New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

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New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by junglelord » Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:01 am

Well this is quite the find and a Canadian Researcher has the goods. ... -diabetes/
Most people are familiar with type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a third type of diabetes? Type-3 diabetes, as they are calling it, affects people who are extra sensitive to electrical devices that emit “dirty” electricity.

Type-3 diabetics actually experience spikes in blood sugar and an increased heart rate when exposed to electrical pollution (“electropollution”) from things like computers, televisions, cordless and mobile phones, and even compact fluorescent light bulbs.

Dr. Magda Havas, a PhD from Trent University in Canada, recently published the results of a study she conducted on the relationship between electromagnetic fields and diabetes in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. In it, she explains how she and her team came to discover this about why electropollution is so dangerous for many people.

Blood sugar goes haywire

One of the most interesting finding in her study was that electro-sensitive people whose blood sugar decreases when they go for a walk outdoors actually experience an increase in blood sugar when walking on a treadmill.

Treadmills, you see, are electrical devices that emit electrical pollution. But interestingly, even the physical exertion of walking on the treadmill did not make up for the blood sugar spiking effect of the EMFs emitted by the treadmills. Despite the exercise, in other words, type-3 diabetics experienced significant spikes in blood sugar when walking on the treadmill.

Dirty electricity is bad for everyone, but it is especially bad for people who are type-3 diabetics. And Dr. Havas explains in her study that even having an electrical device plugged into the wall near someone who is type-3 diabetic can cause them problems.

We have to rethink environmental influences of modern living

I find this research fascinating, not only because it proves that electromagnetic waves impact blood sugar and heart rate, but because there could be thousands, if not millions, of diabetics who may be suffering from a diabetes misdiagnosis right now.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because a 54 year-old pre-diabetic man who participated in the study was found to experience serious blood sugar spikes only when he was working in an urban environment around power lines or on his computer. When he was out camping away from the city, his blood sugar was just fine.

The man tested his blood sugar every morning in different situations and his levels were always higher when electrical fields were nearby. On one of the mornings, he forgot to test himself prior to beginning work on the computer. His blood sugar levels were higher than normal, registering around 205 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). But after stepping away from the computer for only ten minutes, his levels dropped nearly 20 mg/dL.

The degree to which electromagnetic pollution affects the body is clearly quite astonishing, and this study illustrates that. But it makes you wonder how many people have diabetes simply because of EMF pollution (and not solely due to their diet or lack of exercise, as we have been taught).

High EMFs gave this woman diabetes

Take the case of the 80 year-old woman whose house tested high for EMF pollution. Prior to installing a system of filters around her house designed to reduce “electro-smog” levels, her blood sugar was high and she was using insulin each day in order to balance her blood sugar levels. After installing the filters (which reduced EMF pollution by roughly 98 percent), the woman’s blood sugar levels dropped by 33 percent and her insulin requirements plunged a whopping 75 percent!

This idea that reducing the electropollution of your house could drastically reduce a patient’s need for insulin has never even registered in conventional (mainstream) medicine. Yet it could be a crucial understanding for tens of millions of diabetics around the world.

The study mentioned here classifies the type of diabetes caused by electromagnetic pollution as type-3 diabetes. While those with type-1 or type-2 diabetes can also have type-3, the data seems to indicate that a person can also exclusively have type-3 without any overlay of the other two types. In other words, their diabetes may be solely due to electromagnetic pollution.

And since pre-diabetics can be pushed over the edge by EMF pollution, there is no telling how many people actually have type-3 rather than type-2 diabetes.

If you ask most mainstream medical “professionals”, they will deny that type-3 diabetes even exists. According to most of them, the idea that electromagnetic pollution contributes to disease is some sort of whacked out conspiracy theory. But there’s more to the study that you need to know…

Wireless signals interfere with the heart

For one portion of the study, Dr. Havas had patients lie down on a bed with a cordless phone placed two feet away from their heads. The phone was plugged into the wall, but for each testing session, the electricity was either on or off.

Neither the patient nor the doctor administering the test was aware of whether or not the phone was live or dead during each session. (This is what is known as a double-blind study, the type most respected in clinical trials).

At the completion of that part of the study, researchers observed that EMF-sensitive patients experienced significant increases in their heart rates during the sessions when the phone was being powered and emitting radio signals. When it was turned off, these same patients returned back to their normal heart rates almost instantaneously.

Why is this important? First of all, a double-blind study is the litmus test used in the medical profession to verify that a study is legitimate. Since nobody involved knew when the power was on or off, the results are completely unbiased and hold a lot more sway than if it had been conducted a different way.

Secondly, it illustrates that EMF pollution really does speed up the heart rates of certain people. And since a rapid pulse is one of the many symptoms of diabetes, it seems reasonable to suspect that EMF pollution could be a fundamental cause of diabetic symptoms for a significant portion of the diabetic population.

This makes you wonder about the harm caused by mammograms, CT scans and other medical scanning technologies that blast the body with electromagnetic radiation, doesn’t it?

Electromagnetic radiation leads to many diseases, including cancer

Our bodies are constantly barraged by electromagnetic radiation from numerous electronic sources, and most people don’t think twice about this high level of exposure (probably because many don’t even realize it’s there), but the truth is that all this EMF pollution is leading to widespread illness.

Most of the recent research on EMF pollution has focused on cell phones, which makes sense because people take their cell phones with them everywhere they go and when they use them, they often hold them right next to their skulls. Cell phone radiation is probably one of the most dangerous EMF polluters because the devices remain in very close contact with the body for long periods of time.

A 2008 study published in New Scientist revealed that cell phone radiation causes human cell proteins to improperly express themselves. Similar studies also found that the radiation damages living DNA, creates leakages in the blood-brain barrier, and increases estrogen and adrenaline levels, disrupting hormone balance.

According to one statistic from a 2008 study, adults who use a cell phone over the course of a decade increase their chances of developing brain cancer by 40 percent. Even worse, a Swedish study found that people who start using a cell phone before the age of 20 increase their risk of developing a brain tumor by 500 percent!

Mainstream science holds conflicting views (as usual)

Of course, many in the medical establishment simply deny that electro-smog has anything to do with health or disease. And it doesn’t matter how many studies are conducted on the matter; many continue to insist that there is not enough evidence that EMFs cause any harm.

Not everyone feels this way, of course, but sadly most of today’s experts seem unable (or unwilling) to put two and two together and make the connection between electromagnetic pollution and disease.

There are many contributors to disease in our environment. EMFs represent just one. But to deny that electromagnetic pollution is harmful is quite narrow minded. Dr. Havas’ study provides more than enough evidence that at least some people are suffering because of the electrical devices that surround them.

Our world, of course, is full of electromagnetic devices — and some of them may surprise you. A typical hair dryer, for example, emits an explosion of electromagnetic radiation that’s usually aimed right at the skull. Typical office environments shower employees with electropollution from fluorescent lighting, and even exercise gyms can subject visitors to a dense field of electromagnetic pollution (from all the electronic exercise machines).

It all gives credence to the idea of getting into nature more often, doesn’t it? If you’re sensitive to electropollution, the farther away you get from the city, the better you’ll feel. No wonder most people innately gravitate to such natural environments like forests, lakes and ocean beaches.

So, does all this research mean we should all get rid of our phones and computers and return to the pre-information age? You could always join an Amish community. They’re remarkably healthy, and part of that may be due to their lack of electropollution.

But for mainstream people, a more practical solution is to install some EMF filters around your home.

Some solutions for electromagnetic pollution

As mentioned in the study, home EMF filters are one of the best ways to reduce or eliminate the stray electrical signals that plague your house. These filters will capture electrical “noise” from things like televisions, computers and phones, and return it back into the line or into the ground. These can be connected to the outlets where these devices are plugged in.

Keeping Wi-Fi devices like cell phones and wireless routers away from your body as much as possible is another good idea. If you have a wireless router at home, place it away from areas where people sleep or spend a lot of time. Even having it just a few feet farther away can make a big difference in a reduction of the electropollution exposure from it.

When charging your cell phone, plug it in across the room from you. Especially at night when you are sleeping, it is best to turn off as many electrical devices as possible and to keep them away from your bed when sleeping. And beware of electric blankets: They produce a very strong electromagnetic field.

Try to use the speakerphone as much as possible when talking on the phone, or use an “air-tube” device that stops the signal short before it reaches your head. Never walk around with an idle bluetooth attached to your head, because these devices deliver a steady stream of EMF radiation directly into your head. I would recommend not using one at all, but if you do use one, take it off when not in use.

It’s also a good idea to keep your phone in your pocket or purse only when necessary, and to keep it away from your body at all other times. Cell phones are intermittently communicating with network towers, so the closer they are to our bodies, the more radiation we are exposed to. So if you’re not going to be using it for a while, just turn it off.

Finally, it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of outdoor exercise. Eating lots of nutrient-rich foods, drinking plenty of clean water, and minimizing intake of toxic preservatives, food additives, and refined sugars will do wonders to build a strong and vibrant neurological system that will resist some of the impact of electromagnetic pollution.

The reason I mention outdoor exercise is because, just like in the study, certain indoor exercise equipment like treadmills can actually cause more harm than good (for certain people). So go outside and take a walk or a jog. The sunshine will boost your vitamin D levels and the fresh air will help rejuvenate your system. (Just be sure to stay away from the power lines.)
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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by MrAmsterdam » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:41 am

...which is great example how the human body seem to work as an antenna...
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. -Nikola Tesla -1934

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by Jarvamundo » Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:44 pm

There is much work to do in electro-biology: ... 188738.pdf

Unfortunately this will not find much research funding from big pharma.... as people can just build EM oscillators from cheap parts at radio shack.

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by thodges » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:49 am

The man tested his blood sugar every morning in different situations and his levels were always higher when electrical fields were nearby. On one of the mornings, he forgot to test himself prior to beginning work on the computer. His blood sugar levels were higher than normal, registering around 205 milligrams per deciliter(mg/dL). But after stepping away from the computer for only ten minutes, his levels dropped nearly 20 mg/dL.
My son has been type 1 for 11 years. I can personally attest to you that home glucose meters are not nearly as accurate as you might think. They are easily +-10%. If you test twice in a row you can get pretty different numbers.

So those reading variations are not really that unusual. The only hard numbers given in the whole article are within the device's accuracy.

I am sure that electric fields could have somekind of effect on our bodies, I just think this article is lacking and appears to just be trying to sell something.

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by junglelord » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:55 am

Well, thats interesting, the FDA says they can vary 20%!
The study, they tested heart rate increase based on a cellphone being turned on in a DBS.
They mention that HR and BS go hand in hand.

We are indeed an antenna.
My first knowledge of this came when I read the Body Electric in 1990.
High lukemina rates by transformers, was the study from Colorado that started off the book.
Everyone should own the Body Electric. I lent mine to a home nurse, he never gave it back, dirty dirty dirty thing to do for a medical professional.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by ElecGeekMom » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:50 am

That is fascinating.

I once played a series of videos that were created over, IIRC, more than a decade. They showed customers of a business singing the commercial jingle that the business plays during the Christmas season. (It's sort of a fixture of the Christmas season for Oklahomans.)

One of the things I noticed was that the customers were all of normal weight until about the early 1990s. Wasn't it the early 1990s when personal computers and the Internet became accessible to regular people? So that led to lots of people sitting in front of their computers (close to a CRT), perhaps working feverishly on a spreadsheet (stress), or typing documents in a word processor (stress), or playing computer games (recreational stress) for HOURS AT A TIME. I'm sure I haven't touched on all the computer-related activities that people participate in that increase their stress.

There is a theory of disease that says "[In the case of ] Diabetes and hypoglycemia: A right-handed female develops hypoglycemia from anxiety and revulsion, if left-handed she develops insulin-dependent diabetes. A right-handed male develops insulin-diabetes from a conflict of resisting or struggling against something, if left-handed he develops hypoglycemia. " (from, which is a summary of Dr. Hamer's theory of disease)

Just some thoughts....

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by MrAmsterdam » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:36 am

thodges wrote: So those reading variations are not really that unusual. The only hard numbers given in the whole article are within the device's accuracy.
Good call, you are thinking as a scientist! You are right when saying the conclusion of the article depends on the precision of the method (or device) being used for measuring.

So...2 questions. Are you a scientist?
And what method was being used in this article?
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. -Nikola Tesla -1934

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by D_Archer » Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:58 am

See diabetes overview from edgar cayce for some answers: ... ia23a.html

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by starbiter » Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:54 am

Thanks for these posts today. It's nice to see Junglelord as Mr. Spock. Even though i couldn't understand all of his posts, i miss him. He seemed to have a good heart.

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by Cracchiolo » Tue May 24, 2011 8:37 pm

Hello, I was doing some research on this and found a guy named David Wolfe. Here is a link to a thread a started. You might find this interesting. ... =10&t=4637

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Re: New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes

Unread post by MrAmsterdam » Wed May 25, 2011 2:44 pm

Hello Cracchiolo and welcome,
Cracchiolo wrote:Hello, I was doing some research on this and found a guy named David Wolfe. Here is a link to a thread a started. You might find this interesting. ... =10&t=4637
Although David Wolfe seems to be a good salesman, I am very much interested in what he says and sells. I think he is demonstrating how the human body works as antenna.
Universal Earthing Mat

What is Earthing?
We live on a planet that is alive with natural energies and subtly pulsating frequencies caused by "free electrons." Walking barefoot on the Earth, as humans have done throughout history, naturally discharges electrical stress from our bodies by facilitating the reception of these free electrons up into our system.

The free electrons on the surface of the Earth are easily transferred up, into, and throughout our body as long as there is direct contact with the ground. These electrons restore our body's natural internal electrical stability and rhythms, which in turn, promotes normal functioning our body systems.

This process remedies an electron deficiency, which in turn reduces inflammation (a common cause of disease.) It shifts the nervous system from a stress-dominated mode to one of calmness. By reconnecting to the Earth, you enable your body to return to its normal electical state, which makes you better able to self-regulate and self-heal.

What Can Earthing Do For You?

Diffuse the inflammation and improve or eliminate the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders.
Reduce or eliminate chronic pain.
Improve sleep in most cases.
Increase energy.
Lower stress and promote calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones.
Normalize the body's biological rhythms.
Thin blood and improve blood pressure and flow.
Relieve muscle tension and headaches.
Lessen hormonal and menstrual symptoms.
Dramatically speed healing and help prevent bedsores.
Reduce or eliminate jet lag.
Protect the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
Accelerate recovery from intense athletic activity.

How Can I Use The Universal Mat?
The Earthing Connection Universal Mat offers broad flexibility. You can use it anywhere in the house or office! Try it:

Under your feet as you work at the computer.
On your desk under your hands while typing.
In front of the sink while doing dishes.
In front of the sink in the bathroom.
Under your feet while preparing dinner.
Under your feet while eating.
Under your feet while sitting in a chair working, watching TV, or reading a book.
As as sleep system for your pet.
As a sleep system in your bed.
Make up your own use!

How Do I Ground The Universal Mat?
The mat connects via a grounding wire in
So, if an antenna that is not grounded, but isolated it will build a static charge an picks up the em radiation?

Can someone explain this? Are these the same properties as the human body then?

Btw, in the first movie he is attaching an electrode to his wrist. Does anyone know what kind of sensor is reading the data into the computer application?
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. -Nikola Tesla -1934


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