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Wadi Rum, Jordan. Credit: NASA EO-1 team and the United States Geological Survey.


Jordan's Valley of the Moon
Apr 06, 2011

Middle eastern deserts tend to preserve their geography because there is so little precipitation.

NASA's EO-1 satellite returned the above image of a dry valley in Jordan. Like many regions dominated by deserts, the sinuous channels and vertical cliff walls often found there are usually attributed to precipitation. Since there is so little rainfall, it is presumed that the geography we see today must be ancient, otherwise there would not be such deep canyons.

Wadi Rum is a collection of granite and sandstone mountains, with valleys choked in sand. The highest peaks rise to about 1700 meters and are nearly vertical. Its nickname, “Valley of the Moon,” comes from the fact that it is so barren and chaotic. Jabal Rum, one of Jordan's tallest peaks, is a chunk of sandstone 700 meters thick. Its most unusual characteristic is that it rests on a 40 meter high granite slab.

The dry gullies (wadis) and steep cliffs are thought to have been carved by floods after the last Ice Age. According to conventional theories, as the glaciers melted the runoff from the coastal mountains carved a drainage system. The last Ice Age is supposed to have ended 15,000 years ago, yet the sharpness of the cuts into the stone and the vertical cliffs belie a watery birth.

Erosion is a blurring and rounding process. Conical mountain peaks are said to slowly reduce into flattened mounds and finally wear down to the level of the plains out of which they rose. Steep, vertical walls are supposed to gradually become shallow slopes, and v-shaped river valleys must give way to meandering flood plains. If the mesas, gullies, pillars, spikes, and ridges have all been exposed to wind and rain for millions of years, why are they still so sharp, steep and well-defined?

Erosion does not possess the all-encompassing power for change that modern geology asserts. In a previous Picture of the Day, it was proposed that curved gullies that stretch out from a common center, and sharp ridges with sine wave undulations incised into them are the remains of lightning bolts cutting into the topography like a plasma knife.

Lichtenberg figures have been highlighted in these pages many times. They are the forking shapes that lightning bolts make when they strike the Earth or some man-made material. Their unique configuration can be seen in acrylic blocks that have been instantly charged with thousands of volts at high amperage, leaving a tracery of the electrical pathway visible in the otherwise transparent plastic. It seems possible that lightning bolts of sufficient power could do the same thing to minerals in the Earth on a continental scale.

Indeed, Martian topography demonstrates “erosion” patterns like those in Jordan. The same multi-branched canyons, steep walls, flat bottoms, sinuous rilles and rims with scallop-shaped cutouts are so much like the ones seen here that transplanting Mars to Earth or vise-versa would be undetectable.

In the Picture of the Day about the tepuis of Amazonia, it was reported that on many of the summits rock formations that look more like abstract sculpture gardens are abundant. Stone points, thickets of tubular palisades and upraised, columnar “hands” with multiple fingers demonstrate that weathering cannot be the primary cause. How does erosion leave behind stacked stone towers with many layers, sharp edges, mushroom-shaped caps and fine detail? Figures such as those should have softened long ago.

The same structures are found in the Valley of the Moon.

The focus of an ion beam large enough to cut out and take away sedimentary deposits weighing billions of tons is not easy to contemplate. The energy requirement is so great that there appears to be no way that it can be generated. What could launch a bolt of lightning that powerful? Indeed, what could launch hundreds or thousands of such bolts?

Earth bears witness to catastrophic events in the not so remote past, despite uniformitarian views that assume slow, steady effects. Craters are declared to be ancient and not recent. Mountain ranges and valleys are asserted to be older than the memory of man and not newly minted out of a destroyed and remade previous world, despite the record of our ancestors.

As has been stated many times by Electric Universe advocates, it is time for another perspective on geology. Some geologists question the slow-motion theories that dominate science today but they are few. Since planetary scientists have witnessed comet fragments colliding with Jupiter, vast ionized plumes erupting from Io, and volcanoes spitting lightning, it seems reasonable to insist that theories involving fast acting forces of change be considered along with those that require millions of years.

Stephen Smith

The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars

A video documentary that could change everything you thought you knew about ancient times and symbols. In this second episode of Symbols of an Alien Sky, David Talbott takes the viewer on an odyssey across the surface of Mars. Exploring feature after feature of the planet, he finds that only electric arcs could produce the observed patterns. The high resolution images reveal massive channels and gouges, great mounds, and crater chains, none finding an explanation in traditional geology, but all matching the scars from electric discharge experiments in the laboratory. (Approximately 85 minutes)

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"The Cosmic Thunderbolt"

YouTube video, first glimpses of Episode Two in the "Symbols of an Alien Sky" series.


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Authors David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill introduce the reader to an age of planetary instability and earthshaking electrical events in ancient times. If their hypothesis is correct, it could not fail to alter many paths of scientific investigation.
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In language designed for scientists and non-scientists alike, authors Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott show that even the greatest surprises of the space age are predictable patterns in an electric universe.
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EXECUTIVE EDITORS: David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Mel Acheson, Michael Armstrong,
Dwardu Cardona, Ev Cochrane, C.J. Ransom,
Don Scott, Rens van der Sluijs,
Ian Tresman
WEBMASTER: Brian Talbott
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