History of the Earth

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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The Great Pyramid

Unread post by moses » Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:57 pm

The Great Pyramid.
It seems that the length of the year changed from 360 days to 365.24 days sometime in the 6th to 8th century BC. However the bottom two layers of the great pyramid represent 360 and 365.24. So was that prophecy. Surely there is evidence that the great pyramid was built well before then. Does this imply that this pyramid is all prophecy.

Of course there is the idea that a pyramid inch represents one year and the internal passages can be mapped to certain historical events. Perhaps the great pyramid is trying to tell us something because dire events are forecast for about now using the above method. Perhaps some event in the near future can be mapped to something in these passages which will then accurately indicate what will happen after that.


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Greenland Plants

Unread post by moses » Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:13 am

Greenland Plants
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2 ... 165639.htm

"They're fossils, but they look like they died yesterday."
When will they mention the possibility of quick ice formation. It is so obvious and changes everything that they think they know about the past.

So how did the ice form so quickly. It is heat near the equator that will produce the evaporation needed to form large amounts of ice deposition at the poles. So the Earth nearer the Sun or the Sun much brighter than today. Of course my theory is that the Earth was in a very elliptical orbit.


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Ice Age CO2 Levels

Unread post by moses » Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:29 am

Ice Age CO2 Levels
Why do temperature and atmospheric CO2 correlate in the ice ages?
Having the Earth in a very elliptical orbit caused the ocean surface water to vary in temperature considerably as the Earth got nearer the Sun or further away from the Sun. When warmed much evaporation occurred which produced large ice deposits at the poles but also, because the ocean holds about 50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere, much CO2 was released into the atmosphere.

And, of course, as the Earth moved away from the Sun the ocean surface cooled which allowed much CO2 to move into the ocean. So absolutely nothing to do with high CO2 levels producing temperature increase.


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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by nick c » Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:40 pm

moses wrote:When will they mention the possibility of quick ice formation.
Not likely to happen anytime soon. Evidence has nothing to do with it. Don't underestimate the underlying uniformitarian assumption which dominates all the sciences, and especially geology. Just about the only place that catastrophism is permitted is if it can be removed in time or space. For example a star system many light years distant or on the Earth many millions of years ago.
Humans, scientists included, seek reassurance that there is no reason to worry about extinction.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by johnm33 » Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:11 pm

"So how did the ice form so quickly?" My current thinking is that the Earth switched to a more distant orbit. If it moved from the vicinity of Venus that amounts to about 5kms ps of motion to convert to heat, since it briefly stopped spinning there's more to add. Not enouh to boil water but plenty to heat heavy metals to liquid, even if they were in complex minerals. I also think that incoming radiation reacts in/with the core to breakdown into both heavy elements and Hydrogen ions, after that pretty much agree with Larins geology, http://hydrogen-future.com/images/larin-1993.pdf
Hydrogen percolates/percolated up from the core filling all the voids in minerals, once heated the hydrogen ions scavenged any oxygen atoms they were in contact with, the minerals were now suffused with supercritical water. This catalysed further reactions and since many of the newly formed minerals were porous highly reactive hydrides were created too this liberating more hydrogen ions creating powerful charges. These flowed in all directions, those that broke the surface carried minerals dissolved in supercritical water which literally exploded to grains as they met bar1. Where this newly formed water approached the surface it rapidly evaporated cooling the rocks which contained it to below 100C, the atmosphere expanded to ?twice three times? it's previous size.
Then the Earths motion returned the heat was scavenged as kinetic energy to serve as motion, the rocks which had been kept cool now froze, and the heavier elements which had been quickest to heat dropped to maybe -150C this freeze dried everthing in the vicinity, then the vapour in the atmosphere began to precipitate. Some of it fell on exposed areas where the mineral transformations had cracked open the surface exposing vast areas of recently metamorphosed rock and immediately evaporated again, some fell on already frozen terrain levelling up between frozen waves, leaving a pink layer as it cleared the dust from the air. Then further layers of precipitation fell which were clearer.
I suspect that the recent uptick in incoming radiation, remember 'steve', may be the cause of the even more recent uptick in volcanic activity. More hydrogen/charge generated at depth causing some exothermic reactions I also suspect that many mineral types supposed to have undergone hydrothermal metamorphosis are in fact mineral solutes extruded under great pressure as the cooling effect was happening. Certainly dolomites and serpentines are a good fit, but perhaps granite and basalts too were brought to the surface as supersaturated solutions in supercritical water.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:32 pm

The meteorites are derived from the past interaction of Earth and Mars and are thus surface rocks.
The Sun's metal was formed via electrical means. The asteroid material is not enough to come from a Moon-sized body.
Therefore I discontinue reading this theory.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by tholden » Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:12 am

Saturn, Neptune, Mars, and Earth (the bodies with the roughly 26-degree axis tilts) were a separate system.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by spark » Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:47 pm

Earth was a satellite of Uranus in a Neptune-Uranus binary system where Uranus was a red dwarf star that had overthrown Neptune which was likely a brown dwarf star before Uranus had invaded it and demoted it into a gas giant. Before the reign of Saturn.
Read the book Golden Age of Ouranos by Tess Clark: https://mythosdecoded.wixsite.com/mythos/e-books
Earth was orbiting inside the infrared rich red anode glow of Uranus during golden age when Earth was plentiful, no agriculture as Earth provided all the food needed, humanity didn't have to work and lived freely in garden of eden and retained youthful appearance until old age.
Then Saturn invaded and captured Earth from Uranus, it was then for the first time humanity experienced night sky and saw many stars across the Universe. Earth was flooded. Time keeping began, humanity had to work and agriculture was created to restore the lost golden age. Saturn-Uranus-Neptune trinary system formed with Saturn as main star.
Saturn then encountered Sun-Jupiter binary system. Along with Neptune and Uranus, Saturn was captured by the Sun. I think this was when Polar Configuration was formed as planets were forced to line up during comet-like capture by the Sun. Jupiter i think may have been Hot Jupiter and orbited closer to the Sun before moving out due to getting attracted to Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Saturn encountered Jupiter. Venus and Titan were likely birthed during thunderbolts between Saturn and Jupiter. Earth was dislodged from Saturn, flooded again and temporarily captured by Jupiter. Earth then escaped Jupiter and was finally captured by the Sun. Earth had close encounters with Mars, Venus and Mercury few times which also caused disasters. Earth captured Moon either when it was captured by Saturn or when Earth was temporarily captured by Jupiter. Lunar calendars were used since Moons orbit was stable compared to the orbit around Saturn or Jupiter or before Earth achieved stable orbit around the Sun.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by Rick » Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:04 pm

WOW! What a revelation!

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:48 am

Tess Clark is well worth reading, as are many others, but this is a huge undertaking yet alone actually doing the research. My brain is not up to it, but I read what I can. However my brain is great at solving puzzles and doing earth sciences. So this is what I do to the puzzle of the history of Earth.

So I use facts like the Mars crust erosion, the asteroids, the likely electrical formation of the Earth's oceans, etc, to put together a theory that matches these facts and tries to match the historical records. I have not found all the answers but nether has anyone else.


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Black Saturn

Unread post by moses » Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:28 am

Black Saturn
In the old days there was much more electricity in the Solar System which sent the magnetospheres of planets into glow mode. Amongst other effects. For Saturn this would appear as a big yellow or red circle with grey or black inside.

This is because looking along the edges of the magnetosphere it would appear bright or opaque but looking through the centre it would appear dull. The magnotail of Saturn would hardly be seen compared with that of Venus or Mars or Mercury and so Saturn would not be described as cometary. So this explains Saturn as a star and a black Saturn.


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Antarctic ice from Mars:

Unread post by moses » Sun Aug 22, 2021 2:34 am

Antarctic ice from Mars:
https://www.sott.net/article/420386-Did ... tian-Water.

Does this evidence fit in with my theory. I have Mars coming at Earth from the South and travelling along the Earth where it formed the Andes and Rockies and then other effects. But it can be easily seen that Martian water would be pulled off towards Earth with the likely touch down to be in the South.

Two points: Does this negate Arctic ice coming from Earth being in a very elliptical orbit. And would not the extreme weight of this ice push down Antarctica.

Well actually one of the problems is that the new ice would be expected to be about the same in the Arctic as the Antarctic under my theory, so this article explains the huge amount of ice in Antarctica compared with the Arctic ice.

Isostasy of Antarctica is actually very dependent on the massive weight gain about 12,000 years ago, and because current theories would ban such a quick massive weight gain these theories don't help much. But if satellite data continues some useful evidence may arise.

Also of interest is that there was some survival of people in Antarctica during the very ecliptic orbit of Earth and associated ice deposition, compared with the complete burial of all during the massive deposition of Martian ice. In fact generally on Earth survival during the 'ice ages' must have been very different to survival after the Mars fly-by.


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