39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science 2012

Books, journal articles, web pages, and news reports that can help to clarify the history and promise of the Electric Universe hypothesis.

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39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science 2012

Post by Phorce » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:38 pm

The 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) will be held in Edinburgh, UK. The conference venue is the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).

The organizing committee as well as the IEEE NPSS encourage you and your companions to attend ICOPS2012 for a valuable technical experience and an enjoyable visit to a fascinating historical city.

In addition to the conference, a mini-course will be offered and selected papers will be published in a special issue of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society (NPSS) journal Transactions on Plasma Science.Source

I think what we're looking at here is a conference about the technical applications of Plasma Science. Of course it is that science that is closely related to Plasma Cosmology.

Are there any forum members or interested Scientists and parties going to this conference ? Unfortunately I can't afford the attendence fee but I can view most journals at my local University. Hopefully they will get a copy of special issue of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society (NPSS) journal Transactions on Plasma Science. My local uni (Lancaster) has a SPEARS Space Plasma Environment and Radio Science dept. One member who caught my eye is Dr Jim Wild ...
He is a lecturer in the Space Plasma Environment and Radio Science Group in Lancaster University's Department of Communication Systems. As well as his research, he is an enthusiastic science communicator and makes frequent visits to speak at schools and astronomical societies.Source
His forthcoming jounrnal entry ? "Alfvén: magnetosphere-ionosphere connection explorers". I wonder if he has anything to do with the IEEE ?
Exploration and discovery without honest investigation of "extraordinary" results leads to a Double Bind (Bateson, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_bind ) that creates loss of hope and depression. No more Double Binds !


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