Possible electrical scars on Planet Earth...

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.

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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by ElecGeekMom » Sat May 15, 2010 8:44 am

Ronanov wrote:I came across this around the Hawaiian Island chain on Googlemaps, and was wondering what explanation the EU community could offer for them, as they don''t obviously seem to be volcanic/lava and perhaps more magnetic-looking/electrical scarring? A google search didn't turn up much in the way of explanation.
Picture 2b.jpg
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sourc ... 6&t=h&z=11

cheers. :|
So interesting! When I looked at the larger image, I could see that each peak had a matching valley, and there were lines surrounding each pair that looked just like the eruptions on the sun where the loops emerge from the surface and then dive back into the sun a bit farther along.

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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by starbiter » Sat May 15, 2010 12:52 pm

I have been looking at these maps for many hours. The straight lines appear to be recent vents. They are surprisingly straight. There hasn't been time for sediment to cover the details of the volcanic flows, it appears. The straightness of the vents looks almost man/woman made.

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UT ... 98&t=h&z=9
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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by starbiter » Sat May 15, 2010 1:09 pm

Unfortunately, Surtsey isn't as revealing.

http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&hl= ... 7&t=h&z=13

The pattern of accumulation seems to change when the waterline is broken. The force of gravity would increase. I believe the formation in the center of Surtsey is from the dust and ash blowing down wind during the eruption. The flatter part is basalt i believe.
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kimberlite pipes

Unread post by beekeeper » Sat May 15, 2010 4:34 pm

For the last few years I have been close to these geological formations. The accepted theory about the formation of these pipes being of volcanic activity is in my mind doubtfull. Firstly the pipes are cone shape with the tip of the pipe at the bottom. volcanic activity would suggest they be upside down. Secondly there is no noticeable transition between the pipe and the surrounding rocks. Miles of rocks, some of the hardest granite found on this planet and then a nice round pipe of kimbrlite which is like a black sandstone as black as coal. One centimeter is rock then kimberlite no transition. A volcanic formation would suggest a hard rocky material of different composition formed from different pressures and temperatures melted into one another. These observations lead me to the EU theory. These pipes would be a good example of electrical interaction between the ground and some cosmic or other electrical source. Was there ever any test done on kimberlite as to how ionized is this material? Would the electrical interaction be random hits or would the ground material or property of this particular area attracts the interaction? Electrical interaction between the planet and a cosmic force would most likely trigger some volcanic eruptions, could kimberlite be the product of the combine effects of these forces? I would appreciate any info or comments anybody can contribute. :shock: ;) :mrgreen:
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Re: kimberlite pipes

Unread post by starbiter » Sat May 15, 2010 5:21 pm

Many people seem to think the Kimberlite Pipes are remnants of interplanetary lightning strikes. Diamonds in the Kimberlite Pipes, and heavy metals like gold on the edge of the calderas that encircle the pipes. The current appears to sort the elements according to their Ionic nature. The elements and compounds are attracted and repelled to varying degrees, it has been proposed. Here is a TPOD from an Aussie geologist.

http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2010/ ... erlite.htm
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Re: kimberlite pipes

Unread post by Osmosis » Sat May 15, 2010 5:28 pm

Hi Beekeper,
Kimberlite pipes show up in mostly airborne magnetometer surveys, by their characteristic magnetic anomaly. There is a definite variation in total field readings, as the sensor passes over the pipe.
I find it hard to believe that this signature is anything but a left-over from Birkeland currents drilling down into the earth.
These are usually where diamonds are found. What better way to make diamonds, than plasmoids compressing carbon?
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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by starbiter » Sat May 15, 2010 8:29 pm

Upon further review, the areas that look like ridges, seem to be valleys. If you use Google Earth and click the terrain box, you can see the depth under the cursor. The areas that i thought were ridges are actually deeper than adjoining areas, most of the time. Especially going NE towards the island. But also moving SW into what should be deeper water, most of the time. I can't cut and past Google Earth. Sorry. Good luck. The area below is what i'm talking about. The center area looks higher, but as you move away the depth decreases.

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UT ... 4&t=h&z=11

Try to find this area on Google Earth.
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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by Krackonis » Mon May 17, 2010 8:01 am

Ronanov wrote:I came across this around the Hawaiian Island chain on Googlemaps, and was wondering what explanation the EU community could offer for them, as they don''t obviously seem to be volcanic/lava and perhaps more magnetic-looking/electrical scarring? A google search didn't turn up much in the way of explanation.
Picture 2b.jpg
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sourc ... 6&t=h&z=11

cheers. :|
I have looked at these long patterns of 'dents' in the ocean floor and see that they criss cross in many places, always falling mostly east to west (or west to east). I believe them to be the footprints of a planet crossing. When the 'plasma beam' from the interloper crossed the land, we see the results, leaping from place to place, destroying and metamorphizing everything it touches. In the ocean, the water absorbs most of the energy. It is boiled off as the electric current goes down 2-5 kilometers. The end of this circuit on the oceans bottom excavates a small hole and then it jumps every few kilometers as the planet crosses the sky overhead.

These are, as far as I can tell, the best proof of planetary interactions that exist. Nothing else is going to make a long straight line across a planet like that. They should 'fade in' and then 'fade out' as the planet moves closer and then goes further away. Of course, this won't occur when it goes over land.

On land these hits can jump thousands of kilometers, but in the water, where the conductivity is higher, the 'plasma beam' doesn't require the ionized path of air to jump to and from. The ocean bottom water 'jumps' should be shorter in distance due to that effect alone.

Opinions may differ, but they are certainly very interesting marks. You can even see the magnetic field lines embedded in the ocean floor as it jumped from one hole to the next.

I hope this hypothesis helps.
Neil Thompson


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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by starbiter » Mon May 17, 2010 8:52 am

Hello Neil: I was in the middle of writing a response on the obvious electrical nature of the loops, when they morphed into lava flows. It keeps changing.

We know the islands are volcanically active. It seems lava might from the formations in the middle of the straight lines. The suspiciously straight lines. Could vents form something so straight? I've seen scalp wounds this straight. Maybe if the Earth's crust is stressed, it responds the same way.

Because of the lack of silt, the line formations must be young. IMO, if the island existed during the events caused by the comet of WiC, it would have a shelf like this CA island. The water and sand that form the out wash seem to produce shelves. I believe the island below started as a volcano. Once the lava and dust reach the surface, the stage is set for duning. If an event of wind, dust and rain occurs, a new mountain will form. The sandy water that flows away from the new mountain will form a shelf in the direction of the wind. The same process as the strata thread.


http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UT ... 9&t=h&z=10

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UT ... 4&t=p&z=13

I don't see any clear straight lines around San Nicholas. Maybe silt is covering them. We can't assume these areas were always submerged. The level of the oceans is variable. Maximum ice sheets can reduce the levels up to 2,000 ft. And water might have been added during human memory [the deluge].

As you say Neil, the straight lines could be electrical scars. The more EU, the better. But for now my money is on lava flows. I win either way.

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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by Shelgeyr » Mon May 17, 2010 3:44 pm

Just my two cents:

While I am a big believer in / proponent of EU / Plasma Cosmology (and by "big" I don't mean judged by my presence here, which would be false, but rather by (take your pick) the degree I am convinced that this is the cosmologically correct path to pursue, OR by how much I have to guard against "new convert syndrome" lecturing to my friends and family), I believe that these particular ocean-floor markings are NOT EDM scars. I do think that our ocean floors manifest a whole lot of EDM scars, but from what I understand from other resources (like different Google Earth bulletin boards) these types of lines come from Google incorporating inaccurate non-professional sonar readings into their bathymetric data.

There used to be a news article to this effect on one of the Google sites, but it has expired. An excerpt read:
PS. Conffirmation of my hypothesis:

"Hopes of finding 'lost city' dashed
7 hours ago

Hopes that the lost city of Atlantis had been found on Google Earth have been shattered.

Keen observers had spotted what appeared to be the outline of a vast city - the size of Wales - on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.

But the criss-crossing lines, located 600 miles west of the Canary Islands, were explained by Google as sonar data collected as boats mapped the ocean floor.

A spokeswoman said: "It's true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth including a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species and the remains of an Ancient Roman villa.

"In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artefact of the data collection process.

"Bathymetric (or sea floor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the sea floor.

"The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data.

"The fact that there are blank spots between each of these lines is a sign of how little we really know about the world's oceans."
I grabbed this quote from a YouTube page addressing the issue, which can be found here:
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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by starbiter » Mon May 17, 2010 4:01 pm

Thanks Shelgeyr: That was my first thought. But the more i looked at the images, the more possibilities. My money is on sonar problem.

The exercise has caused me to look at the lava formations that lead up to islands more closely. I think those images are still meaningful.

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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by Krackonis » Tue May 18, 2010 1:33 pm

starbiter wrote:Thanks Shelgeyr: That was my first thought. But the more i looked at the images, the more possibilities. My money is on sonar problem.

The exercise has caused me to look at the lava formations that lead up to islands more closely. I think those images are still meaningful.


It may be a sonar problem, but I would like to see how those wonderful "prominence-like" scars around the dents would be there in that case.

The resolution seems good, the pictures clear. However, I cannot verify my hypothesis from here ;)
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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by webolife » Wed May 19, 2010 12:45 pm

I looked back at a paper I wrote back in 1981 for a geology field class, and found these words: "At mid-ocean ridges and other eruptive zones in the ocean basins, one might expect there to be magnetic alteration of the basalt flows due to the earth's magnetic field, as well as to interaction with each other; ie. the magnetic orientation of one lava flow would distort the magnetic orientation of a subsequent flow, and so on, if the flows occurred relatively [geologically] rapidly in succession. It is also possible that some piezoelectric effect is at work. This would lead to a magnetic striping that would be roughly symmetric to the rift zone, without the need to speculate about magnetic reversals." Of course I had no access to Google Maps in the '80's, nor had I heard of "telluric currents" or the EU, but I couldn't help but immediately imagine local magnetic field effects at work in these Hawaiian pics. I see the problems in incomplete mosaic work there, but these features being focused on seem to be natural to me.
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Re: Hawaiian Seabed patterns

Unread post by WCSally » Mon May 24, 2010 12:25 am

Hi Webolife,

I think this is possible, as this is a major active spot on all planets (14.9 south lat) and would certainly be exhibiting stronger than background forces. Interesting that they could show up in fluffy ocean bed materials!!
I have found one ocean bed absolute right angle cut near the south pole, too; but I don't think it has much to do with EM. I will try to find that and bring it over some day. I had another idea:

To capture A Google map or other difficult page .. choose Print Screen, and then open Paint and (on a PC) press together Control (and) v --- for paste, then save as you choose.

These images are in my scraps file, so they do not enlarge like normal work on DA; however if you want the full image just click the download tab on the right side, and it will give the full file to you.
These images have 3 copies of the map (stacked) ... regular background, next on screen at 50-100 percent opacity, and third on Soft Light at ~25 % opacity .... [Screen gives whiteness, soft light cuts through it.]

Image 1 .. is it a massive subsidence zone?

Pull back image showing generalized area of faulting, and the possibility that this is a massive subsidence of a much larger but older island into the sea --- in the area of geologic stresses:

http://wcsallysally.deviantart.com/art/ ... craps&qo=3

Image 2 ... is it a mining operation?

A close up of the sea bed in the area in question .. possibly a subsidence zone, possibly undergoing electromagnetic sampling for minerals ??? As starbiter says .. it could be massive rain and wind action moving materials into that wide natural bay area.
The regularity of the plunkets (ups or downs?) and the straightness of the lines (and the fact that deep ocean salt is no longer being offered from Hawaii) .. makes me think it is mining.

http://wcsallysally.deviantart.com/art/ ... craps&qo=2

Image 3 and 4 .. What are all those little tracks? --- and are the blurry places mapping cover-ups?

Another set of anomalies, which seem to appear as a strange street map or like Rover Tracks on the bottom, possibly also from mining operations?
Could the blurred areas on the map be an attempt to cover up more of these odd little tracks? There seems to be one right at the front or leading edge of the 'subsidence zone' .. which is wrapped in a blurred oval .... ???

http://wcsallysally.deviantart.com/art/ ... craps&qo=1

The same map with highlighting over what I think look like 'Rover Tracks'.
http://wcsallysally.deviantart.com/art/ ... -165118054
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Ancient Destruction - Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria

Unread post by MattEU » Tue May 25, 2010 6:36 am

The latest "Ancient Destruction" video release is called "Episode 7: Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria the Australian Sodom and Gomorrah". Peter Jupp links Aboriginal catastrophe legends together with the EU theory to give an alternative view of what may have happened in Australias recent past.

Interesting content presented in an engaging manner. Peter expands on previous video ideas and mentions his idea on Catastrophe Evolution. He then promptly eats the evidence!

What did happen around Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria? Why are there an estimated 15,000 bodies scattered on the lakes that look like Carolina Bays?

This latest video also has the EU Godfather making another appearance and Wal Thornhill calm destruction of another mainstream idea is as good as ever. All we need to do is get Wal elected PM of a country.

If you want a 10 minute preview of the new video you can find it here http://www.ancientdestructions.com/site/Episodes.php along with the other previous episodes.

There is also a preview night being held in australia on Thursday 27th May. if you are interested or are in the area more info can be got from news@ancientdestructions.com.au


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