Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Unread post by JEM » Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:34 am

As the Planet Earth appears to operate on the Motion/State of electrons:-
Magnetic fields->moving electrons (Energy); From areas of higher density(negative) to lower density (positive)
Chemical equations ; equations using charged ions
Changing State ; producing various radiation wavelengths
Coliding with gas molecules; Discharge lighting in various forms
Blasting anodes; 'X' Rays, Microwaves(radar) etc.
Leaving 'Gravity' as the undiscovered property of Electron behaviour??
Such a behaviour could be hypothesised as being the difference between two repulsive fields, causing compression.
i.e. Planets (spheres)coated with an electron charge proportional to mass, operating at velocity in charged ion field
(negative aether?) causing instantaneous compression (increased density) proportional to velocity. That means increased velocity = higher Gravity.
Example in Binary paired stars, the larger star creates a Spherical force field (negative) at a distance, trapping the smaller sphere (negative) on the boundary of this negatively charged force field and causing it to orbit?
Will stop here, enough is enough.

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Unread post by jjohnson » Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:04 pm

This reminds me a little of Shakespeare's King Lear, JEM.
What is your point, please?


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Unread post by JEM » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:35 am

Maybe this should be in the Crank Area? when compared with many other magnificent posts.
The basic hypothesis is that gravity is a compressive force from 'Space' pinning us down, negatively charged planetary bodies in a negative field. Because the 'Space field' is comparatively weak, 'Gravity' is weak until the velocity of a large travelling Volume (Sun)causes instantaneous compression and strengthens 'Space field'
This hypothesis could be in part, lab. tested:
Hang two charged spheres touching at their equators, hollow and very light construction, (ballon with metal coating?) and say negatively charged, "Proportional to Volume". One sphere more than 1000? times volume of the other. Spheres would repel, build up charges until it happens. Now pass velocity stream of same charge (ions) aimed at larger vol. Increasing Vel. of stream would increase rejection distance of smaller sphere. The inference is that Einstein's 'Curved Space' is the curvature caused by a sphere (Sun) in a force field? The planet Earth is being dragged along inside a spherical force field. The Earth's magnetic field causing spin and rotation inside force field sphere.

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Unread post by kevin » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:08 pm

The movement is not of the mass, the mass is responding to the spin of the magnetic fields, the mass is a mere consequence of the flows of fields within fields.
it's all by field,
Biefeld Brown.
Nothing is actually moving in a seperate manner, all is switching about in a sea of super dense geomerically compacted STUFF.
The illusion is of seperate , and of seperate movement.
the actuality is that the mass is switching acrosss from point to point as it remembers how it is locally arranged.
As the magnetic flows vary, so will the mass tranmute.
You are in the mad ideas section though, if your head is at all spinning?

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Unread post by GaryN » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:56 pm

A web page with an embedded short audio of Dan Winter explaining gravity.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Unread post by keeha » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:10 am

I understand gravity as an aetheric wave shadow between two more solid objects.

While aetheric waves involve the golden mean and vortexes, I think they confuse the issue, and only a net wave shadow effect is needed to understand the concept. While I did not find (or understand) enough on Dan Winter's page to independtly see a theory explained, my thinking is the glafreniere link would show the net effects of such theory.

Such a theory is demonstrated (I think) when small floating things clump together in an ultrasonic bath.

Now magnetic attraction is more complicated, but I have yet to have anyone make the case to me that a theory of gravity needs to be more complicated than wave planar vs spherical wave shadow (lower density from a nearby spherical source).

I think this theory has room for your thoughts JEM, to explain changes in gravity from increased velocity and such things, doppler effects in the spherical aetheric waves.

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Unread post by Julian Braggins » Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:55 am

Miles Mathis, who has posted on Thunderbolts forum, has a comprehensive theory on Gravity that incorporates 'charge pressure' within Newtons formula but corrects the overall discrepancies that occur in celestial mechanics as it is applied.

A visit to his website may keep you occupied for a long time, and don't miss his magnificent paintings, you may have to go back in the site to his yearly archives. see Section 5 Gravity



Unread post by KeepitRealMark » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:04 pm

Very Interesting ideas. I am no student of this issue but I have thought for years that the Gravity effect we experience is due to the plasma/elec/ion - pos/neg alignment in earth’s atmosphere. Similar to how it lines up with a magnet.


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