Are Heterodoxers Their Own Worst Enemies?

Has science taken a wrong turn? If so, what corrections are needed? Chronicles of scientific misbehavior. The role of heretic-pioneers and forbidden questions in the sciences. Is peer review working? The perverse "consensus of leading scientists." Good public relations versus good science.

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Blue Progressive
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Are Heterodoxers Their Own Worst Enemies?

Unread post by Blue Progressive » Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:10 am

Orthodox fanatics (mostly red reactionaries (luny leftists)) are insane because of the very belief that anything outside of orthodoxy is insane. This core notion of orthodox fanaticism is a false belief that can't be shaken by reason and is harmful so it is an insane delusion. Also, fanaticism can be considered as pathological. The predominant personality type of orthodox fanatics is abnormal extraversion (low on Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness and high on Neuroticism and Extraversion), which is traditionally called the choleric personality and also called the undercontrolled personality. They are characterized by compulsive mud-slinging, compulsive lieing, rage disorder, delusions, extremism, obstanancy, rigidity, and compulsive denial and projection. The last 2 are neurotic defense mechanisms they use to protect their narrow and rigid belief system, which they are unable to change because they are too unstable, fearful, and egocentric. They are unable to engage in any rational discussion and unable to make any intelligent criticisms and can only do mindless polemics. And the more abusive they are the more they show themselves up as mentally ill. Rational Wiki and rational skepticism--what jokes they are.

All this is all too obvious, but heterodoxers use a losing strategy, refusing to point this out, refusing to make fun of them, and refusing to fight back. This is either out of fear, flat emotionality (indifference and complacency), or denial. Worse, there are many who do introjection (using the same abusive terminology against themselves), subconsciously agreeing with the bully.

In orthodoxy it seems to be a contest to see who can be the most abusive, the most irrational, and the most incompetent, and in heterodoxy it seems to be a contest to see who is the wimpiest, as if the 2 sides were programmed automatons.
Ceux qui ne se rétractent jamais s'aiment plus que la vérité.--Joseph Joubert


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