Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:23 am

There is no “scientific evidence” to corroborate the existence of the “Photon Belt”.

However, one of the eight Mayan calendars is the Tzek’eb, or Pleiades Calendar of 26,000 years which charts the revolution of our solar system around Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades system.

Photon Belt Compilation
Yes, we are moving into a zone in space that is band of photon energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this event happens about every 11000 years. The last time we were in was Atlantis. The 11000th year out of the photon belt she calls the Galactic Night. Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleadian star group. Our star circles the star Alcyon, as do the other pleadian stars. Alcyon is in the photon belt all the time.
All about 2012
The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.

The Tzolkin is a 260-day calendar based around the period of human gestation. It is composed of 20 day-signs, each of which has 13 variations, and was (and still is) used to determine character traits and time harmonics, in a similar way to Western astrology. The Maya also used a 365-day calendar called the Haab, and a Venus calendar, plus others. They measured long time periods by means of a Long Count, in which one 360-day year (a "Tun"), consists of 18 x 20-day "months" ("Uinals"). Twenty of these Tuns is a Katun; 20 Katuns is a Baktun (nearly 400 years); and 13 Baktuns adds up to a "Great Cycle" of 1,872,000 days, (5200 Tuns, or about 5125 years).

Mayan scholars have been attempting to correlate the Long Count with our Western Gregorian calendar, since the beginning of this century. There has been massive variation in the suggested correlations, but as early as 1905, Goodman suggested a correlation only 3 days from the most popular one today. Known as the GMT correlation, or "correlation # 584283", this was finalized in 1950, and puts the start of the Great Cycle (day on 11th August 3114 BC, and the end-date (known as as 21st December 2012.

Jose Arguelles has pointed out that the Tzolkin is a harmonic of the Great Cycle, and can be used to map history, as if it is measuring not individual gestation but species gestation, since 5 Great Cycles add to exactly 26,000 Tuns; the "Grand Year" or precession of the equinoxes - a higher harmonic of 260.

Have you ever looked out into the night sky and seen the Milky Way Galaxy? Did you notice the obvious tilt? It is at a steep angle to the straight line of the horizon. Why?

It turns out that our solar system appears to belong to another galaxy that is colliding with the Milky Way. This was recently discovered when scientists were trying to figure sources for "dark matter" that would account for forces we can measure but not see visibly. Using near-infrared (wavelengths of light outside human eye and optical telescopes) a huge sister galaxy circling the Milky Way was discovered. It's called the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (SGR for short).

For those keen on the 2012 data, this is the reason our entry point to the Rift, center, heart (Hunab Ku) of the Milky Way is through Sagittarius. The two collide at that point. This explains why our solar system is at an angle to the plane of the galaxy and also why we dip above and below that center line every 12,000 yrs or so.

But the trail gets hotter - literally. Moon shots from the 1960s revealed glass on the moon. Glass is made from intense bursts of heat on sand. The event happened within the last 30,000yrs ago. Ancient petroglyphs of primitive people (archeological carvings) from that era (12,000+y.a.) show the sun causing extreme energy bursts changing earth atmosphere.

Next clue - the current 11 year Sun Spot Cycle has passed the minimum (sun spot activity should have begun over a year ago and has not for the first time ever). This appears to be caused by a gravitation field influencing the sun.

The only field large enough would be from - the center of the galaxy.

What does all this mean? Putting it all together, it implies the 2011-2012 event is a natural cycle of solar maximum bursts which could scorch all or parts of the earth. How is the world preparing?
The 8 Calendars Of The Maya
Mayan daykeeper Hunbatz Men reveals the multi-calendar system of the Maya that guided the lives of his ancestors and how it can guide us today

The Mayan Calendar has taken on special prominence with the imminent arrival of 2012, a date that many claim is the end of that calendar. However, as Mayan elder and daykeeper, Hunbatz Men, shows the cosmological understanding of his ancestors was so sophisticated that they had not one, but many calendars, each based on the cycles of different systems in the cosmos.

In this book he reveals for the first time the Tzek’eb, or Pleiades, Calendar of 26,000 years, which charts the revolution of our solar system around Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades system.

He also discusses the K’uuk’ulcan Calendar of the 4 seasons of the solar year and the wheel of the K’altunes Calendar, which is composed of 13 cycles of 20 years each that form a calendar of 260 years.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:33 am

Speaking of the Pleiades, why is Atlas considered to be the “heaven holder” in the Dendera zodiac if our Sun has no “cyclical relationship” to the Pleiades?

The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, is a conspicuous object in the night sky with a prominent place in ancient mythology. The cluster contains hundreds of stars, of which only a handful are commonly visible to the unaided eye.

From our perspective they appear in the constellation of Taurus, with approximate celestial coordinates of 3 hours 47 minutes right ascension and +24 degrees declination. For northern hemisphere viewers, the cluster is above and to the right of Orion the Hunter as one faces south, and it transits -- reaches its highest point in the sky, midway between rising and setting -- around 4am in September, midnight in November, and 8pm in January.
This is apparent because there are myriads of forms -some of them walking along the inner rim of the Great Circle -others suspended in space above and below the familiar zodiac figures of the ecliptic. Twelve figures support the exterior of the Great Circle. These figures are most unusually arranged and disposed with four groups of kneeling falcon-headed deities who face one another, and four erect and solitary female goddesses, who face one another on one side, as they are back-to-back in the next quarter section.

Then, beyond these "heaven-holders", on two sides of the work are rectangles patterned with rows of chevrons, symbol of water, which must represent the Milky Way Galaxy, the stream of the heavenly waters. This is apparent because when we look at the night sky we see the heavenly stream of the Milky Way cross the zodiac at Gemini/Taurus, and also at the opposite side of the sky at Sagittarius/Scorpio.

The Dendera Zodiac precisely shows the chevron rectangles below Gemini/Taurus on one side, and below Sagittarius/Scorpio on the other side.

It should be noted that "heaven-holder" was a term applied to Atlas, the greatest of the astronomers of all scientific history, who made his observations in Morocco, the birthplace of the gods according to classical myth, history, and genealogy.

The figures of the heavenly-supporters outside the great circle suggest that there may be several cosmic cycles at play -cycles which are moving in opposite directions to one another.

If one can see the symbolism of the "heaven holders" facing and opposing one another -then one may appreciate that the entire zodiac is meant to be visualized as dynamic and in motion -portraying many convoluted cycles churning in opposed directions of the heavenly sphere. Then we may begin to embrace the concept of numerous moving cycles.

Wherefore, inside the circle, a band of heavenly forms are walking in a counter-clockwise direction. Meanwhile, half-way inside the circle, the sun's annular path through the signs of the zodiac ecliptic proceeds in a clock-wise course. Again, the Precession of the Vernal Equinoxes moves in the opposite direction in a counter-clockwise circle.

Other cosmic cycles from the diurnal to the galactic cycle also follow this pattern from clockwise to counter-clockwise, to clockwise to counter-clockwise, and onward in this sequence.

As if the story of all the movements of the varied cosmic cycles were not enough for this magnificent portrait to expose and explain -the final meaning appears to be in the giant Hathor figure to the right of this dynamic cosmic mechanism.

Egyptian symbolism steadfastly depicts the birth of the Sun as if it were a child born from its mother Hathor. Therefore, it may be noticed that Hathor's sacred vaginal passage is directly opposite to the borders between Aries and Pisces.

This is the highest intent of this religio-scientific-mytho-historical-cosmological art work. The Circular Stone Zodiac of Dendera represents a prophecy of the much awaited incarnation of the child of the supreme god. This expectation was envisaged to coincide with the movement of the Great Galactic Cycle, from Pisces into Aries -at the same time as the Precessional cycle moves in the opposite direction from Aries into Pisces. This event marks the Great Crossing of two majestic cosmic cycles.

Furthermore, in Christian Ethiopian tradition, the Holy Spirit is regarded to be a woman. Quite a bit of the symbolism surrounding Christ relates to The Good Shepherd, which refers to the lamb and the ram, the sign of Aries. In the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine, he very often speaks of "the Wrath of the Lamb", and refers to the son of God under the image of the Lamb. There is an equally strong tradition surrounding the Sign of Pisces, the fish; and the ceremonial washing of the feet, an adjunct symbol of Pisces.

Peter Tompkins in his Secrets of the Great Pyramid reports that Sir Norman Lockyer asserted that the Temple of Dendera was previously orientated to the North Star, gamma Draconis, at about 5000 BC, and then at Dubhe at about 4000 BC.

Franz Boll in his Sphaera (p.159) reports on Teukros the Babylonian astrologer. He says that astrology was taught by the gods themselves to two holy people in their languages, one who lived by the Tigris/Euphrates and those who lived by the Nile.

Boll contends that the images on the zodiac show many Babylonian influences, especially the image of Sagittarius. He imagines that the work is a mixture of two cultures. Boll further says that the zodiac was conceived under an astrologic viewpoint since it shows the five planets as god figures by the zodiac houses of their exaltation.

As was said, the expectation of the coming of the Messiah at the conclusion of the Galactic Cycle of Pisces, and the beginning of Aries was a universal phenomena confirmed by the universal science of Cosmology (not astrology).

Latrone, Bally, and Dupius dated the stone zodiac any where from 15,000 BC down to the time of the Emperor Augustus.

Lepsius identified the image of Osiris as the constellation of Orion, and the central Leg of Beef as our present day Big Dipper. He also picked out the five planet images placed among the star constellations which were the most powerful places of the planets.

Lepsius likewise identified the 36 Decan figures around the rim of the zodiac. Helene Hagan in her The Shining Ones (p.80) says that Egypt was divided into 36 nomes, each corresponding to a constellation, "giving these nomes a spiritual and personified character or pedigree: we have already mentioned that the stars represented the Enlightened Dead Ancestors".

In conclusion, we would like to say that the Circular Zodiac of Dendera should be looked upon as a multifaceted chronometer of cosmic cycles. These cycles, the 36 decan figures, and the zodiac and constellations were their guidelines to a far reaching ancient history and mythological ring. The Dendera Stone serves as our most important artifact of an instrument of scientific record -an amazing vehicle of synchronization of ancient, classical and modern eras.

The image of the Circular Zodiac of Dendera is achieved through the principles of sacred geometry. The basic unit of this geometry is the interrelation of the length of the lines that connect the nipples of the Great Hathor's breasts and her navel. These lines become the radii that are used in the construction of the entire image. The message of the picture and its geometry concern the power of the number four. Two lines crossed at right angles create four divided fields. These are the Cardinal geographic directions: North, South, East and West. Then 2 x 4 = 8 which is the key geographic and mapping number. Then we have 3 x 4 = 12, which represents the twelve months of the year and the creation of the 360 degree system of celestial coordinates.

According to the ancient astronomers, the center of our Milky Way Galaxy is in Sagittarius, near the arrow point of the archer; the star named Sagittarius 'A'. Modern science also locates the black hole at the center of the galaxy at about 17h: 45.6m right ascension near the arrow point by Sagittarius/Scorpio.

The major scheme of the layout seems to embody the four female Hathor figures, and the four groups of two kneeling Horus figures. This schemata seems to convey the impression of the artist’s wish to consolidate the numbers 12 and 8, by showing 4 + (4 x 2) =12.

The number 12 is key to the sexagesimal astronomical system which typifies 12 months of the year. The number 8 stems from the geographic coordinate system based upon the sub division of the four cardinal directions.

The most primal relationship between 8 and 12 may be seen in the common factor of four: 2 x 4 = 8, and 3 x 4 = 12.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:58 am

Perhaps there is good reason why the “powers to be” (the Serpent Cult) don’t want us humans to know about the Pleiades. Who fought the “the war in the heavens”? Was it Saturn and the Pleiades (humankind) vs. Jupiter, Orion, and Sirius (the reptilians)? Was it the "Serpents of Wisdom" from the Pleiades vs. the reptilians from Sirius and Orion and their hybrid bloodline? ... 585#p56947

Throughout ancient corpus, the serpent is described as a liar and a deceiver – an entity that hides its form via symbolism. Protected by the Secret Society network, the dragon’s presence is legitimized through the priestcraft (religion) state and government. Growth of the world’s Empires and Masonic fraternities mirrored the fallen angel – a conqueror established by virtue of a monarchical bloodline.

Accounts record the host as the ‘sailor’, ‘nomad’ or ‘alien’. They appeared as ‘serpents’ or ‘amphibians’ and are revered as the ‘destroyers’, ‘rapists’ and ‘pillagers’. In particular, the ‘dragon’s heritage interconnects with the star system ‘Sirius’, oriented towards the ‘Pleiades’ and ‘Orion’ – the latter constellation affiliated to the ‘Titans’ and mixed progeny.

So summarize the main arguments enumerated so far. Human culture originated from the ‘Pleiades’, Greek ‘pleien’ (to sail), and migrated initially to ‘Mars’ (Latin mamers) – a definition recognizant with the development of the ‘mammal’, philological to ‘man’ and the ‘moon’.

‘Mamers’ archaically is a derivation from the Aramic root ‘mamonas’ (riches), attributed originally to the wealthy civilization of Atlantis. According to Plato’s narrative in the Timaeus, occupants of the fabled island (planet) are defeated by the ‘Athenians’ – Grecian named extracted from the Arabic root “af’a” (a viper).

Destruction of ‘Mars’, recorded in the Roman pantheon as the ‘God of War’, is located with the moon of Jupiter ‘Tantalus’, an anagram of ‘Atlantis’ obliterated most probably by a satellite of Saturn.

Fragments of ‘Tantalus’ constitute the ‘asteroid belt’ – archived in Roman mythology as the underworld. Following Mars’ capitulation, remnants of man’s seed were taken to the ‘moon’ and its ‘priesthood’ extracted from this bloodline.

Ritual death of man celebrates the spring ‘ram’ – an anagram of ‘Mars’. Additionally, ‘maris’ is a homophone of (sea and sea water), conceptual to the ‘host’ and the ‘deluge’.

Offspring of Mars are referred to in the Roman language as “Martius’ (a Martian literally descended from Mars and possesses the additional meaning of the month of March).

Identical themes outlining human destruction are evident in the Semitic traditions of ‘Atlantis’ named in the Bible as ‘Eden’ – a derivation of ‘Adon’ (red). In Arabic, the word ‘annihilation’ (‘adam’) is cogent with the first ‘Adam’, correlated in Hebrew with ‘Ma’adim’ (Mars).

After the ‘angelic wars’ survivors from the ‘Red Planet’ entered into a covenant with the brazen ‘snake’ (ta’ban), associated in the Hellenistic mysteries with the ‘Athenian and Theban’ priesthood. Predicated on ‘submission’, emissaries of the reptile contractually stipulated the death of the firstborn male (ram) and the propagation of illegitimate heirs through female reproduction (goat).

Marriage of the serpent with woman begot a powerful race of rulers, known in Thebes as the ‘Court of the Dragon’, documented in occult literature as the ‘Goat’ (Mendes). The appellation of ‘Mendes’ is deduced from the Arabic root ‘Madad’ (a Mason) and ‘medha’ (a human sacrifice), cognomens of the Persian priesthood ‘Mada’, etymological to ‘Martu’ and ‘Martian’.

Archaically, the ‘maenad’ denotes a priestess of the Roman God ‘Dionysus’ (Greek Bacchus).

‘Bacchus’ known to his followers as the ‘Son of Zeus’ (Greek dios-kouros) is a cryptic pun on a ‘reptile God’ (dinosaurs).

Assigned to matriarchal hereditary, the dragon’s progeny conceived the Pharaonic bloodline, extrapolated from the seed taken from the moon. Repatriation of the serpent with the woman, formalized through a covenant, linked the ‘fallen angel’ with the ‘builder’ – a title consistent with the ‘surveyor’, ‘architect’, ‘mason’, ‘snake’ or ‘king’.

The Craft inducted women into the magical arts of the snake, appearing to her as a semblance, apparition or ghost. According to the Rabbinical book of ‘Haggadah’, the serpent adopted a human visage – an intransient image or illusion.

Semitic traditions celebrate the veneration of ‘Jupiter’ (Hebrew tsdek – justice) with the death of the firstborn Isaac (Zadok) and his replacement with the ram.

To conclude, the angel is a being that can change the corporeal form from dragon into man through ‘sound’, personified as the ‘word’ or ‘double’. Sacrament of the ‘goat’ extracted from the Hebrew etymon khafil’ (a double) specifies atonement facilitated through blood sacrifice.

Connection or crossover between the woman and the serpent is relative to the ‘cabal’ or ‘secret society’, supplemental to the ‘Masonic Brotherhood’, explicit of the ‘Illuminati’. A secret organization, the ‘Illuminated Ones’ record the hidden history of humanity primarily through covert symbolism. The serpent’s existence is substantiated through the study of philology.

Repeated, the same signifiers are found in all of the world’s languages. The bloodline of the angelic order and its dealings with man are secret and sanctioned through the law. Union between the snake and its priesthood is archived universally and is demonstrated in the Roman and Semitic languages.

To conclude, the essence of language loans itself to symbolism, represented sublimely through the study of philology and homonyms. A hidden mentor of man, the angel in occult lore is a reptilian entity, distinguished as the hidden master of the king.

Principally the dragon, a teacher of words and arithmetic, embedded knowledge of itself sequenced in numerical codes – a secret history veiled in mathematics, geometry, astronomy, semiology and language. Systematic and intelligent, the adoption of signs is discursive of arcane wisdom, pertaining to the snake and its concealment.

Historically, the reptile conquered mankind through the matriarch, choosing to fashion his descendents on the serpent’s image. From this contract followed the creation of governments. Mediation between the angelic realm and the kingdom documents the royal protagonist, a human-angelic line presented as a demigod or king.

A deceiver of humanity – the reptile contrives social, religious, political and sexual boundaries. Ideologically, it governs and opposes -- Labor and Conservative, Capitalist and Communist, Fascist and Liberal, Green and Global.

Compartmentalization of all the world’s religions is regulated through the partition of the priesthood. This includes the Sunni and Shiite, Catholic and Protestant, Pharisee and Sadduce, Hinayana and Mahayana (Buddhism), ad infinitum. Masonic societies describe this duality as “Ordo ab Chao’ (Order out of Chaos) a motto attributed to the “Shatani (an adversary or opposer).
33 Degrees - Number of the Master
Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery? This was the question I asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees - 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each.

The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered?

In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika - which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for.

Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees.

The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. 'The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.'

'The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuls of 2357 BC, Alcyone, the lucida, then being near the vernal equinox--- And their beginning of the year gave rise to the title 'The Great Year of the Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25, 900 years."

Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. 'There is a wonderful corresponding fact that the date of the Great Pyramids completion at midnight of the autumnal equinox, the Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line."

What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess?

Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the centre of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves.

Our current astronomers do not support this idea although in the 1850's it was well accepted. 'Science has at last discovered that the Sun is not a dead centre, with planets and comets wheeling around it but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in motion, around some other and vastly mightier centre. Astronomers are not fully agreed as to what or where that centre is. Some however believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone.

To the distinguished astronomer Prof. J.H. Maedler belongs the honour of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be the "midnight throne" in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe.'

An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians.

The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. 'Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre.

The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, centre. Its meaning, centre or foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this centre, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.'

Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? 'Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God.' Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.

I found an intriguing article by Ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades' Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower.

At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name, which seems to mean 'of Magdala' - with some possible interpretation as 'place of the dove', 'place of the tower' and 'temple-tower'.

In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that 'tower of the flock' in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar. So was Mary Magdalene just a secret Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone?

The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. Many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades 'the granary' for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light.

The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.

In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades.

I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. 'Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis but Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us.'

This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross. He travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa. His tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet.

Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar - which means Great Serpent? The clue I believe is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar - a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt.

Mark Amaru Pinkham in his book “The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom” examines the worldwide migration of serpents, some from Mu (Lemuria), and others from Atlantis. They were called Nagas, Naguals, Nacaals, Adders, Djedhi, Amarus, Levites, Lung Dragons and Quetzlcoatls.

There are many traditions, which also state that the Serpents were Extra-terrestrials. 'Some of the Interstellar Serpents on Atlantis came from the Celestial Serpent, the Pleiades.

[According to Dhyani Ywahoo] the records of Cherokees, these androgynous Serpents are known as the 'sacred seven,' and said to have traveled from the universal seat of Divine Mind, the Pleiades, in order to instill within developing humankind the spark of the individuated mind. Once on the Earth the Pleiadian missionaries mated with the human population and their progeny spread throughout Atlantis.'

Could this be the source of the Fallen Angels in The Book of Enoch? This Pleiadian and Atlantean mating was also mentioned by Greek Historian Diodorus who claimed that Celoene and Alcyone, two of the seven Pleiadian sisters, had mated with Poseidon, King of Atlantis and their offspring populated Atlantis.

Now back to the Watchtower society. According to David Icke, Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society was a high degree Mason. Why am I going here? Because secret societies keep ancient wisdom behind locked doors and Masonry is based on the Egyptian Mysteries.

I have a book by Robert Hewitt Brown; a 32-degree Mason called Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. On page 54 is a picture of a mystic ladder that leads to the seven stars of the Pleiades. He explains, 'This Masonic emblem, has a direct allusion to the vernal equinox, and thus becomes a beautiful symbol of immortality, reminding us, also, of that starry home beyond the grave to which the soul of man aspires. It was for these reasons that, of all the 'hosts of heaven' the Pleiades were selected as an emblem by our ancient brethren.'

The ladder is also made of seven step in the Scottish Rite Ritual and ascends from a red room, that which is said to represent the Great Mother. A red cross was placed over the heart of the candidate for red is sworn to in Masonry.

I believe the symbol of the red cross is the same as the rosi-crux of the Rosicrucians and all symbolic of Alcyone and the Pleiades. The first Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite in America, was formed at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783: a Supreme Council and it lies exactly on the 33rd parallel of latitude. The highest Masonic degree is 33 degrees - the Grand Master.

If you break up the word Mason into two - Ma/Son it equates to Mother Sun. It is interesting to note that one of the Pleiades was named Maia by the Greeks. Maia was the virgin mother of Hermes, the Enlightened One. Maya, was the virgin mother of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Mary, was the virgin mother of Christ, the Annointed one. May is the month of Maia/Maya/Mary when the Sun is in Taurus and thus conjunct the Pleiades. May Day celebrations are in honour of the Pleiades.

In the Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston connects the Hebrew alphabet with the constellations and Pleiades is said to be associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin, the pictograph being an eye. Immediately, I thought of the 'All Seeing Eye' used so prolifically in Masonic imagery, especially above the apex of the Great Pyramid, even on the American dollar bill.

Remember, Seiss' belief that the Pyramid was built as the midnight throne celebrating the midnight culmination of the Pleiades - could this be symbolised by the Pyramid and the Eye? I went a little further and located the letter Ayin on the Kabala tree. It is found on the 26th pathway and connected with the sign of Capricorn and the Tarot card of the Devil.

In the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck, the Devil is represented in the traditional form of the Goat; however there is some unusual imagery that I found very intriguing. The goat has a third eye and his head is adorned with a bunch of grapes. (Wine had a mystical relation to the Dove (the Pleiades) which is the Holy Spirit or the Shekinah in Hebrew.) Below him, is a winged caduceus (Hermes) and under its hoofs are two balls with humans inside going through what I assume to be symbolic creation. You can see the DNA chromosomes and mitosis occurring. Behind this, is a shaft piercing a cosmic ring in the heavens.

Most horned creatures like Pan represented fertility and creation and the May Time celebrations of Beltane incorporated this celebration. The Maypole had seven ribbons which I believe represents the seven sisters of the Pleiades. 'Pan was an important model for medieval pagans' Horned God, whom the church called Satan. The devil always displayed Pan's attributes of goat-hoofs, horns, and unremitting lust; sometimes also a goat head and an attendant throng of satyrs.'

When the Knights Templer were accused of heresy in the 14th century, it was based on their worship of Baphomet - a bisexual idol pictured with hoofs, a goat's face, with both male and female features, and thus they were called 'devil worshippers'. Could it simply have been another Pleiadian connection?

'With November, the Pleid-month, many primitive people began their year; and on the day of the midnight culmination of the Pleiades, November 17, no petition was presented in vain to the ancient Kings of Persia; the same event gave the signal at Busiris for the commencement of the feast of Isis, and regulated less immediately the celebrations connected with the 52 year cycle of the Mexicans. Australian tribes to this day dance in honour of the 'Seven Sisters'.

The months of May and November and their numerous festivals and celebrations are all associated with the Seven Sisters. Their rising in November marked the time for worship of deceased family and friends. 'Egyptian texts allude to Pleiades' archaic significance as Krittitas, judges of men, assigning them also to seven planetary spheres as the seven Hathors. The dead had to speak the names of these Goddesses to pass their 'critical' examination and enter paradise.'

I believe this is the source of the Judgement of the Dead linked with the month of November, when the Pleiades are high in the night sky. In the Halls of Judgment, the goddess Maat weighed the souls of the dead against her ostrich- feather of truth as the ibis-headed scribe Thoth stood to record the judgement. November is the month of the dead and Scorpio and ruling planet Pluto are all connected with death and rebirth

I often wonder how the zodiac signs acquired their symbolism, for example why are Scorpio and its eight house and the ruler Pluto are all linked to death and rebirth? What I have found through my research into The Pleiades, might be the answer.

It has been recorded in the Babylonian Talmud that the flood of Biblical Noah was the result of two stars falling from Khima (the Pleiades) towards Earth. Could this correspond with the legend of the lost pleid? Was this the sinking of Mu/Atlantis and the end of the Golden Age and thus we still mourn the dead in November?

I discovered some very confirming evidence in the book When the Earth Nearly Died by Allen and Delair. They argue that the world experienced total catastrophe in 9500 BC when a Vela supernova exploded and the Earth's axis subsequently tilted to 23 and a half degrees and the Age of Darkness took hold.

What I found in the book was this. 'Chinese traditions similarly tell how, during the time of the legendary emperor Ya-hou: 'a brilliant star issued from the constellation of Yin' prior to a tremendous global upheaval.'

I searched my Chinese Astrology book and found the Yin Star to correspond with Beta Scorpionis (Graffias, a triple star situated in the head of the Scorpion) and connected with plenty of water (flood). The symbol of Yin and Yang thus represents Scorpio (Yin) and its opposite sign Taurus (Yang).

Remember in November, the Sun is in Scorpio but at night The Pleiades are high in the sky, in Taurus. The Maya/Aztec called the Pleiades the tzab rattle - that of a snake and every 52 years, in the middle of November, when the Pleiades were directly at the zenith at midnight at Mexican latitude, it was believed that the world would end; it had already been destroyed and re-created four times in the past. The New Fire Ceremony was held once they knew that they were safe for another 52 years. Thus, the specific symbolism of the constellations, zodiac signs and planets seem to reflect actual historical events, similarly recounted in many Myths.

What I have presented above is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have discovered. It is obvious from legends and myths that the Pleiadian Star System was the locus of our cosmic inheritance and the source of the mystical wisdom known by the High Initiates of the Mystery Schools of Isis.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:08 am

The Orion Stargate

The HST survey of the Orion Nebula region
Abstract. The HST Treasury Program on the Orion Nebula Cluster has been recently completed (May 2005). We have assembled the richest, most accurate and unbiased dataset of stellar photometry for pre-main-sequence objects ever obtained -- an essential tool for understanding of the star formation process in regions dominated by massive OB stars.
Stargate Technology
The Stargate is a large circular device 6.7m in diameter. The Gate is made out of a material called naquadah, which is a quatrzite element that is discribed to "absorb and energizes with neutrinos. The stargate is composed of two rings, one inside and the other on the outer edge of the gate. The inner ring is spins inside the outer ring and has 39 symbols engraved on it. One the outer ring is located nine "chevrons" spaced evenly around the gate that glow when activated.
The Chevrons in the Stargate and their use ... ymbols.htm
The purpose of the chevrons in the Stargate world is to uniquely identify a source and destination gate. Both the source and destination gate must be known for the gates to form a wormhole connecting them. As explained in the movie and then further developed during the television series, this identification is done using the system of chevrons.

In a three-dimensional space, six reference points are required to uniquely identify a point within this space. In order to uniquely and exactly identify a point in a three-dimensional space, three coordinates must be known, the x, y, and z position. Establishing a plane in the x direction, in the y direction, and in the z direction does this. Therefore, three planes, one in each of the three dimensions, exactly and uniquely identifies an arbitrary point in the three dimensional space. In order to uniquely and exactly determine a plane, two points are required. Therefore, six points are required to make the necessary location specification.

As explained in the original Stargate movie, the reference points used in the Stargate system are constellations (sets of stars). Each chevron is shaped like, and represents, a star constellation. The first six chevrons of an address are these six constellation chevrons. The seventh symbol is the Point of Origin. Evidently, each gate has its own, unique, Point of Origin chevron. This chevron is the final symbol in the address. Therefore, to dial to the planet Abydos from Earth's primary gate, the address would be the six chevrons that specify Abydos as the destination followed by the chevron that is Earth's Point of Origin.

This system offers a number of obvious questions. First of all, we know that we need to uniquely identify two Stargates, between which we are going to create a wormhole. Now, if we need to identify the two points, why is there a different system of identification for the source and destination gates? Why do we need six chevrons to identify the destination and only one to identify the source? Well, the obvious answer is that each gate is specifically made for the planet it is on. The gate must possess some knowledge of where it is for this type of addressing to occur. As each gate has a unique Point of Origin symbol, this makes sense. So, why do we not simply encode an address using the two unique chevrons for source and destination? Well, that would require too many symbols on each gate. We have seen the network of gates numbers in the thousands. If we used the two chevron addressing method, each gate would need to have thousands of chevrons, as opposed to thirty-nine.

We clearly see that each Stargate has a different set of thirty-nine symbols. This is also shown in the original movie and the television show. So, is there a set of chevrons that appear on each gate which allow the specification of every gate in the network? Or is it not possible to reach some gates from others? We have seen that at least some of the symbols repeat from gate to gate. It has not been established weather there is a consistent set of symbols which appear on every gate. However, this must be the case if a traveler can reach any gate from any other gate. A reasonable method would be to have a set of thirty-eight chevrons on each gate plus one Point of Origin chevron. However, this cannot be the case as chevrons from Earth's primary gate have been shown to be the Point of Origin chevron for gates on other planets. Therefore, we must conclude that there is a set of chevrons which can allow the specification of any gate in the network, and that the total number of chevrons in this set is less than thirty-eight.

Does this system offer the potential to specify a large enough number of gates? The answer to this is clearly yes. We know the number of chevrons in the set that should appear on each gate must be less than thirty-eight. For argument, let us assume twenty-five chevrons appear on each gate and those chevrons are used to specify the destination gate. For twenty-five chevrons, one hundred twenty seven million, five hundred and twelve thousand different combinations exist. If we further reduce the number of chevrons in the "all-gate" set to twenty, we still can specify twenty seven million, nine hundred and seven thousand, two hundred destinations. Therefore, even only if half of the chevrons are repeated on every gate, we can specify an enormous amount of destinations. Clearly, this system of repeating a set of chevrons on each gate and using those chevrons to specify the destination gate, could work.
Megalithic New Zealand
Figure 42: The natural outcome of placing the chevron into the layered geometry, within the 12-pointed star of the zodiac is a curious geometric effect in the corners. It was first noticed when I was working out the geometry of the Waitapu standing stone circle in Northland, New Zealand. The geometry naturally creates a little squatting figure like a grasshopper crouching on its haunches. It was enticingly familiar from some half forgotten source and it took 3 days before I figured out where I'd seen it before.

The newly deceased person was venturing out on a perilous journey, fraught with many dangers. The goal was to get to the constellation of Orion and the "Book of the Dead" text, along with other accompanying paraphernalia, would ensure safe arrival, after a voyage of up to 2 years duration. The Book of the Dead gave instructions on how to get past obstacles and all necessary secrets for correct orientation to the goal.

The single funerary object, placed like a pillow beneath the head of the deceased, was called a Hypocephalus and it had intricate designs on it. Most of what it says is purported to be decipherable, but there still appears to be vagueness, amongst Egyptologists, as to its deeper significance. When a hieroglyphic language was once considered "dead", whereupon its meanings have had to be painstakingly restored, there is no assurance that the deeper subtleties and meanings can ever be fully retrieved. In comparison to the natural geometric design that has emerged from the Waitapu Observatory, a central portion of the Hypocephalus becomes quite intriguing. At the very centre of the Hypocephalus, a position that one could call centre stage is a crouched or squatting figure that looks remarkably like the corner design, in geometric terms, of the naturally occurring universal geometry.

12 intersection points of the zodiac star seem to be appropriate positions for establishing intermediate circles between the hub and outer rim of the site. 4 of these intermediate circles conveniently coincide with the corners of the 64-square matrix and, simultaneously, the head position of Amon-RA.

All in all, a geometric replica picture begins to emerge which looks remarkably like Amon-RA, the King of the Gods.

12 intersection points of the zodiac star seem to be appropriate positions for establishing intermediate circles between the hub and outer rim of the site. 4 of these intermediate circles conveniently coincide with the corners of the 64-square matrix and, simultaneously, the head position of Amon-RA.

All in all, a geometric replica picture begins to emerge which looks remarkably like Amon-RA, the King of the Gods.

On the hypocephalus the baboons approach the "crouched figure" carrying circles on their heads. It is significant that the "orbs" represent the Sun in passage through the sky and that Amon-RA is the "Sun God".

I have noted another reoccurring feature to do with the baboons. Some Hypocephali substitute lengthy lines of baboons for abbreviated hieroglyphic script and may only devote space for two baboons. When this is not the case and 4-6 baboons are shown, invariably, one will be an albino. The others of the line-up are speckled with ink, possibly to indicate the multiples of components that make up a constellation. The white one, in this strip of the Hypocephalus, seems representative of Sirius...that most magnificent, venerated star in the sky and the brightest of them all... the perfect target for Precessional fixes. Its Heliacal or Sothic rising, based on 365.25 days, became the ancient standard by which the duration of the calendar year was calculated and corrected.

The "orb crowns" of the queued baboons would represent the Sun rising and setting at marginally different points (at the Vernal Equinox), further around each year, relative to the stars. It would take the Sun 360 years to complete a passage through one of the 18, almost diamond shaped, part circles, per side of the 64-square calculation matrix. There are, around the PHI circle perimeter and partially overlaying the 64-square calculation matrix, a total of 72 of these and, 72 X 360 years = 25920...the number associated with a full Precessional cycle or "Great Year".

Ptah or Par, is shown as having two heads in this portrayal and the double plumed crown of Amon or Amen, indicates, in this instance, that he is performing a function in company with or under the jurisdiction of, Amon (Amen). The two heads would, undoubtedly, indicate that he is being particularly attentive to his work or assigned mission on behalf of the dead. One head facing left and another facing right would indicate a very good perception and knowledge of all that transpires in his vicinity. It could also represent "attention to detail". The Deity Par, as "the creator of the universe", the maker of things and the patron and "supreme leader of craftsmen", holds a rod or staff.

From a Carpenter's perspective, this staff is an elongated builder’s square. The 90-degree return at the top of the staff is clearly seen and it is braced at a 45-degree angle. Logic tells us that if it were used for squaring or determining 45-degree angles, by scribing along the brace, then the length of the staff would be calibrated for measurement.

Standing atop the staff of Par is a clear indication of a fox or dog like creature. This can only be a representation of Sirius, the "Dog Star". In my view, the reference is so blatantly obvious and combination so conspicuous that it would be difficult not to draw the correct conclusion.

The lengthways, vertical aspect of the staff determines the degree angle to Sirius and the 90-degree turn to the horizontal denotes the drift of Sirius to the side of the vertical position.

The fox or dog appears to be in motion and traipsing a course to the right. Par, the ultimate measurer of things + the tool of his trade + the Dog Star moving right = Precession.

Note: One feature found on the Maori Moko of Angas's painting is, undoubtedly, a kuri (dog) and logic would suggest it related to the Dog Star.

Figure 49: The head of a "Kuri" (dog) incorporated into the Moko of the young chieftain. The Dog Star was the "pointer of the way" to Orion and its Heliacal rise used in antiquity as a guide to the duration of the solar year.

Consider the plight of the newly deceased person, en route to the Constellation of Orion, prepared as best he or she could be for the perilous journey ahead. Priority number one would be to know the route to take; otherwise one might end up lost on the other side of the universe. This portion of the Hypocephalus probably denotes exactness in the calculation of angle and direction and is an amulet of guidance, placed at the location most conducive to inspiration, reason and profound knowledge.

It could be interpreted that Isis herself was seen to be displaying a preoccupation with getting degree angle orientations correct. I'm interested in representations of Isis, when shown to have a crown made up of a "Sun orb", sitting between two cow horns. Knowing from strong emerging clues that the ancient Astronomers determined exact degree angles by shooting lines to the outer edges of strategically placed and sized circles, I can't help but see a relationship in the headgear of Isis.

The queues of baboons, drawn on the Hypocephalus, wear duplicate headgear... a clear portrayal of a method employed for making the finite measurements of Precessional drift.

The Gods and overseers of humanity had checked the course and, amongst themselves, corroborated the angles and measurements for correct navigation to the celestial goal. All was prepared, double-checked and ratified by mutual consent -- Beam me up Nephthys!


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:29 pm

Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon
Prepare to meet two Soviet scientists and their incredible theory which explains all the mysteries of the Moon. This book could very well be the most mind-boggling experience of your life.

When I first stumbled across the shocking Soviet theory revealing the true nature of the Moon, I was staggered. At first I found it unbelievable and naturally rejected it. Then, as scientific information from our Apollo expeditions brought back more and more facts that backed the Soviet theory, I found myself forced to accept it.

Then in 1957 the Russians launched the world's first satellite and the Space Age began. Soon both superpowers of our planet - the U.S. and the 'S.U.' - were striving valiantly to reach the Moon. And after a decade of effort, man finally succeeded in reaching his neighbor in the sky.

For another story is lurking here that remains largely unknown - not only the strange encounters of American astronauts with an unknown alien presence on the Moon (as documented by NASA files), but the even more startling untold scientific account of the real nature of this strange lunar world.

Never will you raise your eyes to look at her without wondering: IS IT OR ISN'T IT AN ALIEN SPACESHIP WORLD?

OMSM) Page 72

"In 1962, Dr. Gordon McDonald, a leading scientist at NASA published a report in the July issue of Astronautics. In it he stated that, according to an analysis of the Moons motion, it appears that the Moon is hollow: If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the Moon be less dense than the outer parts. Indeed, it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogenous sphere. Astronautics magazine July, 1962 issue.)

NOTE: The importance of this is immediately seen if one considers the possibility that our Moon is an artificial satellite. Another important question also comes to mind: Could the method used to analyze the Moons motion be applied to the Earths motion as well, to determine if it, also, is hollow?

This would add another large piece of evidence in the already ponderous case in favor of the Hollow Earth Theory. In fact, the more one studies our mysterious Moon, the more light is thrown onto the Hollow Earth Theory as well.

Secrets of our Spaceship Moon"

(SOSM) Page 191

"A new moon rose, Richard Lewis told us at the Fifth Lunar Conference in 1974. It was a planet in its own right... Such a planet had to be captured to become the satellite of the Earth. "

NOTE: The fact that the Moon was once, of necessity, a planet in its own right, along with the fact that evidence points to the Moon being hollow, could be an interesting piece of evidence in favor of the Hollow Earth Theory. (This theory holds that, not only our Earth, but ALL planets are formed hollow.) Therefore, the fact that the Moon is hollow does not necessarily mean that it is a spaceship fashioned by Aliens.

It could simply mean that the Hollow Earth Theory is, indeed, correct, and that all planets are, in fact, formed hollow; the Moon having once been its own planet, until its relatively recent capture by the Earth.

(Interestingly enough, the impossible celestial mechanics required for the Moon to be in its present orbit become much more probable if one considers it to be a hollow body. If, indeed, it was steered into our orbit by aliens however long ago, this would certainly made their job a lot easier!).

Unfortunately, orthodox scientists have as much (if not MORE) trouble accepting the Hollow Earth Theory as they do the Spaceship Moon theory.

(SEOM) Page 195-196

Isaac Asimov:

"It is a shame that one small thing remains unaccounted for; one trifling thing I have ignored so far, but WHAT IN BLAZES IS OUR MOON DOING WAY OUT THERE? It’s too far out to be a true satellite of Earth... It’s too BIG to have been CAPTURED by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been affected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit about the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible. "

"But, then, if the Moon is neither a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, what is it? " (Asimov on Astronomy Mercury Press, 1963)

(SEOM) Page 215

"...after the successful RANGER and SURVEYOR and ORBITER and APOLLO flights, we dropped manned lunar exploration like a hot potato. Less than 20% of the data resulting from these probes has been studies. Less than 2% has been reported on."

(MGTE) Page 24-25

"The funding of top-secret military projects can be easily camouflaged by other unclassified projects. Components and parts needed for secret projects can be ordered one at a time from different manufacturers and charged to a dummy or decoy project. The parts can be assembled in secret and the manufacturers never know what the end product is. An expensive decoy project can be used to generate the funds and to develop the technology for highly sophisticated secret projects at the same time. The NASA space program to put men on the Moon provided the military with such a decoy project."

"A rotating planet can be compared to an electrical solenoid, which is a coil of wire... When a current is sent through the coil, a magnetic field is generated at right angles to the direction of the wire (the direction of the current flow). Planets carry charges with them in their atmosphere and surface and this generates electrical currents in the direction of rotation, or east-west. The magnetic field is generated at right angles to this, or the north-south direction. Even though the charges are not necessarily moving east-west relative to the surface which is traveling with them, the magnetic field is still created because the planet itself is rotating."

NOTE: This is very important when applied to the Hollow Earth Theory. One of the strongest arguments of orthodox scientists against the Hollow Earth Theory has always been that magnetic fields around planets are created by a rotating mass of liquid iron, thus making the Hollow Earth Theory an impossibility. Heaven forbid they should consider an alternate theory as to the cause of the Earths magnetic field.

(MGTE) Page 129

"A photograph of the Earth taken by the DODGE (Department Of Defense Gravity Experiment) satellite 18,100 miles above the equator, appeared in the November 10, 1967 issue of Life magazine...The author was not able to obtain permission to reproduce this photo; however, it is available for inspection at most libraries."

"The DODGE photo is interesting, but a view at a better angle is needed to show more details. Such a picture, taken in 1967 by the Applications Technology Satellite 111 (ATS-111) from its stationary position over the equator above Brazil, is shown in NASA photo 67-HC-723 - below images"

NOTE: This last photo also appeared in Secret of the Ages - UFOs from inside the Earth, by Brinsley Le Poer Trench. (This book was taken off the market by the U.S. Government shortly after its release in 1977)

Both of the above mentioned photos depict the Earth, and show the hole at the North Pole from different angles, giving depth to the phenomenon, and allowing researchers to make quite accurate estimates as to the holes width and angle of descent into the Earths interior.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by GaryN » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:48 pm

It could simply mean that the Hollow Earth Theory is, indeed, correct, and that all planets are, in fact, formed hollow; the Moon having once been its own planet, until its relatively recent capture by the Earth.
I agree that all the planets are formed hollow, it fits in with the idea
that they are formed as spherical Coulomb crystals.
As for planetary capture by gravitation, I think the odds are vanishingly
small of it EVER happening. A charged metallic sphere coming into a
magnetic field though, well, er, I'd have to re-study Gauss and Maxwell,
but I think it could be captured, or maybe 'sucked' into orbit if it came
within a certain range.
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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by tholden » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:52 am

Another candidate for what the Rosswell UFO might have been


Dick Hoagland notes that Werner Von Braun was called in to Roswell immediately which makes every sort of sense if Nazi technology was involved since Von Braun was the best expert on that stuff we had; but which makes no sense if alien tech was involved since Von Braun would know no more about alien technology than you or I would.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:50 am

GaryN said: I agree that all the planets are formed hollow; it fits in with the idea that they are formed as spherical Coulomb crystals.
The "Boring" Hollow Sun? ;)

The Surface of the Sun
The sun's photosphere is often mistakenly referred to as the surface of the sun. In reality however, the sun's photosphere is only a "liquid-like" plasma layer made of neon that covers the actual surface of the sun. That visible layer we see with our eyes is composed of penumbral filaments that are several hundred kilometers deep. This visible neon plasma layer that we call the photosphere, and a thicker, more dense atmospheric layer composed of silicon plasma, entirely covers the actual rocky, calcium ferrite surface layer of the sun. The visible photosphere covers the actual surface of the sun, much as the earth's oceans cover most of the surface of the earth. In this case the sun's photosphere is very bright and we cannot see the darker, more rigid surface features below the photosphere without the aid of satellite technology.

Fortunately a host of new satellites and the field of heliosiesmology are starting to shed new light on this mysterious "stratification subsurface" layer of the sun that is located about 4800km beneath the visible photosphere. In addition, recent studies of solar wind suggest that solar wind also originates on the same transition layer under the photosphere as do the electrically charged coronal loops.

NASA's SOHO satellite and the Trace satellite program have both imaged this transition layer of the sun that sits beneath the photosphere. These 21st century satellites and technologies now enable us to peer behind the outer plasma layers of the chromosphere and photosphere and allow us to study the rocky, calcium ferrite transitional layer with incredible precision.

From his study of sunspots and their uneven rotation pattern, Galileo surmised that he must be looking at some type of gas atmosphere. He was correct in that assessment, although today we know that the photosphere is a form of hot ionized plasma. Unfortunately however, Galileo also "assumed" that no other solid layers existed, or could exist, beneath the visible layer of the photosphere.

While the gas model has enjoyed popular support over the past 50 years, that has not always been the case. In fact astronomers of 100 years ago believed in a predominantly iron sun, most notably Dr. Kristian Birkeland. Dr. Birkeland studied the Northern Lights and became interested in the electrical interaction between the sun and the earth. His early lab research with an electrified iron sphere suspended in a vacuum ("terella") led to images that are remarkably similar to modern satellite x-ray images of the sun.

The running difference imaging technique used by both NASA and Lockheed Martin have revealed to us for the first time that the sun is not simply a ball of hydrogen gas; it has a hard and rigid ferrite surface below the visible photosphere that can be seen in all of the images on this page!

Just as Birkeland surmised, it turns out that the sun has a highly defined surface that rotates (uniformly) every 27.3 days. Dr. Birkeland was at least 100 years ahead of his time.

An important corroboration of Dr. Birkeland's solar theories and laboratory experiments came forty years later in the work of Dr. Charles Bruce. Dr. Bruce documented a number of solar atmospheric phenomenon that were directly related to electrical discharges from the solar surface. Bruce confirmed what Birkeland had predicted nearly fifty years earlier, showing that the electrical activity was directly responsible for the high energy discharges from the solar surface.

A significant corroborating set of data came a decade or so later from the work of Dr. Oliver Manuel. Dr. Manuel confirmed via isotope analysis of lunar soil samples, and the study of meteorites, that the sun is predominantly made of iron and mass separates the plasma in its atmosphere.

It turns out, however, that modern satellite images now lend very strong observational support to the electrical model of the sun originally described by Dr. Kristian Birkeland in the early 1900's and later verified by Dr. Charles Bruce and Dr. Oliver Manuel. Dr. Charles Bruce and a number of other scientists have already demonstrated the electrical nature of the sun's activities and have put forth solid surface theories of the sun based on predictions that are supported by direct observation.

It turns out that these visual observations of an iron rich surface were predicted via the field of nuclear chemistry more than three decades earlier, while the experiments to support these ideas and many mathematical predictions had been verified over 50 years ago and were originally predicted by Birkeland almost 100 years ago! Studies of quasars in the early universe demonstrate the presence of large quantities of iron, casting serious doubt on the gas model in recent year.

In addition, there is now growing evidence from the field of heliosiesmology that the sun possesses a significant stratification layer at a very shallow depth from the top of the photosphere. This new data suggest that the stratified iron surface is covered by a relatively thin veneer of plasma layers.

It is also noteworthy that an electrically active, rigid surface model of the sun has always been a valid alternative to the current gas model theory. Only when hydrogen fusion was discovered did other solar theories begin to seem less "glamorous". It is important to note however that quite a bit of research has already been conducted by Dr. Birkeland, Dr. Alfven, Dr. Bruce, and many others that is now supported by modern satellite imagery and heliosiesmology observations.

Unlike the gas model of the sun, this model is based on direct, real life observations, not pure theory. A solid surface model of the sun is a lot more logical and a lot better scientifically supported "observationally" than current gas models of the sun.

This peer reviewed paper details the growing body of evidence from the field of nuclear chemistry and from satellite technologies that demonstrate that the sun acts to mass separate the various elements in the solar atmosphere into distinct, mass separated layers.

Recent findings of an unexpectedly large source of energy from repulsive interactions between neutrons in the 2,850 known nuclides has challenged the assumption that H-fusion is the main source of energy that powers the Sun and other stars.

Recent findings from the field of heliosiesmology demonstrate the existence of a double sided stratified layer that is located just under the photosphere.

Just as we can see the transition layer of the surface in satellite imagery, heliosiesmology allows us to hear this same transition layer and even measure the thickness of the transitional layer. In this case they find a double sided, stratified layer that is centered at around .99R and begins at about .995R, or just under the surface of the photosphere.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:11 pm

The "Boring" Hollow Sun?
No, I think it would be a really interesting hollow Sun, for those who
believe it to function as a multi-layer, resonant structure. Some
"very strange" results might be explained by resonance fusion.
To attempt to explain the very strange claim of observation by Mitsubishi group on the mass-8-and- charge -4-transferred (increased) transmutation (Mo-96 or Pr-141) out of sample zone of Sr-88 or Cs-133 in the D-diffusion type experiment with multi-layered Pd plate, our multi-body deuteron fusion model in transient lattice focal points has been extended to hypothesize the occurrence of 4D tetrahedral and 8D octahedral resonance fusion. High energy Be-8 particles by 8D fusion can induce selectively capture process to form mass-8-and-charge-4-increased transmutation out of Sr-88 or Cs-133 near PdDx lattice. ... ahedra.pdf

I think this also applies to transmutation in the crystal lattices of rock, particularly
quartz, resulting almost instantly in the production of gold and silver, and other desirable
metal ores. The resonance in this case would be due to the energy from super-sized
lightning bolts.
Resonance rocks! :roll:
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:05 pm

GaryN said: No, I think it would be a really interesting hollow Sun, for those who believe it to function as a multi-layer, resonant structure. Some "very strange" results might be explained by resonance fusion.
I was alluding to your thread on the “boring” Sun. Given the Sun’s current behavior, I thought that was a funny title. I agree with you about multi-layer resonance fusion. If we understood it fully I bet we would know exactly why and how the Sun is “freaking out”.

Electromagnetic systems with double-resonant spiral coil components
Spiral coils generate very powerful electromagnetic fields by operating with two different but simultaneous resonant behaviors. Quarter-wave resonance is established by adjusting the frequency (and wavelength) of a radio frequency (RF) voltage source until the length of the spiral conductor is equal to ¼ of the wavelength of the alternating voltage. This generates an electromagnetic standing wave with at least one peak node and at least one null node. Inductive-capacitive (L/C) resonance is established by optimizing the thickness and width of the wire ribbon used to make the spiral coil. When inductance and capacitance are balanced, the current response will synchronize with the voltage input, creating in-phase behavior, minimal total impedance, and maximal power output. If two such coils are placed near each other, they will create an extremely powerful electromagnetic field between them, which can promote chemical and plasma reactions involving charged particles such as ions or plasma particles, possibly including nuclear fusion reactions.
To attempt to explain the very strange claim of observation by Mitsubishi group on the mass-8-and- charge -4-transferred (increased) transmutation (Mo-96 or Pr-141) out of sample zone of Sr-88 or Cs-133 in the D-diffusion type experiment with multi-layered Pd plate, our multi-body deuteron fusion model in transient lattice focal points has been extended to hypothesize the occurrence of 4D tetrahedral and 8Doctahedral resonance fusion. High energyBe-8 particles by 8D fusion can induce selectively capture process to formmass-8-and-charge-4-increased transmutation out of Sr-88 or Cs-133 near PdDx lattice.

In this paper, we have attempted to extend our multi-body deuteron fusion model 3) for the possibility of selective occurrence of resonant 8D fusion, due to the equilaterally tetrahedral and octahedral geometrical configurations in deuteron-clustering at PdDx lattice focal points and in addition in exchanging strong force (charged pions) symmetrically with every partner deuteron. An 8D fusion emits two high energy (47.6 MeV) Be-8 particles which overcome with 20-30 MeV high Coulomb barrier to make capture (fusion) reaction with neighboring Sr-88 or Cs-133 nuclei and will produce transmuted nuclei with mass-8-and-charge-4-increased transfer. To draw a reasonable story, we need several steps of modeling of transient D-cluster formation, super-screening of Coulomb repulsive force by the hypothesized transient (short time in 1-10 ps) bosonization of 4d-shell electrons of Pd atoms, and resonant enhancement of 4D and 8D simultaneous fusion, which should occur selectively among the competing process of 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, etc.

The extended model should contain consistent story of He-4 production without neutrons and mass-8-and-charge-4-increased transmutation without hard radiation. Around focal points (t-sites, o-sites, defects, etc.), microscopic coherence in radial dynamic motion of neighboring deuterons may realize the short-time bosonization of electrons tomake sufficient screening of Coulomb repulsion for fusion.


In our previous model3) of 3D and 4D fusion around lattice focal points, transient clustering of two (2D), three (3D) and four (4D) deuterons was considered to make competing process. The possibility of anomalous enhancement of 4D and 3D fusion compared to 2D fusion was reasoned by two effects: 1) the excluding rule between 2D, 3D and 4D clustering probabilities in the atomic motion level and 2) the resonant increase of 3D and 4D fusion cross sections (effective S-values) in the strong nuclear interaction level . Especially, 4Dfusion rate could become very large as 100W/cc (1013 f/s/cc) power level to meet the condition of experimental claims on consistent amount of He-4 production in correlation with excess heat without neutrons, if the equilaterally tetrahedral condensation in short time (less than 1 ns) of 4 deuterons formed at focal points: We call this tetrahedral resonance fusion (TRF).


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:38 pm ... 68c#p53763
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets.

“Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable.

It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.”
Peter Moon goes on to say, "A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran became uninhabitable. Marduk (Maldek), existing in what is today the asteroid belt was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.

The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’.
Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a light bearer, and the morning star. Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System.

Ancient Bible scriptures and codes reveals the eruption of a major war in the Heavens, following Lucifer's rebellion, that destroyed Rahab, splintering it into the debris that currently forms our Asteroid Belt; extirpating the artificial structures like the ones at the Cydonia complex on Mars; leaving artifacts and machines on other planets; and ultimately altering the Solar System.

Lucifer and the other fallen angels found sanctuary on a planet orbiting the star Sirius C in the Sirius Star System, during one of its cyclic convergence with the Solar System.
Men from Atlantis ... -Space-Age
Nineteen eighty will be the first time that the people of the known world first learned that they were not alone on this planet. Over half a billion lost relatives of us surface dwellers live peaceably inside the Earth's center. Moreover, these highly advanced people occupy a land mass greater in area than the outside surface.

Their civilizations flourished thousands of years before Moses gave the Israelites their first code of laws. Their people were driving automobiles and flying in "aerial cars" when ancient Greece laid the foundations of Western civilization; and their commerce swept the interior oceans when the Mediterranean was but a Roman lake.

Yet these shy inhabitants of the hollow earth have remained incognito and free of war for 30,000 years.

At what period this inner world was first colonized is unknown, but the existence of the largest group concealed in the earth's interior dates back 15,000 years -- 3,000 years prior to the sinking of their upper continent of Atlantis. They claim that catastrophe is the deluge known to us as the Noah flood or Gilgamesh Epic.

But the oldest race in the inner world is of ancient Germanic origin, tracing its beginnings to the frozen Antarctic in the world above when that sub-continent was once an inhabited tropical paradise of unsurpassed riches and beauty. Their exodus to inner earth was 30,000 years ago.

Regardless of international government censorship, thousands of surface dwellers in several countries know something of the inner earth due to its recent enterprising colonization by modern-day Germans.

But additional evidence is irrefutable that the ancestral races of the Lapps, Eskimos, Chinese, Scandinavians, Germans, Greeks and other large ethnic groups still live inside the earth.

But to understand the hollow earth facts and why they remain discredited, the reader should be made aware that a veil of international government secrecy has kept them under wraps for 50 years. In lieu of the truth, the fiery molten earth core hypothesis has been accepted as the current geological condition inside the earth's interior.
Several old chronicles of Scandinavian and Eskimo origin persist in telling of people who were carried into the Earth's interior by ocean currents and returned years later to tell of it. But there were three projects developed by the 20th century Germany that unraveled the reality of the Earth's interior with more discernment than did unsubstantiated myths. Those German endeavors to validate the existence of the hollow Earth, and devise methods to penetrate it for their colonization, began for all practical purposes in the year 1913.

A paper on this unusual scientific sea journey was sponsored by an unnamed science faculty at Georgetown University in 1977, and a West German national delivered the lecture. The lecture caught officialdom by surprise, and later on, all who heard the talk were instructed not to speak of it.

The following narrative, except for the early Americans hereinafter mentioned, is part of that lecture.

Perhaps the Germans know of the early theories of John Cleves Symmes, of the U.S.A. Infantry, that the earth was actually hollow and open at the poles. Another American, Cyrus Teed, also held to this theory, though openly ridiculed. The hollow earth was written of in a book published in 1816 by James McBride, and in 1838 an American expedition actually left for the Antarctic after Symmes' admirers in Congress made it possible. Symmes' expedition, of which we know little, inspired Jules Verne to write his “Journey to the Center of the Earth”.

In March 1913 the German imperial pocketcruiser Moltke left Keil, Germany on a top secret mission to find a northern passage over the top of the world. Like attempts by other nations, the Germans were searching for an Arctic route via a northwest passage through the Bering Strait to the Pacific. War clouds made it necessary to keep the mission classified.

The ship was under the command of Captain Von Jagow, now deceased. Also on board was Lt. Von Tirpitz, grandson of the Kaiser and great-grandson of Queen Victoria. It was the son of Captain Von 133 Jagow who was interviewed in September 1977 about his mission. With him at the interview was Lt. Von Tirpitz (now 81 years of age), who at one time was Grand Admiral of the German North Sea Fleet, as were his father and grandfather.

The Moltke under Captain Von Jagow steamed first towards Iceland, then past the southern tip of Greenland and northwest along Greenland's west coast to Canada's Baffin Island. It was late May when the ship anchored off the northern end of Baffin Island in the vicinity of 70 degrees latitude and 60 degrees longitude to wait for the pack ice to break up

Within two weeks a navigable northerly channel appeared instead of the better known westerly route in the Lancaster Sound area (referred to as the Northwest Passage and first recorded in 1903-04 by Roald Amundsen). The ice buckled and broke, permitting passage of the Moltke to open waters further north.

This was the first unexplainable situation. The open waters to the north were more extensive than the Germans expected them to be. As they moved northward on an apparently navigable course, the open water stretched as far as the eye could see. By the end of May, the crew was still sailing cautiously into warmer waters. The German ship still maneuvered slowly further north, sounding the depth carefully. Daylight was continuous.

Then the captain became perplexed. The sun appeared to be low in the sky instead of above and its position was lower the further they sailed. By the end of June the sun had apparently set or disappeared and the battle cruiser was sailing in darkness. The compass was erratic and the true north indistinguishable. The air became misty, the wind increased. Gradually the darkness lifted and a new light from the forward direction shone faintly. As they sailed on, the glow from the new sun's position never changed. The sky was now grayish to black. The navigator surmised they had sailed beyond the North Pole and were somehow headed south again on an unknown course.

Then they passed an Eskimo in a kayak, who spoke a Greenland dialect of Danish. He said he had come from a place called Vineland located about 500 miles south where he had wintered.

For 300 miles Captain Von Jagow continued to steer a southerly course. A continuous chart and depth record of that voyage is today on display in the German Federal Archives in Bonn along with the ship's log.

Finally the ship reached a rocky island inhabited by Eskimos who canoed out to meet them. Some of them also spoke Danish and had been to and from Greenland on several occasions. One of the group said he was a Lapp from Russia. The next day was a surprise. The German log says they saw on an island what they believed was a species of supposedly extinct dinosaur. The dimension they had entered was too unreal to comprehend.

The Captain called an officers meeting. They were utterly lost and orders were given to reverse course. Fourteen days later, traveling at full knots, the true sun having reappeared, they found themselves back at the same bearing at which they had anchored in late May off Baffin Island.

It was then that Captain Von Jagow made a decision to explore the northern waters more extensively.

Drawing an arc, the ship directions were so given that the German battlecruiser actually sailed around the edge of the hole leading to the interior. On the outer perimeter of the circumference they ran into thick packs of ice and bitter coldness again. They finally (wrongly) calculated by checking compass movements that the elusive north pole might be inside the doughnut hole leading into the Earth.

Explorers before them had been fooled also.

On July l0, a course was set for Germany and on August 1, 1913, the German ship and her crew reached home.

A complete report was made to the Imperial German Naval Command, but its contents were not published. In 1922, one of the ship's officers, Lt. Von Tirpitz, wrote of the experience under the title "The Memoirs of Grand Admiral Tirpitz.” From avidly reading this naval officer's account of the northern inner sea, Adolph Hitler became convinced of the validity of a northern entrance to the hollow earth.

During Hitler's book burning in 1936, one of the banned German books most sought was Von Tirpitz' story of the epic voyage on the Moltke battlecruiser to the inner sea, at the top of the world. Hitler's agents confiscated all the books they could for public burning but Von Tirpitz removed his copy from his own library and hid it elsewhere.

In 1924, the Imperial German Navy dusted off the old records of the 1913 expedition into the northern throat of the world. The expedition had not penetrated into the watery corridor beyond an approximate 400 miles but it had proven the existence of an opening. So, in the reasoning of German engineers, if there were an opening that led ultimately to the earth's interior, another such voyage would verify just where that northern doorway ended and the inside of the world began.

Information is indeed sparse on the cruise of the German icebreaker that was used on the expedition. What is known comes entirely from American Navy Intelligence sources of 1924-25. In 1924, American Naval vessels followed the German icebreaker towards ice fields northeast of Greenland when the German vessel broke passage through the ice and disappeared. The American Navy records say the German ice breaker returned a year later (1925), stopping ten days at the capitol city of Iceland before sailing for her home port of Hamburg, Germany. The ship and crew had spent the better part of a year in the earth's interior, the American intelligence records reveal, with its final destination unknown.

A third possible German naval visit is rumored to have been made by the Germans in 1932, but this report could not be confirmed.

The Russians also attempted to penetrate the interior world in 1956. They sent in a battleship, according to Canadian intelligence sources, but the Russian trip was stopped by a deliberate warning beam of laser power and allowed to exit to the surface with superficial damage and a stern reminder to captain and crew never to return. The next year, in the dead of winter, the Russians sent in a 16,000 man task force of troop-carrying vehicles, heavy artillery, regular tanks and armored cars over solid ice fields and islands through the polar throat into the interior.

The invaders came up off a land mass in the extreme north of the interior where they encountered the old Vikings. The Vikings bombarded the task force with lasers, stopping all the Russian motorized equipment, so that the army was powerless to move. By radio they ordered the invaders to turn and head back to the surface. “Should you return,” the voice warned in Russian, “it will be a one-way trip." The Russians retreated. A 30,000 man back-up army of reserves waiting in Siberia was not called upon to take the inner world by force.

In 1939 and ensuing years the Germans continued their exploration of the Inner Earth, and in the autumn of 1943 Germany dispatched an aerial expedition into the hollow earth by way of the South Pole region. The expedition was peaceful, its purpose to inquire if Inner Earth lands were available for colonization by upper world Germans. The upper Germans brought gifts and were well-received by those Germanic Saxon cousins who had migrated below in the 1600's.

On the same exploration, the upper Germans from the Third Reich encountered what is perhaps the world's most superior race in development -- the Bodlanders, another German offshoot whose cradle of life began in the Antarctic but who had migrated below 30,000 years ago via tunnels from what is now Iran.

(Language scholars claim that Iran [Persia] retains a similarity to ancient Germanic writing symbols and the spoken word.)

As the reader is already aware, the visiting Germans from the upper world were invited into the capitol city of Bodland, named Bod, where they were guests at Parliament and entertained by the King.

Officials explained to the upper Germans that their hosts were ancestors of the first distinct race which had migrated to the inner side of the planet's shell. Later interior racial arrivals included the Vikings, the Atturians (or Atlanteans) and the Eskimos. The Bodlanders claimed that the Japanese had no ancestral relatives inside the earth, but were, in fact, descendants from the sunken continent of Mu, which some records say predated the sinking of Atlantis by as much as 250,000 years. The Bodlander chroniclers below said that four civilizations had already developed and faded away on the upper Earth, the present being the fifth.

In 1943, the visiting Germans were also told, and NASA confirmed in 1979, that there are three large continents below in the interior world and two smaller ones. There are seven named oceans, the largest of which is the North Ocean. The name often applied to the entire interior is New Atlantis.

The German expedition of 1943 also discovered that the largest interior continent is that of Agharta, covering a continental area three times larger than that of North America, and occupied mainly by a distinct people called Atturians. This group belongs to the descendants from the sunken continent of Atlantis whose ancestors immigrated into the interior 15,000 to 11,500 B.C. prior to the final sinking of their original homeland when many millions of their ancestors perished. The Atturians claim they are related to many surface white races also and that their combined mother race was brought from Venus 33,000 years ago, but that adventure was not the first Venusian attempt to recolonize Earth. They also claim Venus was originally an Earth colony.

But information on the Inner World procured strictly from German sources seemed unreal to the author, so further corroborating evidence was sought. In 1977 some startling information was obtained from the U.S. State Department. A department source revealed the whereabouts of a man named Haammaan from New Atlantis who had been relocated into the mainstream of American life, married to an American girl and raised a family in Massachusetts. If the professor would talk without jeopardizing his American residency, we would have a scoop to rival all scoops. This material, therefore, on Men of Atlantis was prepared chiefly from interviews with this Atlantean contact. Then, unexpectedly in 1979, another contact was made with another Inner World man of exceptional brilliance, an outstanding scholar in philosophy and ancient history who, with his wife, is currently on a five year visa to the U.S.A., where he teaches history at George Washington University and spends his spare time counseling students and non-students about family and social problems.

His anglicized name is H. G. Jerrmuss (properly spelled Jerruummouss) and he comes from another continent in the Inner World, Bodland, with a population of roughly 36 million.

The following, therefore, is the summarized story of how Atlantis and other upper world lands disappeared beneath the ocean as explained in the chronicles of their race and studied in the historical text books used in the schools and universities of Atturas in the interior of the Earth as Professor Haammaan tells it.

The original Atlantis began as a Venusian colony 33,000 years ago in the fertile valleys and plateaus of a continent located in the mid Atlantic. (Venus itself was originally a space colony of Earth from which the inhabitants had fled at an unknown time because of an earthly cataclysm of planetary nature.)

Before destruction 11,500 years ago in an atomic war, Atlantis stretched from the vicinity of Africa to what now is the Islands of the Caribbean. It was once a land of great wealth and had developed a society and technology equal to the leading nations of the upper Earth in the 20th century. Their space ships traveled Earth skies and also ventured into outer space where trade routes to other planets were developed.

But the Atlanteans had a mortal enemy. This was a people named the Athenians living in great cities located in the Mediterranean valley and principally the Aegean area. A three hundred year old trade rivalry gradually became insufferable as each nation prepared for war to destroy the other.

The indirect cause of war is listed as trade or economic reasons, and not the need for land acquisition. The prize was trade dominance among inter stellar planets in the Milky Way beyond our own solar system, on which colonies of Atlanteans and Athenians had been established. Several small local wars had already been fought on Earth and abroad, leaving behind passions of hate that festered and grew.

The date of approximately 11,500 years ago is given when the Athenian King ordered a surprise attack on major cities of Atlantis. It began as a controlled land war and as such Athenian armies were landed on Atlantis and gained strong footholds using devastating ray weaponry, against Atlantean armies and objectives.

On the 21st day of the war, the Atlanteans retaliated and broke through Athenian air defenses, dropping atomic bombs on the capital city of the Athenians. The city was totally destroyed, whereupon the Athenian military ordered a retaliatory atomic attack on the capital of Atlantis.

All out atomic war by these two enemies took place. For the next nine days a total, unrestrained atomic war prevailed. (The legends of Greece, Scandinavia and India, as well as Bible references tell of this war in varying stories.)

Millions of Atlanteans and Athenians perished in the holocaust and their great industrial and cultured worlds were to be lost forever, the Athenians (Greeks) never to regain their ancient glory, and the Atlanteans to be wiped off the surface of the planet. Remnants of the Atlanteans made their way to Egypt and disappeared underground into caves and existing tunnels throughout Africa. Lost groups of Athenians also climbed the higher elevations of what today is Italy and the mountains of Turkey and the Caspian Sea areas, to mix with other races. Atlanteans also headed for Brazil and America and became the forerunners of its Mayas and Incas and certain North American Indian tribes.

But during the nine day atomic war, the elements became so disturbed that the wind and water caused greater damage to the land than the bombs. First came the heat caused by the atomic fission. Radioactive dust filled the upper heavens and blotted out the sun. The atomic heat spiraled up and fanned out on giant hurricane winds, melting immense glaciers covering what was then the North Pole (today Switzerland). New rivers were formed such as the Rhone, Rhine, Seine, Danube and Poe, as the melted polar ice caps ran off their fresh water. Britain, which was beforehand joined to Europe, became an island as the connecting land bridge was washed away, while the lowlands of the Baltic and North Seas disappeared under rising waters. The melted ice covered great sections of Europe, eventually filling the Caspian and Black Sea basins also. As the tidal waves and winds mounted in the Atlantic, they flooded over the continent of Atlantis and it, too, sank beneath the waters.

For the Athenians, the end was much the same. As the new rivers poured fresh water into the Mediterranean valley, giant tidal waves of salt water (produced by a wobble in Earth's rotation) breached the high land precipice at the Pillar of Hercules between what is now Spain and Morocco.

Accompanied by the bursting of the natural land bridge dam at the western end of the Mediterranean valley, torrential rains fell on the remaining inhabitants during the ensuing days. At that time the entire Mediterranean was a lush valley where the Athenian empire had begun. Over the next 100 years, the water from the Atlantic completely covered the human habitations and monuments of man throughout this Mediterranean oasis. Only the mountain tops stood out such as Malta, Crete, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, etc. What remained of the Athenian cities of Appoloias, Atheanisas, Appalto, Hellinas, Spartillois and Spartias were covered by the new water depths. For many years afterwards, Atlantic waters continued to tumble over the precipice between the Pillars of Hercules until the sea levels were equalized and the Mediterranean valley was to be the original home of the Greek race in legend only.

It took longer for parts of the Mediterranean highlands to be totally engulfed, up to 300 years. Surviving Atlanteans on the western fringe who had gone underground into bomb shelters and tunnels during the attack, surfaced, cleaned up their cities and prepared to relive in them again, but the waters rose yearly and the Atlanteans were forced to cover their cities with three foot thick plastic shells made of a substance we have not yet developed. As in the Houston Astrodome, the Atlanteans covered over their entire city habitations. Those elevated cities were eventually engulfed with water and today lie on the bottom of the ocean, some of them adjacent to the continental U.S.A. as is that unnamed city ten miles in diameter located off San Juan. Communications exist between the eight major cities in the vicinity of the West Indies via a tunnel system. Entrance to the surface is from underwater air locks from which their space craft emerge through the ocean to the surface.

A total of 28 underwater cities exist today throughout the world. Haammaan elaborated by stating that what is now the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico plus other ancient inhabited valleys were inundated in that flood. American scientists and other governments know that, Haammaan said.

The most recent movements of the earth's crust took place during the global flood, Haammaan added. New mountain chains were formed and old ones like the Himalayas rose considerably. Sediments were deposited on our American plains and fossil graveyards were left in various places.

After the Genesis flood was over (the same account of which is told in the Bible), old lands like Atlantis had disappeared and new ones formed. At first the tidal waves rushed back and forward over most parts of the globe but eventually the captive waters left on the high plains ran off and drowned costal lands via the newly formed streams and rivers such as North American's Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri and St. Lawrence. Geologists are still uncertain as to what caused the last Earth's destruction, but it was actually the Biblical flood brought on by an atomic war.

In his parting remarks, Haammaan said, "But I have come up from below and exposed myself to you and your government particularly to warn you people of the upper world of the immediate danger of a new nuclear war which you all face. A clue is in your Old Testament prophecy, 'As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the last days.'

Your civilization in the U.S.A. today stands unprotected from such a war and when it comes it will destroy the people and change the character of the land so that your great coastal cities and low lying areas which the bombs may miss will be submerged under water. It has taken the upper Earth civilization 11,500 years to reach again that same point that it sacrificed under the atom bomb long ago at a time when most of this Earth was truly a
Garden of Eden. If you think Earth was cursed previously following the atomic war I referred to, then believe that this next war will be many times worse with your stockpile of thousands of nuclear bombs and their delivery systems."

Haammaan paused again. "Read Plato, dust off your old fables and take another look at Noah, the Athenian, and his ark. If you think I cry wolf, believe me, I don't. If insane Earth leaders refuse to listen, the end of this world is again almost upon us.

"It was worth it to sound the alarm. I could have surfaced in a part of the world where my words might have gone unheard and my lips made mute. Then the world would never have heard my plea."

He finished on a note of hope: "If you surface people can restrain your military ego for a century, then you will discover new frontiers of travel and engineering triumphs through your new space craft the likes of which you have never dreamed. Meanwhile the United States is welcome to come down to Agharta and Bodland officially, and make contact with the inner world. Of this I am certain."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:49 pm

Tholden said: Another candidate for what the Rosswell UFO might have been the Horton Ho 229
The Aldebaran Mystery ... ects55.htm
Inspiration to rediscover such technologies were found in a novel published in 1871 by Rosicrucian author Edward Bulwer-Lytton, entitled, “THE COMING RACE“. Lytton tells the tale of an intrepid explorer who discovers an advanced race of humans living within a vast subterranean world who call themselves “Vril-ya”.

These beings had formerly been surface dwellers until a global catastrophe not unlike the Old Testament flood, forced them to take refuge deep in the Earth.

The survival of this marvelous society was facilitated by their application of a force they referred to as “Vril”. These people consider that in ‘vril’ they have arrived at the unity in natural energetic agencies, which has been conjectured by many philosophers above ground…”

It was supposed by some that Lytton’s book was not altogether a work of fiction, and in fact, he was privy to secrets that lost Lemurian and Atlantean artifacts still existed in clandestine caches hidden in the Gobi Desert and Tibet.

And indeed, ancient Sanskrit texts from India describe civilizations that flourished before the great flood that possessed technologies beyond the understanding of modern science.

German oriental scholars and occultists regarded such ancient myths with complete seriousness and during the lull between the First and Second World War, diligent efforts were put forth by both the ‘Thule’ and the ‘Vril’ secret societies to transform these myths into a viable technological reality.

Thule member, Dr. W.O. Schumann of the Technical University in Munich, declared,
“In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events; light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction–as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always; either–or…

Everything destructive is of Satanic origin, everything creative is divine… Every technology based on explosion or combustion has thus to be called Satanic. The coming new age will be an age of new, positive, divine technology… ”

Hence, the goal to harness ‘Vril’, Prana, the fundamental, limitless, cosmic life-force energy - a power source that would function harmoniously with our natural world - became an integral focus of these German secret societies.

Despite the Third Reich’s unconditional surrender in 1945, a potential Nazi threat still haunted Allied intelligence. Had the German High Command sacrificed its European operation to buy time for installation of a ‘fall-back’ position in the Antarctic, capable of launching future retaliations from its South Polar redoubt?

Post-script to this legend is the account of “Operation High-Jump”.

In January of 1947, an American military task force, complete with thirteen ships including, an aircraft carrier, seaplanes, helicopters and 4000 combat troops was dispatched to the Antarctic under the command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, for the stated purpose of ‘mapping’ the coastline. This task force was provisioned for an eight-month polar stay, but after eight weeks and an undisclosed loss of planes and personnel, Byrd withdrew his forces.

Of course, had all discussion of ‘flying saucers’ ended in 1945 it would be perfectly simple to dismiss the whole myth as preposterous nonsense. However, as we well know persistent reports of UFOs and circular flying craft have remained a ubiquitous enigma worldwide for all the decades since World War II. And as long as this mystery goes unanswered the riddle of Nazi saucers will remain an urgent paradox that spins a kaleidoscope of demanding questions.

Viewed from the aspect of classical physics, the whole myth is easily dismissed as fanciful rubbish; the fairy tale notions of occult channeling with space brothers from Aldebaran, and Nazis armed with flying saucers and ray-guns sounds like the most outrageous science fiction!

However, this same legend reconsidered from the radically altered view of Quantum physics takes on dramatic plausibility!

Was the Vril Society simply making practical application of the ‘Unified Field”?

Is Vril or “the unity in natural energetic agencies” that Edward Bulwer-Lytton described, far from pulp fiction, but a remarkably accurate description of zero-point energy that pervades the entire universe?

Did ancient lost civilizations of Earth share understanding with extraterrestrial civilizations among the stars that the universe is in fact a single consciousness and simultaneously an ocean of limitless energy?

Could it be that a handful of daring German visionaries discovered secrets of harnessing this energy?

And ultimately, who were the REAL victors in World War II?

Did a contingent of German physicists and engineers and military personnel successfully drop off the grid in 1945 and establish a new colony, totally self-sufficient and independent of the global petroleum cartels?

And are the fundamentals of free-energy production fully known and deliberately withheld, at the cost of destroying our environment, merely to serve the greed of multi-national corporate and banking interests to this day?

And is this ‘free-energy’ propulsion the ultimate secret behind the UFO cover-up?

Of course, in the years immediately following World War II, the German saucer mystery compounded even more. In June of 1947 a private pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported a formation of nine shiny objects speeding along at an unprecedented speed of 1600 mph in the vicinity of Mt. Rainier, Washington.

In Arnold’s words, the craft flew “like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water.”

Hence the press seized upon his words and launched the public fascination with “Flying Saucers”. However, Arnold actually described the craft as more crescent shaped, like ‘flying wings’ - which coincidentally was another air form perfected by the German Horton Brothers, during the war.

It was suspected that captured German aircraft were being studied in a joint U.S./British facility in western Canada close to Washington state.

Four months later, in September of 1947, just eight months after Admiral Byrd’s aborted mission to the Antarctic, the Strategic Air Command undertook a detailed mapping and reconnaissance mission of the North Pole.

An extensive B-29 support base was established at Ft. Richardson, Alaska. But aside from cameras, these bombers were crammed with state-of-the-art, electromagnetic scanners, sensors and magnetic emissions detectors. And, just as Byrd described, ‘high speed craft capable of flying from pole to pole’, were again encountered at the Arctic as well. Debriefed flight crews reported seeing metallic vertical lift saucers parked on the ice packs, flying in and out of the water as well as dogging the B-29s.

In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower was allegedly secreted away to a meeting with Extraterrestrials at MUROC airfield near Palm Springs, California.

One particular group was reported to be ‘Nordic’ looking and they offered Eisenhower Free-Energy technology in exchange for nuclear disarmament - Ike declined!

And as the story goes, these ‘Nordic’ ETs subsequently met with Pope Pius XII at the Vatican as well.

And of course it remains common knowledge that during the war Germany had cordial relations with Argentina and other Latin American countries, and by a curious coincidence even today UFOs are commonly reported the full length and breadth of South America, along with tales of hidden German bases in the ice peaks of Peru and the vast jungles of Brazil…

But perhaps the most blatant inference of a German connection with UFOs comes from the famed Billy Meier case in Switzerland.

In 1975, thirty years after the disappearance of the Vril society leaders, a Swiss farmer claimed to have contact with a girl from the ‘Pleiades’, who bore the pseudonym, “Semjase” and a striking resemblance to the ‘Vrilerinnen’ from 1919. This space girl also wore long blonde hair, spoke in fluent Austrian-German and candidly shared comprehensive knowledge about the German saucer projects of World War II.

And yet, the riddle remains that, were the surviving modern remnants of the Third Reich to actually possess such vastly superior technology.

Why then would they not simply flex their muscle and conquer the world in one final swift stroke?

Or did they realize such a victory might ultimately be a futile gesture?

Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret the ancient Sumerians possessed - that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system.

And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century.

Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span.

Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?

Do we dare suppose that a contemporary generation of subterranean Reichskinder secretly continue to advance their limitless scientific wonders, content to allow the ignorant, expendable ’surface dwellers’ to choke in the poisoned atmosphere of their internal-combustion, junk-technology, automobiles, airplanes and industries?

Could it be that all the incredible levitating machines and free-energy technologies envisioned by the Thule and Vril Societies are being carefully held in reserve for the promised ‘New Age’; a future time when Earth has recovered from the agonies of its Dark Star’s encounter…?

And lastly, there has surfaced the mystery of the TR-3B. Allegedly one of the latest high-tech, USAF stealth aircraft rumored to be operational is the ‘Astra’, otherwise known as the TR-3B.

This craft is delta shaped and capable of vertical lift, as well as all the other radical moves commonly associated with UFOs. This baby comes in two sizes, one 300 feet long and one 600 feet long. Its propulsion is described as “Magnetic Field Disruptor” [anti-gravity], created by spinning mercury plasma at 50,000 rpms, pressurized to 250,000 psi.

This reduces the craft’s gravitational mass by 89%. Multi-mode impulse rockets at each corner of the delta configuration supply the remaining 11% propulsion. Could this plane be the ugly stepchild of the Haunebu III??

It is interesting to note that in ancient India, the name “Astra’ referred to a ‘terrible’ airborne weapon…

The bottom line has two options; either the whole story is pure fantasy, or Nazi secrets of anti-gravity were gobbled up at the end of the war by Allied Intelligence and given a security classification Above-Top-Secret, with all evidence meticulously hidden or destroyed.

However, it should be noted that anti-gravity propulsion systems, such as the Vril legend suggest, would make all aerospace and avionic technologies obsolete overnight - and these are huge multi-billion dollar industries directly tied to the international petroleum cartels. Surely these combined military/industrial interests would possess the means and the motive to obliterate any conclusive history of German anti-gravity research.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:55 pm

Was the "War in the Heavens" fought between the Serpent People and the Arians from Mars and Maldek and later between Atlantis (Arians) and the Athens (the Serpent People)?

The Arians were from Aldebaran in the Taurus Constellation which also includes the Pleiades.

One “theory” claims that Nibiru (if it exists) originated in the Sirius system but now resides in the Pleiades. Still another theory claims that Nibiru travels back and fourth between the Pleiades and Sirius.

Were the Arians or Atlanteans the followers of Saturn? Did they represent pre-Adamic man – the ELs or the Elder Gods”?

Were the Athenians the followers of Jupiter and the Olympians? Did they represent the Serpent people (the Anunnaki).

According to Pierre Sabak, the Serpent People defeated the Arians in the “War in the Heavens”. Then they created an Arian-Reptilian hybrid line of kings on the Moon after the war and then reseeded this bloodline on Earth. Is this really the bloodline of Adam and Eve?

Cadmus, the founder of Thebes
Cadmus is known as the founder and the first king of Thebes, a powerful town in the ancient times, close to Athens. He is also known as the man who brought the writing and the alphabet from the Phoenicians to the Greeks and through the Greeks to the whole world. According to mythology, his life was long and adventurous. Everything started when his sister was abducted by Zeus, the chief of the gods. That is when he left his country to look for her. Although he probably didn't find her at the end, the Fates had planned a great life for him...

Cadmus was the son of Agenor, king of Tyre, and his queen, Telephassa. He was also the brother of Europa, who was abducted by Zeus in the guise of a white bull. The chief of the gods had been seduced by the beauty of Europa, so he decided to kidnap her.
Here we have the references to Zeus (Jupiter) and Athena (the birth of Venus from the “head” of Jupiter). Originally Venus was supposed to have been a satellite or moon of Maldek.

There is some kind of inter-relationship between Sirius and the Pleiades in opposition to Orion, the Serpens Constellation and/or Alpha Draconis.

KEKROPS (Cecrops) was an early earth-born king of Attika and founder of the city of Athens. He was depicted as a man with a serpent's-tail in place of legs.

Kekrops was the first man to offer sacrifices to the goddess Athena following her birth from the head of Zeus, and he established the ancient Akropolis shrine. When Poseidon later disputed her claim to the city, Kekrops was asked to adjudicate and found in her favour. He was succeeded on the throne by Athena's foster-son, the earth-born man Erikthonios.
Were the “People of the Covenant” the human-reptilian hybrid line of kings? ... 056#p57877

Throughout ancient corpus, the serpent is described as a liar and a deceiver – an entity that hides its form via symbolism. Protected by the Secret Society network, the dragon’s presence is legitimized through the priestcraft (religion) state and government. Growth of the world’s Empires and Masonic fraternities mirrored the fallen angel – a conqueror established by virtue of a monarchical bloodline.

Accounts record the host as the ‘sailor’, ‘nomad’ or ‘alien’. They appeared as ‘serpents’ or ‘amphibians’ and are revered as the ‘destroyers’, ‘rapists’ and ‘pillagers’. In particular, the ‘dragon’s heritage interconnects with the star system ‘Sirius’, oriented towards the ‘Pleiades’ and ‘Orion’ – the latter constellation affiliated to the ‘Titans’ and mixed progeny.

So summarize the main arguments enumerated so far. Human culture originated from the ‘Pleiades’, Greek ‘pleien’ (to sail), and migrated initially to ‘Mars’ (Latin mamers) – a definition recognizant with the development of the ‘mammal’, philological to ‘man’ and the ‘moon’.

‘Mamers’ archaically is a derivation from the Aramic root ‘mamonas’ (riches), attributed originally to the wealthy civilization of Atlantis. According to Plato’s narrative in the Timaeus, occupants of the fabled island (planet) are defeated by the ‘Athenians’ – Grecian named extracted from the Arabic root “af’a” (a viper).

Destruction of ‘Mars’, recorded in the Roman pantheon as the ‘God of War’, is located with the moon of Jupiter ‘Tantalus’, an anagram of ‘Atlantis’ obliterated most probably by a satellite of Saturn.

Fragments of ‘Tantalus’ constitute the ‘asteroid belt’ – archived in Roman mythology as the underworld. Following Mars’ capitulation, remnants of man’s seed were taken to the ‘moon’ and its ‘priesthood’ extracted from this bloodline.

Ritual death of man celebrates the spring ‘ram’ – an anagram of ‘Mars’. Additionally, ‘maris’ is a homophone of (sea and sea water), conceptual to the ‘host’ and the ‘deluge’.

Offspring of Mars are referred to in the Roman language as “Martius’ (a Martian literally descended from Mars and possesses the additional meaning of the month of March).

Identical themes outlining human destruction are evident in the Semitic traditions of ‘Atlantis’ named in the Bible as ‘Eden’ – a derivation of ‘Adon’ (red). In Arabic, the word ‘annihilation’ (‘adam’) is cogent with the first ‘Adam’, correlated in Hebrew with ‘Ma’adim’ (Mars).

After the ‘angelic wars’ survivors from the ‘Red Planet’ entered into a covenant with the brazen ‘snake’ (ta’ban), associated in the Hellenistic mysteries with the ‘Athenian and Theban’ priesthood. Predicated on ‘submission’, emissaries of the reptile contractually stipulated the death of the firstborn male (ram) and the propagation of illegitimate heirs through female reproduction (goat).

Marriage of the serpent with woman begot a powerful race of rulers, known in Thebes as the ‘Court of the Dragon’, documented in occult literature as the ‘Goat’ (Mendes). The appellation of ‘Mendes’ is deduced from the Arabic root ‘Madad’ (a Mason) and ‘medha’ (a human sacrifice), cognomens of the Persian priesthood ‘Mada’, etymological to ‘Martu’ and ‘Martian’.

Archaically, the ‘maenad’ denotes a priestess of the Roman God ‘Dionysus’ (Greek Bacchus).

‘Bacchus’ known to his followers as the ‘Son of Zeus’ (Greek dios-kouros) is a cryptic pun on a ‘reptile God’ (dinosaurs).

Assigned to matriarchal hereditary, the dragon’s progeny conceived the Pharaonic bloodline, extrapolated from the seed taken from the moon. Repatriation of the serpent with the woman, formalized through a covenant, linked the ‘fallen angel’ with the ‘builder’ – a title consistent with the ‘surveyor’, ‘architect’, ‘mason’, ‘snake’ or ‘king’.

The Craft inducted women into the magical arts of the snake, appearing to her as a semblance, apparition or ghost. According to the Rabbinical book of ‘Haggadah’, the serpent adopted a human visage – an intransient image or illusion.

Semitic traditions celebrate the veneration of ‘Jupiter’ (Hebrew tsdek – justice) with the death of the firstborn Isaac (Zadok) and his replacement with the ram.

To conclude, the angel is a being that can change the corporeal form from dragon into man through ‘sound’, personified as the ‘word’ or ‘double’. Sacrament of the ‘goat’ extracted from the Hebrew etymon khafil’ (a double) specifies atonement facilitated through blood sacrifice.

Connection or crossover between the woman and the serpent is relative to the ‘cabal’ or ‘secret society’, supplemental to the ‘Masonic Brotherhood’, explicit of the ‘Illuminati’. A secret organization, the ‘Illuminated Ones’ record the hidden history of humanity primarily through covert symbolism. The serpent’s existence is substantiated through the study of philology.

Repeated, the same signifiers are found in all of the world’s languages. The bloodline of the angelic order and its dealings with man are secret and sanctioned through the law. Union between the snake and its priesthood is archived universally and is demonstrated in the Roman and Semitic languages.

To conclude, the essence of language loans itself to symbolism, represented sublimely through the study of philology and homonyms. A hidden mentor of man, the angel in occult lore is a reptilian entity, distinguished as the hidden master of the king.

Principally the dragon, a teacher of words and arithmetic, embedded knowledge of itself sequenced in numerical codes – a secret history veiled in mathematics, geometry, astronomy, semiology and language. Systematic and intelligent, the adoption of signs is discursive of arcane wisdom, pertaining to the snake and its concealment.

Historically, the reptile conquered mankind through the matriarch, choosing to fashion his descendents on the serpent’s image. From this contract followed the creation of governments. Mediation between the angelic realm and the kingdom documents the royal protagonist, a human-angelic line presented as a demigod or king.

A deceiver of humanity – the reptile contrives social, religious, political and sexual boundaries. Ideologically, it governs and opposes -- Labor and Conservative, Capitalist and Communist, Fascist and Liberal, Green and Global.

Compartmentalization of all the world’s religions is regulated through the partition of the priesthood. This includes the Sunni and Shiite, Catholic and Protestant, Pharisee and Sadduce, Hinayana and Mahayana (Buddhism), ad infinitum. Masonic societies describe this duality as “Ordo ab Chao’ (Order out of Chaos) a motto attributed to the “Shatani (an adversary or opposer).
What is this strange planet? Is it Nibiru, the "planet" of the Anunnaki? ... f62#p42251

From the seclusion of the numerous tunnel off-shoots, the Germans were frequently attacked by a subterranean race of creatures who tried to kill them as had the Indians on the surface. At one point, these "evil ones" or "Sons of Satan," as the colonists nicknamed them, walled-up the community of new German arrivals. Germans who still dwell in these original interior cities say the interior of the earth's mantle is filled with many cities inhabited by the "evil ones."

The tunnel Germans heard a story of how the Bodlanders some 30,000 years earlier had sought refuge in underground tunnels when attacked by a vicious race which had come out of the sky in space craft using superior weaponry to destroy their cities and kill their people by the millions. Only a few thousand survivors were left and they were pursued into mountainous caves. The calamity had occurred in what is today Iran, Pakistan and Syria, which was once peopled by a race of fair people who called themselves Bacchis and later changed to Bods. Many years later the Bods reached the Inner World via tunnels and pockets in the earth's mantle.

"The cradle of our race, of course, was in the Antarctic from which our ancestors migrated to Persia (Iran) when the Antarctic area slowly became frozen over with ice which is now two miles thick.

"But completing the story of our ancient history, you know our surface nation was destroyed and our people hunted and killed by the millions when a vicious race from another planet named "The Serpent People" landed among us from spacecraft. Many of our ancestors were driven into caves for survival, where for many years they remained. They were never able to return to their native lands occupied by the alien invaders whom our astronomers believed came from a strange planet which intruded into our solar system and also caused the earlier ice age over our original lands.
Are the Chitauli the Serpent People or the Anunnaki?
Are the Wazungu the Arians or the Bodelanders? ... 660#p42257

The people of Rwanda, the Hutu people, as well as the Watusi people, state, and they are not the only people in Africa who state this that their very oldest ancestors were a race of beings whom they called the Imanujela, which means “the Lords who have come”. They say that they came from the sky many generations ago, a race of highly advanced and fearsome creatures which looked like men, and they call them Zishwezi.

The Zulus claim that many thousands of years ago there arrived, out of the skies, a race of people who were like lizards, people who could change shape at will. And there were people who married their daughters to a walking (extraterrestrial) and produced a power race of Kings and tribal Chiefs. There are hundreds of fairy-tales, sir, in which a lizard female assumes the identity of a human princess and poses as her and gets married to a Zulu Prince.

Throughout South Africa, amongst many tribes, you’ll find stories of these amazing creatures who are capable of changing from a reptile to human being and from reptile to any other animal of their choice. And these creatures, sir, do really exist.

It is said that these creatures feed on us human beings; that they, at one time, challenged God Himself to war, because they wanted full control of the universe. And God fought a terrible battle against them and He defeated them, injured them, and forced them to hide in cities underground.

Now, sir, another thing that the Chitauli told our people is that we human beings are here on Earth to change the Earth and to make it suitable for “God” to come down one day and dwell in it. And it is said that they who work to change this Earth and make it safe for the serpent god, the Chitauli, to come and dwell in it, will be rewarded with great power and with great wealth.

Many centuries ago, before the first White-man came to Africa, we African people encountered a race of alien beings which looked exactly like the European White-man who were going to invade Africa in our future.

These alien creatures were tall. Some of them are rather well built, like athletes, and they have slightly slanting blue eyes and high cheek-bones. And they had golden hair, and they look exactly like the Europeans of today, with one exception: their fingers are beautifully made, long and like those of musicians and artists.

Now, these creatures came to Africa out of the sky, in craft which looked like the boomerang of the Australian people. Now, when one of these craft comes down to land, it creates a whirlwind of dust, which makes a very large sound indeed, like that of a tornado. In the language of some African tribes, a whirlwind is zungar-uzungo.

Now, our people gave several names to these White-skinned aliens. They called them Wazungu, a word which loosely means “god” but literally means “people of the dust-devil or the whirlwind”.

Our people were familiar with these Wazungu from the start. They saw them, and they saw that many of these Wazungu carry what appears to be a sphere made of crystal or glass, a sphere which they always playfully bounce like a ball in their hands. And when a force of warriors tries to capture a Wazungu, the Wazungu throws this ball into the air, catches it in his hands, and then disappears.

Now, in the Zulu language, we call a White man Umlungu. Now, the word Umlungu means exactly the same as Wazungu, “a god or a creature which creates a big whirlwind underground”.

The aliens once destroyed a nation whose name has come down to us Africans as the nation of Amariri. It is said that the kings of Amariri, this fabulous country which we believed lay beyond the setting of the Sun, were refusing to do what the Chitauli were telling them to do.

The kings, at that time, were refusing to sacrifice their children to the Chitauli. They were refusing to make war on fellow human-beings, in order to sustain the Chitauli, with their god’s image.

It is said that the Chitauli brought down a fire from Heaven. They took fire from the Sun itself and they used it to burn that great civilization away. They caused earthquakes and tidal waves and destroyed the great civilization of the Red people of the long green hair, who are said to have been the first people ever to be created on this Earth. It is said that the Chitauli allowed only a few surviving people to escape the destruction of Amariri, and that they are prepared to do this again in the very near future.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:45 am

GaryN said: I agree that all the planets are formed hollow; it fits in with the idea that they are formed as spherical Coulomb crystals.
Is the Sun a Spherical Coulomb Crystal? IMHO, it seems quite likely. ;) ... 660#p57949

It is also noteworthy that an electrically active, rigid surface model of the sun has always been a valid alternative to the current gas model theory. A solid surface model of the sun is a lot more logical and a lot better scientifically supported "observationally" than current gas models of the sun. ... 660#p58050

Spiral coils generate very powerful electromagnetic fields by operating with two different but simultaneous resonant behaviors. Quarter-wave resonance is established by adjusting the frequency (and wavelength) of a radio frequency (RF) voltage source until the length of the spiral conductor is equal to ¼ of the wavelength of the alternating voltage. This generates an electromagnetic standing wave with at least one peak node and at least one null node. Inductive-capacitive (L/C) resonance is established by optimizing the thickness and width of the wire ribbon used to make the spiral coil. When inductance and capacitance are balanced, the current response will synchronize with the voltage input, creating in-phase behavior, minimal total impedance, and maximal power output. If two such coils are placed near each other, they will create an extremely powerful electromagnetic field between them, which can promote chemical and plasma reactions involving charged particles such as ions or plasma particles, possibly including nuclear fusion reactions.
Is the Sun a magnifying transmitter? ... 570#p40745
The magnifying transmitter is an alternate version of a Tesla Coil. It is a high power harmonic oscillator for the wireless transmission of electrical energy. Tesla's apparatus is a high-voltage, air-core, multiple-resonant transformer that can generate very high voltages at high frequency.
Junglelord said: Does the modern Z Pinch really accurately model the sun? Is there some other Pinch Machine that more accurately models the sun? If so who built it?

The first powerful Theta Pinch was built and tested by Nikola Tesla. It’s called the Magnifying Transmitter. It is with his Magnifying Transmitter and its design that he discovered Longitudinal Electric Energy.

So in reality Tesla was running a Theta Pinch in 1899, which more correctly represents the Pinch effect of a spherical, spiral or toroid shape. We all know the sun is spherical. Not only that but his Magnifying Transmitter Pinch effect was his eureka moment that the Ionosphere and earth were and could be effected by this Longitudinal Energy.

It is my contention that Tesla and his particular Pinch Machine, the Magnifying Transmitter, was fundamentally more like the sun in many more respects then any device before or since. Other Pinch Machines do not come close to representing nature in shape or performance as the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter.
The Sun Tzolkin Structure:
Premise: To resolve the structure of the sun as magic square, discern which body: sun / earth / Neptune is "center" and planet orbital relation.

Seemingly, this Author constructs the framework of the Mayan Tzolkin without realizing it. His methods validate planet placements and orbits as well as atomic electron orbitals and crystal harmonics. It should be noted that electrons, in reality, do not orbit the nucleus but reside at the north / south poles of the nucleus (as spherical surfaces); a toroidal-one-layer thick-electron-cloud full of individual electron-potential-domains upon this spherical surface, appearing and disappearing from the 3rd dimension at a rate of approx. 1300-3000 times a second.

The Author uses a grid of 7 x 7 squares upon which 7 planets orbit. The Mayan Tzolkin is a grid of 13 x 20 squares so the 7 x 7 should be expanded to 13 x 20. It should be found that the diagonals of the 13 x 20 grid will match the diagonal lines of the Tzolkin.

Postulate 1: All these structures are tori:

The Creator God: Two overlapping tori. The Vesica Piscus, (B. Fuller, 2 = Unity, File 83 Fuller Paraphrased).

Space: Almost infinite overlapping tori. (Kaufman, File 8 Neutrinos).

Electrons: At least 27 levels of tori. (Jerry Iuliano, File 99 Electrons and Mythologies and Jerry E. Bayles' ElectricMass link).

Sub-structures of Electrons: (Jerry Iuliano, File 99 Electrons and Mythologies).

Atoms: (Smart1234, File 55 Magic Squares and Levitation).

Sub-structures of atoms: (Deduced from sub-electron levels).

Human spiritual body: (Toroidal energy body, toroidal brain, alimentary tract and inner ear logarithmic spiral).

Earth: (Jose Arguelles' The Mayan Factor: Bibliography).
All Planets: (Inferred from Earth Mind of Arguelles).
All Moons: (Inferred from Earth Mind of Arguelles).
All Suns: (Inferred from Earth Mind of Arguelles).
All Galaxies: (Speculation: Galactic blackhole = center of torus).
Universe: (Speculation: Perfect toroidal sphere universe).

All these tori are conscious to various degrees (Consciousness Units, Joe Mason: Code Consortium) but are full of energy. There is only energy and consciousness that produces the universe; therefore we can call the CU's of (Wilcock).

ECU's- Energy and Consciousness Units

ECU's are tori of energy and consciousness which, from the very beginning, have multiplied by division almost infinitely.

Postulate 1: All these structures are tori.
Postulate 2: Light is the source of all matter.
Postulate 3: Primordial light has an order; tetrahedral.
Postulate 4: The magic square orders the toroidal matrix.
Postulate 5: The toroidal matrix multiplies by division.
Postulate 6: Tetrahedra are the basic building blocks of platonic, archemedian and coexeter solids.
Postulate 7: All solids eventually form spherical-toroidal matter.
Postulate 8: All matter has a toroidal-geometric-magic square-order.
Postulate 9: All orbiting matter maintains its orbit upon the equator of its parent toroidal sphere.
Postulate 10: The electrons, being non-matter aggregations, do not maintain their orbits upon the equator of their parent toroidal sphere (atom).

(Note: The author constructs a grid of doubling squares within concentric circles. These doubling progressions progress by a factor of 2 times the first number, to 7 numbers representing 7 planets.

Number 7 is probably used as a representation of an octave, 7 being the "center" stable-node planet Jupiter, according to the author. There are 2 groups of 3 to each side of Jupiter.

These doublings represent Bodes Law based upon Plato's Tetraktys with its double / triple progressions. These doublings of Venus resonance are the same resonance numbers found by the Code Consortium and Michael Morton's work in File 99 Electrons and Mythologies, and are key gematric numbers).
From the Author: During a displacement representing a catastrophe,

"The planets move towards successive and immediate abscissas to the limits of 1/ 2 (Limit of half area)".

And again, "Two locations on the same scale, these go toward the extreme opposed inside the capacity of their location areas".

"We find other atomic analogies. When particles or packages of waves unfolded and move away toward opposed ends." (C. Stroud and J. Yeazell. Rochester. 1991.- C. Monroe, D. J. Wineland. NIST. Boulder.1996).

(Note: The implication: This movement is 1 / 2 of 1 whole movement, seemingly split in 2 directions in the grid. Interpreted the only way it can be interpreted, thusly, we see what it really means: The 2 abscissa imply that this grid is specially folded. Knowing that the Mayan Tzolkin grid is also folded in a special manner, I folded this author's grid into the only universal shape that can integrate the 2 abscissa:

The torus shape, with the 7th column in the center axis of the torus, seemingly represents the axis of the sun, 3 planets to each side for a total of 7 bodies.

Now the 2 abscissa become one. In other words, the top / bottom, left / right edges of this grid are connected respectively, thus resolving the 2 abscissa problem.

So we are beginning to see what seems to be a plane of planetary orbits following about the equator of the sun, where the sun holds the planets in a double proportion interval progressing from Mercury, Pluto's orbit not yet settled. Now this torus-grid may extend into space where the planets are held in double interval, or I suspect that this torus-grid may "be" the sun's surface as a Mayan Tzolkin magic square of appropriate number found in File 55, Magic Squares and Levitation.

I saw a picture of the sun’s vortex field, from another Author, whirling around the sun, being implosive and center seeking, meaning the vortex is pushing all matter into the center of the sun, the vortex being first cause of the sun’s matter, not the opposite, which is why fast rotating galaxies do not, and never will, fly apart.

Nevertheless, upon this vortex with its imploding spiraling lines, was drawn an elliptical planet orbit. What this picture told me was that a planet of matter, in its own planet making vortex, will follow an elliptical path when its orbit is within a spiraling-torus-field-vortex of a sun.

So far, I will revise my postulate that there may be a Mayan Tzolkin between the sun and earth in a flat division of the two, and say that this author's grid may be the Mayan Tzolkin in the above mentioned configuration: a torus upon the surface of our sun, implying that our sun’s light core, which takes into it, a double and opposing spiral (Wright) of even higher dimension (density: Wilcock), which doubling frequencies apply not so much to 90 degrees to 3D nodes but simply to 3 more dimensions (4D) of higher-octave-frequency, resonant with lower 3D octave-frequencies, received from the galaxy's torus-core).

From the Author-

Aspects of the density and the planetary rotation in the diagram:

"The horizontal order of points of figure 5 corresponds to Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto".

"The vertical order from the base corresponds- Venus, Mars, Mercury (Inferior quadrant").

-"Neptune, Earth. (Central axis)"

-"Saturn, Uranus, Pluto (Superior quadrant: Among them, Venus and Pluto they are displaced and retrograde)"

-"Jupiter (Superior limit)"

"The belt of asteroids separates two groups of planetary masses in opposed direction. A group condenses and the other one expands. Clear relationships are not shown. In the diagram an action is distinguished for perpendicular axes (Earth, Neptune and Jupiter) and another action is on the axes 2 of the antagonistic quadrants".

(Note: This would revise my previous postulate that all planets are ingressing toward the sun if it were not for the fact that this author’s flat diagram should be folded top / bottom, left / right. This being so in reality, we may still resolve this moving apart of 2 groups of planets into my original postulate that all planets ingress toward the sun. Maybe not. It remains to be seen as this concept of this author is difficult to decipher).

From the Author-

"Asteroseismology has recently discovered that the body of stars appears with stationary nodal structures".

Full nodes, empty nodes

"The analogy of phenomena would lead one to believe that networks formed by the distribution of atoms in crystals could be considered as consisting of atoms occupying nodes, with an individual structure of stationary waves whose separation is interatomic space".

"Nonetheless, inside atoms the interpretation of the function of the wave takes into account that it is the square of the magnitude of its loop that is the measure of probability in finding electrons. It is surprising that it is precisely over the nodes of these waves where particles should never be found!"

"In interatomic planes of a crystal, both parallel and successive - also known as Bragg's planes - radiation is reflected in the same way that a flat mirror reflects light".

"Crystallography shows us which planes need to be established between the locations of the different atoms in a crystal".

"The waves reflected by the crystals never do so from any of the arcs of the supposedly stationary waves which pre-exist amongst the crystal atom-nodes, but from above the planes formed by the nodal lines".

(Note: The Author's so called "particles" should never be found directly over the nodes because the nodes are the perfectly cancelled standing waves wherein no wave can exist. This implies that the so called "particles" that do appear where the nodes are not, are not particles at all, but interactions of frequencies called domains of potential).


From the Author-

The flawed Titius-Bode Law. Certain ideas from Kepler

"Using the well-known laws of Kepler (1) and Newton (2), one can show the relationships between planets, times, velocities and the force of gravity with squares and cubes of its distances from the centre of the Sun. They are unquestionable laws, but there are reasons for not clearly understanding why the decisive elements in representing a geometry of circular or spheroidal positions such as orbits, must precisely be squares and cubes, and not the number p (pi).

By analogy, we can transfer this incomprehension to that of Coulomb's law, applied to the orbital electrons in the atom (unless nature itself wants to show us the solution to the so-called problem of quadrature of the circle)".

(Note: Quadratic logic: Nature has shown the 4D quadrature of the circle. Is it called the torus or is it 2 overlapping tori (4D + 4D = exponent 8 of any correct gravity formula?).

Think about what this 8 means in relation the 8 x 8 I-Ching embedded in the middle of earth's Mayan Tzolkin of 13 x 20).
The True Structure of the Solar System ... hetrue.htm
All these cases show a scale of appropriate structure of physical laws. It could be thought that they are the suitable scales, but they are scales that can identify bodies and physical cavities, when being created with the whole fractions of the measures of the body, or, cavity where they are generated or they are applied.
It happens on different liquids, between stars' internal layers and atomic nuclei.

Uniform masses, they produce their reflection limits like cavities, able to generate emissions' own contents. This is applied equally for the music like in physiology for the magnetic resonances.

This is the reason so that the whole numbers of waves show the structure of the atom through the spectra, of a musical instrument through the sounds, of antenna contained through kilocycles and modulations, and of a star through their seismology.

For the moment, the measure wave structures are the universal language of the physics that has been shown more fertile and profitable. Their possibilities didn't still find the limit. Therefore, they don't allow accommodations. Also this shows advantages if they mix when being classified with the Fourier analysis.

An important aspect is that inside of its limits, the lines that structure the harmonic field or the lines of electromagnetic fields don't need corporal evidences. However, we can identify the lines when meeting with some free particles in some cases. For example the salt, sand or sawdust, on membranes, boxes of resonance, tubes of Kundt or iron filings in magnetic fields.

The cycle of a wave is composed of two phases, two halves. The fundamental wave in a vibrant rope corresponds to a longitude similar to double the longitude rope. This way, the waves have the ability to measure a double longitude, whole longitude, or multiples of their halves.

This way on a vibrant string, we can assure that each octave will repeat a consonant or resonant of the same note in a longitude half, or double frequency, by validity of the deduced series. Its measure indicates a structure that is part of the original body.

The case of the fundamental double series in physics, the resonance indicates a reception and an answer that are in music are called consonants.

In turn, each resonance acquires the ability to bend its measure to occupy the following space of whole numbers that form a new unit, etc. In these cases, each resonance emits its new scale measure-as unit.

An instrument that emitted the scales of the human hearing would need a structure able to contain the seven octaves that reach to be emitted in the orchestras simultaneously.

These conditions are exactly applied to identify the orbital structure of the Solar System.

To demonstrate it, it is supposed that each planet must be coordinated with its resonant one in successive octaves. We have prepared two tables with the resonant of the planetary distances on double scales. The distances corresponding to the planetary position underlined. We have limited ourselves to the resonances that contain planets, to make sure the coincidence of testimonies with supposed line of corresponding octaves.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:20 am

Hyper Dimensional Resonator
Radionic Time Travel

Main components of Tensor Coil AKA Caduceus Coil

A copper wire with a bifilar winding that has the opposing magnetic fields cancel each other. Take a enamel copper wire and nick the middle then twist the wire into a double helix. Now curl the wire into a spiral. This will generate scalar waves when there is a current.

Why does the Caduceus Coil Work?

It is believed that scalar waves have strange effects including the distortion of temporal field.

The HDR caduceus coil built by Steven Gibbs should have the ability to generate an electromagnetic field that disrupts time waves and alters the flow of chronoton particles. My experiment with a watch subjected to the "gibbs effect" establishes that something is causing a disruption in the normal flow of time.

I believe this is caused by scalar waves emanating from the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR created by inventor Steven Gibbs. These waves interact with those of the electromagnet to create a temporal disruption that can affect clocks.

HDR Finding the Right Frequency

The Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR) must be tuned to the correct frequency to achieve its effect. Like all radionics machines, the HDR is a bit of a mystery. How do we find the proper rates to assist with astral time travel?

I believe that is a very important thing is for the operator of the HDR to enter the alpha state and clear the mind. This can be achieved through meditation, but I believe that radionics can enable people to boost their natural abilities.

We could call the Steven Gibbs HDR a techno-shamanic tool, used by technomages in attempting to increase their natural latent psychic abilities. Perhaps the pulsed magnetic field can stimulate deep thought process associated with natural psychic ability. We still do not understand the great unknown.

What we do know is that the Hyper Dimensional Resonator was invented in 1985 by Steven Gibbs while he was a farmer in Nebraska. This tool was based on an earlier more crude radionics machine known as the Sonic Resonator which Steven Gibbs developed in 1981.

The HDR has added to it a caduceus coil which Steven Gibbs says is responsible for creating scalar waves. Tuning these scalar waves to the correct frequency appears to be important. Scalar waves are said to be used in time travel experiments.

Space Time Modulator

The STM or Space Time Modulator is a small device about the size of a pack of cigs and it easily fits in a pocket. Steven Gibbs claims that this device is a mini time machine that can be used for time travel and that it can generate a time warp.

Steven Gibbs sent me an STM free for me to test and I am currently testing it.

The Space Time Modulator does not use an electromagnet, but a copper plate that is attached to the stomach chakra. It is a mini radionics machine that is portable.


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