The Published Materials...

Plasma formations in the ancient sky. The role of planets as charged bodies in these formations. Ground-rules for drawing reliable conclusions. A new approach to the mythic archetypes: is a unified theory of world mythology possible?
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Re: The Published Materials...

Post by redeye » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:53 am

Sorry Dave. I carefully read the rules and reg's for the mythology forum so I have absolutely no excuse.

Won't happen again.

Keep up the great work!

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Bob Marley

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Re: The Published Materials...

Post by soulsurvivor » Mon May 26, 2008 2:23 pm

David Talbott wrote:Hello joeTB and redeye,

Here's the practical problem. The questions you pose must indeed be confronted, but the best answers to the questions will come from an answer to the question, "What was seen in the ancient sky?"

Until the reconstruction is reasonably defined in terms of a visual reconstruction, along with the corresponding mythic archetypes, there's too much ground for guessing at answers.

But please don't misunderstand. The questions are completely legitimate, and should be kept in mind as the archetypes themselves are elaborated over the months to follow.

David Talbott

Jumping in here as a new member and I'm likely making my first and last post. I'm not at all scientifically minded, but I have a question to ask of you Mr.Talbott. Have you been introduced to Mr. Crichton E.M.Miller? I have his book, "The Golden Thread of Time: A Voyage of Discovery into the Lost Knowledge of the Ancients". Allow me to quote Mr. Miller from this book:

"This is not another theory based on hard to prove ideas, its physical proof is an ancient measuring instrument that was used by our ancient ancestors before history was written. It is not a complicated tool, but is so simple as to be the mathematical embodiment of pure beauty and truth. In the right hands and with the right knowledge it is immensely powerful and changed the world in our past. It changed the world so greatly that the repercussions are still felt today after thousands of years. This instrument that I have discovered has become one of the most revered icons in our religious institutions and is known by all people around the world as a holy symbol. They are right, it is to be treasured and respected but not worshipped, for it is an object of great knowledge. It was an instrument that was developed from a wisdom that had immense power in its time. Its capability was such that the works it performed in the ancient past lead many modern groups of people to believe that aliens must have assisted in the achievements of the ancients. You will know that what I say and share is truth, for you already know what this instrument is and you will remember this ancient knowledge when you see it. You will see that the aliens are ourselves because we have forgotten what we once knew."

I hope you take no offense, but I can only envision a positive outcome in the two of you establishing communication with each other. I don't know either of you personally, but I know your hearts by what you've freely shown through your work.

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Re: The Published Materials...

Post by soulsurvivor » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:05 am

I just found Dave Smith's excellent resource site and linked from that to the Maverick Science site of Ev Cochrane. Perhaps Ev is already aware of Crichton Miller's hypothesis and working model of a cross. Then again, Mr. Miller seems to be aligned with Paul Gardiner, so all bets are off on that. If I'm out of line on my insistence of establishing contact with Mr. Miller, then please disregard what follows:

From page 283 of "The Golden Thread of Time" by Crichton E.M. Miller:

"The cross was lost and forgotten till now. Why is it lost? Are the reasons religious, political or accidental? When I made and used a working model of the cross, it demonstrated itself to be a superior instrument to the quadrant by way of its ability to take sidereal observations coupled with the steadying fulcrum. I have proved, in a logical method, that this technology was available to the ancients. There is huge evidence that they used it in their mathematics, buildings, myths, exploration and writings. It is said that a plumb line and scale was found in the tomb of Rameses II, although I cannot support this with hard evidence at this time. The evidence that the ancients settled the world making stone circles and astronomical measurements as far back as Palaeolithic times is still being questioned, and it is in the political interests of many that it remains so. This can be seen by the huge academic battles over the worldwide similarity of the Clovis points mentioned earlier.

My further hypothesis on how they may have used their observatories to find longitude and keep time is still speculative as far as cautious archaeologists are concerned, but they don't have a better or more convincing argument than mine. I am sure many will say that we still require further hard evidence that the ancients travelled the oceans of the world and measured the Earth with great accuracy, despite the evidence presented of the similarity of science and artefacts on different continents and islands. . ."

"If you believe the ancients made and used the Cross and designed the pyramids with it and that they devised the measurements of the world in degrees and nautical miles; if you see that they left the magic number of 666 in their writings and stone pyramids for us to find so that we could understand how they measured the Earth on which we live; should you agree that the many astrological and spiritual symbols written in the religious books and carved in Glyph and symbol all over the world show the meanings that I have revealed. If you believe they invented the zodiac as simulacra of the shapes in the ecliptic so that they could measure time and predict the future with a science and skill that we are only just beginning to understand; then Thoth the God of Wisdom is here again in you and your universal mind."

Mr. Miller applied for and received a patent for the survey & navigation device called a cross, and as he explained it, the patent was obtained to keep the cross from disappearing into oblivion again. I personally can't help but think that it's a critical piece of the puzzle on what was seen in the ancient sky.

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Re: The Published Materials...

Post by soulsurvivor » Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:06 pm

Boy, am I eating crow. I was just rereading the Miller book and found his reference to you, Mr. Talbott on page 10&11 concerning the archetypal blueprints using lightning as a comparitive example. My apologies for bothering you with this. :oops:


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