Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by Millennium » Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:03 pm

this letter summarizes my prep work for discussion of basic ElectroMagnetism, Physics and Mathematics as revealed in the Structure of the Proton ... for our Wizards of Ojai West W.O.W.! meeting last night.

I will spend another month refining the analysis, and illustrating it, and cycling through the analysis a few times until I am happy with it.

anyone who wants to make a contribution, as to their derivation of the proton's inductance, capacitance,
impedance, voltage, current, magnetic field, frequencies, etc. ... please post here or forward to me.

I will post my analysis, as it happens, here.

Millennium Twain
2 March 2008

here is how I derived my first, approximation, of the Inductance of the proton coil: ... ndtor.html

[use their equation, but not their hyper-form, as they got their hyper-coding wrong --
so the wrong answer is supplied, and they call it B rather than L (inductance).]


Re: Capacitance of Toroidal Coil -- of the 137-Loop Proton!

First revision, correction of 10^6 in my derivation of the proton's Capacitance ... now 10^-26 rather
than 10^-32 farads. [I had used relative permeability in my inductance calculation, rather than absolute

my goal, for derivation of the Inductance and Capacitance is for 'unity'. that is for Capacitance to equal Inductance, numerical equivalence, assuming that henries and farads were defined by the 'Standards' committees as of 'equal' measure in terms of phenomena.

thus, envision, a laser gyroscope which is (ideally) lossless in its circulation of the lightwave around
the circle. or a superluminal electric circuit, self-looped like a flywheel, which has zero resistance, thus
not infinite current but an impedance of the circuit which equals the impedance of the EM wave circulating
in it. the impedance match.

then, half of the Electromagnetic energy would be stored in the Electric Field (via capacitance) and
half in the Magnetic Field (via inductance).

the clue, that Henries and Farads are NOT of equal phenomenal measure, is that the assigned magnetic
permeability of 'free space' is about 10^-6 henries/meter, and the electric permittivity is about 10^-11 farads/meter!

thus we would expect the derived Inductance of the Proton (in Henries) and the derived Capacitance (in
Farads) to differ by a factor of 10^5 or so -- which is what I found in this first calculation:

Proton Self-Inductance = 2.016 x 10^-22 henries
Proton Self-Capacitance = 1.527 x 10^-26 farads

a difference of 10^4, compared to 10^5. and a factor of ten is indeed the ballpark I was expecting for
a first go-round at calculation -- before I had all my data in, and before I cycled through the analysis and calculations a few times to be clear and certain on all points.


Revised and Corrected Proton Properties List:

1) two coil radii, small wave = 0.2329 x 10^-15 cm, large = 0.3192 x 10^-13 cm
2) two velocities, small wave = 38.84 x 10^10 cm/sec, large = 7.58 x 10^10 cm/sec
3) two frequencies, small wave = 2.28 x 10^23 hz, large = 3.59 x 10^22 hz
4) Inductance = 2.016 x 10^-22 henries
5) Capacitance = 1.527 x 10^-26 farads (via resonant Frequency equation with "two Pi" and L and C.)
6) Q-factor = infinity
7) magnetic permeability = 4Pi x 10^-7 henries/meter = 1.257 x 10^-6 henries/meter
8) electric permittivity = 8.85418 x 10^-12 farads/meter
9) mass/energy = 938.3 MeV
10) charge = 1 = 1.60217 x 10^-19 Coulombs
11) fine structure constant, approx. 1/137, relating the two Proton wave frequencies, velocities, radii.


what I have not yet calculated, or need to calculate in other ways, are:

A) B, magnetic flux density, webers/meter-squared
B) H, magnetic field intensity, ampere-turns per meter
C) 'Peak-to-Peak' Voltage of the proton!
D) 'Resident' Current of the proton!
E) Where Phi (1.61803) is revealed in the structure, compare Pi (3.14159)
F) IMPEDANCE of the Proton, Circuit, which is what this was all about ... and a way of re-iterating and checking all the other frequency, inductance and capacitance derivations.
G) Capacitance of the circuit -- which I have NOT yet done
from first principles.


my first 'go-round' for backgroun, from 1993-1994, on the topology of the electron and proton:

and the particular references to review are Bergman and Wesley, Parson, Compton, Bostick, Carroll, Wasserman, Forscher, Beil, Dishington, Barnes, Wolff, Aspden, Hofstadter, Brillouin and Sommerfeld, MacGregor, Jennison, Cassani and Cornille

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Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by Millennium » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:17 pm


this letter summarizes my prep work for discussion of basic ElectroMagnetism, Physics and Mathematics as revealed in the Structure of the Proton ... for our Wizards of Ojai West W.O.W.! meeting last night.

I will spend another month refining the analysis, and illustrating it, and cycling through the analysis a few times until I am happy with it.

anyone who wants to make a contribution, as to their derivation of the proton's inductance, capacitance, impedance, voltage, current, magnetic field, frequencies, etc. ... please post here or forward to me.

I will post my analysis, as it happens, here.

Millennium Twain
2 March 2008

here is how I derived my first approximation, of the Inductance of the proton coil: ... ndtor.html

[use their equation, but not their hyper-form, as they got their hyper-coding wrong -- so the wrong answer is supplied, and they call it B rather than L (inductance).]


Re: Capacitance of Toroidal Coil -- of the 137-Loop Proton!

First revision, correction of 10^6 in my derivation of the proton's Capacitance ... now 10^-26 rather than 10^-32 farads. [I had used relative permeability in my inductance calculation, rather than absolute permeability.]

my goal, for derivation of the Inductance and Capacitance is for 'unity'. that is for Capacitance to equal Inductance, numerical equivalence, assuming that henries and farads were defined by the 'Standards' committees as of 'equal' measure in terms of phenomena.

thus, envision, a laser gyroscope which is (ideally) lossless in its circulation of the lightwave around the circle. or a superluminal electric circuit, self-looped like a flywheel, which has zero resistance, thus not infinite current but an impedance of the circuit which equals the impedance of the EM wave circulating in it. the impedance match.

then, half of the Electromagnetic energy would be stored in the Electric Field (via capacitance) and half in the Magnetic Field (via inductance).

the clue, that Henries and Farads are NOT of equal phenomenal measure, is that the assigned magnetic permeability of 'free space' is about 10^-6 henries/meter, and the electric permittivity is about 10^-11 farads/meter!

thus we would expect the derived Inductance of the Proton (in Henries) and the derived Capacitance (in Farads) to differ by a factor of 10^5 or so -- which is what I found in this first calculation:

Proton Self-Inductance = 2.016 x 10^-22 henries
Proton Self-Capacitance = 1.527 x 10^-26 farads

a difference of 10^4, compared to 10^5. and a factor of ten is indeed the ballpark I was expecting for a first go-round at calculation -- before I had all my data in, and before I cycled through the analysis and calculations a few times to be clear and certain on all points.


Revised and Corrected Proton Properties List:

1) two coil radii, small wave = 0.2329 x 10^-15 cm, large = 0.3192 x 10^-13 cm
2) two velocities, small wave = 38.84 x 10^10 cm/sec, large = 7.58 x 10^10 cm/sec
3) two frequencies, small wave = 2.28 x 10^23 hz, large = 3.59 x 10^22 hz
4) Inductance = 2.016 x 10^-22 henries
5) Capacitance = 1.527 x 10^-26 farads (via resonant Frequency equation with "two Pi" and L and C.)
6) Q-factor = infinity
7) magnetic permeability = 4Pi x 10^-7 henries/meter = 1.257 x 10^-6 henries/meter
8) electric permittivity = 8.85418 x 10^-12 farads/meter
9) mass/energy = 938.3 MeV
10) charge = 1 = 1.60217 x 10^-19 Coulombs
11) fine structure constant, approx. 1/137, relating the two Proton wave frequencies, velocities, radii.


what I have not yet calculated, or need to calculate in other ways, are:

A) B, magnetic flux density, webers/meter-squared
B) H, magnetic field intensity, ampere-turns per meter
C) 'Peak-to-Peak' Voltage of the proton!
D) 'Resident' Current of the proton!
E) Where Phi (1.61803) is revealed in the structure, compare Pi (3.14159)
F) IMPEDANCE of the Proton, Circuit, which is what this was all about ... and a way of re-iterating and checking all the other frequency, inductance and capacitance derivations.
G) Capacitance of the circuit -- which I have NOT yet done
from first principles.


my first 'go-round' for background, from 1993-1994, on the topology of the electron and proton:

and the particular references to review are Bergman and Wesley, Parson, Compton, Bostick, Carroll, Wasserman, Forscher, Beil, Dishington, Barnes, Wolff, Aspden, Hofstadter, Brillouin and Sommerfeld, MacGregor, Jennison, Cassani and Cornille

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Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by Millennium » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:39 pm

I had an hour to play around today, and had a look again at my proton notes ... and made a first exploration at deriving the proton's current, voltage and impedance.

if I assumed that the Proton is made from 137 compressed electrons -- which I don't, but it's a great first guess -- 137 small-loop electrons connecting around the perimeter to make one large loop --

and the charge of one compressed electron remains 1.6022 x 10^19 coulombs ... I then divide by the period, time constant, of one loop -- or equally multiply by the frequency -- to get:

(137 x 1.6022 x 10^-19 coulombs/cycle) times (2.28 x 10^23 cycles/sec) =

equals 4.993 x 10^6 (coulombs/sec) or amperes.

Proton Circulation CURRENT = 4.993 million amperes.


next I took the derived INDUCTANCE of the Proton of 2.016 x 10^-22 Henries or (Volt-Seconds/Amp) or (kilogram-meters-squared/coulombs-squared)

and multiplied it by that 4.993 Million Amps, and the frequency again to get:

(2.016 x 10^-22 Volt-Secs/Amp) x (4.9993 x 10^6 Amps) x (2.28 x 10^23 cycles/sec) ...

equals 2.295 x 10^8 Volts/cycle.

Proton VOLTAGE = 229 Million Volts.


I then derived the Proton IMPEDANCE by dividing the VOLTAGE by the CURRENT to get:

2.295 x 10^8 kg-meters-squared/coul-secs-squared divided by 4.993 x 10^6 coul/sec

equals 45.96 ohms or (kg-meters-squared/coul-squared-secs-squared)


it is interesting to compare the derived Proton Voltage of 229.5 MegaVolts with its' known mass of 938.3 MeV. about a factor of four difference.

the Proton mass in kilograms is 1.6726 x 10^-27 kg

[conversion ratio from kilograms to electronvolts equals 1.7826 x 10^-36 kilograms per electronvolt.]

now I need to look at the magnetic factors, and Phi and Pi, then do the Capacitance over again from first principles -- rather then deriving it from the standard resonance formula which says frequency is inversely related to the square root of the inductance times the capacitance.

then having done that, I can circulate again through all the analysis to bring it all inline with each other and ... perhaps the electron!

[anyone get different numbers? see obvious corrections?]



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Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by Millennium » Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:12 pm

Thursday, January 24th, posted to NuclearStructure and Thunderbolts:

someone asked about the appropriateness of the term or concept of 'Octave' to describe cyclical harmonic relationships -- of light, of electromagnetic waves, of song -- the vortex relationships in our living 'Electro-Magneto-Verse'.

that is, in the contemporary context of world consciousness, where we now understand that the wavelength/frequency ratio is no longer a linear function of a constant wave velocity -- but is rather a VARIABLE relationship dependent upon the magnitude of the subluminal to superluminal group and phase velocities of the differing signals and carriers and media.

specifically, in the case of a free electron -- with internal gamma frequency wave velocities of Vc: 300,000 km/sec -- compared to the higher frequency (and higher velocity?) nuclear-electron-states -- and the MUCH higher proton internal wave frequencies AND velocities. [proton internal velocities of 760,000 km/sec and 3,880,000 km/sec!]

that is, in the hydrogen atom aka neutron -- where the proton torus is squeezed WITHIN the electron Lissajous-volume -- do the frequency, wavelength and radii relationships [Octaves] between the electron and the proton -- DO these 'notes' preserve binary integer relationship values?!

or, if we were to assume that the proton outer superluminal ring spin frequency was an 'Octave' higher than the nuclear (sub-ground-state) electron frequency -- would that frequency be exactly a factor of two higher [or of four?] -- or would it be 2.5 times two higher, or 2.5 times four higher, considering that the spin velocity is NOT Vc, but is 2.5 Vc?

or would it fall in some intermediary [binary integer?] transitionary value?

ditto the INNER superluminal ring EM-wave frequency and wavelength of the proton's 'twist' (smaller-ring) topology?

the twist velocity is 13 times Vc -- thus we ask is the twist frequency EXACTLY a factor of two (or four) greater than the proton spin frequency ... or 12.9/2.5 times two or four... or some other intermediate value?

in the 13 years since I published the electron, proton and proof papers -- I have never taken the few minutes required to sit down and calculate the answers.

guess I assumed that someone else would ask this obvious, and revealing, question ...


Pi and Phi Re: those Octaves of Divine Creation

Sunday, January 27th, posted to NuclearStructure:

Junglelord wrote: Nice stuff. Sacred geometry is nestled in the atomic vortex.


Millennium posted:

on the issue of the Octaves of Creation, in particular those revealed in Hydrogen -- between the Electron standing EM-vortex, and that of the Proton (about 8 times smaller and within the Electron) --

we might equally ask "What is the relationship between Pi and Phi?" -- between the Pi-dependent radius and wavelength relationships within the individual Electron and the individual Proton -- and the shared Phi region or Phi relationship between the two of them?
(click to view larger image)

how does the Golden Section topology of an expanding or shrinking helicoid relate to that of the Trigonometric Circle? how does Pi evolve into Phi, and Phi into Pi?

That is, the 'wobbles' shared between the Electron and the Proton, which gives rise to light absorption and emission when the electron contracts or expands around the proton -- into or from sub-ground or above-ground electronic states -- how does the shared harmonic BETWEEN the Electron and the Proton reveal the experiential meaning and origin (and VARIABILITY) of Pi and Phi?

and entry into Riemannian and Lobachevskian geometry?
Last edited by bboyer on Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by seasmith » Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:22 pm

Millennium wrote:
Re: Capacitance of Toroidal Coil -- of the 137-Loop Proton
Possibly related research:

Researchers at The University of Manchester have used graphene to measure an important and mysterious fundamental constant - and glimpse the foundations of the universe.
The universe and life on this planet are intimately controlled by several exact numbers; so-called fundamental or universal constants such as the speed of light and the electric charge of an electron.
Among them, the fine structure constant is arguably most mysterious. It defines the interaction between very fast moving electrical charges and light – or electromagnetic waves – and its exact value is close to 1/137.
The researchers have found the carbon monolayer is not crystal-clear but notably opaque, absorbing a rather large 2.3 percent of visible light. The experiments supported by theory show this number divided by Pi gives you the exact value of the fine structures constant.

The fundamental reason for this is that electrons in graphene behave as if they have completely lost their mass, as shown in the previous work of the Manchester group and repeated by many researchers worldwide.

CHiram Abiff

Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by CHiram Abiff » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:39 am

Millennium wrote:I had an hour to play around today, and had a look again at my proton notes ... and made a first exploration at deriving the proton's current, voltage and impedance.

if I assumed that the Proton is made from 137 compressed electrons -- which I don't, but it's a great first guess -- 137 small-loop electrons connecting around the perimeter to make one large loop --


Mind if I ask why you assumed 137 compressed electrons inside a proton?
Is it because it relates to the fine structure constant or is there another reason?
I am not very good at math formula.
If I were to guess ... I might want to guess 37 electrons inside the proton.



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Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by junglelord » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:10 pm

Konstantie Meyl has another method of calculating the proton via the electron.
arc-us wrote:Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:13 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "junglelord"

Vortex Electric Field Structure of the Proton with the first set of calulations that derive the mass of one elementary particle from another as derived by Meyl. More explanation on why it is a Z Pinch.

I wish I had a way to copy and paste the diagrams in the ebook. I wish I could show you the diagram of the Proton, Electron, Myon and the Field Equations that are only in diagram format.

Structure of the proton p+:

Fig. 7.8: The proton and the electric field of the three
elementary vortices in x-, y- and z-direction

structure consisting of two shells, inner vortices with 2 • E1,
field strength at the outer radius r2:
E ( r 2 ) = 2 * E2 1 = 2 * E 1 ( r 1 / r 2 ) = E1 7.8

Comparison of p+ 7.8 with u- (7.7) (ze = number of the elementary
vortices being involved with) in building up the structure, here each time ze = 3):

Comparison of the radii with E ~ l / r

Measurement value, proton mass: mp = 1836 • me
measurement value myon mass mu = 207 * me
myon calculated value: mp = 204 * me. (error = 1,5% )

Since we, by using this calculation method, for the first time succeeded
in deriving the mass of an elementary particle from that of another
particle, the particle mass isn't a constant of nature anymore!

7.7 Calculation of the proton

If we again remember the affinity of two elementary vortices, which rotate with opposite spin. They align their axis of rotation antiparallel and form a very probable, but not particularly tight bound pair (fig. 7.4).

If we this time start with a positron pair, then does this pair have a double positive elementary charge. The two e+ hence exert a particularly big force of attraction on electrons flying past them. If they have cached one and put it round as a shell, like a coat, then they will never again give it back!

To again remove the electron, a triple positive charge would be necessary. But such a particle can't exist at all.

The new particle therefore has an absolute stability and a very big mass, because the positron pair is considerably compressed by its outer shell. The total charge is single positive. With these properties it actually only can concern the proton. Its structure is shown in fig. 7.7. We can start from the assumption that both positrons are very close together in the inside and thus each forms the half of a sphere. For the calculation of the proton mass we then can assume as an approximation a structure of two shells, in which the inner vortex will have the double charge and the double field (2 * E1).

With equation 7.4 the field strength at
the outer radius r2 is:
E(r2) = 2*E21 = 2*E1*(r1/r2) = E1 7.8

If we want to compare the results of the p+ 7.8 and the (7.7), then it should be considered that the field of the innermost elementary vortex E1 only is equal, if the number [ze] of the elementary vortices involved in building up the particle is identical.

Here with each time ze = 3 this is the case. Because of equation 6.27 (E, H ~ 1/r) now also the radii are comparable:

The mass of a particle first is determined by the number of the elementary vortices ze. According to the theory of objectivity fig. 6.18 however also the radius has an influence on the mass: m ~ 1/r2

The calculation provides a nine times bigger mass for the proton with regard to the mass of the myon. Therefore the mass of the proton related to the mass of the electron is: 1863

It would be favourable, to start from the with measuring techniques determined value for the mass of the proton mp/me = 1836 and calculate backwards the related mass of the myon.

Then we obtain 204 as the calculated value instead of the measurement value = 207.

The reason for the deviation of 1.5 percent is caused by the neglect of the cosmic field Eo with regard to the field of the neighbouring elementary vortex. This neglect takes very much less effect for the relatively heavy proton than for the light myon.

The cosmic field therefore will compress the myon more strongly and increase the mass more strongly as is calculated here, in agreement with the measurement results.

Summarizing: since we, by using this calculation method, for the first time succeeded in deriving the mass of an elementary particle from that of another particle, the particle mass isn't a constant of nature anymore!

"Strong interaction"

A central question of nuclear physics concerns the forces which keep the atomic nucleus, which consists of many neutrons and protons, together and give it its very good stability in spite of the like positive charge (key question XIV fig. 7.13).

According to today's textbook opinion (course of the field indicated with a in fig. 7.8 the forces of repulsion between the individual protons increase further as the distance gets smaller, to obtain immense values within the nucleus. They theoretically had to be overcome by new and unknown nuclear forces. Therefore physicists assume the hypothesis of a "strong interaction". But they are mistaken.

The answer to this open question is provided by the course of the field (b) for the proton, sketched in fig. 7.8. We see that the electric field at first indeed still increases if we approach the proton, but in the proximity it contrary to all expectations decreases again until it is zero. With that then also any force of repulsion has vanished! But the course of the field follows without compulsion from the overlap of the three individual elementary vortex fields.

The field direction in the z-direction even is reversed! In this topsy-turvy world, in theory, an electromagnetic force of attraction between two like charged protons can occur.

We conclude:
A strong interaction doesn't exist at all
. The usually given values for "range" and "strength" just represent a misinterpretation. The hatched drawn area marks the difference which is misinterpreted by quantum physics. The model concept over and above that answers another mysterious property of the proton. As an electrically charged particle with
a spin it first of all should form a magnetic moment for reason of the rotating charge. But until now the measurable order of magnitude couldn't be explained.

7.9 Magnetic moment of the proton
If the inner positrons rotate around each other with oppositely pointing spin, then the magnetic field line is already closed within the particle and no effect in x- or y-direction is observable from the outside.

As pair they however still can rotate together around the z-axis and they'll do that. The overlapping electron for reason of its rotation of its own will likewise build up a magnetic dipole moment along its axis of rotation. It also will align its axis in the z-direction, so that now all three elementary vortices have one field axis. Being comparable to individually
"elementary magnets" aligned in the same direction they produce a triple magnetic moment
(key question XII fig. 7.13).

If we namely would start with a single positively charged body according to the theory of quantum mechanics, then we would have expected the value of the nuclear magneton pm as the magnetic moment for the proton pm =h/2m .

Opposite to that provide experiments with protons the approx. threefold value as already predictable by the new vortex theory. In addition does the direction of the vector pmp correspond with the spinaxis, so as if the proton were negatively charged.

The reason for that is that only the outermost elementary vortex determines the spin of the particle, and that is actually a negatively charged electron! Also this excellent agreement in the case of the proton can be judged as proof for the correctness of the vortex model. ... sublevel=0
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by seasmith » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:15 pm

Konstantie Meyl has another method of calculating the proton via the electron.

I've been mostly following along on your Meyl expositions, but i'm afraid they lost me on that one partner.
My fault.

s. knumbskull

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Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by Millennium » Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:37 am

3 letters just posted to NuclearStructure:
from 3 April 2008, prepared for W.O.W.!, Wizards of Ojai West

[not a hundred percent yet, but ninety-plus percent,
better than anything EVER published by the covert
corporate institution! graphics to come!! MT]

Our Magnetic Field

what is it?

with names like teslas, gauss, webers ...

magnetic moment = joules/tesla

magnetic flux = webers (volt-seconds)

B, magnetic flux density = webers/m-squared

H, magnetic field intensity = ampere-turns/meter = coulomb/m-sec

magnetic permeability = henries/m

inductance = henries (volt-sec/armp) = kg m-squared/coulomb-squared

dielectric flux = coulombs

magnetic reluctance = coul-squared/kg m-squared

volts = kg m-squared/coulomb-squared, webers = volt-sec = kg m-squared/coul-sec,
i.e., coulombs = seconds = meters (via 300,000,000 m/sec conversion ratio)
[equivalence between time and space, and charge!]


B, the Tesla unit = magnetic induction = webers/m-squared = 10^4 gauss

joule = kg m-squared = energy = work, power = joules/sec

capacitance = sec-squared coul-squared/kg m-squared = farads

impedance = kg m-squared/coul-squared-sec = ohms = reactance = resistance

magnetic moment = ampere m-squared = m-squared coul/sec = joule/tesla
= joule m-squared/weber


~now~ a Weber is a Tesla-meter-squared, a volt-second,
and a Tesla is a Weber/m-squared, or a volt-sec/m-squared

and Volts = kg m-squared/coul-squared-seconds (emf, 'electromotive force')

so a Tesla = kg/coulomb-squared!

forces in Newtons = joules/meter = kg m/sec-squared
magnetizing force = coulomb/m-sec
magnetomotive force = coulomb/sec = amperes

so, what IS this Magnetic Spin/Flux Experience of the All?

we describe 'Energy' as a sum of Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy. we also
describe that Kinetic Energy as Mass x Velocity-squared, or that electromagnetic
wave energy as proportional to frequency and velocity.

thus I can say:

Energy = frequency x frequency x mass (or energy) of unit charge where the
two frequencies are of the two transverse waves of the whole electron,
or a whole wavelength of quantized light.

= (cycles/sec)-squared x kg/m-squared-cycle
= kg m-squared/second-squared = joules

or alternatively for any media substitute 1/(squareroot LC) for V, velocity
[inverse of square-root of LC, inductance times capacitance]

thus E = kg x 1/LC or kg/LC, and multiply by wavelength-squared

= (kg x coul-squared x m-squared x kg)(m-squared) all divided by (kg x {m sec coul}-squared)

= kg m-squared/second-squared = joules

thus Energy equals Mass times Frequency-squared, or Mass times Velocity-squared times Wavelength-squared, or Mass times Wavelength-squared all divided by LC,
the inductance times capacitance.

again, Wave Velocity is the inverse of the square-root of LC, the inductance
and capacitance of the medium. the Frequency is the inverse of two-Pi times
the square-root of LC.

[teaser: What is the Electrodynamic Relationship between the Resonant Frequency
of the Medium, and that of the Traversing ElectroMagnetic Wave?]


Energy = (Mass x Wavelength-squared) divided by (Inductance x Capacitance)
= Joules (or equals Kilograms! by equivalence of mass/energy)

1) C = Capacitance = electric dimensionality per cycle
2) L = Inductance = magnetic dimensionality per cycle
3) M = Vortex Mass 'flux-energy' per unit or cycle
4) Lambda-squared = Wavelength-squared of the two transverse waves

and What Then is the Magnetic Field?

if the Electric Field describes the 'feeling' dimension of the topology of charges,
of the material realm, then the Magnetic Field describes the feeling/experience
dimension of the non-material or spiritual or aether realm -- the connectivity as
acompared to the separated/ individualized. the continuum compare the discrete.

thus in the Whole of the ElectroMagnetic experience we find the in/out vortex centripetal/centrifugal sensation can be described radially/electrically and
longitudinally/magnetically -- or wholly, as notes, frequencies, harmonies of
passing / propagated / communicated song -- with audience/chorus expanding
and contracting from pianissimo to piano to piano- forte, then back again ...

connecting your heart and mine(d),

the One Songline!


So -- Where / How does Phi relate to Pi?

does Pi relate the internal solitonic metric relationship, WITHIN an electron,
within a proton --

and Phi relate the inter-solitonic topological relationship, BETWEEN adjacent
filamentary levels (radial) and nodes (longitudinal)?

radius of electron = 2.818 x 10^-13 cm
large radius of proton = 0.3192 x 10^-13 cm (1/3 fermi)

small radius of the proton = 0.2329 x 10^-15 cm (1/411 fermi), (1/3 x 1/137 fermi)

2.828/0.3192 = 8.828 (ratio of radii, electron over proton)

Phi = 1.61803, e (exponential) = 2.71828, Pi = 3.14159

Should, then, the difference in radius between the electron and the proton
be a function of Phi?

i.e., if the wave-topology-gradient transitions from the free electron's spin
velocity (of 300,000 km/sec) to that of the proton's outer spin of 758,000 km/sec --
would we then expect an exact radial-(radius)-ratio of the electron and proton
to be a factor of Phi?

Phi = 1.61803, Phi-squared = 2.6179, Phi-cubed = 4.2360, Phi-to-the-4th = 6.8540,
Phi-to-the-5th = 11.090 -- whereas the electron/proton radius ratio = 8.828 ...
which does NOT match any direct Phi factors.

Is then Phi 'stretching' -- as spin velocity of the particle increases with diminishing
radius and wavelength, as frequency and mass and energy increase?

And does the natural logarithm Ln [and e] then become a 'super-natural logarithm?
[and 'super-exponential'?]

As logarithmic spiral goes 'super-logarithmic' ...

Web of all our relations,

Millennium Twain


Re: Pi and Phi Re: those Octaves of Divine Creation

what is the relationship between Pi -- measuring the circumference of a circle --
and Phi -- measure of the radius of a natural logarithmic spiral?

R, the radius, equals A times Phi, where A is a proportionality constant. R = A x Phi.

Phi = 1.61803 = {1 + sqrt(5)} divided by 2.

Pi and Phi are both [variable] measures of the 'helixoidal' wave topology of nature, of
experience. Pi = 3.14159, for a circle traced on a flat surface.

when Pi and Phi are combined, as in Pi times Phi -- or Pi time Phi times two --
we measure the (2-Pi-R) extent of the 2-dimensional circumference
of the sinusoidal wave which they approximate.

when we multiply that result by sqrt(2), we create a better measurement,
of the trace of the 3-dimensional helixoidal electromagnetic wave
which is the truer expression of natures spectrum of experience.

the 4-dimensional extension is when we look to the 'spin-surface-trajectory' of
the electron or proton, or the plasma filament, or a lightwave -- as it too
spirals around the greater waveform of its orbit or next level of journeying.

the spiral within a spiral, within a spiral ...

aka mother nature,

Millennium Twain


on the subject of ElectroMagnetism, of ElectroMagnetic Spirit --
of experience -- of divine creation --

you will have noted that the consumer institution, the matrix program, the New Age
mouthpieces, etc -- all inculcate us with the dogma that life, motion, productivity,
participation, ethics, purpose, you name it -- all derives from Energy.

thus we can all 'desire' to be obedient robot- toys -- powered by batteries --
carrying out our 'solid-State-monitored' missions -- slaves to
Corporate/Media State.

the truth, our divine spectrum of knowing and growing, is of course just the
opposite of this -- and not servitude to black-and-white linear logic --
rather the Whole-Sum of Infinitely-Hued, OmniColoured,
Song, Electric Frequency, Magnetic Trajectory.

thus -- as Siddhartha Gautama Buddha's priesthood related these 2500 years --
shave your heads, deride the feminine knowledge and wisdom, banish
the heavens, the cosmos, divine nature from your lives and your minds.

death be thy destiny ... the 20th Century Western prison/laboratory culture
your karmic destination.

body-parts for the Consumer machine which teaches you to "eat and eat" --
'consciousness' is fuel, food, oil, energy.

"this is what 'powers' your body, your mind, your State-owned heart ..."


whereas, in truth, we know that the rapacity against sister, brother, Mother Earth --
the eating and bleeding and fueling -- is but murder of them, and murder of us.

the ending of their consciousness, and the termination of our being, knowing,
sensing, connecting, seeing, thinking, creating, singing.

and the gift of Electricity, of Magnetism, of the ElectroMagnetic Song -- current
and conduit of Spirit, Knowing, Seeing, Hearing, Feeling -- that is what
ACTUALLY/REALLY powers the heart and mind and body, and community.

batteries discarded, hearts brought back to life, living body of mind 'ignited' ...

ignition-free, battery-free, motor-free, industry-free,

Life's ElectriciTree ...

Millennium Twain
16 April 2008
Goddess Moon, Califa,
Turtle Island, Mother Earth


Posts: 80
Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:52 am

Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by Millennium » Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:48 am

postscript, re: Junglelord's question on how to screen-capture an image
from the computer screen. on the Macintosh the command is {shift-option-3}
to do a full screen capture -- saved on the desktop as a pic file. to choose
a specific area for screen capture, the command is {shift-option-4} --
which gives you a set of crosshairs to click-drag from topleft to bottomright,
then release, saving that image to desktop.

can someone tell us the command for screen-capture on a Windows machine?

Posts: 80
Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:52 am

Re: Sounding The PRIMAL Note of the ElectroVerse!

Unread post by Millennium » Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:22 pm

OK ... Jungle,

the 'PrintScreen' key is the solution.

the keystrokes on a Window's machine for screen capture are:

{alt-printscreen} captures the active window.
{control-printscreen} captures whole desktop.
{shift-printscreen} captures everything, even multiple screen/desktops.

the 'captured' imaged is save to memory, i.e., as in the 'copy' command.

so you then activate your paint program, or PhotoShop, or other art program -- and hit 'paste' -- and the image appears there for editing and customizing ... and saving in any format available to that program.

I am looking forward to seeing Konstantin's Proton illustrations.

[it is not looking good for Konstantin Meyl ... I am now looking at his paper entitled "Farady-or-Maxwell" in which Meyl expresses (regurgitates) his submission to the covert physics nonsense of quarks and gluons, and gravitation, and the Schrodinger 'wannabe' equations, etc. he knows the obvious, as does anyone with half-a-brain, that Scalar waves are universal ... but he has studied little physics, and has performed even less of his own analysis. if we find more papers of his, I will not be surprised to learn he also promotes the 'monetarily-correct' gangster-guild dogma-nures of the big bangs, black holes, expanding 'uni-verses, 'specious' relativity, etc. etc.]


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