Living Plasma Filamentary Universe

Many Internet forums have carried discussion of the Electric Universe hypothesis. Much of that discussion has added more confusion than clarity, due to common misunderstandings of the electrical principles. Here we invite participants to discuss their experiences and to summarize questions that have yet to be answered.

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Living Plasma Filamentary Universe

Unread post by quantauniverse » Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:25 pm

I've put together a story blog for a living biological cosmology. Black holes are surrounded by dense collective swarms of cyanobacteria that adapt everywhere by merely capturing light. The nucleus of a galaxy is the stored light converted to chemical energy for the entire cell. Galaxies are ecosystems of filamentous life on a flat biomass biosphere of which our solar system sits on the galaxy disk. Solar filaments look just like living cell filaments. Mitochondria filaments constantly dynamically morph shapes throughout the cell, and look like the cosmic web of dark matter connecting together galaxies into long branching bacterial colonies. Protostars and nearby star clusters with unpredictable motions were found to have water jets that irrigate the cosmos, of the same composition that slime jets of water and plasma ion jets give motion to cell bacteria. The Einstein cross is becoming commonly found, and Arp saw filaments connecting to the parent galaxy, still denied today. Replicating dividing chromosomes have 4 such quasars at perpendicular locations that look the same and are ejected from the host to explain the discordant redshifts and gravitational lens without dark matter bending light. Please see my incredible story that fully supports the beliefs of the Electric Universe, and I will reply to comments, thank you ... lasma.html

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Re: Living Plasma Filamentary Universe

Unread post by CCCstar » Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:21 pm

This thread should probably be moved to the Net-Talk Forum.
I Grok Pollack. Dr. Gerald Pollack is going to rock your universe in Vegas!

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Re: Living Plasma Filamentary Universe

Unread post by +EyeOn-W-ANeed2Know » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:28 pm

LOL! No offense, but I'm pretty sure yer gonna lose the audience here as soon as you start use terms like "Black Hole".

I find it's an interesting comparison. It's got correlations to the ideas posed in my "What is the purpose of Oil" thread.
You've made many biologic comparisons into the cosmology that I hadn't even begun to mention (or even recognized yet), but both seem to reach the same conclusion if taken to their ultimate exent.

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Re: Living Plasma Filamentary Universe

Unread post by quantauniverse » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:07 pm

No Black Holes. Cells emit radiation and have polar jets like protostars and galaxies to explain motions. The centrosome is often referred to as the black hole of the eukaryotic cell. Graham and Spitler showed that single nucleus galaxy models are wrong, because double nucleus galaxies are common and no longer believed rare. Gravity models are only single nucleus galaxies to comprise the big bang theory requiring phony dark matter. multiple nucleus galaxies are now common like in Andromeda, and so are polynucleated cells common in protozoa, fungi, amoeba, and human skeletal muscles. There is growing evidence findings that a living cell is the best model of a galaxy. ... lasma.html

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Re: Living Plasma Filamentary Universe

Unread post by quantauniverse » Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:47 pm

Life grows on Life. There are 10 trillion human cells per body, but only 1 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. Microtubules model as electron tunneling inside carbon nanotubes, because ribosomes are star analogues and functional equivalents to carbon nanotubes. I've written about the EU and PC truths here before, the outer space vacuum is a superconductor of electricity and superlens with graphene, buckyballs everywhere complex organics are produced in stars and expelled into the interstellar medium. How BIG might something be alive and living that we don't recognize as being alive? Dust forms DNA like structures like the helix nebulae near our galaxy center. Methanol is associated with both star formation, like in dark black nearby Globules, and for living cells. Complex organic astrochemistry takes place in the ISM. The common carbon star produces complex organics that should model as ribosomes attached to carbon nanotubes, much as Johnson showed DNA self-assembles on nanotubes. Morphing mitochondria filaments are spontaneous like the cosmic web filaments without phony dark matter, but living EM matter. Sizes of virus or bacteria on human, seems relative to a galaxy sized living cell, that organizes into clusters, super and hyperclusters along plasma membranes where sheets and filaments connect galaxies. Life inside and all around Life throughout the universe ! Protostars have polar water jets for motion, and the same watery plasma ions are found in slime jets that propel bacteria. Nearby star clusters do not settle down and show protostar motions that defy gravity, which I show actual filamentary motions of bacteria by their jets behave in the same manner. 1 to 2 percent methanol is in all cold nebulaes, and life probably exists with silicon and plasma.
I find it's an interesting comparison. It's got correlations to the ideas posed in my "What is the purpose of Oil" thread.
You've made many biologic comparisons into the cosmology that I hadn't even begun to mention (or even recognized yet), but both seem to reach the same conclusion if taken to their ultimate exent.[/quote]


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