Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Has science taken a wrong turn? If so, what corrections are needed? Chronicles of scientific misbehavior. The role of heretic-pioneers and forbidden questions in the sciences. Is peer review working? The perverse "consensus of leading scientists." Good public relations versus good science.

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Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Post by Zyxzevn » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:21 am

This video is about the problems around cold fusion.
Heavy watergate: The war on cold fusion

While EU is different from cold fusion, some problems are similar.

The video lists the following problems:
  • the enormous resistance of the scientific community against
    new theories that might break existing theories.
  • funding related issues that sometimes even lead to clear frauds
  • attempts to picture the researchers as incapable or hoaxers
  • cold fusion also has to compete against powerful oil companies
The good news is that the 3-rd world countries might actually be the
first to introduce this new technology ;-)
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Re: Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Post by Sparky » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:43 am

With no progress made in the Cold Fusion area that can produce useable energy, I prefer to look to other mechanisms and keep Cold Fusion in the anomaly box. ;)

Here is an interesting project that I don't completely understand, but if it is true, it is a workable solution for clean energy. ;)

Relevant thread: ... =6&t=14980 ;)
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Re: Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Post by Jatslo » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:21 pm

You have to be careful about presenting evidence that is mistakenly regarded as being based on the scientific method, or otherwise you might as well be trying to prove that God actually exists based on a belief without primary evidence, or even secondary evidence for that matter.

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Re: Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Post by Zyxzevn » Sat Apr 26, 2014 3:57 pm

The scientific method is a failed principle.
It can't deal with things that we do not completely understand yet.
Yet, currently it seems that main science is using it to hold on to old failing theories,
claiming that new theories must first be proven before they are accepted.
The scientific method misses one big thing:
It does not get rid of the failing old theories, but instead keeps reviving
them with new hypotheses. And mainstream science claims that these
unproven hypotheses will be "proven in the future".

But in REALITY, these hypotheses are more invalid than the new
incomplete theories, because these hypotheses are based upon
something that has failed already.

If people find an increase of Tritium in water, there is something going on
that we don't understand. It means that the old theory of "nuclear reactions
can only happen at high temperatures" is false.
A new theory that something nuclear happened is already proven true.
But refining that theory is more difficult, because we don't know what
exactly that "something nuclear" is.

The reason why I put this here, is not that they reported repetitions of the
experiments. And were exactly following the scientific method rule:
"The experiment shows that it works!".
But the reason is because the science community was sooo against this idea
that something might have slipped through their theories.

If we are promoting the EU or other alternative theories, we might be going
against similar opponents, that use unscientific methods, frauds and personal attacks,
just to attack the idea that something else might be right.

In that sense nothing has changed since Copernicus, only the church has become different.
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Re: Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Post by tayga » Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:01 pm

Zyxzevn, I notice that your Reddit page (?name) is paradigm shift so I assume you're familiar with Thomas Kuhn's work. According to his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions the mainstream is still at the 'normal science' stage and disregarding anomalies. It hasn't reached a crisis yet.

I think we just need to keep plugging away promoting the anomalies. What you do is important. I have a similar motivation and am intending to get something published or promoted regarding eminently falsifiable assumptions about nuclear physics. I think every revolution was like this but I suspect that this time there are a greater number of mavericks and a greater weight of vested interest. Can you imagine what will happen to public faith in the science establishment when this finally gets out?

It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.

- Richard P. Feynman

Normal science does not aim at novelties of fact or theory and, when successful, finds none.
- Thomas Kuhn

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Re: Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Post by Zyxzevn » Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:15 pm

tayga wrote:so I assume you're familiar with Thomas Kuhn's work.
Never heard of him. But after looking at wikipedia he seems to have ideas of paradigm shifts.
For me the shifts are not big enough, some things must be turned up-side down.
Paradigm Change is a good word for it I think.
I have seen so many things, with other witnesses, that it is clear for me that there is a whole
different reality that we can experience. This gap is enormous, but many of these things
are too far fetched. So I focus on simple /common things that everyone can experience or learn.
That way people can see for themselves what is true or not and from there we
can grow towards more understanding.
It is also a spiritual journey of some kind, whether we want it or not, and it seems
that we are in this together. ;-)

Regarding Thomas Kuhn's ideas:
I agree with the idea that we can not progress in a linear way.
I have been a programmer for a while, and in programming there is no way one can solve new
difficult problems in a linear way. It is kind of impossible. You either need someone who has solved it,
or make a total change of the way you model or handle your data.
For a programmer it is a challenge to find a bug, and to see that something does not work. That means
new stuff to learn or invent.
For scientists, the bugs and problems with the old models, are something to push away or ignored it seems.
It is exactly the opposite reaction. No change in thinking, no change of modeling. They do make small
hacks to make the old model work again. And that is what many now see as progress: explaining away
problems in the old models.
In a site like this, science is still vivid. People come up with new models, sometimes exotic models. And some
with clever hacks that may or may not repair some of the bugs in science.

That is what I indeed see as progress: Accepting that models have failures. Sometimes big, sometimes small. Sometimes they don't work under certain special conditions. That is life! Sometimes things go wrong in a way
we never expected. But mainstream science likes to uphold this idea of "perfection". For reasons that
are not really scientific. Like as a skeptic person told me: because they do not want "general people"
to "think strange things".
How did they come up with the idea of becoming a "thought police"?
How did they have the idea that other people are "unqualified" to be correct?
Why are they refusing to accept that any groups of humans, including themselves, can be wrong?
This is really a bold thing such people have put on their minds, and sometimes even put their whole
career on it.
I have never seen any programmer that stated: "there is nothing wrong with my program".
Yet, that is what many scientists claim each time they "explain" something.

One fun fact:
I had a discussion with a student. He was claiming that everything could be modeled as a matrix.
That meant that if you put all variables in a computer, you could calculate with a linear function
what would happen next.
People have now the same idea with the quantum-computer. The idea is kind of similar.
I held up a glass of water.
"So if it is a matrix, there is it does not really matter whether
a glass is on the table or in my hand is it?"
"Then if the distance does not matter, what if it nearer to you? Does that matter?"
-"No, everything is linear.. "
And after that I emptied the glass of water over him.
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Re: Scientific "war" with cold fusion

Post by upriver » Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:36 pm

Lattice assisted nuclear reactions(cold fusion) are reality.

2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT was held March 21-23, 2014 on the 25th anniversary of the announcement of cold fusion.

Enjoy the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT PHOTO GALLERY

Find the latest video uploads at the Cold Fusion Now Youtube channel

The videos linked below are courtesy Jeremy Rys of You can show your appreciation to Jeremy by donating to on Paypal.

Read Infinite Energy Magazine‘s Issue 115 review here.

Professor Thomas Dolan’s scientific overview is here.

Read “Commercial Developments presented at 2014 MIT Cold Fusion Conference” by Robert Paulson here. ... -coverage/


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