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          Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO                                                                                                  Credit: Anthony Peratt


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Electric Cosmos

The Universe

Plasma Cosmology

Society for



Nov 12, 2004
Cosmic Wheel

Official comment: E0102-72 is a supernova remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. This galaxy is 190,000 light years from Earth. E0102 -72, which is approximately a thousand years old, is believed to have resulted from the explosion of a massive star. Stretching across forty light years of space, the multi-million degree source resembles a flaming cosmic wheel.

Chandra provides crucial evidence for the Electric Universe because x-rays are only emitted where electrical discharges are occurring. In particular, we find x-rays emitted by supernovae and their remnants, active galaxies and the coronas of stars. Also note that the concept of "multi-million degree" temperatures is inappropriate in an electric discharge. This is because the temperatures are not measured--they are calculated, based on the hypothesis that temperature is random motion of particles. But in an electric discharge, particle motions are not random--they are driven by electric currents. In some places the particles flow smoothly in electric currents, appearing cooler than expected of random motions. In other places, the flow becomes turbulent, appearing tens or even hundreds of times hotter than random motions.

The cosmic wheel is a universal motif used by all ancient peoples when depicting the primordial sky. What in heaven could it mean? In this image the Chandra satellite has confirmed that the shape of a wheel can be formed in space by a toroidal plasma discharge. The spokes are the characteristic signature of a radial electric discharge in the near vacuum of space where the "spokes" follow the magnetic field lines. Although this formation is known from laboratory experiments using a simple "plasma focus" device (See 2nd image "looking down the barrel" of a plasma focus.) This plasma formation is unrecognized by astronomers. That is why the NASA report describes the spokes as "puzzling."

These cosmic wheels in space and in the plasma lab offer clues to the understanding of the cosmic wheels of human mythology.


David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill
Amy Acheson
  CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Mel Acheson, Michael Armstrong, Dwardu Cardona,
Ev Cochrane,   Walter Radtke, C.J. Ransom, Don Scott, Rens van der Sluijs, Ian Tresman
  WEBMASTER: Michael Armstrong

Copyright 2004: