Suggested reading for magnetic motor inventors

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Suggested reading for magnetic motor inventors

Unread post by nikolatesla » Sat May 02, 2009 10:23 am

I could put this in my thread about "Magnetically powered motors w/o electricity", but it seemed more productive to make it a separate thread.

Three books come to mind with all the blind exploring and experimentation and speculation about making a magnetic motor that works;

Book Number One - 'The Sand Pebbles' by Richard McKenna - the book, and maybe the movie too.
Relevant details borrowed and recomposed to serve our purposes from a wiki article;

in 1926, Machinist's Mate 1st Class Jake Holman (Steve McQueen) transfers from the Asiatic Fleet flagship to the Yangtze River Patrol gunboat USS San Pablo (the ship is nicknamed the "Sand Pebbles"). Holman's friend and protégé, Po-han (Mako), a coolie he has trained to be an engine crew leader. Po-han and the other coolies think that the steam is some sort of creature, like a dragon. They think in terms of the creature being happy or sad, energetic or tired.

The head coolie boss is envious of Po-han's native instinct for machinery, and feels threatened by Jake's teaching Po-han to truly understand why the machinery works; the 'steam cycle' of water to fire to steam, doing work, and then condensing and becoming water again. The coolie boss fears that Po-han will undercut him.

The other Americans of the Naval crew of the Sand Pebbles also feel threatened. They want to prevent the coolies from getting too smart and uppity.

Are you beginning to get an idea why I suggest reading this book? Are we not all in rather the same category as Po-han, trying to understand the 'magnetic motor cycle' and how it works? We don't think of it as a 'creature', but we are not much better off. At least Po-han had the willingness to let go of preconceived false ideas, and view himself as ignorant, but willing to learn. Of having the potential to understand something totally mysterious and baffling to him, the steam cycle.

And who takes the place of the jealous head coolie boss, or the insecure American crewmen aboard the ship, but outfits like Youtube taking down magnetic motor videos, or the guys who poisoned an inventor of a water-powered car, or the MIB (NWO goons) visiting the guy experimenting with a Stonehenge magnetic motor and telling him to stop his work, as reported here; ... _to_Mylow/

Book Number Two - 'The Door Into Summer' by Robert A. Heinlein
This book was written in 1956, so its time setting in 1970 is still quite a bit into the future for its time. It is so well-written, it might as well have been written today. Dan Davis is an inventor guy who thinks of engineering and inventing in terms of 'art'. The book is full from one end to the other with the accounts of Dan's sheer perseverance and inventiveness in creating robotic home helper machines, and his escapades with people trying to undercut him. The entire book is suffused with an engineer's attitude and approach to life, but is geared for 'easy reading' after the style that only Heinlein can achieve. On page 120 of the paperback, Dan thinks to himself, 'Engineering is the art of the practical and depends more on the total state of the art than it does on the individual engineer. When railroading time comes you can railroad—but not before.'

How much do you want to bet that we are on the very verge of 'magnetic motoring time'?

Book Number Three – 'Out of the Crisis' by Dr. Edwards Deming
An excellent review of the book and author appears here;
This book explains what is wrong with American and other national technological approaches in seeking to suppress inventions like the magnetic motor, maintaining a wasteful 'good old boy' network of dumbed-down top level management types defending their status quo of NIH or 'not invented here' (so who needs it?) defeatist attitude towards new ideas.

In post-World War II, Japan had a reputation for junk products. They had been superlative fighters in the war, and brought their own battleships and aircraft. But after the war, they needed to rejuvenate their industrial sector and become truly productive and imaginative, instead of merely attempting to copy the technology of America and Europe.

In the book, there is a cross-country automobile race of production automobiles by various car manufacturers held in Australia. All the big automotive giants send their entrants. The Japanese send these two guys with a gutless wonder of a car that is underpowered, has weak brakes, is too heavy, a junker straight off the assembly line. Nobody in Japan really expects too much from their team, and they receive little fanfare and not much of a send-off when they leave Japan to enter the race. An attitude of pessimism and defeatist sentiments pervades Japanese technology at the time, approximately the mid-1950's. Kind of like now for a lot of people with magnetic motors, you might say.

The Australian cross-country race is the equivalent of the Baja 500, a grueling affair.

The race begins, and the poor Japanese team is left in the dust. But by the end of the race, every other contestant, all the big shots of the automotive world, have broken down. Like the tortoise and the hare, the Japanese team finally crosses the finish line as the winners.

When they return to Japan, they expect the same lackluster reception as their earlier departure. But when they get off the plane, they find all the auto company big shots waiting to give them a victor's welcome. They are national heroes.

But Japan has a problem. They still can't seem to get their act together. Kind of like Detroit—today; still producing gas hogs, squashing electric cars and magnetic motors.

The Japanese approach Dr. Deming and ask his help in restructuring their manufacturing sector into something that has a chance to actually succeed.

Quoting from the link above;

He was invited to Japan at the end of World War II by Japanese industrial leaders and engineers. They asked Dr. Deming how long it would take to shift the perception of the world from the existing paradigm that Japan produced cheap, shoddy imitations to one of producing innovative quality products.

Dr. Deming told the group that if they would follow his directions, they could achieve the desired outcome in five years. Few of the leaders believed him. But they were ashamed to say so and would be embarrassed if they failed to follow his suggestions.
As Dr. Deming told it, "They surprised me and did it in four years."
Recalling from memory, and please excuse me if I turn out to be a little off, the Japanese had a very find 4 liter motor for their compact car. But it was a monumental obstacle for them to consider how to engineer a 5 liter engine for a full size model they wanted to build. That was the level of engineering they were at; how to take a 4 liter engine and copy it successfully to redesign and build a 5 liter engine. “Oh, no! We can't do that! How do you--? That's difficult! Please help is, Doctor Deming.” Something like that.

He said, “Long-stroke it.” IOW, keep the existing 4 liter engine, but put in a crankshaft with a longer stroke, shorten the connecting rods accordingly, and transform the 4 liter long block into a 5 liter, just like that. It was a brilliant answer.

He did the same thing with their entire industry. He took what they had and showed them how to go from where they were, to where they needed to go. He also gave them a 14 point approach to resurrecting their entire technological sector, something which Detroit and the entire American and global technological empire refuses to copy anymore, if they ever did.

The concept of the magnetic motor kind echoes or drifts through my mind, as I think back on the tale of those two Japanese guys, possibly a little geeky-looking, returning from the Australian auto race. What did they do to win under such hopeless odds? Persist. Don't give up. Keep plugging, no matter how stupid or backwards you feel.

Same goes for all these goofy-looking magnetic motors that never seem to work, and the people inventing them.

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Re: Suggested reading for magnetic motor inventors

Unread post by junglelord » Sat May 02, 2009 10:53 am

Art and Science...Buckministerfuller. TENSEGRITY.

I have spoken of the work of Fuller for a long time. The 12 vectors of the system is clearly a need too know at level 6 and beyond. I will let you do the math. However the world is owned by 13 families. Which follows the vector equilibrim of Fuller to a tee, as the center is the 13th vector that connects all vectors in the equilibrium. The Merovingian bloodline of European Royal Families. If you own all banks, all industry both civilian and military, all communications, both top secret intelligance gathering and civilian, then you have total control. Anyone who thinks otherwise is totally asleep.

We have GIVEN them the right to control us.
We use their systems of banking and commerce.
WE allow them to run ponsy schemes and then WE pay them off for stealing OUR money.

But it is clear that we can awaken and that there is no human being that cannot learn the truth of the multiverse.
The Aether is the field b/t the magnets...I will say it till the cows come home.

Sooner or later it will awaken your brain. The geometry of charge and magnetic fields is the source of all technology. If you replicate the geometry, your technology will induct the field. This is clearly simple, yet very profound. Most have NO idea about why the right hand rule exists, they just know its always true...I CAN TELL YOU WHY! The geomtery of the coils that Tesla built, the geometry of electronics...I CAN TELL YOU WHY IT IS SO...but the world is compartamentalized into knowing more and more about less and less, till they know nothing at all. With electronics of ICs and the black box it learn nothing. The old school electronics of Tesla, GEOMETRY is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES...The vaccum tube, the coils/inductors, capacitors, all very clearly evidence of the things that now are hidden as a black box.

The more you learn about geometry, the more the illuminati come back to haunt your studies. They use geometry to its full function, but deny us the knowledge, or education, to pull back the curtain. JP Morgan, Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Tesla, TT Brown, down the rabbit hole into the EU....they cannot be seperated. But no one on the EU team likes this talk so I will end here....
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: Suggested reading for magnetic motor inventors

Unread post by Tone » Sat May 02, 2009 12:19 pm

My country, Sweden, will take over the Precidency for EU this summer and til end of the year, Junglelord.

I have posted not long ago in my forum about the gigantic magnetic stone-altar in the meditation chamber at the UN,
put there by a Swede. Dag Hammarsköld, and Im sure my country is involved in alot of secrecy with several fractions.
"The United Nations Headquarters were constructed in New York City in 1949 and 1950 beside the East River, on 17 acres (69,000 m2) of land purchased from the foremost New York real estate developer of the time, William Zeckendorf. This purchase was arranged by Nelson Rockefeller, after an initial offer of placing it on the Rockefeller family estate of Kykuit was rejected as being too isolated from Manhattan. The $8.5 million purchase was then funded by his father, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who donated it to the City.[3] The lead architect for the building was the real estate firm of Wallace Harrison, the personal architectural adviser for the family." ... adquarters
The U.N. Meditation Room (right) is built in the shape of a truncated pyramid. In the center is an altar made out of magnetite, the largest natural piece of magnetite ever mined. For meditation purposes it is probably the most ideal spot on the planet, since the magnetite altar has its foundation straight down, built into the bedrock of the land below; tapping into the energies of the earth itself. The mysterious mural also helps the worshippers tune into esoteric energies, and helps facilitate a state of altered consciousness. ... l_un05.htm
(scroll down) ... 18866.html
That altar is interesting with its occult theme, linked to an 'alien art' as decoration, not a coincidence -
with its similar crystalline content as in the human brains Pineal Gland - gate to time and space,
talkd about in David Wilcocks video 2012 Enigma. ... igma&emb=1

Remember my post "Pyramids Octagons Domes Secrets +Pineal Gland +Earth Energy" ... =10&t=1719
and alot of eminent replies, thank you kindly everyone! :)

. .
Syncromystical event: last night I flipped on the TELE-VISION, and 'Matrix' was on, Matrix Reloaded.
'The chosen one' - Neo, talked to the Oracle, she said 'You have to go to the Source, otherwise Zion is lost,
(last city of humans) the mainprogram (the source) - but to get there, you must first find The Keymaker -
and he is lost... we think he is taken by 'A VERY DANGEROUS PROGRAM' - called 'The Merovingian

More 'codes' ; ) reveiled by one of the FIVE MAJOR FRACTIONS (see further down)
The Architect's Speech
"Neo journeys to find the Source and what lies behind the looking glass..."

. .

By David Wilcock:

From the combined testimony of many different sources, including those I have interviewed myself who have largely avoided publicity, we now can identify at least five major factions at work here:

1. Faction 1A: The Rothschild-based "Illuminati." Overthrew traditional European royalty and seized control of much of European power and finance. Also controls the American Federal Reserve. Historically has controlled and managed the ‘left’ in American politics, through the Democratic Party. Almost exclusively Caucasian, with a heavy mystery-school / Masonic / secret society focus, and a Luciferian belief system.

Lucifer is the wronged good guy in their system, not Satan or the Devil. They fought savagely and desperately for Hillary to win the election, including having Lady de Rothschild publicly go on television to denounce Obama — even to the point of defecting to McCain!

The Illuminati had believed in Hillary’s victory strongly enough to write in a woman president to this year’s episodes of "24." They also put in a very strong death threat against Obama by having an African-American president who was then assassinated on the show, prior to the female president taking office. Is it any wonder Obama didn’t offer Hillary the vice-presidential slot, but gave her a position to quell the opposition?

This group does have a certain amount of ET-derived technologies and treaties with negative ETs such as the Annunaki, but have far less use and development of these technologies than the rival New World Order faction.

Though they planned on engineering a "planned economic collapse that would make the Great Depression look like a Sunday School picnic," they have been utterly brutalized by the real-world effects of what has happened once the plug was pulled. War is very messy and almost never goes as you planned, and they are now desperate to stop the bleeding.

Their companies — the big banks, brokerage houses, insurance giants and the like — have been savagely weakened and / or bankrupted by this collapse. They are desperate for the latest round of bailout monies to stay afloat. Yet Obama’s administration is forcing them to give up nothing short of their firstborn, and submit to drastic regulations, if they wish their companies to survive in any form.

2. Faction 1B: The Rockefeller-based "New World Order." The Neo-Con / Fundamentalist Christian / Republican Right in America.

Though it is the inheritor of the German tradition from World War II, it schizoidally functions as Fundamentalist Christian, and is sympathetic to their cause. In the deeper sense it is only a recent "offshoot" of the Illuminati, and has even greater sympathy with their occultist perspective. Also calls themselves the "Brotherhood of Death" thanks to their history with the Skull and Bones secret society.

Israel has a heavy influence in this group, but this is primarily through blackmail and other forms of coercion. That alliance has already shown signs of splintering in recent months.

The New World Order faction fought savagely to have McCain / Palin win the Presidential election, threatening full-scale race war and revolution by how bitter the attacks against Obama were waged, including the Reverend Wright footage and fanning the flames of interracial unrest. Responsible for planning and controlling 9/11 to cement their economic and political power shortly after rigging the 2000 election to install George W. Bush as President.

This faction controls a great deal of back-engineered ET technology, and thus can do a great deal of damage. Had they won the election, we almost certainly would be in a dramatically expanded war at this point, with attacks against Iran threatening to cascade into a wider regional conflict in the Middle East and eventually, they had hoped, into the next world war. This is their classic ploy to save the economy while reducing population, and thus "saving the world", at the same time.

The Twin Towers could not have been brought down with so little remaining debris, at free-fall speed, without the advanced technologies this group has at work — including the conventional demolition tools as well as mini-nkes and top-secret disintegration beam capabilities to destroy the support columns and vaporize all the concrete into dust, which in turn blanketed the entire city and was unfortunately radio-active.

They are now very seriously on the ropes, their political power all but destroyed, and sliding further and further down by the day. Their acts are becoming ever-increasingly transparent and desperate as a result, and action cannot be taken swiftly enough to expose and nullify their influence.

As Benjamin Fulford has indicated — and I agree — this is the group that must be stopped first and foremost. Their loss of the Presidential election has already gone a long way towards sealing their defeat.

This group was very likely responsible for the recent airline disaster I wrote about, where two women met with Obama about re-opening 9/11 hearings, and their plane went down in flames a week later. No one in the anti-Obama conspiracy crowd has mentioned my article or realized this connection themselves, though it is very obvious that this was no ordinary plane crash.

This group, more than any of the other factions, completely owns and controls a major corporate news network — none other than that bastion of "Fair and Balanced Media," Fox.

3. "Faction 2": The true historic Knight Templars and Davidic Bloodlines. Traditional royal families and their offshoots, most of whom have been deposed and wiped out by the Illuminati long ago, and / or replaced with rival Illuminati families who then claimed their own royalty. The Knight Templar group was also infiltrated by the Illuminati faction and taken over, though Faction 2 claims to have preserved their original traditions.

This group has historically been called the "White Hats" or the "Good Guys" amidst the secret factions. I have learned a substantial amount about them through my discussions with Rayelan Allan, whose husband Gunther was very high-ranking in the group, as was she, for having been born into it herself — though he had far more contact with them than she did.

"Faction 2" used to lump the Illuminati and New World Order groups together as "Faction One," and apparently the NWO faction was overtly in cooperation with the Rothschild / Illuminati faction up until as late as 1996, when a top Rothschild was found assassinated and it was apparently a Rockefeller reprisal for a similar high-level assassination from the 1970s. (I will share this data in a future article.)

Hence these were not categorized as separate groups by Faction 2. What we now call the New World Order was, at the time, simply called the "East Coast Elite" within Faction One.

The reality on the ground is that Faction 2 has had to use similar ‘tradecraft’ and dirty tricks as the Illuminati / NWO factions in order to avoid being wiped out by them, as individuals and as nations. Until Rayelan’s testimony came along I did not have sufficient information to really know if this group even existed, but I haven’t even begun to summarize everything I’ve learned from her. It will be substantial.

In her own way she is as valuable as a Henry Deacon or a Benjamin Fulford in terms of scope and complexity of what she brings to the table. I am encouraged to find out that this group really does exist — my readings mentioned them in the late 1990s — and they appear to have humanity’s best interests at heart, though I do not agree with everything I have heard about them and their approach. I am open to learning more.

They are far and away the most deeply involved of all the groups in advanced secret projects and technologies, and this is because they have apparently preserved this heritage all along. Most likely this is also something that only the people at the top of the organization are aware of, for the sake of security.

Ever since the times of Atlantis they have had stargate technology, advanced UFO-style flying craft and other such technology. They have been the insider group most consistently pushing for disclosure and trying to reveal the truth at a speed that humanity can tolerate.

Henry Deacon has had jobs working for all the above factions at various times, and in his work with the Faction 2 / Templar elements he was told that they have always had these technologies, kept in secret. They never pushed any negative teachings on him at these assignments — nothing about genocide, Luciferian philosophy or the like. Henry laughed when I tried to pin down a date for when they came into possession of these technologies.

According to Rayelan, Faction 2 was behind the King of Bavaria bringing down Weishaupt’s Illuminati in the 1700s. They are also the true American Founding Fathers, the original group that created the American Revolution to throw off Illuminati control. They obviously are putting out movies that expose the Illuminati agenda and / or reveal inside information.

This would include 2001, 2010, Eyes Wide Shut (which cost Kubrick his life,) Contact, the first Tomb Raider movie, the Lord of the Rings series, the Narnia series as well as the entire Star Wars series of George Lucas. The Star Wars "prequels" in particular were very relevant to real-world issues amongst these warring inside factions.

It appears that Obama’s candidacy has been supported by this group, though at this point we have no concrete evidence to support the idea. Richard Hoagland points out compelling suggestions of this collaboration in his recent conference footage, "The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama."

4. The New International Group — Russia / Asian Secret Societies faction. Thanks to Benjamin Fulford, who used to be the primary Asian commentator for Forbes Magazine, we know that the Asian countries have largely thrown off the Illuminati and NWO, and Russia is now completely free of these influences. India is another major player in this group, along with many other smaller countries including much of South America.

This group is not occult in nature, nor does it seem to have any spiritual philosophy per se, other than "Do No Harm." En masse, they have so quickly grown into an economic power that we have silently gone from the Group of Eight nations, or "G8," to the Group of Twenty, or "G20" that is meeting right now. Is it not ironic how there has been virtually NO discussion of this in the Western mainstream media?

This group now has the financial muscle to shut down the others completely, but that is not what they want. They are pushing for a much fairer and saner world financial system, and are very likely going to get their wish.Obama’s administration is almost certainly aware of them and cooperating with them to some degree.

This Russian / Asian faction has the full use of all the advanced "torsion field" technologies developed by the Russians, largely in secret, over the last century. It is very likely that they are aware of and have worked with the Templar "white hat" Faction 2, and certainly have worked with the last group, the Middle East faction.

5. The Middle East / Order of Assassins faction. There is a great secret tradition in the Middle East as well, which is most greatly realized in the secret Sufi traditions. This group apparently does not posssess much advanced technology, but does retain the ancient magical traditions.

Other factions have been fascinated by the Sufi wisdom and have sought to implement it. This group was also historically responsible for the Order of Assassins, and their research into political murders was implemented by the other groups due to its extreme effectiveness.

This group has been both the "good guy" and the "bad guy" over the generations, and the closest they came to worldwide power was through the Ottoman Empire. They have a substantial financial stake in world affairs thanks to their control of the oil economy. Last year’s drop in oil prices was partially designed by the New World Order faction to destroy their political influence by bankrupting them, but it appears to have completely failed.

This group has historically cooperated with the New World Order and the Illuminati to varying degrees, and for a time had access to Looking Glass technology, allowing them a window into the future. They now appear to have largely, if not completely turned against both of these groups.

They now seem to be increasingly sympathetic with the New International Group and may well have already formalized some sort of treaty with them. Again, they will push for a new, saner, fairer and more regulated financial system that stops these grandiose abuses from occurring. We can also expect much more cooperation with the Obama administration.


Though all these groups are secret, only two of them are predominantly negative — the New World Order and the Illuminati. Those two groups are also actively working to bring each other down over deep internal differences in philosophy and divergent desires for power and control.

According to Rayelan, the Templar faction has been planning the economic collapse we are now going through for "well over a hundred years," and all along it was intended to bankrupt Faction One (now the Illuminati and the New World Order) and nullify their negative influence. This largely appears to have succeeded.

And amazingly, I have found prophetic statements from within my own readings that suggests this was all known and foreseen in 1999, which I will share in my next article. ... &Itemid=70

. .

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Re: Suggested reading for magnetic motor inventors

Unread post by junglelord » Sat May 02, 2009 4:30 pm

All 43 men who were Presidents of the U.S.A. are related, and that 33 of the Presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of Charlemagne, who in the year 800 was crowned by Pope Leo III to be Holy Roman Emperor, the first head of an empire that would last over 1000 years! This should be setting off major alarm bells in your mind. Like this is no coincidence. The odds of all 43 Presidents being related, and this just randomly happening, are billions to one. Democratic and Republican candidates are "chosen" by the "Elitist" super rich organization called the Illuminati. Democrats and Republicans and the Illuminati would not want you to believe any of this. They don’t teach you this in schools and for good reason.

"The numbers 3, 7, 9,11,13, 33, 39. Any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. These people who are on the Round Table of Nine hold back all knowledge.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


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