Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Mon May 16, 2011 6:38 pm

Spectacular Electric Iron Sun Theory!
* Brant works for a company that does Sonoluminescence research, involving electricity, plasma, spectroscopy etc. He's widely read on numerous aspects of physics and alternative science. He has developed a fairly thorough theory about the Sun, the solar system and the universe. He has a thread on the Randi Forum on the Aether Battery Iron Sun from last year. When I recently found out about it, I collected nearly all of his posts from that thread and posted them at ... ics-stars/. It's a lot of material and I've been trying to break it all down and reassemble it in a simpler, easier to follow form. Brant has been answering questions for me to help explain many details. I'll try to get the basics of his theory all posted over time here on this thread.
* I presently have this outline for his material:
Iron Star Formation; Aether Antenna; Electric Current; Neutral Gas Inflow; Heat; Surface and Plasma Features.
* Numbers below after # signs indicate Brant's post numbers in the original and copied threads.

ABIS Model Sources
#1- An aether powered iron sun is necessary to explain the activity that we see on the solar surface.
#27- The Aether model I use is a hybrid of the observations of Karl Von Reichenbach and experimental Aetherometry.
#4255- They are the empirical data sets that I use.

#4401- Supernovae are known to have iron cores and iron rich plasma.
#4401- The hypothesis is that supernovae are large plasma pinches that nucleosynthesize iron cores that get ejected.
#4401- Plasma pinches are not only hot enough (>2 billion K) but also use Marklund convection to synthesize new metals.
#4428- The pinch is hot enough to go through the nucleosynthesis process by repeated pinching.
#4428- Eventually an iron core pops out, which sometimes is seen as a lone star racing across space.
#82- The sun was formed in a supernova, which is really just a large filamental pinch (involving a flux rope).
#82- See "Barrel shaped supernova remnants aligned with the galactic plane" here: ... sci33w.pdf; or here: ... isch4.html; etc.
#117- In a high current z-pinch you have "instabilities" along the column that form "knots", which are the precursor to stars.
#117- In the case of a supernova, theres only one knot.
#82- This is where the iron sphere came from.
#82- Fusion (nucleosynthesis) as a process of nature happens in filamental or Bennett pinches.
#82- Temperatures high enough for the CNO cycle have been observed on the sun in pinches.
#82- The elements are gathered by a process called Marklund Convection and converted by a pinching process, forming heavier and heavier elements until iron forms.
#82- In experiments with arcs, hollow spherules are formed in intense arc explosions with metals.
<<Brant says the Sun's iron shell is probably 1/3 of its radius, which would be about 144,000 miles thick.>>
#82- A thick hollow shell made of iron with other trace elements alloyed with the iron formed in a supernova.
#82- The hollow iron shell accounts for solar density measurements, although it requires a slightly different model of gravity.
#82- All stars are different with differing trace metals, but they ALL have metals.
<<Let's ask him if this applies to red and brown dwarf stars, like Saturn seems to have been.>>
#82- There is a huge problem with metals and nucleosynthesis as well as elemental abundance in the standard model.
<<Ask him to explain.>>
#117- To stabilize an iron shell, you would need a new theory of gravity, that takes into account experimental evidence, as well as accounting for the shell.
#117- Its not as radical as you would think; and gravity may be a surface effect!
#117- See Aetherometry and Gravity: An Introduction: 4. Cycloids and gravity:
#117- From the outside, if you do spectroscopic measurements, some stars [deceptively] seem to have almost no metal.
#117- You would never see the metallicity of a black body [solid], only the spectrum of the surrounding plasma.
#4401- Why must a solid iron surface exist on the Sun?
-- Because the standard solar model has failed and this model fits every parameter for the sun.
-- It explains: the structure of the sun perfectly;
-- Why there is a temperature gradient from <5,000 to >2,000,000 K;
-- Why there is a "convection" layer;
-- The metals problem;
-- Helioseismologically why the sun is more like a bounded sphere, than a decreasing density plasma ball;
-- X-rays, gamma rays, neutrinos.
-- New experimental data and methodology's;
-- It completes the description of "energy" in the most basic sense.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by upriver » Tue May 17, 2011 4:05 pm

Thank you Lloyd. Hopefully I can answer all questions...

I am a firm believer in the idea that if you are going to develop a theory it has to cover every phenomena observed including the human condition.

Brant Callahan

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Tue May 17, 2011 6:21 pm

* The human condition? I'll get the questions to you before long, Brant, I think. Here are my next 2 installment of the theory.


#661- The currents for the sun come from where?
#661- A sphere the size of the sun has the ability to focus a lot of energy in the center, if it were to act like an antenna.
<<A glass sphere focuses light in its center. Would the Sun focus energy in its center in the same way?>>
#661- If it were a spherical antenna, it would receive "aether" (insert "some universal energy") and act like a transformer and turn the aether into electrons, which then flow in the Sun's iron shell to produce the current, driving the effects we see on the Sun.
<<How are electrons generated from aether? Do you agree with Kanarev's findings on electrons being tori?>>
#661- The Sun is kind of like when a sphere gets statically charged, except in this case the charge is huge.
#4232- Plasma is inherently electrical as are most manifestations of the aether as a source of electrons.
<<Does Aetherometry say this? If so, do you know where it says it?>>
#4306- So think of the sun as a geometric antenna receiving aether and the energy is coming out as electrons.
#4306- Its just like a regular antenna converts "photons" to electric current.
<<I guess regular antennae don't focus photons the way a glass sphere does. Right?>>
#4312- Its possible that electrons disintegrate back into aether or that space is expanding, requiring more electrons.
#4232- So if the sun was a hollow iron sphere acting like a spherical aether, (zero point energy, pick a name) antenna, there is enough energy [from the aether to produce the Sun's radiation].
#4277- My model is using electrons derived from the aether to power the sun.
#4312- The spherical iron sun acts like an antenna transforming aether into electricity similar to a photon receiving antenna.
#4359- Antennas take EM (photons) and transform them into electricity.
#4359- So the sun takes the "aether" and transforms it into electricity.
#4312- The current to sustain the solar output is driven like the current driven in a radio receiver.
#4312- Basically you amplify the existing current that shows up on the antenna.
#4312- It is a resonance phenomenon.
#4312- What is the current loop, or circuit?
#4312- As long as the surrounding area [outside the Sun] is at a lower [electrical] potential than the sun, current will flow out of the sun into space.
<<Does the Sun's internal production of electrons make it automatically at a higher potential than its surroundings?>>
#4312- At this level the leakage current is great enough to sustain the glow mode operation of the sun.
#4366- The leakage current is based on the "EM" background of the universe.
#4366- WHAT leakage current; what exactly is happening with this aether; what are these MASSLESS charges that are generated by the aether; how is this "current" leaking?
#4366- An antenna picks up EM and converts it to electricity.
#4366- You can stick an antenna up anywhere and, if its the right shape, you will get a very small current on a the connecting wire.
#4366- What drives that conversion, I dont know, but maybe the transmitter.
#4366- In my hypothesis, pretty close to Aetherometry's model, the EM that is transmitted "consists of propagating mass-free charges."
<<Is aether mass-free charges? Does it propagate at lightspeed? Does all aether move at lightspeed? Or does some of it remain relatively stationary?>>
#4366- This is what is truly picked up by the antenna; in standard theory they are [assumed to be] photons.
#4366- So the antenna picks up these propagating mass-free charges, what is called the propagating part of the photon, and converts this to electricity.
#4366- In an antenna there are never any photons really involved, just the mass-free charges pushing electrons around. #4366- These electrons come out of the end of the wire and you can measure this with an oscilloscope.
#4366- So the analogy is the sun is an antenna that is a hollow iron sphere.
#4366- Maybe it has the right thickness, size and composition to act like a very large antenna and produce an output current.
<<Is the output current include the Sun's radiation and its electric discharges, like flares etc?>>

#4366- Actual electrons come out of the Sun's iron shell, as well as electrons from the ionization process of the neutral gas influx.
#4428- There are two flows of interstellar gas that flow through our heliosphere.
<<What are the two flows? Is the neutral gas drawn in toward the Sun by gravity?>>
#4428- This provides the raw material for the sun to operate as well as synthesize metals.
<<Does the neutral gas get ionized before reaching the Sun? Which solar events use the gas influx?>>
#4366- From American Scientist: The Galactic Environment of the Sun: "Although the ions in the interstellar medium are deflected around the heliosphere, a majority of the neutral interstellar atoms (mostly hydrogen and helium) flow cleanly into the solar system.
#4366- Remarkably, about 98 percent of the diffuse gas within the heliosphere (excluding material associated with planetary bodies and comets) is interstellar material" [it comes from outside the solar system in interstellar space].
#4366- See
#4428- Only very close to the Sun is the neutral gas ionized by the Sun's UV light and by the solar wind, which leads to a small cavity in the neutral gas, roughly of several AU in size.
<<Does the cavity mean the space around the Sun within the inner asteroid belt where there is almost no neutral gas, because it gets ionized by then?>>
#4366- This gas contains O, N, He, [Ne] as well as trace elements and it flows out from the center of the galaxy into our solar system [and other parts of the galaxy].
#4366- This gas is the raw material for the processes that happen on the solar surface.
#4366- Plasma activity in the form of pinches is responsible for nucleosynthesis of metals on a continuous basis.
<<Which solar events involve pinches?>>
#4366- This explains all the metal content nucleosynthesis results for all stars.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Wed May 18, 2011 9:38 am

Highlights of Brant's ABIS Theory
* This explains everything about the Sun and then some.
* Maybe this should have been the Opening Post.

1. Iron Stars form in "Supernovae"; Aetherometry and Helioseismology show the Sun has a thick Solid Iron Shell.

2. The Iron Sun is an Aether Antenna, which converts Aether into Electrons.

3. Neutral Gas flows into the Sun and Transmutes into Metal.

4. The abundant Aether Electrons produce Electric Potential Difference (Voltage) and thus Electric Current.

5. Internal Electric Current flows through the Iron Surface and produces the Sun's Cathode Glow Structure.

6. The Electric Current flows into Coronal Loops that produce Ionized Iron (Plasma).

7. Sunspots form over Coronal Loop Footprints.

8. White Light Flares occur at Loop Footprints.

9. CMEs are Flux Tubes.

10. The Heat of the Solar Atmosphere is like Earth's Thermosphere.

11. Solar Radiation is Massless Charge Aether, which become Photons when decelerated.

12. The Solar Blackbody Spectrum is from a Solid Surface, not Plasma.

13. Gravity is mainly a Surface Effect of Cosmic Bodies.

14. Add other details later.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Wed May 18, 2011 12:39 pm

4. The abundant Aether Electrons produce Electric Potential Difference (Voltage) and thus Electric Current.
#4312- As long as the Sun's [environment] is at a lower potential than the sun, current will flow out of the sun into space [its environment].
#661- Assuming the Sun is a spherical antenna, it [collects and] transforms aether into electrons.
#661- The [excess] electrons then [raise the Sun's electric potential and] flow in the shell to produce the current, driving the Sun's features.
#1972- All of the coronal and surface activity, magnetism, loops and arcades, blinkers, nano flares, plages (solar moss), etc are the result of this electric current.
#1- The corona is from an electric field.
<<I hope to understand such fields one of these days. Are fields whirling aether motions?>>

5. Internal Electric Current flows through the Iron Surface and produces the Sun's Cathode Glow Structure.
<<Apparently, aether is converted into electrons, either below the Sun's iron shell, or within the iron shell.>>
#659- Huge current runs through the Suns iron shell to power the flares and CME's.
#4366- I believe that there are currents that flow in the shell around the Sun's equator in a solenoidal configuration, that are driven by the [aether to] electricity conversion process.
#3771- For the solar dynamo to work, it needs to have a toroidal flow (SOLENOID) underneath the solar surface at the equator to produce the observed solar magnetic fields.
#4366- These currents are interpreted in helioseismology.
#4366- Actual electrons come out of the iron shell as well as electrons from the ionization process of the neutral gas influx.
#3771- The more electrons you have flowing in one direction (coherence), the stronger your local magnetic field.
#3771- There is coherent motion of electrons within the bulk of the metal to form the magnetic field.
#1972- Large DC currents flow in the Sun.
#1972- What is termed "reconnection" does occur and is powered by electric currents in the flux tubes.[1]
#1972- I call it a filamental pinch, because it is the result of a merging (touching) of a flux tube pair.[1]
<<Are flux tubes the same as Birkeland current filaments and electric currents?>>
#1972- All magnetic fields in a plasma are the result of electric current.[1]
#1972- See Identification of a Quasiseperatrix Layer in a Reconnecting Laboratory Magnetoplasma: ... tt_QSL.pdf.
#230- I have provided laboratory observations (of thermionic emission from a metal cathode), that explains everything on the solar surface.
#230- That is the flares, the iron, the photosphere, why the corona is hotter, the structure of the sun, the reason for acoustic observations, all lab observations, all first principles.
#4100- The Sun has a solid surface with high temperature SPOTS on the surface, so average temperature reading at a distance is going to be a combination of the cold surface and the hot spots.
#4100- So 4,000 to 50,000 K loop footprint emission plus 1,300 K [sample temperature of solid iron] surface is about 10,000 K average.
#4100- This is the same temperature structure of a cathode discharge.
#4138- The "photosphere" in my model is the "cathode glow".
#4138- Above the cathode glow is the chromosphere, which is the cathode dark space etc.
#4138- See ... Discharges.
<<Do cathode glows have coronas too?>>
#4138- This paper below gives a good summary of some of the processes happening on the surface: The Cold Cathode Arc: ... lassic=YES.
#4427- I am using the simplest model possible, the cathode in a glow discharge.
#4427- The sun is in the glow region of the breakdown curve:
#4427- This is from a paper entitled Mysteries of the Arc Cathode Spot: A Retrospective Glance: D. Plasma Expansion and Ion Acceleration.
#199- The surface is just like a cathode glow with thermionic emission, as in the lab.
#199- It acts like a transformer in that it transforms the background energy [aether] of the universe into "electricity" that manifests at the surface as electrical discharges.
#450- [Near a solar coronal loop footprint] the surrounding surface is solid iron.
#450- With a cathode in a plasma process, the whole cathode is not molten; only spots where there is a discharge happening are molten.
#587- My description of the photosphere is strictly based on the plasma physics of the electrical cathode.
#4138- There is also transparency [through the photosphere to the iron surface] at IR wavelengths.
#4138- In my model I would expect that you would see to the surface through the cathode glow (photosphere) at some wavelength at some intensity, due to the finite extent [depth] of the layer.
#126- If you look at coronal loops, you see iron plasma, lots of it!
#126- When you use 192 or 171 Angstrom light from this iron plasma you see structures under the photosphere.
#126- The coronal loop footprints are under the photosphere on the iron surface.
<<So the solid iron surface is partly visible through the photosphere!>>

Next time I intend to post Brant's descriptions of Coronal Loops, which I find very interesting.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu May 19, 2011 6:36 am

* Before I get to the Coronal Loops material, I’ll first post here Brant’s comments on my outline of highlights of his theory.

Highlights of Brant's ABIS Theory

1. Iron Stars form in "Supernovae"; Helioseismology shows the Sun has a thick Solid Iron Shell.
Yes. If you use the same methodology (seismology) on the sun that you use on the earth and it works just like the earth, you have to take that as a clue.

2. The Iron Sun is an Aether Antenna, which converts Aether into Electrons.
Thats how all antennas work. Think about it. An antenna converts EM (photons) into electrons. And it never seems to run out of electrons.
- If you take Aetherometrys model of the photon:
- "1.2. If photons do not travel through space, what is it that travels through space and is the cause of the transmission of the light stimulus, and ultimately of any local production of photons?
- Aetherometry contends that what travels through space and transmits the light impulse is electrical radiation composed of massfree charges and their associated longitudinal waves (the true phase waves), not electromagnetic radiation composed of photons and their transverse waves. The wave transmission of all electromagnetic signals depends on the transmission of non-electromagnetic energy, specifically the transmission of electric massfree charges (the propagation of "the field")."
- So the sun as a large spherical antenna tuned to the 160 minute period, receives the "energy of the universe" [aether].

3. Neutral Gas flows into the Sun and Transmutes into Metal.
Thats what it has to be. You need a source of protons, electrons and energy. The energy comes from the aether and the materials comes from the neutral gas. The situation at a Seyfert appears to be different in that they have so much energy available that they can form electrons and protons, as well as neutrons in a bound state. [A Seyfert is defined as a spiral galaxy with a compact, bright nucleus having characteristically broad emission lines suggestive of very hot gases in violent motion at the center. - LK] There is also neutral hydrogen flowing in large quantities from the center of our galaxy.

4. The abundant Aether Electrons produce Electric Potential Difference (Voltage) and thus Electric Current.
See the antenna description above. Once you have energy that causes electrons to gain energy, you can do stuff. I pretty much at this point think that the energy is really in the field and that is what causes the electrons to move at some slow rate [in solid conductors?].

5. Internal Electric Current flows through the Iron Surface and produces the Sun's Cathode Glow Structure.
Yes. You can now use the Birkeland model and experiments, although the sun doesnt have a magnet inside. I think it relies on an [internal?] equatorial current flow to produce the dipolar magnetic field.

6. The Electric Current flows into Coronal Loops that produce Ionized Iron (Plasma).
Yes. That why we view the sun at iron-15 [FeXV] and such. I have never seen an adequate reason for the iron in the loops in any model, except iron surface.

7. Sunspots form over Coronal Loop Footprints.
Yes. That appears to be the case. Loops stick through the photosphere without disturbing it as well. [I think this means loops don't necessarily have sunspots associated with them, but all sunspots form around coronal loops. - LK]

8. White Light Flares occur at Loop Footprints.
Yes. White light flares are the brightest flares that happen. If you examine the loop footprints you notice that there is a phenomenon that only occurs when an electric current exits an electrode into a plasma. Due to the change in impedance (resistance at frequency) at that point, there is a [z-] pinch that occurs right at the surface in the plasma, then the plasma column radically expands. Thats what you see at loop footprints.
- Solar Wind Origin Regions: ... ctid=37003.

9. CMEs are Flux Tubes.
They started out as flux tubes, then "exploded" (exploding double layers) and ejected material out from the sun. And you still see a helical structure as the material is ejected. Now I believe this is different structure than the permanent flux tube that runs between the sun and earth and is responsible for Flux Transfer Events (reconnections), which really should be called a Pinch.

10. The Heat of the Solar Atmosphere is like Earth's Thermosphere.
Yes. You wouldn't feel any heat in the thermosphere because its too thin. However I suspect you would get roasted by the InfraRed from the [Sun's] surface.

11. Solar Radiation is Massless Charge Aether, which become Photons when decelerated.
Yes. Specifically Light. In addition to the energy expended in accelerating the protons and electrons.
Photons on aetherometry:

12. The Solar Blackbody Spectrum is from a Solid Surface, not Plasma.
Yes partially. The other part of the spectrum [is] from the surface plasma. The UV hump [increase?] is from iron under arc conditions. Some of the glow is from the photosphere.
- If you look [at] the true line spectrum with millions of lines from the sun, instead of the integrated energy spectrum, you see that its not truly a black body, except by stretching it. [I think he means only solid surfaces produce true blackbody radiation, as from the Sun, but the Sun's plasma produces spectral lines, rather than blackbody. - LK]


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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu May 19, 2011 12:21 pm

6. The Electric Current flows into Coronal Loops that produce Ionized Iron (Plasma).
<<The aether electrons from inside the Sun antenna flow as electric current through the iron shell and flow out through coronal loops above the surface.>>
#23- The Sun's solid iron surface has areas of positive and negative electrical charge (potential).
#23- Because of the potential difference between these areas a current arises, the strength depending on the activity beneath the surface (later post) which translates to electron flow.
#23- The functional mechanism for the Sun's energy transfer is the flow of iron.
#23- Initially there is the Faraday Dark current that flows all the time, as long as there is potential between the 2 areas.
#23- As the current gets stronger there is a transition to glow mode along field lines.
#23- This happens because the current is strong enough to start to produce thermionic activity (melt iron) at the loop footprints, so we start to see an iron plasma traveling along the "field lines".
#23- Then solar arcades begin to form and the iron is fully ionized FeXIV as it travels over the loops.
#23- As the loops grow, the molten ionized iron is carried up the loops as "hypervelocity blobs".
<<Is that up to 60 km/sec as Wikipedia seems to say? Are the high velocities due to high EMF [voltage] or to strong magnetic fields?>>
#23- This we observe using light at various wavelengths: 192 nm, 171 nm, 1200 nm, etc.
#23- Then something called coronal rain forms and the cooled iron falls back to the iron surface of the sun.
<<How fast does it fall? Has that velocity been measured?>>
#23- You can see the piles of fallen coronal rain underneath the loops:
#23- This falling coronal rain is a falling solid that is cooling back down to the temperature of solid iron, 1300K, from almost 5,800 K at the tops of the loops.
<<Aren't the looptops in the corona, which is much hotter than 5,800 K?>>
<<Can you estimate the average maximum size of the iron slag blobs that land on the surface? Is solar moss iron slag blobs?>>

#23- Solids emit blackbody radiation, so thats where the Sun's blackbody spectrum comes from.
#27- Any Bennett pinch with sufficient energy will emit neutrinos without gamma rays.
#27- But there is fusion involved as well with temperatures up to an observed 4 billion degrees Kelvin in some loops!
#126- Solar spectroscopy shows us the elemental composition of the Sun's atmosphere.
#126- But if you look at coronal loops, you see iron plasma, lots of it!
#126- When you use 192 or 171 Angstrom light from this iron plasma, you see structures under the photosphere.
#126- The coronal loop footprints are under the photosphere on the iron surface.
<<Are those loop footprints mounds of iron slag?>>
#126- The process that takes place is thermionic emission, which gives ionized iron, electrons, protons and heavy ions.
#126- Look at the structures under the loops, where the cooled coronal rain falls: [See first link above @ #23].
#464- Here's the solar surface and loop footprints 1500 km below the photosphere: ... 123108.gif; Image ... 170708.gif.
#464- In this one you can see the formations under the loops that result from coronal rain: [See first link above].
#464- In this view spicules are more apparent:
#4153- Above Photosphere - In this media image from HINODE of the solar chromosphere, it shows the loops sticking up through the photosphere.
#4153- Below Photosphere - Again in this image from TRACE are the loops on the solar surface below the photosphere.
#4153- Notice the footprints and longitudinal features under the loops: [See first link above];
#4153- Here are more interesting images: ... 183228.gif; ... 114103.gif.
#4172- The loop footprints at the very base of the loops are hot solid iron.
#4172- Going up the loop, the temperature goes from 3,000 K molten iron to 9,400 K (boiling iron) to 500,000 to 2,000,000 K (iron vapor/plasma) within a few hundred km.
#4265- Portions of the iron surface get hotter under thermionic emission (loop foot prints, solar moss), just like portions of a filament are hotter than the melting point of tungsten.
<<A series of closely spaced loops is called an arcade, I believe.>>
#4277- Arcades range from 20,000 km to 5 arcseconds x 755 km in size and these are about 50,000 km high: [See first link above].
#4277- Now look at the base of the arcades where the hot spots are; those are loop footprints, where white light flares occur.
#4277- The glow that covers large areas around the loop footprints is from solar moss.
#4277- Notice under the arcades the linear structures, thought to be plasma, but which I say are solid structures.
#4277- Plasma doesnt form into structures like that.
#4277- Those structures are the result of coronal iron rain.
#4277- Hypervelocity blobs are the result of iron melting at the loop footprints, due to thermionic emission, and traveling up the loop, which is composed of iron plasma.
#4277- At the loop foot prints many processes happen.
#4277- The temperature of the iron climbs from below molten to ionized in a few hundred miles or less.
#4277- The surface is mostly solid with patches of ionized iron.
#234- The image appears to show a solid surface with ridges and other terrain elevation features, strongly and directionally illuminated, from a source located to the upper right of the area.
#234- The highlights face that direction and the shadows are opposite, and from an elevation considerably above the plane of the surface, because the shadows are short.
#234- The source of the illumination is the discharges at the base of the loop footprints, as well as the loops themselves, the same as with arc welding, or an arc lamp!!!
#234- This light is from ionized iron (at 77,000 to 1,500,000 K).
#234- The flares are lighting up [solid] structures that stand above the surface and last on time scales longer than would be expected for a plasma form.
#234- Discharges originate from these structures [mounds of iron slag?], because they are high points, just like in cathode thermionic emission observations.
#4291- In an overheated cathode in a plasma tube, the cathode starts to lose ions from surface melting, yet the whole cathode does not melt.
#4291- The surface temperature is at the melting point of the metal due to thermionic emission, but the cathode does not melt.
#4291- If you could examine this process under a microscope, you would see flares and other phenomena that look like features on the Sun.
#4291- See Mysteries of the arc cathode spot: A retrospective glance: ... er=1240019.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri May 20, 2011 8:34 pm

* When I first heard this theory about 2007, I was told that images like the one above were seen through sunspots. But I was led to think later that those TRACE images were of the photosphere. I didn't realize until I read Brant's Randi Forum thread that the images were taken of light frequencies that go through the photosphere and can see below it. In other words, it's like taking an x-ray photo of something, as x-rays can see through things.
* Does no one else find Brant's Electric Iron Sun theory plausible? What parts of the theory don't you understand? It makes lots of sense to me, so I don't see why others aren't impressed and commenting.
* In this image, can you see what Brant says is there? The loops are extensions of electric currents from below the iron surface. They arise at high points. The iron heats up and turns to plasma and shoots up the loops. Some of the iron plasma falls off the main channel, cools and falls back to the surface as slag. I'm guessing that the droplets are much too small to see in these images. A pixel here is probably miles across. ... ge-SPL.jpg

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Mon May 23, 2011 7:16 pm

Brant, do you think red and brown dwarf stars also have iron shells?
Yes. I pretty much think that any small astronomical body is going to be an iron core ... [like] Asteroids and meteorites.

Would they be formed also in supernovae, or in smaller explosions, like novae?
I believe they would, but that requires more data [to determine].

You used to say that stars formed in nebulae. Do you still think so?
Stars form in z pinches. Maybe smaller pinches form smaller astronomical bodies.

Do supernovae occur in nebulae?
A nebula may be the remains of a supernova or it may be a phenomenon unto itself. More data [is needed].

Do you still think the Sun came from the Vela pulsar?
The idea behind that is that the sun was moving on a vector away from the pulsar. The pulsar is a pulsating pinch and I had thought that would make a good candidate. Not so much anymore. I was looking for a pinch that would birth planets and stars. Maybe its time to do some more research.

Did you read my Cardona Interview thread? He said Saturn and Earth etc came from the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy. Do you consider that plausible? Would such small stars also act as aether antennae?
Thats the difference between a lit star and a dim star, its size. The larger the size the more current flows.

Do you think stars can fission?
Yes. If they overheat they can eject blobs of molten iron. That could be a mechanism for planet birth as well as the asteroids.

Could small stars eject planets like Earth and moons etc?
See above.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Wed May 25, 2011 4:19 pm

Brant, do you think red and brown dwarf stars also have iron shells? [These first 3 questions are repeated from last time, but now have more thorough answers.]
Yes. I pretty much think that any small astronomical body is going to be an iron shell. Asteroids and meteorites are too small. Thats why they are solid inside. There might be one or two that have a hollow core.

You used to say that stars formed in nebulae. Do you still think so?
Stars form in z pinches. Maybe smaller pinches form smaller astronomical bodies. But I think that a nebula in the strictest sense is not dense enough.

Do you think stars can fission? And could small stars eject planets like Earth and moons etc?
Yes. If they overheat they can eject blobs of molten iron. That could be a mechanism for planet birth as well as the asteroids.

Did you read my Cardona Interview thread?
I read parts of it. I also have [Cardona's second book] Primordial Star.
- If you look at the fossil record, not the truncated one, but one that is expressed in Forbidden archeology, humans have been on the earth for 500 million years at least for sure. Some artifacts could be dated back to 3.5 billion years ago but its not 100% sure that they are human artifacts.
- I am a gold miner, so I "study" ancient river beds in the context of EU. I believe they are really ancient river beds at least 1 million years old, and not lightning channels. There have been many artifacts found in the riverbeds by reputable gold miners over the years.
[I think he's wrong here about the dating, that the objects are much younger. I'll try to discuss this with him next time.]

He said Saturn and Earth etc came from the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy. Do you consider that plausible?
Anythings possible. Sag D. is 70,000 light-years from Earth That is 70,00 years for light to reach us. The solar system is traveling 370 Kms through space relative to the CMB and 480000 miles per hr around the center of the galaxy. Assuming current position for all parties it would take the earth 56 756 756.8 years to get here using the 370Kms speed.
- I prefer to believe that the origin of Saturn is more local. One of the most interesting things about our planets is the pairing. I think you can make a case for resonant positions of the planet around the sun.
[I think Sag D is nearby, not 70,000 ly away. I'll try to bring that up again too.]

Would small stars also act as aether antennae?
The difference between a lit star and a dim star is its size. The larger the size the more current flows.

Could Earth act as an aether antenna and produce the electrical effects it displays?
I think the reason for the 4 million [volt] constant potential difference between the earth and sky is the fact that it may act like a small aether antenna. In addition the earth is interacting with the sun through solar winds and flux tubes.

Can other solids besides iron or metals act as aether antennae?
It think its more of a shape kind of thing. Like antenna technology requires different types of shapes for different applications, but you can make an antenna out of just about anything.
- This also fits in with Telsa and his work. Notice how telsa coils specify a round or spherical antenna.

What emits the aether that stars receive and convert to electrons?
The aether has been here forever. It was here before matter was made. Turtles all the way down. [Wikipedia sayd, "Turtles all the way down" is a jocular expression of the infinite regress problem in cosmology posed by the Unmoved mover paradox.]

Do galactic centers emit that aether that stars receive?
Yes. And this flows out from the galactic center in the form of hydrogen.
[I need to ask him if he means hydrogen reverts back to aether, or if hydrogen flows to the stars as atoms or ions.]

How would you distinguish between aether currents in space and electric currents in space?
They are actually, from what I can understand, cohabitant. In other words wherever you have an electric current there is an aether current. But you can have an aether current with no electric current. Read Baron Von Reichanbach's work.

Would you call lightning an electric current?

Why wouldn't it be possible for lightning to occur between planets or stars?
It does. Look at Valles Marineris.
[I need to ask what about between stars or from stars to planets.]

Do all plasmas conduct electric currents?
Yes. In a sense plasmas are electrical currents.

Can there be magnetic fields in space without electric currents there?
As far as I can tell, no. This is based on earthly physics. Thats assuming there are no bar magnets floating around in space.

What gives Earth and other bodies magnetic fields?
The aether flowing out. This develops an electric current around the equator under the surface. If you strictly take EM laws, then the only way you can have a dipole is with a solenoidal current flow.

- [PS,] I am leaning towards the aether as the explanation for rotation expressed in the physical world, especially in the case of galaxies. One thing that has really got me interested is the giant whirlpools in the ocean, as well as other forms of rotation motion. [See] ... scientists
- [Brant recommends] "Luminous World" by Baron Karl von Reichenbach and "Lost Science" by Gerry Vassilatos.
Reichenbach "glimpsed something of the forgotten technologies with which the ancients had ability. Why they labored so much in marking special ground-points with tall stones now became obvious" [i.e. Stonehenge?]. [See]

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:02 pm

* Brant said this recently.
- If you look at all the movies for flares and CME's, you find that even for the most powerful explosions the surface of the sun never deviates from a particular value where you would expect a depression of some sort...... The limb never shows any dimples or anything from explosions....... Even at the most carefully watched loop foot prints at the Limb.... Always a perfect disc....
- So we have Coronal Rain and hypervelocity blobs that travel up the flare loop legs, and now we have falling dirt clods.
- Did the sun almost eject an asteroid??
- "The sun produced a quite spectacular prominence eruption that had a solar flare and high-energy particles associated with it, but I've just never seen material released like this before," Young said. "It looks like somebody just kicked a giant clod of dirt into the air and then it fell back down." -- C. Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
- What in the EU model are these phenomena??
[In ABIS theory, this is normal flare matter, usually iron, but possibly in this case other elements.]
- In a double layer ejection, why would plasma fall back to the sun??
- Here is the movie. Amazing.......
- On NASA ... 5504&media\
- It looks like chunks of stuff falling back to the solar surface and it splashes when it hits. It looks like its under the control of gravity.... If it was truly just a plasma I would expect it to dissipate.... If it was a plasma wouldn't it just keep going because of the double layer acceleration??
- And the solar surface is brighter where it splashes........
- My hybrid EU/Iron sun answers all of those questions and more.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:50 pm

* Here's the June 7 Solar Prominence and CME eruption from several perspectives: ... re=related.
* This website, http://skepticalswedishscientists.wordp ... un-sun-sun, [where Oliver Manuel also commented on the recent AGW news], said this about the prominence:
7 June 2011 - A “never seen anything like this before, spectacular” amazing promin[e]nce eruption with associated solar flare imaged by the new Solar Dynamics Observatory. Incredible, especially when you consider that each of the black “drops” are Earth sized and the “splash” covers half the solar surface. WOW!

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:55 pm

* Someone disputed Brant's suggestion of chunks falling on the Sun: At those temperatures [on the Sun] nothing is neutral matter for long. The detectable Sun is what you would call a fully ionized plasma. No "chunks".
* But Brant disputes that. See e.g., or
* He has said that the photosphere average temperature is about 5800K, but the range is likely from about 1000K to 100,000K or higher at arcs. So the average is between the extremes. It's like on Io, where there are hot spots, wrongly thought to be volcanoes, and cold areas of ice and medium temperatures in between.
* Although the solar atmosphere is hot, it's a near vacuum, so it would actually feel cold to a spacecraft, for example, as is the case in Earth's thermosphere, where it can reach 1700K, but it doesn't melt spacecraft etc.
* Brant has said that the Sun has a nearly blackbody spectrum and that blackbody is produced only by solids, whereas plasma produces lines on a spectrum.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:22 am

Part One
Solar Atmosphere's Heat
* Brant didn't say a spacecraft would not melt in the solar atmosphere. That was my own guess, based on what he had said comparing the solar atmosphere to Earth's thermosphere. Maybe he'll comment eventually on whether the Sun's radiation would melt a spacecraft or not.
Sun's Hot Spots & Cool Areas
* He hasn't said that there are hotter and cooler layers in the photosphere. I mentioned the comparison with Io, because the hot spots and cold areas are located horizontally, not vertically. It's not like a grilled cheese sandwich, but like a landscape under a thunderstorm, where lightning bolts touch down in numerous places. The lightning bolts are hot spots and the surrounding landscape is much cooler. Getting a temperature measurement from a distance gives an average over a large area. If the coolest areas of the Sun's surface were 1000K, that's still pretty hot, but many metals would be solid.
Iron Sun Features Are Visible
* You might think the iron sun model is like the fusion model in that all the action is out of sight. That's not the case with Brant's model. He said THEMIS etc observed the sun at several frequencies in the IR, UV and visible range, which penetrated all the way through the photosphere to the Sun's surface. At hot spots, where electric currents shoot up from the surface, magnetic loops form and iron etc is ionized and flows at high velocity up the loops. The iron ions toward the periphery of the flow, I guess, are what cool down and fall as coronal rain. The iron rain solidifies as it falls and forms piles of slag on the surface.
* Here's a sample image, I think. I believe the series of loops are called arcades. The surface is heaps or mountains of slag. Electric arcs would tend to occur at high points. Brant said those heaps remain intact much too long to be plasma.
Sun as Concretion
* Brant said the iron sun acts as an aether antenna, which transforms aether into electrons. As the electrons build up, they form electric currents. He quoted one of Wal's articles that says the Sun's core consists of metals, instead of hydrogen gas. Only he regards the metal "core" as being a thick hollow shell. This TPOD, ... apetus.htm, compares Saturn's moon, Iapetus with a sandstone sphere and a moqui marble, all apparently formed from electric discharges.
* See e.g. ... l314l3-1l1 Many moqui marbles and other concretions are hollow. All stars, planets etc may be formed by Marklund convection, many with hollow interiors.

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Re: Aether Battery Iron Sun Theory

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:36 am

Part Two
Solar Atmosphere's Heat
* It's true that the photosphere is the coolest layer of the solar atmosphere, the chromosphere above it is hotter and the corona above them all is hottest. But it doesn't contradict Brant's points: 1. that for the photosphere or the surface just below it, the temperature measurement is an average over the entire surface, which includes the hot spots of electric discharges and the cooler regions between them; and 2. that the solar atmosphere is a virtual vacuum, so, although the ions are extremely hot, they're so far apart that the particles don't transfer significant heat to anything traveling through, like with Earth's thermosphere. Solar radiation may transfer significant heat, but I don't know enough about that to guess if it's enough to melt a spacecraft or an asteroid etc. I imagine electric discharges from the Sun would vaporize them though upon close approach.
Sun's Surface Cooler than Photosphere
* I think Brant has pointed out that, the way the solar atmosphere temperature increases with altitude, the solar surface should be cooler than the photosphere, cool enough for iron etc to solidify. I think he also stated that IR and outward moving solar wind etc is transferring heat away from the surface, which I think would be like a cooling fan in a welder or computer. He also called the Sun a cathode glow tube.
Sun's Cathode Glow Tube
* In post #450 at Brant said: Think of a cathode in a plasma process. The whole cathode is not molten. Only spots where there is a discharge happening [are molten].
* In his post #199 he said this.
My model is a fully iron shell or solid. Rigid as shown in the [THEMIS] difference images.
... It is just like a cathode glow with thermionic emission, as in the lab.
... It acts like a transformer in that it transforms the background energy of the universe into "electricity" that manifests at the surface as electrical discharges.
... The loops and the footprints I'm pretty sure are a million or so degrees.
Thats what makes the iron hypervelocity blobs and the coronal rain that cools and makes the features [iron heaps] under the coronal loops and arcades.

* In post #4138 he said this.
- So when I say "photosphere" ... In my model it would be the "cathode glow". That is the layer you call the photosphere. Above the cathode glow is chromosphere or the cathode dark space etc. ... Discharges
- I think that this is the correct interpretation of the various solar layers.
- This paper below gives a good summary of some of the processes happening on the surface. The Cold Cathode Arc: ... lassic=YES
- The cathode glow has some extent and is probably opaque at its emission temperature. But that doesnt mean it has to be opaque to all wavelengths. The solar emission temperature is actually closer to a blue-white as opposed to the yellow that everyone draws. And the UV hump says that emissions are high in that range which indicates that there may be some transparency at those wavelengths. There is also transparency at IR wavelengths.
- In my model I would expect that you would see to the surface through the cathode glow (photosphere) at some wavelength at some intensity due to the finite extent [depth] of the layer. The Handy et al paper shows this is possible at the right combination of wavelengths.

#4210 at Cathode glows are know[n] for their quantities of H- ions due to the large influx of electrons (off of the cathode).
#4220: In our suns case its free electrons after thermionic emission from the surface causing the cathode (surface) glow [i.e. the photosphere].
#4291: The surface is hot because the electrons are leaving it. Just below the surface where the electrons are leaving, it is cold.
- Think about an over heated cathode in a plasma tube. The cathode starts to lose ions from surface melting yet the whole cathode does not melt. The surface temperature is at the melting point of the metal due to thermionic emission but the cathode does not melt. Just like a carbon arc, the temperature of the arc is greater than the temperature of the solid electrodes, and it has molten metal close to the electrode as well as a dense plasma further away from the electrode.
- If you could examine this process under a microscope you would see flares and other phenomena that looks like the surface of the sun. ... [Read] Mysteries of the arc cathode spot: A retrospective glance ... er=1240019


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