Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

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Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by junglelord » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:10 am

Scalar explained... by Eric Dollard
...for those who’s minds have been polluted by the prevalent quantum goddess reality:

Let us turn to the Heaviside Equation which is the most fundamental equations in all of Electrical Engineering:

(RG + XB) + j (XG – RB) = propagation constant squared


R resistance in Ohms
G conductance in Siemens
X reactance in Henrys per second
B susceptance in Farads per second


RG is the scalar or DC component that is NOT A WAVE,
XB is the longitudinal or AC component and is an alternating electric wave

XG is the transverse or OC component and is a forward moving oscillating electric wave. RB is the transverse or OC component and is a reverse moving oscillating electric wave

This equation allows for all electrical conditions in time and or space and combinations thereof. The example equation is the dimensions of time (see: Steinmetz Theory of Transient Electric Waves and Phenomenon and also my paper: Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave.)


The air in the room; the room is filled with air and has atmospheric pressure of 2998 mB, your stereo is blasting away, the speakers are creating longitudinal waves having length and frequency and exert a oscillating force centered on 2998 mB (+ or – 10 mB)

RG is the air pressure, a scalar
XB is the sound of the stereo, a longitudinal wave

XG = RB, thus no transverse waves exist (XG – RB) = ZERO

Hence (RG + XB) is what is going on in the room, the disinformers have convinced you that this whole quantity (RB + XB) is scalar, RG is the only scalar component. It is DC and has NO FREQUENCY, no WAVELENGTH and thus NO WAVE! SCALER = NO WAVE - GET IT???

If people don’t get this fundamental concept – my time is better spent talking to my pet Coyote… I have nothing further to say…
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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by junglelord » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:33 am

I for one have used the term scalar and longitudinal as equal partners...which they are, but they are not the same own slippage has given false impressions. I hope this clears up the difference and clearly defines the two.
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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by fzzzy » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:01 pm

Imagine this. We have a capacitance. The capacitance contains a certain pressure (voltage). We then apply an impulse pressure to this capacitance at a regular interval. This impulse pressure distributes itself evenly throughout the capacitance with every impulse. Thus, the voltage changes inside the capacitance at a regular interval. The fact that these changes happen at a certain interval gives us a frequency, which we normally associate with waves. However, this pressure is felt equally at all points within the capacitance simultaneously. Therefore, there is no travelling wave. The impulses are felt at a certain frequency, which makes us want to think of it in terms of waves, however, since the impulse is felt at all points within the capacitance simultaneously there is no wave travelling through the medium.

It's a very subtle point, but the difference is a transverse wave operates using the principles of light and heat, and the longitudinal "wave" operates using the principles of pressure and sound. Thus, we cannot use equations describing one to describe the other; they have different properties.

I'm really looking forward to discovering more about this subtle distinction!
Thermodynamics cannot give us free energy -- by definition thermodynamics causes the destruction of energy. It seems to me Tesla's magnifying transmitter operates using sound and pressure, and is merely primed with electricity.

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by junglelord » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:07 pm

I am glad you brought that up, which Eric clearly states in one of his videos. ... playnext=1
Dollard is clear about that fact, which points out the majority of all errors in electrical teaching and learning.
Longitudinal Waves function with Pressure and Sound parameters, not light and heat. thanks for that.
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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by junglelord » Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:50 am

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by StevenO » Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:03 pm

This Dollard guy should spend his time reading Miles Mathis instead of talking to his Coyote.

Physics fundamentals are differentials and depending how you look at them you could regard that as a scalar. But that is only if you do not choose a viewpoint. And a propagating "scalar" pressure front hitting a wall will still create a wave.

It's nice to try to hide in esoterics like the long forgotten Heavyside equations, he learned that from the mainstream, but it does not give his theories any more credibility. It does not contain any mechanics, just jargon to cover up the holes.

The use of imaginary numbers is a brazen cheat in any math equation, as Miles so eloquently shows and insiders jargon like reactance/susceptance/permittivity/permeability are an admission of failure to recognize the gravitational field at the electron level.
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Lost in translation?

Post by Jarvamundo » Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:34 pm

StevenO wrote:This Dollard guy should spend his time reading Miles Mathis instead of talking to his Coyote.

Physics fundamentals are differentials and depending how you look at them you could regard that as a scalar. But that is only if you do not choose a viewpoint. And a propagating "scalar" pressure front hitting a wall will still create a wave.
Dollard (to me) seems to acknowledge this point and quite often, tries to replace the 'scalar' terminology with longitudinal wave.
StevenO wrote: It's nice to try to hide in esoterics like the long forgotten Heavyside equations, he learned that from the mainstream, but it does not give his theories any more credibility. It does not contain any mechanics, just jargon to cover up the holes.

The use of imaginary numbers is a brazen cheat in any math equation, as Miles so eloquently shows and insiders jargon like reactance/susceptance/permittivity/permeability are an admission of failure to recognize the gravitational field at the electron level.
Hi SteveO, just wondering if you have made your way through the Dollard material at all (his 5 or so books)? or is all this in reference to the energetic post, and tb posts? and what you *think* he might be addressing? Some frustration may be explained with the context these may provide.

Most of Dollard's work follows on from the writings of Steinmetz (the originator of the 'electricity from 'i''), who along with Dollard, acknowledge their use of algebra as engineering mathematics. The purpose for doing this is for development and understanding of electrical experimental apparatus. The 'terms' you have mentioned before have been used with this in mind, as noted repeatedly by both authors.

ie... it's no good, when designing apparatus to say "just lengthen that wire so that the gravity-field of the electron is adjusted".... I think you may be confusing the language of engineering-empirical science with fundamental science here.

again ie: Dollard will mention something like 'hysteresis of ether'.... this ofcourse is not a fundamental science theory, it is empirical language, it allows experimentalists to quickly understand the properties, medium and related apparatus to a 'quick term'....

I really don't see Dollard trying to provide a theory of everything or unified field at all, or in any way trying to attempt to compete or cover up the use of his mathematics? Is his work not just a review and re-production of the 'forgotten era' of empirical electrical research?

I'm getting a little bit of a serial-debunking 'pro-miles' vibe here, when really it seems far from the body of work of both men?

BTW: Have bought the Mathis book, gradually making my way through it, an excellent read.
I would however, like to see how the experiments of Dollard (which are recreations and extentions of Tesla's) are incorporated into Mile's work, if he should ever fine the time to absorb with his future work. It will be difficult to apply the 'serial-debunking-mainstream' method to these experiments, as well... mainstream does not discuss these. (i'd love to be corrected with a 'mainstream source', it would save me reading through Dollards extensive suggested reading list)

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by junglelord » Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:43 pm

The results of algebra vs geometry to analyze complex waves is something that many have mistaken


Steinmetz makes some interesting observations at the end of the paper and are worth taking a look at so read the answers to the paper presented.

Miles has great work, but no lab results, while Dollard has done incredible lab work with his papers, some of it with an original marconi transmitter. His one wire and wireless demonstrations as well as longitudinal current are clearly something of value and not bunk or smoke and mirrors.
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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by Corpuscles » Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:31 pm

StevenO wrote:, as Miles so eloquently shows and insiders jargon like reactance/susceptance/permittivity/permeability are an admission of failure to recognize the gravitational field at the electron level.
Some people discover some profound insight in realm collectively known as "religion". Then sadly often become RELIGIOUS (bigotted dogmatic and sectarian, and unopen to new views).

Friend, I fear you are becoming RELIGIOUS about Mathis! Many here have taken your constant prompts and given you and Miles the courtesy of deeply investigating Mathis work , most with considerable praise.

However you cannot possibly follow/understand Dollard without extensive study of Tesla (particularly his papers, public addresses and actual demonstrations) first.

Dollard has to use mainstream speak, to communicate to those on that level. However just as Tesla , often what he means by various terms comes from a very different understanding of them.

There is nothing super profound in a "gravitaional field at electron level". Even Newton knew it, and referred to the obtuse variable "mass". Pity Coulomb was not a collaborator to the Principia... might have had some electricial relevance to his rough starting point equation? ( Similarly I suggest Miles and you, would both benefit from studying Tesla /Dollard experiments. How does Miles explain longitudinal ("scalar" uni-directional) high voltage, high frequency DC electricity generation ??

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by StevenO » Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:08 am

Hi Corpuscules,

Thanks for keeping me on a straight path. I do agree that nobody should be too religious by just listening to one source. I'm also one of Tesla's biggest fans and have read most of his material, up to buying his personal notes (my trip to the Tesla museum is still pending), but I have'nt been able to connect Tesla and Mathis very well. Though Tesla was a great experimenter, which Mathis is'nt, he was not able to formulate his theories as clearly as Mathis can. If you can show me somebody who is more lucid then Mathis, I'll be happy to study him.

Dollard, like others rely too much on other people's formula's which, as Mathis proves are often a perpetuation of previous errors. If Dollard would have a clear vision of what his theory is he should be able to explain it with his own math. Miles has taken the effort to expose flaws by going back to the origins of theories and formulas (like Newton's Principia and other material). Tesla and Dollard probably intuitively suspect the same things, but are not able to explain it in clear language or have not gone back to the source. (Score: 1-0 for Mathis).

As I have explained, the "scalar" aspect (and other effects like entanglement) comes from:

1. Differentials are the fundamental physical units. E.g. sound is difference in air pressure, not sound waves. Static electricity is a difference in photon pressure, not a "scalar wave".

2. Some effects could probably be also explained by multi-level gyroscopically spinning photons or electrons. Miles explains that very clearly (though I would'nt know how to connect that to Tesla's experiments yet).

Both Tesla and Dollard do not explain these two things theoretically. (Score: 3-0 for Mathis).

Is there a decisive experiment that proves Mathis right beyond a doubt? Not yet. (Final score: 3-1).

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by Maddogkull1 » Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:44 pm

So you think miles mathis has a unified theory and everything he says is right? One man cannot know that much, does not matter how smart you are. Takes more then one person to work out TUFT

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by Corpuscles » Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:46 pm

StevenO wrote: ...Though Tesla was a great experimenter, which Mathis is'nt, he was not able to formulate his theories as clearly as Mathis can. If you can show me somebody who is more lucid then Mathis, I'll be happy to study him.

Dollard, like others rely too much on other people's formula's which, as Mathis proves are often a perpetuation of previous errors. If Dollard would have a clear vision of what his theory is he should be able to explain it with his own math. Miles has taken the effort to expose flaws by going back to the origins of theories and formulas (like Newton's Principia and other material). Tesla and Dollard probably intuitively suspect the same things, but are not able to explain it in clear language or have not gone back to the source. (Score: 1-0 for Mathis).

... Static electricity is a difference in photon pressure, not a "scalar wave".

...Both Tesla and Dollard do not explain these two things theoretically. (Score: 3-0 for Mathis).

...Is there a decisive experiment that proves Mathis right beyond a doubt? Not yet. (Final score: 3-1).

Hi Steven
Thanks for taking my post in the friendly spirit in which it was intended! :)

I agree that as far as being clear, lucid, readable and thorough back to original source, I also know of none better than Miles Mathis. Maybe he is completely correct????... but experiments needed to prove it.

Remember Tesla was constantly protecting cryptic patent(s) and with a "inventors" perspective. As you would know .....he studied the previous masters source thoroughly! He had hoped to complete and disclose his theory of (everything) gravity but sadly it has never seen the light! (Maybe in an FBI cache somewhere?)

So far in my reading I get the impression Dollard was reluctantly dealing with math, trying to be able to grab some MainStream attention. No math. = No interest from MS. Of course Mathis has clearly destroyed/modified some of the basic math theory fundamentals you do make a good point.

This is why I am particularly pleased/keen for you applying your EE knowledge to conduct experiment with Miles.

I suspect the philosphical difference most would have, is many of us are convinced of the basic "aether" fundamental (photon just a more complex state of aether) asper Tesla/ opposed to Mathis base "photon".

Surely there must be experiments that could be designed to help Miles show either the fundamental is "photon" or 'something else' . Doesn't "photon" intrinsicly mean must be detectable?

Good luck
Corp (Steve H)

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by junglelord » Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:20 pm

You would think that Miles with all his wisdom could conceive of one experiment to prove his theories. Tesla has proven many things with his experiements, forget the math, it is the proof in the pudding, so to speak and Tesla has the banquet set, while Miles table is bare. Besides Steven, Math is not the holy grail, so for all its simplicity, Miles does not score the top marks, as he has invented nothing to help out man, beyond telling us, that Newton and Couloumb had it all in the first place concerning the UFT. What matters is technology, something even Einstein, gave us nothing of. Tesla is the man with the score card complete and the man they try to keep hidden and underground. Tesla technology has so many ramifications, it is beyond comphrension that only one man, gave us the introduction of so many different technologies, yet one man did just that, and only one man, and that man is Tesla.

Tesla's work was all about resonance and impulses, equal amounts of mass, geometry, high frequency, and driving what is probably Miles photon field, which they (Dollard, Tesla, Aspden, Correa's, Thomson) term aether and claim it is massless, although Miles attributes mass to the photon.

Could you not measure the photon mass?
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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by StevenO » Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:37 pm

Maddogkull1 wrote:So you think miles mathis has a unified theory and everything he says is right? One man cannot know that much, does not matter how smart you are. Takes more then one person to work out TUFT
Hi Maddog,

I actually agree with you here. I'm trying to point out to Miles that some of his conclusions are a direct result of a one-man perspective on the world, but he is not latching onto that idea yet.

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Re: Eric Dollard / Scalar Explained

Post by ElecGeekMom » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:28 am

junglelord wrote:You would think that Miles with all his wisdom could conceive of one experiment to prove his theories. Tesla has proven many things with his experiements, forget the math, it is the proof in the pudding, so to speak and Tesla has the banquet set, while Miles table is bare. Besides Steven, Math is not the holy grail, so for all its simplicity, Miles does not score the top marks, as he has invented nothing to help out man, beyond telling us, that Newton and Couloumb had it all in the first place concerning the UFT. What matters is technology, something even Einstein, gave us nothing of. Tesla is the man with the score card complete and the man they try to keep hidden and underground. Tesla technology has so many ramifications, it is beyond comphrension that only one man, gave us the introduction of so many different technologies, yet one man did just that, and only one man, and that man is Tesla.
Very good point!


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