light. The seed in the womb of Isis and the means by which to activate it - the harmonic of Set - the Typhon - Satan. [Set represented the principle of Contraction to the ancient Egyptians - the opposite of Expansion. West, 1993]

"Was this staggering secret of the Astral Light of the alchemists with the serpent (the Ob) lying at nearby Peyrolles, the massive Serpent Rouge? Could now I have the final secret? Could there be an harmonic of light which will unite the super conscious mind to the conscious? A gateway to the infinite wisdom of the gods who created us in their image.

"I looked at the numbers again; was it another harmonic - one which could disrupt molecular structure. I realized that for a moment I had seen through the bars of the cage to what lies beyond. I had seen outside the playground of earthly science where man invents his own physics and then applauds himself for having understood it. A model which is shaped by the quality and the extent of the intelligence it contains. But the fluid forces from which the cage of time is constructed are slightly at variance with the inflexible mathematics by which it is measured. There is a small recurring gap in the mesh of the veil of time and light. The receding galaxies do not recede, but if they did not appear to do so there could be no escape from the time and space in which we could exist.

These are manifestations of the pregnant womb, 27 or 270 (9 months of 30 days), the reflection of the pentagonal 72 and they signify light in the creative womb. For those who have the 'understanding' this is the function of light in the creation of the universe."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:24 am

The Sons of the Law of One (the Shemsu Hor/Aryans) and the Sons of Belial (the Dragons) ... =15#p44086


As a model for XenoGenesis and Atlantis, the "origininators" had created a colony on Mars in the Cydonia region. The originators who had the responsibility of creating "Eden" were known as "galactic originator disciples". The hybrids simply knew them by their acronym, "GOD".

The opposition consisted of a group of evil "originators" from Sirius who had deliberately planned to take over and defeat the originators from Orion. They were labeled by the Orion originators as "destructive ecstalogical makers of nihilistic savagery" or "demons". Their leader was originally from Sirius and his name was "Satan".

Satan was eventually defeated in massive battles between his army and "GOD" but there were losses with the destruction of the Cydonia colony, the surface of Mars and its atmosphere after a planet located between Mars and Jupiter exploded. This planet was known by the name "Fenex"

After the explosion, the remains of Fenex created the beginnings of the asteroid belt. A few survivors had escaped from this exploded planet and migrated to Earth.

As for Satan, he and survivors from his army were cast down to Earth by "GOD", never to rejoin the galactic community, but they wouldn't stay defeated for long. By using technology stolen from "GOD", Satan would make himself appear in other forms including the shape of a snake.

After Eve had convinced Adam to eat from this "tree", the "originators" quickly banished the hybrids from the garden to fend for themselves. The descendants of Adam and Eve populated Atlantis and would have to work their way through life.

Eventually, Atlantis formed a government and founded ten separate republics. During its history, a disagreement over how Atlantis was going to be managed had split the Atlanteans into two factions, the Sons of Belial, whose genetic ancestors had come from Sirius and the Law of One, who's genetic ancestors had come from Orion. The disagreement evolved into a civil war which led to the suppression of the Law of One, which emphasized spiritual existence, and the creation of a dictatorship by the Sons of Belial which emphasized materialism.

The continuing materialism of the Sons of Belial led to the creation of changes in the Earth's climate, via pollution and waste of resources which caused the sinking of the Atlantean continent. This sinking was described in many ancient texts including the book of "Genesis" in the Bible as the "Great Flood".

Before Atlantis disappeared beneath the ocean, the Law of One preserved the intellectual and philosophical idealism from Atlantis and stored it inside of two hollow pillars they named BOAZ and JACHIN which floated away after the flood.

From the information found inside these pillars by travelers who were known as "sojourners", they founded the earliest remnants of Freemasonry.

As Freemasonry evolved into the 1700's, a bitter dispute split Freemasonry into two factions, a revived Sons of Belial (also known as the Illuminati) and the Law of One. Both sides would work toward one goal, the recreation of Atlantis.

The Sons of Belial faction wants to enslave the human race in a "New World Order" while the Law of One Faction wants to create a "Pax Humana" or Human Peace.

The Sons of Belial faction are responsible for events that set back human history and creativity while The Law of One faction has been responsible for advancing the human race toward the it's ultimate goal, to rejoin the community of civilizations in the universe where humanity originally came from. ... t=0#p43756
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets.

“Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.”
According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus.

Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret the ancient Sumerians possessed -- that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system. And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century. Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span. Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?
The Sons of the Law of One ... 210#p34563

Known as the “Shemsu Hor,” (meaning disciples of Horus) noted Egyptologists such as the late Schwaller de Lubicz (1891- 1951) found that pre-dynastic Egypt had no evolutionary development, but rather received its civilization intact from elsewhere. Ancient texts have revealed that these great civilizers were the Shemsu Hor, some of whose skeletons have been discovered at Saqquara, in Egypt. The Shemsu Hor were a fair haired, blue eyed race and taller than the indigenous Egyptians. Curiously, their skulls possessed an astonishing physical characteristic: unlike conventional human skulls, the front and rear halves of the Shemsu Hor skulls did not knit together. In consequence, as the brain grew during infancy, the rear half of the skull was forced backwards.

This pronounced deformation caused the skin to become very taut, thereby giving the Shemsu Hor the facial appearance of a serpent! Very significantly, the deformed Shemsu Hor skulls have been found in regions of the world where ancient structures were constructed with massive stone blocks, e.g. the Giza Plateau, the pyramids of Central America and the Hal Saflini Hypogeum in Malta.

The term “Shem” is of Akkadian derivation, being derived from the Babylonian term “shamash,” meaning “serpent,” Akkadia being the former name of Kurdistan. It is also in these particular regions that Mother Goddess figurines have been found who bear the facial features of a serpent. Interestingly, the Dead Sea scroll entitled “The Testament of Amran,” bears the phrase “… his face was that of a viper.”

According to my own research, the Shemsu Hor descended upon a mountain (almost certainly Mount Hermon) during the global flood and later became known as the Annana, Annanage, Annunakki or Nephilim. According to Sumerian texts, they resided upon the upper slopes of the mountain for many years at a valley they called “Edin,” where they taught various skills to a group of humans known as the “Watchers.” After the floodwaters receded, the Shemsu Hor migrated to Mesopotamia, where they introduced agriculture and other skills to the native hunter/gatherers.

The magnificent civilizing era of the Shemsu Hor in Egypt appears to have ended circa 2250 BCE when a necrophilic priesthood known as the Royal Order of the Dragon became the overlords of the Egyptian populace. From that time on, the Egypt of antiquity lost the technology necessary for constructing buildings incorporating massive stone blocks.

At approximately the same time period that the era of the Shemsu Hor ended in Egypt, the Olmec people of Central America were still primitive jungle farmers until, according to Mesoamerican history, the Olmecs were visited by a tall white-skinned individual possessing fair hair, blue eyes, a white beard and an incredibly elongated head—a perfect description of a Shemsu Hor. In a remarkably short time period, the Olmecs developed a very sophisticated culture and skills which enabled them to construct the first pyramids in Mesoamerica.

The elongated skulls of the Shemsu Hor have been discovered in both of these areas.

The Shemsu Hor not only introduced a new civilization to Egypt, Malta, Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica, they also left us clues that they had an in-depth knowledge of the universal scalar gravitational standing wave and its importance in the cosmological scheme of things, for in addition to offsetting the entrance of the Great Pyramid, the dimensions of its Grand Gallery, King’s Chamber and so-called sarcophagus, are resonant with the geometry of the universal scalar wave, as are the magnificent Gothic cathedrals of Europe.

The latter were designed by initiates of a Mystery School known as the Fraters Solomonis, who not only designed the cathedral interiors to be resonant cavities, but also encoded into the church architecture numerology, alchemy and astrology. By studying the sacred geometry encoded in the architecture of the world’s major pyramids, it becomes self-evident that the profound legacy bequeathed us by the amazing Shemsu Hor is that in order to endure, humanity must establish a civilization whose cultural and technological foundations incorporate a cosmology which is in attunement with the universal logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave.

If planet Earth and perhaps even the entire universe is to survive, modern science and particularly that sector of it beholden to the military industrial complex, must abandon its present irresponsible ways and display competent global stewardship, learning to understand and work with the cosmos instead of against it.

When humanity begins to restart its new civilization sometime after 2012, it’s imperative that the world of commerce adopts ternary logic in order to find true attunement with the cosmos, for both the universal logarithmic scalar standing wave and all of nature incorporates ternary logic. The universal standing wave for instance, has zones of growth, stability and even decay, with which all natural systems within the universe resonate. ... 210#p34665

Amazingly, the UFO community has totally ignored hard evidence of humanoid visitors who arrived on earth more than 5000 years ago. Unlike human skulls, the front and rear halves of their skulls never knitted together.

Consequently, as their brains grew in infancy, the rear half of their head was pushed rearwards, pulling their facial skin taut and giving them the appearance of a serpent (a Dead Sea scroll mentions a similar being). Their skeletons have been found in Sumer, the Giza Plateau, Malta and Yucatan and at the Mayan pyramids. Superstitious Mayans later bound their infants' heads between two boards in an attempt to simulate the skulls.

So much misinformation has been published concerning the Sumerian culture that it's advisable to learn the language and study Sumerian texts oneself. According to the texts, these great civilizers known variously as the El (shining ones) Annana, Annunaki and in the pre dynastic Egyptian texts as the Shemsu Hor (followers of Horus) descended upon the summit of Mount Hermon as the waters of the global flood began to reside and created a community on the upper slopes of the mountain in a grassy plain they named Edin. After a long period of time they migrated to Mesopotamia and created a civilization there.

For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot.

What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.
The Shemsu Hor
In the megalithic temple of Hal Saflienti, in Malta, men with extraordinary cranial volume were buried. These skulls seem to belong to a strange human stock and if properly analyzed, could create an ideal link between the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures and a race of sacerdotal men identified with the snake.

Together, we followed the traces of an ancient story that originated from the presence of megalithic temples dedicated to the Mother Goddess on the island, a thaumaturgic figure, adored in pre-historical times of this island that was to become an important cult center.

The similitude with other similar skulls, from Egypt to South America, the particular deformity, unique in the panorama of medical pathology referred to such distant times, (we are talking about approximately 3000 BC) could be an exceptional discovery. Was that skull a result ancient genetic mutation between different races that lived on that island?

The skulls were all found in the Hal Saflienti hypogeum, where a sacred well was dedicated to the Mother Goddess and where also the small statue of a sleeping goddess was found, associated to a relic with a snake inscription on it. The cranium showed a very pronounced dolichocephalous, in other words, a lengthened posterior part of the skullcap, besides the lack of median knitting, technically named "sagitta". This last detail has been considered "impossible" by medics and anatomists to whom we turned, not having (as far as known) analogous pathological cases in international medical literature.

Malta and Gozo were very important centers since pre-historic times, places where "medical cures" were conducted, oracles and ritual encounters with the priests of the goddess. There, on both the islands, existed many sanctuaries and thaumaturgic centers, where priests surrounded the healing goddess, direct expression of her divinity. It is well known that, in antiquity, the serpent was associated to the goddess and to healing capacities. The snake also belongs to the subterranean world. Therefore, a hypogeum dedicated to the goddess and the water cult was the right place for a sacerdotal group that was defined, in all the most ancient cultures, as the "serpent priests".

Perhaps the skulls found in the hypogeum and examined during our visit to Malta, belonged indeed to these priests. As mentioned before, they present an accentuated dolichocephalous, which is particularly the center of our analysis. The long head and drawn features must have given a serpent-like appearance, stretching the eyes and skin. Lacking the lower part of the exhibit, we can only speculate, but the hypothesis can't be far from reality, a reality worsened buy the fact that such deformities certainly created walking problems, forcing him…to slither! The lack of the cranium's median knitting and therefore, the impossibility of the brain's consistent, radial expansion in the skullcap, did so that it developed in the occipital zone of the cerebellum, deforming the cranium that looked like a single cap from the frontal and occipital area. This must have certainly caused the man terrible agony since infancy, but probably enhanced visions that were considered as being proof of a bond with the goddess.

The skulls we examined are dated 2500 B.C. (but may be even older) a date in which Malta's megalithic history ends, initiating a period of historical darkness and absence of population that will last about 300 years, until the arrival of the Phoenicians. These will begin to make Malta their Mediterranean outpost. The Phoenicians will also erect temples to the Mother Goddess in Malta, calling her Astarte, the snake-faced Goddess. Again we find the representation of a Goddess who is associated with the snake and healing powers, almost as if the Phoenicians wanted to continue an interrupted tradition. But it's the date of 2500 B.C. that presents a fundamental key of interpretation for understanding who these long-headed individuals were and to use it we must move from Malta to nearby Egypt.

This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the "disciples of Horus".

The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos.
The Sons of Belial

The Royal Order of the Dragon ... ourt07.htm
The Hungarian Order of the Dragon is currently registered at the High Court of Budapest as The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order - Ordo Draconis, Sárkány Rend, 1408

Long afterwards, on 13 December 1408 (when England was in her Plantagenet era and the Stewarts were the rulers of Scotland), the fraternal aspect of the Dragon Court was formally reconstituted by King Szigmond von Luxembourg of Hungary at a time of wars and general political turmoil. Having inherited the ancient legacy in 1397, he drew up a pact with twenty-three royals and nobles who swore to observe 'true and pure fraternity' within the 'Societas Draconis' (Society of the Dragon) - a style which later became "Ordo Draconis" (Hungarian: Sárkány Rend - Order of the Dragon), although the Court was by no means a conventional Order in the recognized chivalric sense.

It is recognized that an increasing number of people are searching for the original, uncluttered roots of their faith and for their purpose in society. They are seeking more effective forms of administration to combat the all too apparent slide into social and moral decline. They are, in fact, questing for the Holy Grail. This quest for new enlightenment is considerably heightened by the new millennium and there is a widespread feeling that this should also present a new Renaissance - an era of rebirth wherein the precepts of the Grail Code are acknowledged and practiced - the precepts of liberty, fraternity and equality.
The Dragon Court ... ncourt.htm
"In 1408 the Dragon Court was formally reconstituted as a sovereign body at a time of wars and general political turmoil. The Court's reemergence was instigated by Sigismund von Luxembourg, king of Hungary, a descendant of the Lusignan Dragon Kings of Jerusalem.

Having inherited the legacy in 1397 he drew up a pact with twenty-three nobles who swore to observe 'true and pure fraternity' within the Societas Draconis (later called Ordo Draconis) - Hungarian: Sarkany Rend.

The founding document... stated that members of the Court might wear the insignia of a dragon incurved into a circle, with a red cross - the very emblem of the original Rosicrucis which had identified the Grail succession from before 3000 B.C."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:58 am

The Riddle of the Sphinx ... /Sphinx01/
One night, he and a friend sat around a campfire talking about the rising of Sirius and its relationship with the constellation of Orion. Bauval's friend explained to him how one can find the rising point of the star Sirius on the horizon by following the line created by the three belt stars of Orion - Al Nitak, Al Nilam, and Mintaka - to the horizon. As an afterthought, Bauval's friend also pointed out that the third star in the belt, "Mintaka", was smaller than the other two, and also not quite in line with the other, brighter stars.
The Followers of Horus ... /Sphinx02/
Egyptian religion, like every other ancient religion, was a religion filled with myths and magic, gods, and demigods. However, despite the multiplicity of deities in their ancient religion, and the prominence of fertility rituals in Egyptian rite and cult, the central basis of ancient Egyptian religion was not sexuality, but astronomy.

Though sexuality would later come to dominate Egyptian religion, as ignorance and decadence slowly infected the ancient wisdom of Egypt, ancient Egyptian religion was, at its core, astronomical. All the priests of ancient Egypt were master astronomers, as all the deities of ancient Egypt found their homes not only on Earth, but also in the heavens, in the form of constellations.

It was at Heliopolis that the "Shemsu Hor" - "The Followers of Horus" - kept the knowledge of the ancient Egyptian astronomical religion alive for thousands of years. This ancient priesthood, some believe, had lived in Heliopolis for thousands of years before even the beginning of the historic period in Egypt.

One primary source of information regarding the ancient history of Egypt, the "Turin Papyrus", contains a chronology of the predynastic period in Egypt. What is strange about this list is the mention of the reigns of ten Neteru, or "gods", who reigned for hundreds of years each, for a total of 23,200 years. After this comes a list dedicated to the Shemsu Hor, the Followers of Horus, who reigned a total of 13,400 years. The papyrus then goes on to list the historical kings, those that are commonly accepted as real by mainline archaeology.

Another primary source for Egyptian history, Manetho's History of Egypt, was written in the third century B.C. Manetho, the high priest of Heliopolis at that time, wrote History of Egypt in order to preserve the fast-disappearing Egyptian traditions and culture. Later commentators tell us that it had been divided into three volumes: I. the Gods, II. the Demigods, and III. the Spirits of the Dead and the Mortal Kings. Though the third volume has been used by Egyptologists as the standard reference for the 31 dynasties of Egypt, for some reason the first two volumes have been relegated to the realm of myth and legend.

Dwelling in Heliopolis, the oldest organized religious center in Egypt, the Followers of Horus sought the answers to eternal life in the stars. Their chief concern was recording the passage of time through intense and regular observation of the sun, moon, stars and planets and their movements through the heavens. This was typical of all ancient religion, but what was most intriguing about their astronomy was that the Heliopolitan priesthood understood the concept of precession, the "Great Year" of 25,920 years. Previously thought to be discovered by the Greeks, there is new evidence that points to the fact that the Egyptians were fully aware of Precession and all of its ramifications for the apparent motion of the stars relative to earth. ... /Sphinx03/
The elevation of Orion in the night sky depends on what point Earth is in its precessional cycle of roughly 26,000 years. It is through this relative positioning that Trimble was able to calculate in what epoch the belt stars of Orion were exactly in line with the southern shaft of the King's Chamber (ca. 2500 B.C.). Moreover, it was in this epoch that the southern shaft in the Queen's chamber aligned with the star Sirius, and the northern shafts in the King's and Queen's chambers pointed at the stars Alpha Draconis and Beta Ursa Minor respectively. Beta Ursa Minor was the pole star at that time, as opposed to Polaris, the current pole star. So the shafts in the Great Pyramid were, in effect, markers that used the stars to indicate in what era the pyramids were built; in effect, they were markers in a vast astronomical calendar. Also, note how the Milky Way appears to continue the Nile's path on into the heavens.

Through careful study of ancient Egyptian religious texts, specifically the Pyramid Texts, Hancock and Bauval were able to begin to discern a pattern emerging that involved a "sky-ground" dualism that matched the dualism apparent in the layout of the pyramids and Sphinx. Furthermore, it became increasingly clear that the Heliopolitan Priesthood well understood the concept of precession; it is even possible that it lay at the very heart of their astronomical religion, that precession was one of the "greater mysteries" of their faith. As Hancock and Bauval proceeded in the quest, they discovered that this was indeed the case, and that the entire purpose of the Quest of the Horus King was to use the clues left behind by his ancestors to solve the riddle of the Sphinx, and to find the treasures that the answer to that riddle would reveal.

The Horus-King, in order to find the answer to the riddle, must first, in effect, travel back to the "First Time" -- what the ancient Egyptians believed to be the beginning of their history. It is here, they believed, that the answer to the riddle might be found. Hancock and Bauval explain, "We wonder whether it is possible that the quest of the Horus-King might have had as its ultimate objective the acquisition of knowledge concerning the 'First Time'.

These texts were intended to give the dead Pharaoah instructions on what he needs to do in the afterlife to attain eternal life. However, they believed that these instructions had a very real earthly meaning as well. Hancock and Bauval explain that, according to the Pyramid texts, "We are told that the Horus-King must 'travel upstream' -- i.e., must push against the natural drift of 'time' -- in order to reach Orion-Osiris in his proper 'First Time' setting.

As we saw with the above Orion animation, over millenniums of time, the constellation of Orion appears to literally "move upstream" against the Nile's heavenly counterpart, the "Milky Way". Using this mental image of the constellation of Orion traveling "upstream" (or downstream), the Horus King initiate was able to view in his mind's eye how the stars would look relative to the earthbound observer at any time in history. ... /Sphinx04/
Inevitably, all come to the same conclusion, that the answer to the Riddle of the Sphinx is that the pyramids and Sphinx form a vast, three-dimensional treasure map, where X marks the spot on a mysterious Secret Chamber somewhere in the Giza necropolis. This chamber is believed to house an ancient Hall of Records which contains knowledge of the ancient world before the Flood, so naturally archaeologists, historians, and those interested in history in general are keen to discover the ancient Secret Chamber, if it truly exists.

The ancient Egyptian astronomer priests used their knowledge of astronomy and architecture to lay out the buildings of the Giza necropolis in such a way that their advanced understanding of these disciplines was permanently embedded in them. Furthermore, they believe that the ultimate purpose of the Giza necropolis was to serve as a permanent, three-dimensional "treasure map", that would allow enlightened individuals, in both their time and in the future, to find a "secret chamber" somewhere in the area. In this secret chamber, it is believed, are the records of the ancient world before even Egypt existed, possibly even from the world before the Flood.

In the world before the Flood, it is believed by some, there was an ancient civilization that rivaled ancient Atlantis in power. This ancient empire, that is sometimes referred to as the Osirian Empire, existed 12-15,000 years ago, and encompassed southern Europe, North Africa and the area now filled in by the Mediterranean Sea. The Osirian Empire was contemporaneous with the other mythical ancient empires such as Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean and the Rama Empire which occupied the area now known as India. David Hatcher Childress explains the theory of the Osirian Empire.

According to esoteric tradition, about fifteen thousand years ago, there were a number of highly developed and sophisticated civilizations on our planet, each with a technology that largely surpasses our own.... It is said that at the time of Atlantis and Rama, the Mediterranean was a large and fertile valley, rather than a sea as it is today.
According to Childress, there are currently in existence all over the world ancient esoteric writings that describe the destruction of the Osirian Empire as being closely linked with the destruction of Atlantis.

It is interesting to note, in accord with this theory, that a Temple to Poseidon was located at the tip of Ras El Tin. Atlantis was known to the ancients as Poseid, and Poseidonis or Poseidon, was a legendary king of Atlantis. Similarly, Poseidonis and Osiris are thought to be the same person.

King Nimrod and Poseidon, are just other names for Osiris of Egyptian mythology.

One of the prime factors for believing that all of the most ancient megalithic sites around the Mediterranean were built by one man, Nimrod, is their consistent relationships with the stars, particularly the constellation of Orion. According to the myths, the Greek Orion (or Oarion) was a son of Poseidon. Like Nimrod in the Bible he was a hunter and a giant.

This brings us full circle back to the Quest of the Horus King. We now know that the purpose of the Quest of the Horus King was not for mere wealth or power, but for a knowledge of the ancient Osirian Empire and its secrets which, some believe, included the knowledge of ancient technologies saved from the Flood.

We suggest that one of the major objectives of the unseen academy, whose members were known as the "Followers of Horus", was to "fix" the epoch of 2500 B.C. (i.e., 4500 years before the present) by using the Great Pyramid, its precisely angled shafts, and the stars of Orion's belt. We suggest that they envisaged those stars rather like the gauge of a gigantic sliding scale set across the south meridian. Once this "thought-tool" was in place all they needed to do in order to determine a date either in the past or in the future was mentally to "slide" the belt up or down the meridian from the "zero point" targeted by the southern shaft of the King's Chamber. We also suggest that a second and somewhat similar "thought-tool" was attached to the ecliptic (the apparent annual path of the sun through the twelve constellations of the zodiac). Here the gauge was the vernal point. By mentally sliding it to the left (east) or to the right (west) of a "fixed" marker on the ecliptic the "Followers of Horus" would once again have been able to determine and denominate either a past date or a date in the future.

The question then becomes if the Great Pyramid, and the pyramids in general, were meant to mark the constellation of Orion - specifically, the position of Orion in 2500 B.C. - what was the purpose of the Sphinx? Hancock mentions that the Great Pyramid was the primary tool, to establish a date based upon the fixed time of 2500 B.C. which could then be used as a "sliding gauge" to travel to any point in time, based upon the 26,000-year precessional cycle. He also mentions a second "thought tool" that was based upon the ecliptic, the path that the sun takes through the heavens.

In sum, the Egyptians used a two-stage method of calculating time over thousands of years - using precession, with their massive fixed monuments as reference points. Step one of this process was to find out what constellation rises with the sun at the vernal point in the age you are trying to calculate, then step two, find out where the constellation of Orion sits relative to the 2500 B.C. reference point indicated by the shafts. Step one gives the general time, plus or minus 1,000 years or so, and step two "fine tunes" the date down to the century. As we have discovered, the shafts of the Great Pyramid fix a reference point of 2500 B.C., but is there something on the Giza plateau that gives us a fixed reference point for which constellation? There is - the Sphinx, which represents in its leonine form the constellation of Leo. Together, the pyramids and Sphinx point not to the year 2500 B.C., but the year 10500 B.C. as the time of the foundation of Egypt and the building of the Sphinx. Understanding this, "the Horus-King is now poised to travel back in time towards the age of Leo-Horakhti and to a specific spot on the ecliptic path - "The Splendid Place of the 'First Time' "... 'the place more noble than any other place' ".

In the sky, just before the dawn in 10500 BC., the constellation of Leo was the constellation that accompanied the rising sun. The sun at that time was in the constellation of Leo, sitting just under its "heart", the star Regulus. By itself this is unspectacular but, if we remember that the Giza plateau is an earthly representation of heaven, then the Sphinx must correspond to the constellation of Leo. The key to the riddle appears to be the 10500 B.C. date, but the final question is, what is its significance? We know that in 10500 B.C. the sun rose in the constellation of Leo, just below its front paws. If we are to accept that the Sphinx is the earthly representation of the constellation of Leo, then the Sun must then represent the location of the ancient Hall of Records - the answer to the riddle.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:32 pm

LUCIFER/SIRIUS Rising ... naway.html
In sentence form, this set reads: The Reptilian Gods (Serpents, Dragons, Aliens, Angels, EL, Extraterrestrial) altered the DNA (genes), specifically the pituitary and pineal glands of the original man in the Garden of Eden on Planet Earth (Terra).

The narrative, is essentially chronicling a secret and powerful knowledge of the reptilian devolutionary dimensional descent over cataclysmic cycles, astronomical events, advanced ancient civilizations and sciences, creation of human-reptilian hybrids, and the final march towards genetic evolutionary ascent. A powerful secret that gave birth to the current 'scientific dictatorship' of the Global Elites, encoded mystically in practically all religions and mythologies of the extraterrestrial intervention into mankind's divine resonance and the spiritual doctrine represented in the universally institutionalized worship of the heavenly body of Sirius and its various worldwide historical and cyclical appellations.

It is a diabolical inversion of the divine creative consciousness into a new world of the Other. A new force of evil, depravity, pride, selfishness and ego that has manipulated mankind with the violation of the divine spiritual codes and good moral standards into a sensual integrated fascination with the pleasurable and horrifying symbolic amalgam of monstrosity - giants, demons, beasts, cannibals, vampires, sorcerers -- a transformation of mankind's wholesome nature to the inherent corruption of the matrix construct of our religious, political and economical systems.

Truth be told, the reality of mankind's creation, history and evolution is based primarily on DNA manipulation and control, the genetic engineering and modification of the genotypes of human beings. Our entire history is replete with stories, mythologies and legends from various contrasting cultures of beings described as "Gods" - ancient alien astronauts, serpent/reptilian deities, intergalactic scientists or human-like extraterrestrials who performed genetic experiments and structural changes on the earliest family of Hominids.

The Anunnaki were often depicted as humanoid or reptilian. Sometimes they were shown with bird heads, atop a human body with angelic wings. The archetypes of dragons, reptiles, lizards, snakes and diverse androgynous beings are linked to the various worldwide mythologies of the "Serpent Gods." The ancient records speak of these beings who fell from the spiritual oneness, laws and grace of the divine creative consciousness and became trapped into a cyclical time dimensional matrix, governed by the paradigm of duality.

This fundamental split between the spiritual and material, created a new world, separated from the divine nature and principles embodied in the oneness of the divine source. These fallen beings descended away from this consciousness, utilizing the knowledge and memory of the higher realms to manipulate the genetics of the existing species on Earth to formulate mankind's first primitive forms, experimentations that lacked the moral essence of the infinite divine energy, since it was borne out of rebellion, ego and revolution.

Out of this rebellion came the Nephilim. The ancient sacred texts, legends and myths featured stories about these hybrids: gigantic beings of great stature, strength and lifespan; possessing many of the exceptional wisdom, knowledge and power of their creators.

Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a bright light, light bearer, light bringer and the morning star. Created in the heavenly realms of Shemi Hashamyim, Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus, and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System. Ancient Bible scriptures and codes reveals the eruption of a major war in the Heavens, following Lucifer's rebellion, that destroyed Rahab, splintering it into the debris that currently formulates our Asteroid Belt. Lucifer and the other fallen angels found sanctuary on a planet orbiting the star Sirius C in the Sirius Star System during one of its cyclic convergence with the Solar System. From Sirius and the constellation of the Pleiades, a mysterious supernatural and occult agenda was created against the creations and works of the Divine Creative Consciousness.

Anthropologists, archaelogists and scientists have used the ancient knowledge and secret teachings of the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa to accurately verify the Sirius Star System. In his book, The Sirius Mystery, author Robert Temple provides details of how the Dogons encountered and had contact with an extraterrestrial race of blue amphibious/serpent featured beings called the Nommos, also called the Monitors or Watchers - resonating with the Annunaki and the Nephilim. Temple disclosed that the Dogon's understanding of the general structure and evolution of the universe rests upon the three major stars: Sirius A (Sigi Tolo), Sirius B (Po Tolo) and Sirius C (Emma Ya Tolo) and their relationship with Po, the spiraling black hole at the center of the galaxy.

Sirius is a trinary star system in the eye of the constellation of Canis Major (the Big Dog), and is called the Great Dog Star (God Star) or Orion's Dog. The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A. Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B.

Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women." According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity. The Sirius Star System is considered as the hidden, secret and spiritual Sun and is seen as the Eye Goddess and Tree of the Dragon. Sirius is also symbolized as Iron, Silver Star, the Magician, the Phoenix and the Pentagram.

The Sirian Trichotomy hieroglyph takes us to Chapter 3 of the book of Genesis, in the Bible, where Lucifer is introduced as the Serpent and where the occult agenda starts with the temptation of the woman Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge. A figurative resonance of mankind's genetic engineering with the birth of Sirius C (Horus, the star) from the union of Sirius A (Isis, the dome) and Sirius B (Osiris, the obelisk).

These methods of genetic manipulation and engineering, ascension, transcendence and altered states of consciousness are not part of the divine creative mechanism for the ether-body, and will only serve to advance the Luciferian nature. All deities of the ancient mythologies are ultimately a reflection of Lucifer and Sirius, an enforced and reinforced deception within the spectrum of consciousness keeping mankind in a perpetual state of blindness. All of the ancient religions, cults and mythologies are firmly rooted in Gnosticism of Lucifer, with the celestial objects of the Sirius Star System used allegorically as symbolic representations. Over many centuries, mankind's carnal focus on the elemental aspect of the world has enabled his controllers to implement this matrix and the constructs of control. So, we move from construct to construct (religion to religion, mythology to mythology), never quite understanding that we are living and reliving the choreography of one primary narrative structure -- a great deception that resulted in a progressive atrophy of the spiritual impulse governing mankind's relationship with the divine creative.

In "The Virgin of the World," the Trismegistic treatise from Egypt, Osiris is described as the Dark God, the Lord of the Black Rite. It outlines how the Dark Lord and serpent gods came to Earth to teach mankind civilization and the creation of the mystery religion of the occult celestial secrets. These mysteries were taught to the priestly class of the Magi (Magicians) and the Brotherhood of the Serpent bloodlines, the Stellar Cults.

The Black Rite was and is the essential astronomical and occult knowledge of the existence and transformational effects of the three stars of the Sirius Star System, the Orion constellation and the Pleiades. The occult knowledge of the stellar properties was passed down over time and can be found in the vestiges of the great secret societies and cults from the ancient worlds of Atlantis, Babylon, Sumeria, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome to our modern world. Knowledge was passed down through the immoral rites of initiation, animal and human sacrifice, and symbolic offerings. The Stellar Serpent Cults of the Magicians employed the meta-sciences, astrology, astromancy, the Tarot, the Zodiac, the Kabalistic Tree of Life, sacred geometry and numerology to further the religious and political hierarchies of the elite bloodlines and their secret orders.

The Druids, the Aryans, the Amenists, the Cult of Aton, the Shemsu Hor, the Culdeans, the Merovingians, the Zionists, the Knight Templars, the Davids, the Freemasons, the European Royal Bloodline, the Nazis, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Vatican Church State, the Presidents of the United States, the Federal Reserve and various other groups were agents of this spiritual desecration that perpetuated a war on the consciousness of humanity and the Earth.

Let us take this even further, the occult number for Sirius is 23 within the Law of Fives, since 5 is its root numerological number. Sirius rises in the Constellation of Orion, from behind the Sun on July 23rd. The "Dog Days" of summer begins on July 23rd. Sirius A has a luminosity of 23.5. Sirius A shines at 23 times more brilliantly in the sky, than our Sun. Sirius B revolves 23 times per minute and completely orbits Sirius A every 50 years (2+3=5). Sirius C also orbits Sirius A every 50 years at a different trajectory, since it is four times lighter. The sidereal day for Sirius is 23 hours and 56 minutes, since it rises 4 minutes earlier each night. According to the ancient text, July 23rd was considered as the highest of Egypt's Holy Days. The Dogon characterizes the number 23, as magical. Sirius' rise commences the Sumerian, Egyptian and Dogon New Year on July 23rd. The extraterrestrial Nommos from Sirius first contact with the Dogons was 5,000 years ago. It is believed that the multi-star system of Sirius actually consists of 5 stars - Sirius A, Sirius B, Sirius C, Sirius D, and Sirius E.

The themes of genetic engineering and the apotheosis of man fit perfectly with Sirius, and the numbers 23 and 5. The Bible analogically and metaphorically documents the manipulation of mankind's DNA in the book of Genesis, the Genes of Isis (Sirius), where the 23rd verse of chapter 1 of Genesis brought the fifth day of creation to a close. Man is characterized by the number 5. The separation of man from his "animal side" is considered as perfection. Therefore, 5 is the number of the Perfected Man. 5 is also the number of the Man-God and symbolizes the break of spirit and matter, since 2 is duality and 3 is divinity. Upon the sixth (2 x 3) day, the divine creation was altered where humans now have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with the average menstrual cycle at 28 (23 + 5) days and 23 days in the male sex cycle, on a biorhythm cycle of generally 23 days, taking 23 seconds to circulate blood throughout the entire body, with 23 discs in the spine and 23 joints in the arm, breathing at approximately 23,000 times a day and an average lifespan for each person on planet Earth at about 23,000 days on a Earth axis tilted at a 23.5 degree angle.

These occult rituals of deaths and rebirths really signifies the importance of the Sirius Star System to Earth, because Sol (our Sun) and the Solar System stemmed from the maternal and paternal stars Sirius A and Sirius B. According Dogon mythology, the "Great Mystery of the Ages" is that the Sirius Star System and the Solar System were really one star system. The myths speak of a supernova explosion in the Orion Constellation, followed by a massive implosion of Sirius B. These stellar explosions resulted in widespread catastrophe in the nearby star systems and galaxies, causing the displacement of Suns and other planetary bodies. This traumatic experience was codified within the religious belief systems about the death and rebirth of the Luciferian essence of the Sun God. Ceremonial and sexual rites synchronized with the stellar explosions, symbolized in the veneration of the Goddess Isis, and her husband Osiris, reborn as the infant child Horus.

As a matter of fact, Israel is really the amalgam of the Sirian reptilian gods: Isis, Ra, and El. Note that, ISIS is IS + IS, which reveals the duplicity and polarity of the matrix construct of duality, manufactured collectively by groups like the Invisible College, Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Zionists and the Vatican Church State - - ritual practitioners of the occult mysticism of the Luciferian spirit, "Do what thou wit shall be the whole of the Law."

Jacob's ladder/stairway/stargate is essentially about the cloning of DNA, the formation of the "Serpent of Light" Kundalini. Kundalini and Sirius are both equal to 95 (9+5 = 14, 1+4 = 5, 5 = 2+3 (23)). In Jewish Gematria, Kundalani matches with the Masonic ladder with the number 333. All major religions emanated from the ancient Atlantean/Babylonian Mystery schools. Therefore, the underlying purpose of these religions is a cover within the dualism of the matrix construct for the ultimate goal of planetary engineering and manipulation by the reptilians from Sirius.

This twin, trinity and cross symbolism is related to the Sirius Star System, since Sirius B and C are considered as twins given their orbital period of 50 years. Fifty corresponds to 5 and to 23. It is considered as the number for illumination and ascension. The fourteenth (14, 1+4 = 5, 2+3 = 5, (23)) Arcane of the Tarot associates 50 with the Solar Angel, as well as with the generation and mutation of life (DNA). It also represents the sacred triangle, since it equals to the sum of the squares numbers 9+16+25. Sirius C the Red Star, also called Sorghun by the Dogons, is also called the "Sun of Women." Horus is a fractal of Sorghun. Sorghun, or Sirius C, is accompanied by satellite called the "Star of Women." This satellite is represented by the Trinity Cross Triquetra, in spiraling orbit. The triquetra is a tripartate symbol that formulates the interlocking Vesica Pisces from the intersection of three circles.

The Vesica Pisces aspect is also seen in the trinity of the Orion's Belt - Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka; the grouping of Mars, Venus and the Earth; the grouping of Sol the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn, and the groupings of Rigel, Betelgeuse and Bellatrix - pointers to the Sirius Star System. Hislop explains that Dagon and the other "ancient gods" that followed him were modeled on Nimrod, together with his wife Semiramis and the child Tammuz -- the three-in-one Sun God. Whether or not, this mythology started with Nimrod or Dagon or any other Sun God, the triplicities were common throughout the ancient myths and legends, as occult representation of the regeneration and revival of the Sirius Star System following the interstellar explosions and the effects on our Solar System. The Triquetra/Trinity Cross/Vesica Pisces is really alluding to the orbit of Sirius and especially the "Sun and Star of Women," where the 666 symbolism of the number of the Beast can easily be seen.

This fully illustrates the diverse and pervasive nature of the occult deception of duality, where the gospels of religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism are representational of the same thing as that of the teachings of Witchcraft and the New Age. Therefore, just like how the Vatican Church State created Christianity and Islam, each New Age is really a revival of the Old Age or the ancient mythologies - the works of the Priest Class of Magicians.

What we are looking at a here is a infinite ceremonial stream of magic from the ancient civilizations practiced in coded rituals, symbols and sigils based on the orbit of The Blazing Star of Sirius. Sirius and Sol, our Sun, follows a trajectory relationship over 26,000 years that looks like the DNA strand, a spiral and the movements of the serpent. This convergence of Sol and Sirius is the key to occult worship, as it is believe that Sol was once part of the Sirius Star System and that the current configuration of the Solar System resulted directly from the interstellar explosion on Sirius. It is also believed that Sol and Sirius B were once binary twins.

This is also the key to the mythos about a Planet X or Nibiru - a red dwarf plant on a 3,600 year elliptical orbit with our Solar System - prominently espoused through the interpretations of the Babylonian/Sumerian clay tablets by writer Zecharia Sitchin. This is also the key to the idea of a Messiah or Son of God - a redeemer figure expected by numerous religions to bring forth a rapturous salvation to the world. But the designation of Nibiru as the Planet of the Crossing and the eschatological theories of the return of the Son of God is really about the passage, orbit and convergence of the Sirius Star System that has been "occultified" by this fraternal group of Priest Class Magicians. The Planet or Star of the Crossing is really the "Star of Women" in Sirius -- the Grand Cross that is symbolized in all instances of the Trinity and Cross symbolism since ancient history. This is the esoteric wisdom that has been hidden from the public, Sol's co-orbit with the Sirius Trinity Star System and the previous orbital cycles that caused displacement of Stars, Suns and Planets and gave rise to the occult deification of stellar Gods.

Ancient astrology recognizes that there is this great cycle caused by the Earth's wobble on its axis and one complete wobble is approximately 26,000 (25,920) years. In the Greco-Hellenistic period, there were astrological theories about how the Sun shifts through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, dividing the period into twelve periods or ages or chapters referred to as the World Age doctrine. So this astrological doctrine has to do with our changing angular rotation due to the larger cosmos. Many ancient cultures around the world believe that the Precession of the Equinox results in changes in human consciousness.

I posit that the fascination with the Precession of the Equinox is that the Earth moving with Sol and the entire Solar System is locked in a co-orbit with the Sirius Star System. Therefore, we are part of a binary star system in a never-ending movement with Sirius, in repeated elliptical orbits for 26,000 years.

I use this binary orbit of Sirius and Sol to illustrate how mankind has been trapped into a matrix construct of religions, fables, wild theories and myths, while the truth stays buried. This has been done as part of the occultism of Sirius in fulfillment of the hidden agendas of the Priest Class of Magicians to obscure the ancient advanced science of DNA manipulation, Nephilim hybridization, Earth cycles and the quest to ascend to higher dimensions from a Prison Planet.

The belief in the eventual coming or return of future of a Messiah is a fundamental part of this orchestrated deception. The prophetical teachings of the three main religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism are replete with references and anecdotes of this Messianic era and the End of Days or End Times or End of the World. These eschatology writings illustrates doomsday scenarios of cataclysmic events in the Solar System, devastating Earth changes, global economic and financial collapse, major world wars, and the catastrophic destruction of civilization preceding the Second Coming of a "Savior"

These writings and beliefs of the messianic return of the aforementioned deities or aliens are really a cover story and I will illustrate shortly what is the real agenda. Now, historical records and current events, shows how the Priest Class of Magicians or Serpent Cult uses the legislative offices of the secret government or dark cabal to institute the conditions that would define a tribulation - false flag events; pretexts for war, pseudo-operations and espionage; terrorism; contrived global wars; technologically induced Earth changes and weather manipulation using HAARP; monumentally dangerous experiments by CERN's Large Haldron Collider; geo-engineering through chemtrail poisoning; weaponized biological plagues and vaccination programs; and food shortages, famine, and drought, etc. These conditions will ultimately accelerate towards a crescendo where humanity in a global cathartic movement will welcome alien saviors to dispose of the dark cabal.

It should be noted that in 1660, the Royal Society was borne out of one of the most prominent centres for the initiation into the universal wisdom of alchemy, astrology and mystical sciences, the Invisible College. The Royal Society embodied the goals and principles of Francis Bacon's utopian novel New Atlantis and forged a new era of Rosicrucian Enlightenment with occultists, esotericists, philosophers, and scientists hell-bent on the destruction of Western civilization and the full restoration of the lost civilization of Atlantis.

What we are looking here is not really the disclosure of extraterrestrials and UFOs, but really the final deception in the grand agenda of the Luciferians. Consider that the symbolism of NASA, the Military Industrial complex, the United Nations, and the Royal Society are all a direct reflection of the ancient alien astronauts, the "Serpent Gods" from Sirius, imprinted on every fabric of our lives. Consider too, that the most influential organization in the world, the Vatican Church State, was designed in an "as above, so below" manner to reflect the Divine Trinity of Sirius, the Sacred Cross. They represent the underworld and vibrational energies of Sirius resonating through the pineal and pituitary glands of humanity to synchronize with the matrix construct of the material world. The matrix construct is the control of mankind's DNA.

The recent scandals and crisis over the cases of ritual sex abuse by Catholic priests and nuns is a mere symptom of the evil and wickedness that has been sanctioned and institutionalized from its earliest inception as the Priest Class of Magicians for the Fish/Serpent God Dagon/Nimrod/Oannes to the incarnations at Atlantis, Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome to the crusades and inquisitions.

You see, the Pope or the Holy See is the Vicar of these Serpent Gods, and the Vatican symbols and policies represent the DNA manipulation, engineering and cloning through the pineal and pituitary glands in a effort to manipulate ascension during the 2012 window of the Sirius-Sol convergence.

According to the psychic Ellie Crystal of Crystalinks, "Our solar system is born in from the womb of Isis. Sirius B, which is Isis, is made of iron. The iron of Sirius B is the same as the iron in our blood and the iron of Earth and of our solar system. Sirius is our blood. We resonate to her. She is older than our solar system, which is a combination of interstellar debris, including the gas clouds, our sperm of Osiris/Orion. The iron in our blood comes from Sirius, its position in the sky, could thus be considered to resonate to Sirius's position of influence. Iron is the only true magnetic element. Sirius has a unique relationship to us. The difference between the mass of our Sun and the mass of Sirius is a harmonic and universal miracle. Sirius B has a ratio mass difference to our sun of 1.053. This becomes significant when we look at the Giza plateau."

This ratio mass relationship of 1.053 brings us squarely back to the Triquetra symbol, which is composed of three intersecting arcs of the Vesica Pisces. On the Triquetra, the Divine number of 153 is obtained based on the height to width ratio of each Icthyi - 1.73205. The Icthyi was also used to symbolize the vulva of the Goddess as well as the swallowing of the penis of the God Osiris. I have also noted that it bears a remarkable resemblance to the DNA strand.

Whether ascension is to a higher realm or back to the original dimension from this devolutionary state, it must go through the Stargate of the Womb of the Vulva.

The divine number is 153, representing the sacred stargate of the divine vulva; the key to the ascension is genetic evolution and engineering. The divine number and the trinity or 3 intersecting arcs reveal 153 x 3 = 459, 4 + 5 + 9 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9.

This fits within the Blueprint of Revelation 13 verse 18 and the rise of the Beast and with the Merkaba of the Eastern Star. Of course the Eastern Star is Sirius. 144 Facets is seen on the penta-dodecahedron. The dodecahedron contains 12 major Pentacles with 60 Facets, plus the truncated pentagons give you 72. Doubled this reveals 144.

According to the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Hopi Indians at the end of the next cycle, life will graduate into light form. Ascension into Christ Consciousness is 144.

Ergo, this relates to ascension to the Fifth Dimension during the Sirius-Sol convergence in 2012. This makes even more sense since Satanism refers to the number 9 as representational of Creation, the Epochs and the Ages. Freemasons considers it the eternal number of human immortality and completion.

According to Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, 33 and its extension 333 represent the resurrection and ascension from death like the Phoenix. In a handmade drawing of King Solomon's signet ring to show the deep meaning of 3, 33, and 333 a crude illustration of the Star of David is revealed. The drawing signifies the escape of the death/reincarnation cycle or the Sirius-Sol convergence through ascension -- the birth, death and reincarnated cycle of the Garden of Eden. 333 is half of 666. As I have said before, 333 in Jewish Gematria is Kundalini and the Masonic ladder.

In our present state of amnesia, we subscribe fervently to the teachings and philosophies that emanate from religious strongholds, not understanding that we are witnessing the masking by the Luciferian Priest Class of Magicians of the devolutionary history of this world, the DNA hybridization and the post-humanism evolution towards the ascension of the "Serpent Gods."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:44 am

Hollow cathode plasma source for active spacecraft charge control ... ision=-203
A prototype plasma source spacecraft discharge device has been developed to control overall and differential spacecraft surface charging. Such charging phenomena have contributed to many satellite operating anomalies and systems malfunctions. The plasma source is based on a unique hollow cathode discharge, where the plasma generation process is contained completely within the cathode. This device can be operated on argon, krypton, or xenon and has a rapid cold start time of less than 4 s. The discharge system design includes a spacecraft‐discharge/net‐charge sensing circuit which provides the ability to measure the polarity, magnitude, pulse shape, and time duration of a discharging event. Ion currents of up to 325 μA and electron currents ranging from 0.02 to 6.0 A have been extracted from the device. In addition, the spacecraft discharge device successfully discharged capacitively biased plates, from as high as ±2500 V, to ground potential, and discharged and clamped actively biased plates at +5 V with respect to ground potential during ground simulation testing.
Satellite Charge Control with Lithium Ion Source & Electron Emission ... =ADA490909
The Ion Proportional Surface Emission Cathode (IProSEC) is a low-brightness cathode technology under development for applications where large areas are available for emission and it is advantageous to avoid the space charge effects associated with bright or intense sources. Space applications include spacecraft charge control and electrodynamic tethers.

Surface Emission Cathodes emit electrons by concentrating an electric field between a pdoped insulating substrate and an adjacent metal cathode element. The substrate potential is held positive of the cathode with gate elements. In plasma, the gate is eliminated due to ambient ion flux which maintains the substrate potential near plasma ground. Prototype devices have been tested using a laboratory plasma source achieving sustained and stable operation over a wide bias voltage for a given ion flux. Chip-based sources are compared to carbon nanotube mats. The principle of operation, ion flux proportionality, and prototype performance is discussed.
Rewriting Scriptures with a technological flair ;)

Hidden Truths of Lucifer and Satan star colonies associates with Earth ... Earth.html
There is/was a cathode satellite star facility functioning as a negative ion collector and transmitter as well as a domicile city and a central control center.

This cathode satellite city of light is/was the power source sustaining and controlling works of a surface based pyramid power facility and it is the land based pyramid facility which among other things controlled the over all program of a large size matrix range of illusion.

This particular cathode satellite ion collector has been referred to as the Satan and so are those of that satellite city and the governing representative of their satellite star. Such satellite cities are enclosed in a cloaking shield of light making their presence appear to be a star light in distant space.

Righteous meaning that this glowing mass of plasma energy … was established with proper procedures which was done so by the calling in play of a Positive Charge Mass of electrical charged energy.

Such a Positive Charge Mass of electrical energy is seeded with coded nano-crystals ….

Works of these nano-crystals first materializes the development of an ion collector and transmitter in a white orb generating a heavy electrical charge of static electricity ...

Works of the ion collector/transmitter inside the orb did formulate the full mass of an ignited plasma sun/mass and was done so by commands of the Master Creator of Creations.

The ion collector having an automatic control system inside the white orb remains as the center of the righteous plasma sun mass.

Know that the righteous god/sun was born by works there in a special clean chamber there in the earth/core facility and was jettisoned out and traveled to set as that Divine god/sun called Ra.

It was this sun which was the first and original Light source of this solar region. Before this plasma of light was given, this solar region within this the 7th Plane was in total darkness.

This Light was given to this world after the fall of man from their higher dimensional worlds.

The righteous god/sun was a non electron plasma compound which in time actually spat out a second ball of plasma energy which was the god/Ra’s associated Lucifer Satellite moon Star facility … functioning as an anode transmitter …

Every such Satellite Star facility came with it’s own mystical sarcophagus which was DNA coded for the materializing of an androgynous King and this androgynous King was so called Lucifer.

12:9 And the great dragon (the renegade leviathan reptilian mothership) was cast out, that old serpent, (satellite light source control center) called (activated and summoned) the Devil, (the lightless digital consciousness) and Satan, (ancient surface pyramid power facility) which deceived the whole world: he (the renegade leviathan reptilian mothership) was cast out into the earth, and his (the serpent satellite light source, control center‘s) angels (guardian space crafts) were cast out with him (the ancient surface pyramid power facility).

12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God (sun’s self sustained source of energy and power), and the power of his Christ (Satellite ion collector and transmitter): for the accuser (the confronting source repelling signals) of our brethren is cast down, which accused (confronted and repelled signals from) them before our God (sun’s self sustained source of energy and power) day and night.

12:11 And they overcame (accelerated frequencies higher than) him by the blood (electrical charged plasma energy) of the Lamb, and by the word (signal frequency of characterized codes transmitting) of their testimony (evidence and proof); and they loved not their lives unto the death.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by KeepitRealMark » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:37 am

Roswell... be serious.

There is not the tiniest bit of credible evidence that any life form has ever landed on this planet.
No aliens managed to navigate through all the space debris from light years away, just to crash land on a power pole in Roswell N.M. No aliens have ever abducted any farmers from Wisconsin, just to do a Rectal exam on them and then leave. No aliens have come here just to copy us humans making Crop Circles in a hay field in England. No alien is ever going to find the gold album we sent up in space and play it on their Victlora. I agree with Don Henley from ”The Eagles” when he said… “Theyr'e not here, they're not coming”.
Aliens are like Ghosts, when you see a real one, bring him over to my place, I’ll have some questions to ask them.

We must except the fact that we are here on planet earth… and won’t be getting any visitors from outer space.

Call us… Lucky to be here.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:40 am

Were the Shemsu Hor Atlantean survivors? What caused their “deformities”? Did these “genetic changes” result from catastrophic climatic changes on Earth such as a pole shift and changes in gravity? Were they the result of radioactive fallout due to a nuclear war that caused the sinking of Atlantis? Or were these people “genetically-engineered beings” such as the Serpent People, the Nagas or Nephalim?) who worshiped the “fire god” of Atlantis?

What was the “falling star” mentioned in the scrolls that destroyed the “serpent people”? Was the "falling star" Maldek/Rahab/Nibiru/Lucifer?

Malta: The Skulls of the Mother Goddess ... skulls.htm
Books written by the two Maltese doctors, who since our first day in Malta helpfully provided us the necessary documentation for our research, illustrate a collection of skulls that show peculiar abnormalities and/or pathologies: sometimes inexistent cranial knitting lines, abnormally developed temporal partitions, drilled and swollen occiputs as following recovered traumas, but above all, a strange, lengthened skull, bigger and more peculiar than the others, lacking of the median knitting. Was that skull a result ancient genetic mutation between different races that lived on that island?

The cranium showed a very pronounced dolichocephalous, in other words, a lengthened posterior part of the skullcap, besides the lack of median knitting, technically named "sagitta". It is a characteristic that emphasizes the anomaly of this finding with the result of producing a natural lengthening of the cranium in the occipital area.

As mentioned before, they present an accentuated dolichocephalous, which is particularly the center of our analysis. The long head and drawn features must have given a serpent-like appearance, stretching the eyes and skin. Lacking the lower part of the exhibit, we can only speculate, but the hypothesis can't be far from reality, a reality worsened by the fact that such deformities certainly created walking problems, forcing him to slither! The lack of the cranium's median knitting and, therefore, the impossibility of the brain's consistent, radial expansion in the skullcap did so that it developed in the occipital zone of the cerebellum, deforming the cranium that looked like a single cap from the frontal and occipital area. This must have certainly caused the man terrible agony since infancy, but probably enhanced visions that were considered as being proof of a bond with the goddess.

Some were more natural and harmonic than the cranium that mostly gained our attention, but they still presented a pronounced natural dolichocephalous and we could assume, without fear of refutation, that it is distinctive of an actual race, different to the native populations.

One of these skulls showed unequivocal signs of surgical intervention in the occipital area. The outlines of three small holes, made in the occipital bone called inion had time to cicatrize; therefore the patient survived the operation although such intervention surely would have undermined his motorial faculties.

A fair part of the 7000 skeletons dug out present artificially performed deformations.
A skeleton shows clear signs of intentional deformation through bondage. These deformations occurred for various reasons: initiations, matrimonies, solar rituals or punishments for social crimes or transgressions. All the tribal apparatus of incisions, perforations, partial or total removals, cauterizations, abrasions, insertions of extraneous bodies in muscles, like the modification of bodies for magical, medical or cosmetic purposes, were part of cruel practices in such, but "with the best intentions" for the community. Why such persistence in tormenting one's own body? Was there any connection between the tribal rituals and the men of the lengthened cranium?

Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971), the famous Egyptologist, author of "Archaic Egypt", who excavated at Saqquara in the 30's discovered the remains of individuals who lived in pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull, larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt but had performed an important sacerdotal and governmental role in this country. This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the "disciples of Horus". The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos.

Emery writes: "Towards the end of the IV millennium B.C. the people known as the Disciples of Horus appear as a highly dominant aristocracy that governed entire Egypt. The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the pre-dynastic tombs, in the northern part of Higher Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with bigger skulls and builds than the native population, with so much difference to exclude any hypothetical common racial strain.

The fusion of the two races must have come about in ages that concurred, more or less, with the unification of the two Egyptian Kingdoms". Therefore, what occurred in Malta is also reflected in Egypt.

It is an interesting correlation that in Egypt, the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi". "Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, not Egyptian, deriving from the Babylonian term for the sun which is "Shamash". This proves that the Shemsu Hor came from the fertile half-moon area. An umpteenth correlation is the fact that this sacerdotal long-skulled caste disappeared in Egypt, as in Malta in the same period, which is between 3000 and 2500 B.C.

Emery is convinced that a third nucleus was present in the Euphrates zone, becoming part of the Arian stock known as Mithans, who the Egyptians called "Naharin" … "Those of the Snake" (from Nahash, snake). The Mithans, who occupied a part of the Kurdistan area, were Abraham's people whose description is analogous to that of the Shemsu Hor made by Emery (fair hair and robust build).

The "serpent priest" tradition originates in the Middle East, with its foremost center right in Kurdistan, where at about 5000 B.C. the matriarchal culture of Jarmo represented the mother goddesses as divinities with faces of vipers and lengthened heads. These divinities will successively be associated with the "fallen angels" or Nephelims, that are most explicitly cited in the "Testament of Amran" in the Qumran scrolls in which is written: "One of them was of terrifying aspect, like a snake and his mantle was multicolored" and also "his face was that of a viper and he wore all his eyes".

It concerns, in our opinion, not divinities in the strict sense, but individuals in sacerdotal or shaman expression, belonging to a highly developed and profoundly wise culture that had relationships with lesser-organized societies of the period. Its members were considered as "half-gods" for the knowledge they possessed, just like in Egypt with the Shemsu Hor.

Analogous viper-faced statues of mother goddesses are found in the land of the Nile, dating back exactly from the archaic period of the Shemsu Hor. It can be therefore concluded that these serpent-priests were the most ancient race that first occupied the fertile half-moon area (particularly Anatolia and Kurdistan) and Egypt (following migrations dating back 6000-4000 B.C. until reaching Malta to disappear around 2500 B.C. but this culture survived in the Middle East and probably included one of the most famous and yet mysterious pharaohs of Egypt. It concerns the Mithans and the pharaoh Akhenaton. He was portrayed in his statues and bas-reliefs (and with him, the whole royal family) as an individual of lengthened head and human face but with serpent-likeness, characteristics found in the pre-dynastic Egyptian stock mentioned by Emery, besides being the exact representation of the features of the Nephelims and probably the long-skulled individuals of Malta. The craniums of the Amarnian dynasty statues and the Malta craniums result as being practically identical, a not so fortuitous fact, and also proved by the X-rays of Tuthankamon's skull, Akhenaton's son, which showed a dolichocephalous cranium.

Substantially, the Maltese craniums are the relics, archeologically still not understood, of a sacerdotal race that, in Egypt and Malta, from archaic ages, survived till 2500 B.C. It's the group that created the religious and spiritual sub-strata that characterized the greatest civilizations of the Old World, from long ago (600 B.C. or even earlier). This group continued in the Middle East and somehow returned in Egypt around 1351 B.C. giving birth, through the heretic pharaoh Akhenaton, to a religious reform that aimed to restore the ancient order. And if the hypothesis that this pharaoh was linked someway to the figure of Moses is accepted, then the rest is history.

Malta is a platform, an elevation of the sea floor that has showed its want to immerse more than once. Thirty-five pre-historic temples distributed on the two major islands, Malta and Gozo and many others actually submerged by the sea, make one think of a catastrophe that must have happened here around 3000-2500 B.C., something that left its sign. Some local archeologists, including the already mentioned Dr. Anton Mifsud and Dr.Charles Savona Ventura, consider this cataclysm to be the real cause of the Atlantis legend's birth, the history of which would re-emerge from a number of relics of the island's mysterious megalithic past. The population that created extraordinary structures of giant stones at a certain point of the island's history just disappeared.

Two-hundred-and-fifty years of darkness actually characterize the story of these people until the arrival of the new populations that successively occupied Malta. What had determined such an immense catastrophe?

However, we know from the Leningrad Papyrus, (a hieratic scroll dated 1115 B.C. conserved at the Hermitage museum) an Egyptian document composed around 2000 B.C., dating back to the XII dynasty, that a serpent populace was destroyed by a "star falling from the heavens". Only one survived on an island "destined to be completely submerged". What is this strange fable? Was it the record of a catastrophe that destroyed a particular Mediterranean region? The myth also connected the serpents to the figures of Mother Goddesses such as Tanit, Innanna, Isis and Eve. They are feminine divinities that carry the baton of a culture to which the snake brings wisdom, medical, scientific and esoteric knowledge.

But a doubt arises: couldn't these serpents rather be human beings of strange physical form, perhaps even a handicap? Mythology is full of weird beings that often seem more likely clinical cases than true divinities.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:51 am

Did nuclear warfare bring an end to Atlantis?

What was the name of the Serpent People’s strange planet that intruded into our solar system?

Underground Cities ... ter7-4.htm
We have indicated previously that the subterranean cities of Agharta were constructed by Atlanteans as refugees from the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war they fought, and also referred to Huguenin's theory that flying saucers were Atlantean aircraft which were brought to the Subterranean World prior to the occurrence of the catastrophe that sank Atlantis. The abandonment of their former home on top of the four-sided sacred mountain in the center of Atlantis (Mount Olympus or Meru, later memorialized by the four-sided, truncated pyramids of Egypt and Mexico) and their skyward journey over the Rainbow Bridge of the Aurora Borealis, through the polar opening, to the new home in Walhalla, the golden palaces of the city of Shamballah, capital of Agharta, the Subterranean World.

Whereas, in the days of Atlantis, flying saucers flew in the Earth's outer atmosphere, after they entered the Subterranean World they continued to fly in its internal atmosphere in its hollow interior. After the Hiroshima atomic explosion in 1945 they rose again to the surface in numbers, seeking to avert a nuclear catastrophe. The tragedy that befell Atlantis was due to its scientific development running ahead of its moral development, resulting in a nuclear war, which heated the atmosphere, melted polar ice caps and brought on a terrific deluge that submerged the continent. A group of survivors, led by Noah, found refuge in the highlands of Brazil (then an Atlantean colony), where they constructed subterranean cities, connected by tunnels to the surface, to prevent destruction by radioactive fallout and flood.

According to Plato's account, Atlantis was submerged by a series of inundations which came to a climax about 11,500 years ago. Some four million inhabitants lost their lives. Those who were more spiritual and were forewarned escaped in time to Brazil, where, it is claimed, they or their descendants still live in subterranean cities.

In this connection it is interesting to refer to Jules Verne's book, "A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH," which presents a similar conception of the earth's formation as did Gardner's book by a similar name. Verne describes a party of explorers who entered a volcanic shaft, and after traveling for months, finally came to the hollow center of the earth, a new world with its own sun to illuminate it, oceans, land and even cities of Atlantean origin. Verne believed that prior to the destruction of Atlantis, some of the Atlanteans escaped and established subterranean cities in the earth's hollow center. Since most of Verne's predictions were later verified, it is possible that this one also will be - but not by entering a volcanic shaft, but by an aerial expedition through the polar openings into the hollow interior of the earth.

One of the early German settlers in Santa Catarina, Brazil wrote and published a book in old German, dealing with the Subterranean World, deriving his information from the Indians. The book described the Earth as being hollow, with a sun in its center. The interior of the earth was said to be inhabited by a disease-free, long-lived race of fruitarians. This Subterranean World, the book claimed, was connected by tunnels with the surface, and these tunnels, it was claimed, open mostly in Santa Catarina and surrounding parts of South Brazil.

The Russian explorer, Ferdinand Ossendowski, author of "Beasts, Men and Gods," claims that the tunnels which encircle the earth and which pass under the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, were built by men of a pre-glacial Hyperborean civilization which flourished in the polar region at a time when its climate was still tropical, a race of supermen possessing scientific powers of a superior order, and marvelous inventions, including tunnel-boring machines we know nothing about, by means of which they honeycombed the earth with tunnels.

"More than six thousand years ago, he said, a holy man disappeared into the earth accompanied by a tribe of people and never returned to its surface. This inner world was also visited by various other men, as Cakya-Muni, Undur-Ghengen Paspa, Baber and others. No one knows where they found the entrance. Some say it was in Afghanistan, others say it was in India. ... 660#p42251

The explanation centers around 500 warrior-colonists who left Germany in the 16th century and were presumed to have perished 4,000 miles up the Amazon River. The existence of those ancient adventurers was forgotten. Allied agents searching for Hitler's lost minions in the late 1940s unknowingly found descendents of the 16th century colonists whose current presence in that hemisphere actually changed the outcome of World War II, an astounding revelation still kept hidden from press and public.

The adventure in question began in 1572 when a select and hardy group of about 500 German colonists originating mainly from the Dukedom of Sax-Coburg, and including recruits from Bavaria and East Prussia, were hired as soldier-mercenaries by Sebastian I, King of Portugal, to man a garrison up the Amazon River. The German soldiers were allowed to bring their wives, for after building the fort and doing garrison duty they were to be given land grants in the interior of what is now Brazil. The families were mainly Lutheran who had been subject to Catholic persecution.

Eventually, the white men stumbled upon a cave entrance into the side of a mountain. Fighting a rear-guard action, the German remnant was saved and also their livestock and possessions. Because the Indians were terrified of the cave spirits, they abandoned the siege and left. The hole in the side of the earth became a refuge for those white men.

The leader of the original survivors of the 1572 Indian attacks was a German named Von Luckner. It was he who also organized the tunnel escape and unknowingly led the remnants of his party through the fissures in groups of 30, deep into the earth where several months later they found a huge, faintly lit cavity of approximately 75 square miles.

At that time these colonists were a lost civilization. As a group they would never return to the surface.

From the first settlement of Von Luckner, a group under the leadership of a man named Wagner moved further into the tunnel. They located another cavity where a settlement was started under Wagner's surname.

From the seclusion of the numerous tunnel off-shoots, the Germans were frequently attacked by a subterranean race of creatures who tried to kill them as had the Indians on the surface. At one point, these "evil ones" or "Sons of Satan," as the colonists nicknamed them, walled-up the community of new German arrivals. Germans who still dwell in these original interior cities say the interior of the earth's mantle is filled with many cities inhabited by the "evil ones."

These Germans who have now lived in the tunnel cities below South America for over 400 years, contend that the entire mantle of the earth is filled with different races of rock dwellers who went underground for survival after different surface upheavals or floods which occurred during the former pre-adamite and postadamite civilizations.

Then on the 75th year of their forced sojourn, their scouting parties broke out into the “promised land”. As the first guides looked about, they beheld unending sky, trees and rolling land. But more fascinating, everything was bathed in light from a faint man-made orb that hung in a real sky.

Some time later, contact was made with the occupants of this new land who advised the German explorers that they had descended to the inside of the earth where hundreds of millions of peaceful people lived who shunned surface dwellers. The new Atlanteans which they were called moved through the air in magical, silent, round winged craft and drove four wheeled vehicles. These people had an advanced civilization which the amazed Germans recognized was hundreds of years ahead of the surface civilization their fathers had left years before.

Also amazing to the Germans, the new Atlanteans had an ageless longevity span with no noticeable traces of old age in their bodies, no ancient furrows in their facial features and no senility in their mannerisms. What was missing was the presence of old people, the Germans quickly noted.

Yet another surprise awaited the tunnel Germans. The Atlanteans or Atturians called in advisors from another Inner World continent named Bodland in order to further apprise the new immigrants. The Inner World Bodlanders and newly arrived tunnel Germans from the Upper World had the same root language!

The tunnel Germans heard a story of how the Bodlanders some 30,000 years earlier had sought refuge in underground tunnels when attacked by a vicious race which had come out of the sky in space craft using superior weaponry to destroy their cities and kill their people by the millions. Only a few thousand survivors were left and they were pursued into mountainous caves. The calamity had occurred in what is today Iran, Pakistan and Syria, which was once peopled by a race of fair people who called themselves Bacchis and later changed to Bods. Many years later the Bods reached the Inner World via tunnels and pockets in the earth's mantle.

"Citizens of Bodland: As you are already aware, a delegation of fellow German kin folk from the Earth's Upper surface is visiting the leaders of our nation. These visiting Germanic speaking people from the surface call themselves citizens of the Third Reich, have a common ancestry with us dating back 30,000 years at least when we existed together on the surface, where our history teaches we dwelt principally as a great nation in what is called Persia since former times (and currently named Iran). Our ancestors also occupied other adjoining lands in this area of the world including what is today called India, Pakistan, Afganistan, Syria, etc., all of which are now peopled by non-Germanic peoples.

"The cradle of our race, of course, was in the Antarctic from which our ancestors migrated to Persia (Iran) when the Antarctic area slowly became frozen over with ice which is now two miles thick.

"But completing the story of our ancient history, you know our surface nation was destroyed and our people hunted and killed by the millions when a vicious race from another planet named “The Serpent People" landed among us from spacecraft. Many of our ancestors were driven into caves for survival, where for many years they remained. They were never able to return to their native lands occupied by the alien invaders whom our astronomers believed came from a strange planet which intruded into our solar system and also caused the earlier ice age over our original lands. ... &start=630

Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret that the ancient Sumerians possessed–that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system. And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century. Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span. Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:59 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:55 am

The Tribe of Dan ... naan05.htm
Evidence now shows us that prior to the deluges great and high tech civilizations existed. One of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, said this was a culture who cracked the genetic code and possessed the keys of the physical spectrum, the "Higher Light Physics" of the ancients. After the departure of the Anunnaki, much of the information was lost. What wasn't has been secretly and selfishly guarded by the 'keepers of knowledge' which is of course the shepherd kings of the Anunnaki.

The knowledge that has been preserved has been used by the 'elite' to create illusions, fulfill prophesy and manipulate the masses. In essence the 'elite bloodlines of today' are the self proclaimed 'gods' of the ancient times. The basic rule of thumb... knowledge is power... and the 'elite bloodlines' have this knowledge thus the power...

They will not share it with us because by doing so it will take away their 'god-like' status. After all what would the world come to if we all were given the knowledge and power of a god? Well... what has the world come to allowing the 'elite' i.e. as the Bush's and other members of One World Government to have and use all this power? Our moral structure, our social structure and our economic structure is all based on a house of cards, a foundation built on lies to the public.

As was promised, all things shall be revealed in the end days. Careful scientific examination of the world's key pyramid sites reveal them to be sophisticated harmonic structures, not only mirroring positions of the planets and stellar systems but, designed to mimic the chakras and harmonic cavities of the human body.

The knowledge of Thoth/Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form; as the Bible tells us, "We may become greater than angels". The Egyptians record stories of the "Star Walkers", occasional individuals who, like Enoch, traveled "beyond the Great Eye of Orion" and returned, to walk like gods amongst men.

Despite the bleaching of semi-divine beings from modern consciousness, could it be possible, as the ancient texts insist, we are destined to "become as gods"? Are the Mayan "Lords of Light" and the Egyptian/Tibetan "Shining Ones" really a higher form of human or a hybrid (alien god/man)?

According to many earth legends, such beings, sometimes called Avatars, are supposed to return regularly, at the beginning and end of each time cycle, the 13,000 year half-point of our solar system's 26,000 year zodiacal orbit around galaxy centre. Because of conditions on our galactic orbit, these 13,000 year intervals or "worlds" seem to be separated by cataclysmic upheaval.

According to the "calendar in stone" of the Great Pyramid which describes the so-called "Phoenix Cycle" of our galactic orbit, the present time period ends (converted to our present calendar) in the year 2012 AD. The Greek word PHOENIX, derived from the Egyptian word, PA-HANOK, actually means, "The House of Enoch". This does NOT mean the world will end... but the Age. We should then be entering the Age of Aquarius... an Age which promises to be filled with Hope and Love. We have now entered this Age.

The Enochian knowledge suggests these regular cataclysmic changes act as an evolutionary agent provocateur, to quicken the resident life forms to the next evolutionary phase, prior to exodus from the womb planet. The evidence now appearing, records civilizations before us, who mastered the physical continuum and progressed beyond this world.

The Anunnaki, self proclaimed gods, came to earth for colonization and mining. Through advanced knowledge of genetics, they were able to genetically engineer a slave race. Not only were the people of earth genetically altered for slave status but were used as sex toys and breeders by the 'bored' gods to fight their battles and be a food and energy source for the gods of old.

The gods produced a hybrid god race to 'care' for their creations as shepherds would care for their flocks. These 'hybrids' were given the 'secrets' and protection of the gods in exchange for their services, loyalty and reverence. This Kingship line was made by breeding Anunnaki into earthlings producing a high concentration of Anunnaki blood within the line.

Cain for example, the first to start the Kingship line (Cainship) was at least 75 per cent Anunnaki. Another name for them that the Christians may be more familiar with is the 'Shepherd' Kings. This line then went on to produce what we know today as the 'blue blood' lineage, always interbreeding within the Anunnaki families to maintain the purity of blood status.

There are many ancient stories that indicate the existence of underground cloning and genetic laboratories. And more stories of extraterrestrial races interbreeding with the women of earth.

Following is an excerpt from T.W. Samsel's 'The Atlantis Connection'.

"The human race has been influenced and controlled since approximately 70,000 BCE or midway through the Lemurian/Atlantean Age. This involved several extraterrestrial groups and should not be attributed to a single group in and of itself. There were the three main participants in the direct contact program who initiated this type of manipulation and others. That the "reptilians" performed a similar research, for their own purposes and even infiltrated the federation’s project security, most likely did take place."

The Book of Dzyan tells of the Sarpa or Great dragons that came from the skies to bring civilization to the world. The deluge that ended the Golden Age wiped out a race of 'giants' but the serpent gods survived and returned to rule. They were described as having the face of a human, but the tail of a dragon.

The Indian-Hindu name for Anunnaki Hybrids was Nagas.

Jame Churchward also described a reptilian type race such as what is described by the Dzyan and Indian Hindu. Churchward said the Nagas came from Lemuria.

Like the Nommo from Sirius and the Annedoti of Babylonia legend, the Nagas were said to have a close connection to water and entered their underground centers through wells, lakes and rivers. The Nagas were said to be the offspring from the interbreeding of humans with the serpent gods.

According to Indian Epics the reptilian Nagas intermingled with the white people and although their relationship was often one of conflict and distrust, the two interbred to produce a reptilian-mammal hybrid that became the 'Aryan kings! These are the 'divine' royal bloodlines or demi-gods and are the same bloodlines that ruled ancient Sumer.

In the late 19th Century Churchard was shown ancient tablets in the secret vault of a monastery in northern India. They told the story of how the Naacals or Nag Mayas (serpents) from the continent of Lemuria (MU) had traveled to India via Burma to establish a colony there. These tablets described the destruction of MU, the motherland, and how the Naga Mayas or Nagas had traveled to India.

Churchward says that the Nagas also populated China, Tibet and parts of Asia which is very likely... and that their goddess religions were also the origin of the Maya people of Mexico.

Researcher Michael Mott, in "Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures" writes,
"The Nagas are described as a very advanced race of species with a highly developed technology. They harbor a disdain for human beings, who they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with and even to eat. The interbreeding has supposedly left a wide variety of forms, ranging from completely reptilian to nearly human in appearance."

As you see the serpent or reptilian lineage can be found on every continent, many times interbreeding with humans that have been interbred with Nordics, which carries the blonde hair and blue eyed traits. These Nordic features are for some reason very desirable to the Serpent cultures and as legend goes 'to be descended from Noah' is a code for the illuminati bloodlines.

Through the study of the works of James Churchward and Mark Pinkham (The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom) we can further trace the lineage of Dann back to Lemuria and Atlantis.

A branch of the Atlanteans and Lemurians, called the Carians (Carian = "Serpent Sea People of the Atlantean Fire God"), the Eus-Cara (same meaning as Carians) and the Tuaraks ("Serpent People of the All Glorious Fire God") colonized the planet. The Tuarkes became the Tuaraks who settled in North Africa with the Atlantean knowledge; the Eus-Cara became the Basques of Spain; and the Carians became known as the 'Phoenicians'. (Churchward also documents the Carians in the Americas.)

The Taureg people of North Africa today, descendents of the Tuarkes, have allowed some visitors to see their ancient cavern systems in the Ahaggar Mountains where they have murals of their Atlantean ancestors holding snakes and swords with tridents on the blades.

The system of underground tunnels was encircling the whole planet. The western tunnel network had its beginning under Atacama desert in Chile and went in direction of Tiahuanaco - Cuzco - Mount Shasta - Grand Tetons, under American mainland and under Atlantic ocean towards Atlas mountain range in western Africa and then under Ahaggar/Tibesti mountain ranges towards their final station - the Giza pyramids.

One important center was under Mato Grosso region in Brazil, where Agartha had strong connection with Atlantean cities on the surface. Here underground civilization developed as a mirror of the Atlantean colony which existed on the surface in the area of contemporary Gobi desert.

It was no desert then but a subtropical paradise. The Himalayan network had its source under the Gobi desert and it expanded under Takla Makan desert and then onwards under Pamirs, Altai, Karakorum, Baltistan, under Kunluns and under Chang Tang plateau towards Himalayas. The Atlanteans and Lemurians established colonies in Egypt, then known as Khem or 'Land of the Fire Serpent'.

Khem was the name of the deity symbolized as a black goat and later called 'Pan'. The goat is still a symbol of worship for the Illuminati and Satanists today under the name Baphomet. There are many surviving records that claim a lineage of Egyptian kings going back tens of thousands of years before the formation of the Egyptian civilization described by official historians. This supports the stories of an Atlantean/Lemurian colony in Egypt long before the cataclysm.

The colonization of Greece is far older than officially claimed as well. The Atlantean colonists of Greece worshipped a serpent goddess called Athene or Neith.

Other Atlantean/Lemurian colonists were known as the Pelasgians (People of the Sea) the Danaans and the female Amazons. The Pelasgians worshipped the serpent Moon goddess Dana, later Diana (Artemis), and then later Atlantean goat god called Pan. They first landed on the Peloponnesus in Greece and settled in Arcadia, according to ancient Greek records. Arcadia has always been a sacred place to the Illuminati bloodlines and was apparently a name for Atlantis. This colony (called Athenians) went to war with Atlanteans before the deluge.

The Dananns left Atlantis to settle in Asia Minor (now Turkey), Greece and the islands of Aegean.

The name Danaans derived from their serpent Moon goddess, Dana or Diana. The Danaans made the headquarters of their serpent worshipping culture on the island of Rhodes, a name that originates from a Syrian word for serpent.

Rhodes was the home of the Danaan brotherhood of initiates and magicians known as the Telchines.

The Greek historian, Diodorus, said these initiates had the ability to heal, change the weather, and 'shape-shift' into any form. The name Rhodes, which is connected to the German "Rot", meaning red, as with Rothschild (Red-Shield) became a code name for the bloodlines. Malta, too, was an important center in 3500 B.C. and the home of a major Mystery School.

Under Malta is a vast network of tunnels and megalithic temples where secret rituals took place and still do today. Malta's original name was Lato, named after Mother Lato, the serpent goddess. The Knights Templar secret society was formed in the late 11th century to protect the reptilian bloodline or 'Le Serpent Rouge ' the red serpent or serpent blood, together with their associated order, the highly secretive Priory of Sion.

The Danaans also settled on Cyprus and in ancient times it was known as Ia-Dan or the "Isle of Dan". The name of the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, a place so important to the Druids, has the same origin, no doubt. The Tauras Mountains in Turkey, the Balearic Islands and Syria were other Danaan settlements and they traveled from Atlantis to Britain where they became known as Tuatha de Danaan or the "People of the Sea".

The female Amazons were another branch of the Hesperides or Hespera, a name for Atlantis. They, too, followed the goddess Athene or Nieth and venerated her symbol, the double-headed axe. The 'Canaanites' also descended from Atlantis/Lemuria.

Mark Amaru Pinkham describes the migration of Atlanteans to 'Canaan' in the Return of the Serpents of Wisdom:

"One branch of these Atlantides was the Tyrrhenian, the people after whom the present Tyrrhenian Sea is named. The Tyrrhenian eventually split in half to become the Etruscans, the Carians or Phoenicians, a tribe which eventually migrated to Canaan, a territory of the Asia Minor Coast, which can be translated as the 'Land of the Fire Serpent'"

Jealousy between the Gods erupted and a great war took place. Laws of Nature were abused and nuclear and high tech wars took place on planet Earth, bringing about great earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, plate shifts, and other great disasters including radioactive fallout. Many people of earth fell victim to this war of the gods.

To avoid the nuclear warfare and fallout, many went underground; others fled the war area, moving to the Americas, Europe, etc. After the earth had become unfit for the Anunnaki to live, they left leaving the 'Shepherds' to watch over the flock of earthlings until their return.

From works of David Icke we again learn that as these areas were all colonized, the kingship lines were established to rule over the masses. Just before each of the cataclysm, many Atlantean and Lemurian royal bloodlines and initiates fled to other parts of the world heading mostly for high places to escape the impending flood.

All along the American continent are the ancient legends and accounts of highly advanced beings, the founders of their culture, arriving with great knowledge from the sunken land in the Atlantic. On the western seaboard of the Americas and in Asia, they talk of similar advanced 'gods' arriving from a sunken continent in the Pacific.

Polynesians claim that survivors from this lost continent traveled to India before returning to the remnants of their homeland, the Pacific Islands, and becoming the Polynesians.

James Churchward says that these people also settled in Egypt via India. Chinese legend talks of a continent in the area called Maurigosima, which sank amid cataclysm, but its king, Peiru-un, escaped to mainland China and continued his bloodline there. This happened a number of times as Lemuria and Atlantis fell to cataclysmic events.

After the destruction of Atlantis and when the Earth once again settled down after the upheavals, the survivors of Atlantis and Lemuria began to re-colonize the planet. And one of their key centers became known as 'Sumer', the 'cradle of civilization', in the eyes of the official history.

Through the work of Sir Laurence Gardener we discover that Sumaire in the old Irish language means Dragon. He writes:

'It is also reckoned that the subsequent culture of the region, phonetically called Sumerian (pronounced "Shumerian") was actually Sidhemurian (Shee-murian). This case is now considerable since the early Ring Lords of Scythia (the Tuatha De Danaan king tribe) were actually called the 'Sumaire'.

During the days of the Biblical Great Exodus, a group separated from Moses and went to the North. This group was the Tribe of Dann. Millions went and settled in the European and Scandinavian areas. From there they spread out to other parts of the word... conquering the countries, spreading their Anunnaki seed and replacing the conquered people's traditions with their own serpent culture.


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