"Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides?"

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"Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides?"

Unread post by Tzunamii » Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:45 pm

From the "Newscientist" website, http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13769
"Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides?"
Interesting implications, if in fact changes in our electrical environment do alter states of mind.
What happens when people learn to manipulate it?
Have we already?
Was ancient mankind, (living in a heightened electrical environment,) manipulated, as many texts suggest?
If so, Who was doing the manipulating?

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Re: "Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides?"

Unread post by moses » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:59 pm


Re: "Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides?"

Unread post by Muser » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:24 am

There are some animals which rely on the Earth's magnetic field to travel around the land, sea and air. There are also some people who are susceptible to these magnetic fields. In fact there has been quite a lot of research which confirms that magnetic fields have an effect on people, but you have to know what type of fields, how much energy, where the most sensitive areas are, etc.

My husband is hopeless when travelling on public transport. He invariably gets lost and ends up at a point miles away from where he wants to go, yet if he were to walk in the open air he could get to wherever he wants far better than I can. He seems to "know" somehow which direction he should travel, and this is without the obvious tell tale signs survivalists get taught such as using the sun/stars as a guide, etc.

I believe, rather than know, that the world is now completely surrounded by an electrical field which is jamming our abilities to use the natural field of the Earth to guide us on our travels. I am suspicious of the electronic smog that surrounds us. It may be invisible to the naked eye but still exists to other sensing centres in our bodies/brain.

Chemicals in the water/food can also alter the brain chemical balance and so induce mood swings which can bring on suicides.

Yet, how much are we also influenced by words people say. At one time when someone was miserable they would be said to be sad. Now they are said to be depressed. These are two different states but are being melded into one. By someone saying to you that you are depressed rather than sad you are made to feel even worse than you actually are. Sadness is a normal condition that everyone encounters at some point, but depression is not necessarily the same thing, or something that everyone does encounter. We need to be careful how we label mental conditions, some of which are perfectly normal. We can't afford to mislabel them, but we often do.

How much influence on the brain is also made by electronic gadgets such as televisions, computers, mobile phones, and masts of all descriptions? Any one of these could affect a person's mind, and make them suicidal.

This is a broad subject, and looking at just one possible cause is not enough.

Yes, it is possible that the Earth's magnetic field could cause suicides, but it is not the only cause. We have to be careful we don't fall into the trap of proving the field could be responsible in some instances and then attribute this to all cases of suicide.


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